January 11, 2006 Minutes

Place: Carpenter Library

Time: 6:35 pm

Date: January 11, 2006

Attendance: Joan, Osborne, Bob Lemer, Mary Schelble and Director Leslie Vogt. Also present were Betty and Doug Andrews from 6:35 pm to 7:15 pm.

Acceptance of Minutes for November 9, 2005: Bob moved, Joan seconded.

Director’s Report: Moved to accept by Mary, seconded by Bob.

Treasurer’s Report for December 2005: accepted as presented, moved by Joan, seconded by Mary. Bob reviewed all timecards and signed checks. The year end report and all annual reports will be completed by February 8, 2006. At that time an inventory report will be completed also.

Public Hearing: PURPOSE OF PUBLIC HEARING – In accordance with RSA 202-A:4-ciii to put before the

public the action to be taken on all unanticipated money from the state, federal or other governmental unit

or any private source that has become available during the calendar year.

The Treasurer’s report of income (not including Town appropriation monies) for the period June 8, 2005 to December 31, 2005, totaling $4,133.51, was reviewed and it was moved by Mary, seconded by Bob with acceptance by all to receive the total. The public hearing was opened at 6:45 pm and closed at 6:47 pm.

The planters have been returned to the Library. The door lock was repaired for $75.

The Library budget consideration has not been done yet but the Director will notify the trustees when the meeting is called by the town budget committee.

Tom Dunham, our insurance rep, at the request of the Town Administrator, reviewed our Library insurance in reference to an article on liability insurance for directors and officers in the Fall 2005 issue of NH Library Trustee Newsletter (attached) and said that we were covered by the current insurance on the issues raised in the article. Bob Lemer had requested this information from the Town Administrator.

Discussion was held on going back to library hours for Tuesdays. The staff will study the traffic and come up with hours to be considered. The total staff hours would remain the same, just be shifted to include Tuesdays if it is deemed feasible. Amendment: Discussion was held and approved for circulation to be increased to 3 weeks for all books and magazines except new fiction books which will remain at 2 weeks.

A discussion was held regarding membership in Netflicks, an internet organization with 55,000 movies. The cost for the movies for a month was $48 with approximately 32 movies to be sent. The Director will apply for a trial period to see if this is a route the Library would like to pursue. Further consideration will be made after that trial.

An Open House is being planned by the Friends of the Library for April 2006 during Library Week.

Bob Lemer will compose a letter to the Friends of the Library to formally thank them for the donations they have made in the last year and a half.

Forms to evaluate the Director were given out and will be reviewed and consolidated in the first half hour of next month’s meeting. The Director will not join the trustees until 7 pm.

Library Policies and Mission Statement will be reviewed next month also.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm. Next meeting: February 8, 2006

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Terese Schelble