January 12, 2012 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board Meeting
5:30 p.m., Thursday, January 12, 2012
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Clayton Wood, Chairperson
Elizabeth Adams
Kathy Corliss
Mary Paradise
Mike Wolfe

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Bob Bickford, Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Chairperson Wood called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.


Mr. Wood stated that he was in need of changing the order of the agenda.

The following items were added to the agenda:
• Policy JLIF (Dr. Freeman)
• Warrant (Dr. Freeman

The following items were removed from the agenda:
• Superintendent Role Analysis (Dr. Freeman)
• Board Strategic Planning and Board Role Analysis (Dr. Freeman)


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board voted to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed with Mr. Wood, Ms. Paradise, Ms. Adams, and Mr. Wolfe voting in the affirmative and Ms. Corliss abstained, due to entering late after the agenda was reviewed.


Mr. Wood prefaced public input by asking people to address the Board, rather than one another. He asked that people remain respectful.

Erin Butler stated that she is concerned about having registered sex offenders entering the school. She itemized examples of school district practices that are designed to keep children safe and asked why the district would not want to limit access of registered sex offenders in order to keep our children safe.

Cara Peterson read a statement regarding her concern for the lack of School Board policy regarding having registered sex offenders in the school. She stated that her goal is to have a plan in place that will keep children safe while in school. She presented the School Board with a petition that she said contains 151 signatures of Pittsfield citizens who seek to prohibit sex offenders from entering onto school property. She shared a statistic that 74% of sex offenders who offend outside the family are reconvicted for an additional sexual offense.

Ammy Ramsey stated her concern about after school activities. As PTO president, she reported that the PTO has not limited people’s participation. She stated her concern about having a registered sex offender at PTO-sponsored activities.

Siobhan Plummer stated that Meghan’s Law is a law that is designed to inform the public of the location of sex offenders within communities. She asked if it wasn’t common sense to disallow someone who has offended children to be around children.

Heather Brown stated that she was appalled to learn that there were no policies that would protect her children from registered sex offenders. She expects that when parents send their children to school, the school will keep them safe. According to Ms. Brown, there are usually multiple offenses for the individuals on the sex offender registry. Offenders, she opines, may be ill but it is seems that the district would be taking a temptation away by not allowing them near children. Ms. Brown has spoken to many people, including some who are on the registry, who agree that a restrictive policy is in the best interest of the children and, in the end, also helps to protect the people who are on the list of registered sex offenders. She suggested that not only should the policy include school, but also Drake Field summer program, and other school events.

Raymond Simons acknowledged that he is a registered sex offender and explained the circumstances of the offense. He stated that the current activism is a vendetta against him and his fiancé. He has been targeted in a number of ways, such as an individual attempting to run him off the road while driving.

Marissa MacLellan stated that she assumed it was illegal for registered sex offenders to have access to school grounds.

David Griggs stated that, due to these circumstances, his daughter is being bullied by other children.

Joe Parent thanked the people who came to speak and the Board for considering the opinions of the public

Jessica Dunlap stated that she expects her children to be protected during their school career and thought there was already a law in place regarding restrictions on registered sex offenders in schools.

Heather Rogers stated that she has a daughter who is a friend of a child who is being bullied due to these circumstances. She stated children are being punished for issues that are not their fault. The issue of bullying is her concern; she stated that she has spoken repeatedly to school administrators about the issue of bullying. Children should not have to endure bullying because the adults have concerns, according to Ms. Rogers. The punishment for bulling, in her opinion, is too lax.

Cara Peterson stated that the concern being expressed was not about one specific sex offender, but all offenders. The issue is about the safety of the children.

Heather Brown stated that she is concerned about the lack of a system at the elementary school for controlling the entrance of adults entering into the elementary school. She suggested that the elementary school have a system similar to the middle high school to be sure precautions are taken when someone enters the building. She expressed her appreciation of the people who have spoken up and attended the meeting on behalf of this issue. She thanked the School Board for their consideration of the issues for the common good of the community.

David Griggs stated that at a school where he is employed, every door is locked and video cameras are in place as a way to protect the children. He suggested that this should be the case at the elementary school.

Ms. Paradise thanked the people who attended the meeting and spoke on behalf of the issue. Mr. Wood stated that the Board will be reviewing model policies and considering adoption of a policy that will address the problem but also works within the law. Mr. Wood will work with Superintendent Freeman to develop a draft, which will be publicized on the district’s website for the community to view.

Siobhan Plummer asked if volunteers and coaches are required to have a criminal background check. Mr. Wood stated that this issue will be investigated further and directed the administration to be prepared to speak to the issue of people working in the school.

Ammy Ramsey asked how the public might help the School Board to support the passing of the proposed budget. Ms. Paradise advised her that on February 1, 2012, the Budget Committee will hold a public hearing on the budget, and on March 15, 2012, the annual school district meeting to set next year’s budget will be held.

David Griggs stated that employees at a school in which he works require a criminal record check.

Heather Brown stated that she questions why a police officer is not working within the school, when that was offered by the Pittsfield Police Department. She acknowledged that a police officer might be a person that would protect our children while they are in school. Mr. Wood explained that one reason the police officer being in the school was not considered was because a formal proposal with complete details including whether or not the Select Board had knowledge of the Police Department’s proposal, was not made by the police department.

David Griggs asked if the planned policy will keep parents who are sex offenders from being in the school with their children.

Raymond Simons asked to see the petition that was submitted earlier in the meeting. Heather Brown stated that several people in the room have been harassed due to their involvement in this issue. She asked that the petition, which includes people’s telephone numbers, not be shared.

NOTE: The petition was subsequently withdrawn from the School Board.


At 6:17 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Paradise to enter into non-public session to discuss a legal matter pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a and c). The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes; Mr. Wood, yes) to enter into a non-public session.


Dr. Freeman provided the Board with updates regarding two personnel issues.


Ms. Paradise and Mr. Wood advised the Board of the terms agreed to in the tentative agreement for a one-year collective bargaining agreement between the Board and the Education Association of Pittsfield. Changes include salary, benefits, teacher evaluation process, work schedules, and the agreement to continue ongoing discussions between the Board and the Association.

No action was taken in non-public session.

At 6:42 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to exit the non-public session and to re-enter into open session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Mr. Wood, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to exit non-public session and to re-enter into open session.



On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Paradise, the School Board voted unanimously to approve the proposed collective bargaining agreement between the Board and the Education Association of Pittsfield.


Dr. Freeman distributed a copy of a draft of proposed Policy JLIF: Receipt and Use of Sex Offender Registry Information. He explained that the proposed policy is the New Hampshire School Boards Association’s model policy. Dr. Freeman also provided the Board with a copy of Policy KDA-SO, the policy of the Barnstead School District.

On a motion by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board voted unanimously to accept Policy JLIF for the first reading. Mr. Wood asked Board members to send their thoughts to Dr. Freeman by Monday, January 15, 2012.

Mr. Wood left the meeting at 6:55 p.m.


A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams to approve the minutes of the meetings of December 8 and December 22, 2011. In the December 8th minutes, page 2, correct spelling errors to “Rebekah” Adams and “Boscawen” in paragraph 1. On page 3, omit paragraph 7 and replace with “Unanimous consensus was made by the Board to support the concept of combining the Chichester and Pittsfield afterschool programs.” In the December 22nd minutes, change “Ms. Corliss” to “Ms. Adams” on page 1 under Agenda Review. On page 2, paragraph 3, change “basketball games” to “athletic events.” The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of both meetings as corrected.



Mr. Kilmister reported that all items of concern identified in the recently completed fire inspection have been corrected.


Mr. Kilmister reported on the series of professional development activities on effective instructional practices offered by WestEd on early dismissal days this year.


The final PTO Lunch Pals, during which parents joined their children for lunch in the PES cafeteria, was scheduled for January 12th. The other lunches were well attended, with 15-25 parents attending each day.


Mr. Kilmister informed the Board that Stan Davis, anti-bullying and school climate expert, who is working with PES and PMHS on school climate issues is also currently researching a book on effective school discipline. Mr. Davis has asked for permission to mention the work at PES. On behalf of the faculty and staff, Mr. Kilmister has proudly approved Mr. Davis’ use of the PES example.


Mr. Kilmister provided the Board with a list of activities for January and February.



Mr. Bickford provided the Board with a copy of the proposed Course Offerings Booklet compiled by Guidance Director Leslie Bergevin. He recognized the outstanding job Ms. Bergevin did, with the help of her administrative assistant, Joyce Roberts. He explained that the booklet includes course offerings of the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School and three offerings that will have dual enrollment/credit opportunities for students. Several questions raised by the members of the Board were answered by Mr. Bickford.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board unanimously approved the Course Offerings Booklet.


In the absence of Kelsey Wrye, Mr. Bickford provided the Board with several updates. He explained a proposal form that will be adopted by the Site Council for use when someone would like to bring forward a proposal for consideration.

The Site Council has also been working on a merging of the Open Campus and Senior Release programs.

A community service sub-committee is working on finding ways in which community service can be made more meaningful. They will be proposing changes to the student/family handbook, including the authorization process for approving community service experiences.

Mr. Bickford explained the events included in Spirit Day. A very successful canned food drive to benefit the Pittsfield Food Pantry was one of the activities sponsored.

Surveys were conducted by staff and students on student-led conferences. Results have been tallied and steps for continued improvement identified.

Senior citizens have requested use of the facilities for walking before and after school. Plans are in process for the program to begin.


Ms. Corliss asked about the Biology substitute teacher, to which Mr. Bickford explained that Emily Anderson has been hired after an interview process including staff and students. She started January 3rd and is doing well.


Mr. Wolfe explained that a law change has occurred that will require sprinkler systems to have an internal systems check every five years for systems older than twenty years old. He will provide additional information as it is gathered. This will affect both schools.




On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board unanimously approved Policy IMGA – Service Animals.


Dr. Freeman presented the resume of Renee D’Allesandro, who is being nominated for a half-time school nurse position. Her hours will be from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at PMHS. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board voted unanimously to approve the hiring of Ms. D’Alessandro.


Dr. Freeman spoke with Ed Murdough, a representative of the New Hampshire Department of Education, who stated building aid will likely be restored by FY 2014. Mr. Murdough speculated that the program would change to an up-front
payment, which means districts will be provided money prior to a project, rather than incrementally over time. The issue will be the amount of money distributed by the State. He estimated that a current legislative bill would allow between 6 and 8 million dollars per year for school building aid, which is a shortfall from what will be needed. The district’s project, which includes maintenance to PES, would be eligible for funding, but he wouldn’t be able to guarantee funding. Mr. Murdough informed Dr. Freeman of another source of money that may be available.

Dr. Freeman stated that Mr. Wood had suggested that the Board consider holding off on the warrant for the PES roof, windows, and siding until building aid is again available. Ms. Paradise explained the reasoning behind the suggestion to delay the warrant article.

The consensus is to prepare the warrant article and take the opportunity at the annual school district meeting to explain the project so the community will be well informed of the issues and the possible funding solutions.

Mr. Kilmister reminded the Board that the estimate completed for the roof, windows, and siding project would include a security system at the elementary school.


Board members were provided with copies of the district’s annual auditor’s report.

Mr. Wood returned to the meeting at 8:00 p.m.


Dr. Freeman explained the process followed to cancel school due to inclement weather and the subsequent notifications. He typically confers with the road agent between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m. and makes a decision as soon as he is able.


Dr. Freeman explained that a conference call occurred on January 12, 2012, with representatives of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation to discuss the media release that is planned for announcing the award of the District Level Systems Change grant. It appears that the announcement will be made after the memoranda of understanding are completed with each of the four schools receiving the grant, probably the first week of February. He further explained a scheduled conference call for January 19, 2012, when negotiations on budget will begin.

Dr. Freeman stated he would prepare the requested warrant article and send it to members of the Board in time for Ms. Paradise to review it with the Budget Committee. Dr. Freeman distributed a chart depicting the level of staffing comparisons from 2007 to present. Ms. Paradise asked about reductions that could be made due to the award of the grant. Dr. Freeman stated that there were several areas that may allow reductions, depending on the scope of the grant funding; he will present the information at the next meeting.



Mr. Wolfe explained that a skating rink will be created on the tennis court at Drake Field under the supervision of the Recreation Department with help from the Fire Department.


The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 201, at 5:30 in the PMHS Media Center. The agenda will include Dr. William Bryan and budget.

XIV. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)

Heather Brown stated she would like to see the sex offender registry website listed in the proposed policy to assist families in reviewing the list of registered sex offenders. She further stated that requiring prior permission before someone is allowed to participate in an activity should be stipulated to be 24 to 48 hours so not to force last minute decisions by the administration. Ms. Brown explained that she appreciated the issues relative to Drake Field, but would like to see the policy cover “school sponsored events.”

Ms. Brown stated her support of the Drake Field Summer Program. She strongly encouraged the Board to financially support this program as the children need this program, which now includes the provision of a free lunch.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

John J. Freeman
Non-Public Session
Recording Secretary