January 12, 2015 Minutes

January 12, 2015
7:00 p.m.

Meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.

Meeting attendance: Chairman Mr. Elkins, Vice Chairman Mr. Dustin, Ms. Hast, Mrs. Schiff, Mr. Heffernan, Administrator Mrs. Ramsey, Inspector Mr. FitzGerald.

Public present: Don Bosman, Sherry Giddis, Heidi Hofman, Doug Daniels, Mary Brown, Ed Bagsby.

Chairman Elkins stated that we will discuss 221 Loudon Rd. and asked the question if the board members had a chance to go to the property and look around. He also stated that there are photos on the table to look at. The resident looked at the photos and stated that there are a few photos that show things that have been cleaned up or removed. Inspector FitzGerald along with Chairman Elkins went to the property on the 12th of Dec. and that’s when the photos were taken. Chairman Elkins asked the board what their thoughts are on the status of the property. Mr. Dustin asked Inspector FitzGerald if the issues that he reported were fixed. Inspector FitzGerald stated yes to a degree and also stated that he would like to re-inspect the property before he signs to pass the property if that is agreeable to the owners and board. Ms. Hast asked if there are any unregistered vehicles on the property, Mr. Daniels stated just one that he is working on. Ms. Hast asked what Inspector FitzGerald thinks what more should be done to clean up the property to be comfortable passing the property for inspection. Mr. Bosman stated he would like to see a list of what items need to be taken care of. Inspector FitzGerald stated that when he was there he did state what needs to be done with some of the excessive debris. Inspector FitzGerald stated if the board would like him to write up a list he will do so. Ms. Hast stated that we should agree that there is a lot of debris to be cleaned up. Mr. Heffernan stated that when he went by that there is a lot of stuff around, and that he can see why the neighbors are complaining. He said that if the residents had a list to go by then it would make it easier for them to do what is being asked of them. Ms. Schiff stated she drove by and she feels that its not what you need to do by law but it’s a courtesy to the neighbors to keep the property clean and neat, and why is it our job to tell them to stack the wood and clean this up. You should be able to respect your neighbors when they are in view of your mess. Mr. Dustin stated he did drive by and he feels that Inspector FitzGerald needs to prepare a list for the owners and tenants Inspector FitzGerald stated that if he comes up with the list that it will take time if he has to come up with codes that will apply to the items on the list. Administrator Ramsey stated the question of the cost of re-inspection, there has already been one done and not charged to date and if there is to be another the board should decide on the fee to be charged. Mr. Heffernan stated that he feels since the last re-inspection does not have a list of items he feels we should not charge for the first one. The board discussed the matter and decided to charge for 1 re-inspection. Ms. Schiff asked for Ms. Brown’s opinion on the progress. Ms. Brown stated that there has been progress but there are other issues she will be bringing to the selectman. Ms. Hast asked Ms. Giddis on her opinion on the condition of her property. Ms. Giddis stated she would like to see it cleaned up more but understands the position that Mr. Daniels is in with all his projects and items that he owns. Administrator Ramsey asked if there should be a time line given for the clean-up process. Inspector FitzGerald stated that he could give a time line better after he has re-inspected the property. The public exited the meeting at this time. There was some discussion on the issue in between the board members Inspector and Administrator.

Inspector FitzGerald stated that there was a fire at 59 Catamount Rd. and the people in the house are renting. Administrator Ramsey stated she reviewed the file. She discovered that the HSA has been trying to contact the owner about getting an inspection done so they would be in compliance to the HSA Ordinance but has been unsuccessful. The last letter sent was on December 23,2014 and scheduled the inspection for January and then the fire occurred before the inspection. There was some discussion and it was determined that Administrator Ramsey will contact the owner and send a letter to confirm that there is understanding that before the tenants move back into the property that the owner will have an inspection done and receive a license before the property is occupied again.

Inspector FitzGerald gave an update on inspections coming up.

Administrator Ramsey handed out packets of the paperwork she would like to go over with the board. The first item was a letter to the town moderator Mr. Morse about the upcoming appointments needed. The next three items are properties that require paperwork to obtain a license that we have not received and Ms. Ramsey would like to know if the board would like to send the property owners a letter informing them if the required paperwork is not received by us that we will require them to come to the next board meeting. And at that time the board will decide if there is a re-inspection needed or not. Then Ms. Ramsey presented 2015 proposed budget and stated she went to the select board meeting to propose the budget and they approved the budget. There was some discussion on the figures proposed. Inspector FitzGerald asked some questions on the revenues and expenses. 2014 Revenues and expenses were presented and a list of 2014 uncollected funds to date. Ms. Ramsey noticed in HSA Ordinance that we could charge an interest rate and would like to board’s approval to do so and the board agreed. The next set of papers presented was a monthly breakdown of 2014 expenses. These figures were also compared with the report Ms. Ramsey obtained from Cara. Administrator Ramsey updated the board on the properties that have not submitted the required paperwork. There was some discussion on the time frame the property owner has to turn in required paperwork and payment before a re-inspection should be required. It was suggested that if the documentation is not presented by 60 days after the inspection date the property is subject to a re-inspection and there will be a fee assessed.

Chairman Elkins stated that a camera was approved by the board to purchase but has not been purchased yet, but we will be purchasing the camera by staples.

Chairman Elkins had a request from Inspector FitzGerald to purchase a laser temp. gun to be able to read water temps and heating unit temps when doing inspections. Mr. Dustin made a motion to purchase a laser temp. gun and Mr. Heffernan seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Chairman Elkins stated that there is an applicant Mr. Berube and passed out the application to the board members for review. Inspector FitzGerald gave a review of Mr. Berube. And explained he gave an explanation of the reasons why it would be a good idea of having a Deputy Inspector. Ms. Schiff asked if he is willing to get ICC Certified, and Inspector FitzGerald stated he would. Chairman Elkins asked the board if they would like to call Mr. Berube in for the next meeting and the board agreed. Chairman Elkins stated he would like for Inspector FitzGerald to be ICC Certified before hiring a deputy.

Inspector FitzGerald gave an update on his ICC Certification final testing. He is waiting to hear when the testing will be available for him to take. He is waiting for them to get back to him on the dates and when he does he will take the test.

Chairman Elkins asked about an update on 16 Depot St. self- certification. There were some indications of work being done and we have not received that notification. Inspector FitzGerald gave an over view of the status and what he has done. He stated that he is going to contact property owner and do a follow-up. He is also waiting on the health officer to give his findings and report as well. Mr. Dustin asked how long ago the inspection was completed and Inspector FitzGerald stated 60 days ago. Administrator Ramsey stated she mistakenly issued a license. Mr. Heffernan stated the electrical issues have been an issue since day one. There was some further discussion.

Administrator Ramsey stated she will be out the week of the 19th for neck surgery. She will have most of everything done for the office for her return.

Chairman Elkins brought the ordinances changes for warrant articles up for discussion. Mr. Dustin mentioned a correction on one of them. Administrator Ramsey will make corrections and have them ready for a public hearing. The public hearing will be held on January 26th at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Elkins will handle the public notices of hearing since Administrator Ramsey will be out.

Chairman Elkins wanted to review and approve the meeting minutes from December. Administrator Ramsey stated she had to add one person to the public present. She will also correct Mrs. to Ms. A motion was made by Mr. Dustin to accept the minutes with the corrections and seconded by Mr. Heffernan. Motion passed.

Chairman Elkins stated he feels we had a good year in 2014.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Heffernan and seconded by Mr. Dustin.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Next meeting February 9, 2015