January 14, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
January 14, 2009

1. Meeting called to order at 5:36.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Deb Jordan (JD), James Hetu (JH), Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan
Muensinger (SM), Helen Schiff, and Ellen Barbasso (EB). Also attending Linda Small (LS),
Matt Monahan (MM) representing CNHRPC, and Paul Skowron (PS) Town Administrator.

3. Minutes from December 4, 2008 approved and accepted with a correction. On 7A word should be

4. Reports from MM
A. Signage
1. MM spoke to chair person of Pembroke EDC about the sign on Rt 3
2. Cost was approximately $1628.00.
3. . Maybe we can change our sign from “Pittsfield Village” to “Pittsfield Business Loop”
B. HUD Grant update-
1. MM went to a presentation on December 4
2. Can use block grant for a feasibility study, then come up with an actual plan
3. Application deadline July 27, 2009
4. Let’s apply for the grant
C. DRED Planning Grant-
1. Needs signature from Town Administrator, Paul Skowron
2. Help us to pay MM for his hours for the town
D. Rep from DRED will come to one of our meetings
1. Mike Vlasich is now the state director for Jeanne Shaheen
2. Business Resource specialist will contact us about an available date
3. MM will keep in touch with them
E. Land Use REPP Program
1. MM was able to get a handbook for the town
2. It will stay at Town Hall in Town Administrator’s office
3. We need to read 3 sections, which begin on pages: – 79, 95, and 119

A. CRDC asked for Block grant for Amenico
B. The town applies for the grant but Amenico pays it back
C. They are putting a plan together to show how improvement will improve the community.

6. Preapplication for Neighborhood Stabilization
A. $16 million available, and more may be available soon
B. For the first round Tier 1 towns got funding
C. For the second round will Tier 2 towns be able to get funding? Don’t know yet.
D. When Federal stimulus package is available we may have a chance to get some money

A. MM called and spoke to Administration Assistant for the CEO
B. Present the report electronically
C. Will keep in touch with them

8. Route 28
A. Too many accidents in our area
B. DOT is going to do a speed count to find out how fast people are going
C. Need to try to get people to slow down
D. May get another stop light at Loudon or Levitt Road
E. There will be a meeting on January 20, 2009

9. DOT Fueling Station (Quonset hut) on Barnstead road is gone
A. The space is on the market
B. We could possibly use it for a Park and Ride
C. MM has surveys for park and ride places.

10. Wi-Fi
A. Funding is almost used up
B. We need to get ads to make it self-sustaining
C. Metrocast will waive partial fees if there is a lot of usage and they get credit (notices around town)
D. Ads can be placed in the Suncook Sun and on Channel 24
E. LS will also write a letter
F. MM spoke to Veronica about getting the ads on the page once a person is connected
1. Just need the URL address
2. Set up a web page-low or no cost through an internet service provider
G. Can we have questions put on sign up page, such as:
1. Are you in town for business or pleasure?
2. Where do you live?
3. What is your destination?

11. Other
A. Meeting of Board of Selectmen Feb 10th at 6:00 PM-Mr.. Rodriguez talk about Fed Grant for safe
roads to school (pays 100% of cost)
B. Planning Board sent an application for Plan NH Charrette Program
1. Previous plan showed us what we could, this one might help us implement it

12. Next meeting Wednesday January 28, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.

13. Meeting closed at 6:45 P.M.

Submitted by
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary