January 13, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS),
Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Mr. and Mrs. Vallee related they currently have had their house for sale for quite some time and would like to get some kind of abatement so that they are able to sell the house and move South for medical reasons. (LK) suggested that they meet with Town Administrator and Cara tomorrow to discuss. An appointment for this meeting was made by Paul Skowron with homeowners. Mr. Vallee questioned whether he could hire his own assessor, but was assured that Town does have assessing firm that handles this.



(DM) Employee of the Month – November; (LS) Evaluations – Non-Public, Bi-weekly Payroll, Audit Information, and CIP’s; (PS) Resignation of Michael McLaughlin as Health Officer, Selectmen Signature on Health Officer Recommendation Form, Request of Fire Chief to Raise Medicare Reimbursement Rate for Ambulance, E-Mail from Town Attorney Re: Loitering Ordinance, Proposal for Insulating Library Attic, Update on 2008 Budget Re: Police Audio Equipment Encumbrance and Proposal Konopka Floor Sanding.





1. Transfer from Ambulance Warrant Article

(LS) Motion to approve transfer from Ambulance R & E Fund into General Fund in the amount of $39,751.97. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) noted that the bottom line left to draw from is $200,000.
(PS) noted that the $39,751.97 has not yet been deducted from this amount.

2. Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance

(PS) Laura Spector questioned the definition of loiter, and noted several other questions in her E-mail. He noted that it is the Board’s prerogative to leave it as it stands; it is not illegal, but rather just formatting. After discussion Board decided:

(LS) Motion to accept Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance as written. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Denise was thanked for a job well done in gathering the information and putting together this Ordinance.

3. Town Report Format Confirmation/Town Clerk

(PS) The Town Clerk has provided a Memo regarding the 2008 Town Report. (FH) We came up with the oldest living resident as 93 years old. We will continue to research this.

(LS) Motion to approve recommendations for Town Report as noted by Town Clerk. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Employee of the Month – November 2008

(DM) Has anyone submitted any suggestions for November and/or December candidates? I currently have one.

(DM) Motion to approve Ron Vien as Employee of the Month for November. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Ron will be invited to attend the next Board of Selectman meeting. It is also hoped that by that time, a candidate will be suggested for December.

5. Resignation of Michael McLaughlin as the Health Officer

(PS) Mike has signed the letter of resignation as Health Officer and Board needs to accept resignation so Kyle Parker can be appointed as Health Officer.

(EV) Motion to accept resignation of Michael McLaughlin as Health Officer. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Selectmen Signature of Health Officer Recommendation Form

(DM) Motion to approve Local Health Officer Nomination form to be completed and signed by Board of Selectman nominating Kyle Parker. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Request of Fire Chief to Raise Medical Reimbursement Rate for Ambulance

(PS) The Fire Chief has provided detailed information for the Board to act upon and is present tonight to answer any questions you might have.

(FH) What rate are you recommending? Fire Chief Johnson noted that they are recommending 10% above the basic fee. Board questioned whether Medicare would pay this rate, how it affects Town credit and individual’s credit, whether this is standard practice and if non-payment results, how this is written off. Fire Chief noted that Medicare pays 80-90% of base rate and that this is more of a bookkeeping issue and is standard procedure.

(LS) Motion to approve setting Medicare rate at 10% over the current reimbursement rate. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. E-Mail from Town Attorney Re: Loitering Ordinance

See No. 2 above.

9. Proposal for Insulating Library Attic

(PS) There is a proposal for window replacement at the library, which includes a proposal for insulating the attic at a cost of $830. At this point, Kyle has a good idea of what costs for this should be. Does the Board want to request a bid from contractors? (LK) We do not need to have three bids since it is estimated around $830. (PS) This may well be what was recommended through the energy audit. I have asked for Kyle’s opinion and he noted that there is a fine line there – it can’t hurt, only help. (DM) Is there blown-in insulation there now? (Unknown.) (DM) I would like to see more than one proposal. (FH) We have waited this long. (LK) advised that there is an outfit in Laconia that does this kind of work, which is well known. We can try contacting them for an estimate. (PS) to do. (FH) On the other two items, we should table this for now and see about grants. I have given you information on this. I would think with this being a historical building, that vinyl windows would “stick out.” The windows at the library should be replaced with those that represent the character of the historical building. (PS) I have sent Kyle a memo to investigate grant monies for replacement of these windows. (LS) We should be able to get some prices on it. (LK) Fred, maybe you can follow-up with Kyle and give him your thoughts on this.

10. Update on 2008 Budget Re: Police Audio Equipment Encumbrance

(PS) Board may want to consider the encumbrance for the police audio equipment. Cara has evaluated the 2008 budget in reference to expenditures and revenue. On the expenditure side there is about $80,000 remaining and on the revenue side about $15,000 remaining. The question remains, Does the Board feel comfortable with that surplus? (LS) noted she did not. “I was anticipating twice that amount.” I am not comfortable with that amount. We should not be spending anything. We did try a freeze on spending which no one has adhered to. (DM) We should not be spending anything we do not have to. (EV) I would like to see it happen, but can’t see how we can. We will have to take a chance for postponing this purchase for another year. (FH) Is it in his budget for 2009? (PS) “No.”

(LS) Motion to deny encumbrance for police audio equipment given the final year-end information. (DM) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH).

(LK) I totally agree. The economy is tight. (EV) There is a need but can’t be afforded at this time. (LS) I would think that part of any good dispatch should be good documentation. (FH) All incoming calls could be through dispatch, but that would cost us quite a bit more money. (LK) The way the economy is today, I can’t agree on this encumbrance.

11. Proposal Konopka Flooring

Larry Konopka recused himself and was seated in the audience.

(PS) Konopka Flooring has submitted a proposal for maintaining the wood floors. The work is being done at no charge to the Town. Mr. Konopka has requested we accept the proposals and have it signed accordingly. This is for his bookkeeping.

(DM) Motion to approve the proposal as submitted by Konopka Flooring for maintenance of wood floors at no charge. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

Board, “Thank you for doing and maintaining the floors.”

Larry Konopka returned and was seated on the Board.


1. ICMA Retirement Health Savings Plan

(PS) This is the VantageCare Retirement Health Savings Plan, which the Board has agreed to adopt on my behalf, which will be a deduction from my salary. There are several pages, which need either a date, insertion or signature. This requires Chairman signature of the VantageCare Retirement Health Savings Plan for Paul Skowron. This will include the insertion of dates on Pages 2 and 7; Page 11, Paragraph II signature that master resolution has been adopted by the Board and Town Clerk; Page 12, Paragraph II – acknowledgement of mandatory participation component noting that this cannot be offered to other employees unless negotiated: Page 28, Paragraph II – Signature of Chairman of Board of Selectman; Page 31, Paragraph II – authorization for Cara Marston to be responsible for accounting and any paperwork involved; and Page 32, Paragraph II noting that Cara Marston is the contact person.

(LS) Motion to authorize Board of Selectman Chairman to sign Administrative Services Agreement. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

(LS) Motion to adopt VantageCare Retirement Health Savings Plan resolution. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

(LS) Motion to authorize Board of Selectman Chairman to sign Retirement Health Savings Plan Adoption Agreement. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

(LS) Is this only for governmental entities? This is paid for by (PS) and the Town does not contribute. (PS) This cannot be offered to other employees unless negotiated.

2. Letter from Merrill Vaughan

(PS) I believe this is in reference to a crosswalk across Route 28 at Route 107. I think it would be appropriate to have him come to the Public Hearing next week to address this. Merrill will be invited to attend next week Public Hearing.

3. Letter from Dan Schroth

(PS) This letter is from Dan Schroth and I am not quite sure what he is asking for. He may be asking how Town can help property owners clean up the properties up there. (DM) I would think that it would be up to Public Service to do. (PS) to send letter to Public Service to evaluate the area and the right-of-way. (FH) noted that on Shaw Road there are about ten more trees that should be addressed by Public Service. (PS) to advise Public Service of this also.

4. Bi-Weekly Payroll

(LS) What is the status regarding the bi-weekly payroll? (PS) I have discussed with Sparky and he has advised that he would E-mail the information. To date, I have not had any correspondence from him regarding this. (LS) What do we have to do to get that done, it was part of the negotiations. (PS) It is part of the contract. A committee needs to be set up to address this. (PS) to contact Sparky once again.

5. Audit Information

(LS) The management report has been done and I am glad that has been done. We need to take a look at some of the suggestions offered. (PS) Cara and I have discussed the audit for 2008 and there are some areas that we should pay more attention to, and guide them to address one or two areas in addition to the general ones. (LS) Talking and working on some of this, are there write-offs and what is the difference on these uncollectibles? (PS) As I understand the master agreement for the Town of Pittsfield and Concord Hospital, the Town made the decision to what extent they would like to follow-up on delinquent accounts. (FH) Originally, Concord Hospital would bill twice and then send it back to the Ambulance Department to send notes to those people for payment. However, I do not know where it stands now. (PS) I can check to see where it stands now. I will check with Concord Hospital. (LS) If we are writing some of these off, then it should come through the Board. We should be getting a report on a regular basis. Also, we need to make sure that deposits get into bank in a timely manner. There is no reason to hold unto any monies.

(DM) Have we gotten the job descriptions from LGC? (PS) They have been forwarded but have not yet been fully addressed yet.

6. CIP’s

(LS) What is the status of the CIP’s? We need to have spreadsheets accomplished and this needs to go before the Planning Board. (PS) to check with Cara in reference to preparation of spreadsheets.

7. Water Rates

(EV) It is noted that Locke Lake has received notice of temporary rates as set by PUC. We should have these also. (PS) I have received an E-Mail from Laura Specter and this is being worked on, but nothing is “set in concrete” yet. Also, John Lenaerts called to advise the meeting scheduled for Thursday in Bedford has been cancelled.


1. Town Hall Improvements-Life Safety Codes )
2. Space Needs Study ) Pending
3. Sidewalk Improvement Plan )

4. Library Attic Insulation ) Addressed earlier in

5. Loitering Ordinance ) Addressed earlier in

6. Cost of Broadcasting Selectman, Planning and Zoning
Board Meetings ) Pending/Website

7. Sale of Police Department Weapons

(PS) Sgt. Cain has investigated this further and Riley’s would be for store credit. The Ammo Dump has withdrawn their bid. The only bid remaining would be from the White Buffalo Trading Post and I believe that they also have one other bid pending from Belmont Firearms. I will have more info next week on this. (EV) Wouldn’t there be some small police department that would be interested in this kind of purchase? (PS) noted that most police departments purchase firearms from a broker.


1. Veterans Tax Credit – Tax Map R35, Lot 44

(PS) This individual qualifies.

(DM) Motion to approve Veterans Tax Credit, Tax Map R35, Lot 44 in the amount of $300. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LS) The checks to Fred Fuller should be held upon the recommendation of the Town Administrator.

(PS) noted that he had discussed with Fred Hast. The company has been called and I do not think they understand the link between the Town and the School. We were requested to call back tomorrow to talk to owner to consider new rate and retroactive adjusted rate.

Thank you Fred for pursuing this.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit Manifest. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) I would like to comment that sick pay should be monitored closely as I think it is being “over used.”

(FH) Have we ever gotten the work schedule for the Fire Department? (PS) I have sent the Chief an E-Mail twice and he has advised, “Jen is working on it.” (FH) It is better this week than last week.


1. Public Session Minutes of December 30, 2008

(DM) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 30, 2008.
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of December 30, 2008

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of December 30, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Public Session Minutes of January 6, 2009

(DM) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of January 6, 2009.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(PS) Before Board goes into Non-Public Session, the Department Heads have asked if the protocol on purchases can be extended past January 16, 2009.
(LK) Except for daily needs, purchases should still be cleared through the Town Administrator. (LS) I would like to see it extended. We are spending into the new year so I would think that no major purchases other than necessities be made until after the Town Meeting. Expenditures should go through Paul. (LK) Especially anything big. (EV) I would hope that for anything major, Department Heads would realize that they have to run it by Paul. (PS) Not just purchases for a large amount but also discretionary purchases. Are we extending it to a date certain? Board agreed that date would be extended until March 27, 2009, which is after the Town Meeting.

(FH) Did anyone go to the School Forum? Board members noted that they were all unable to make this date. They will be doing a follow-up but the date is unknown at this time.

(EV) At the last Chamber of Commerce meeting, a date of March 2, 2009 was set for Candidates Night.


Maurice Wells noted, “Two weeks ago, I said I was going to file a Petition Warrant, but I have now changed my mind.”

Is there anything on the concrete pad? (LK) related that tomorrow there would be a meeting at the WWTP site and all his questions relative to this would be responded to. Mr. Wells questioned whether the “code things” were also available. (LK) assured him that the Department Heads, Building Inspector and he would be there to address this issue. Mr. Wells, “There is no steel in that concrete. I am not going to be comfortable with this.” The Building Inspector did not see what was under the concrete. There is also a right-of-way on the left of side that septic area. “I do not want George down there.” Also, did we lose the wing on the small dump truck? (LK) Yes. Mr. Wells, “Do we have a snow blower on the street. There is one that is less than three years old. (LK) noted that there is one, but it is being repaired. Parts are being ordered for it and the belt is gone.


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a). (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Break 7:58 P.M. Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:04 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:25 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of January 13, 2009. (LS) second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to adjourn. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Approved: January 27, 2009

______________________________ ____________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes