January 15, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
John and Efegenia Topouzoglou related that they had some concerns and
were requesting some help from the Board. Mrs. Topouzoglou noted,
“Because we care about Pittsfield and the citizens, we are seeking some
assistance from this Board.” Since 2006, we have been trying to entice a
buyer/leaser to purchase our business at 15 Cram Avenue. When they come
through town to see it, some of them do not come back and others say “No,
we do not see us making it here.” My husband and I ar e both in ill health.
The last potential buyer had the interest and it cost us money for the legal
fees but then the structure was destroyed. When we see friends of our
children and other young people from the Town of Pittsfield, they ask what
is happening to downtown Pittsfield. There are great people living in this
town and we have benefited from many of the services, made friends and
raised our children here. We are here asking for direction as to what steps
we can take to improve our business and building. Years ago, where we are
located, we were told it was going to be the corridor for some things that
were going to happen, which have not occurred. We appeal to you all for
assistance in helping us know what steps we can take for the potential sale of
our business. We are older now and not in the circle. If you could direct us
in the right direction as to where we can go from here, it would be
Mr. Topouzoglou noted that he has met with the Town Administrator. “I
know you are not responsible as to what we should do with our business, but
you have some experience.” I made my business look good, fixed it up the
best we could to try to rent it to somebody. Money is tight now, though we
make it or we don’t make it. Thank you.”
Fred Hast spoke noting “I read in one of your past Minutes that the union
negotiations cost the Town quite a bit of money. How much are we paying
per hour?” (LS) advised him that it was $75.00 per hour. Mr. Hast
responded “I guess from what I gather from how long it has been going on,
not too much has been accomplished. You guys gave the Town away last
year. We are up to $13-14,000 and you people have had enough
negotiations. There was a one-year contract; now you are going with a
three- year contract. Where is the money coming from? You people are
using MRI to rob the taxpayers. You have got part-time people getting more
per hour than the full-time with no benefits, retirement or health insurance.
MRI is milking the Town of Pittsfield, I believe. I want this put in the
Minutes so people can go on the Website and see it. It’s time for the
negotiations to be finished. How much did we pay last year to MRI for
negotiations? You people, with the Town attorneys’ help, could do it a lot
Denise Morin questioned whether Town was using Paul Skowron from MRI
for the negotiations? Response was affirmative.
Fred Hast also noted that he was happy to see Joe Ducharme here tonight.
“How many of you have taken a guided tour down there? The money has
been spent wisely and it has played out the way it was supposed to. How
can you people judge something without doing some research on it? (EV
noted that they had been down there numerous times. JL noted that he had
been down once.) The Superintendent down there put in a lot of hours on
this and the Town has benefited from it.” (LS) noted that this was definitely
a plus thing for Pittsfield and Ron has done an excellent job. Mr. Hast
indicated that he, too, had told him just that.
(LS) Non-Public, Update on Shingle Mill Brook Road, Space Needs
Committee, Report on Warrant Articles, and CIP Information Requested.
(LK) Veterans Tax Exemption (Credit), Emergency Management, Update on
Cemetery Issue. (EV) Update on the LCG Clerk Workshop. ( LKe) Welfare
Lien, Additional Funds Needs Memo, Police Department Arrest Log, 2008
Town Official Filing Period, Monthly Report for Police Department, and a
Non-Public issue.
6:05 P.M. Joe Ducharme, Jr., P.E., Septage Report and Design Status
Mr. Ducharme addressed Board in reference to the Phase II Facility Report
noting that the deadline for the report is tomorrow and that he would be
filing it at that time. He noted that this report basically brings to a close
about six years of operating data from 2002 through 2007.
He noted that in 1999 after assessment, certain improvements were made
regarding the sludge accumulating in the lagoons and other improvements to
bring it into compliance noting that the solar power mixers are doing an
excellent job. He noted there is currently a grant in place which is an
excellent one and the Town can now begin using those monies for the
projected improvements.
He discussed his recommended improvements for the next stage of the
facility. He explained the need for a decloronation system, upgrading
aeration equipment, and the infiltration process noting the excess water runoff
and the effects it has on the WWTP. He related in detail that there are
some current issues namely the crumbling rock walls, roof leaks and the
necessary repairs that should be addressed to protect the electrical system.
He also discussed the potential move to the new site which will have to be in
compliance by today’s standards, necessary permits, who would be
operating it, what controls could be put in place to monitor haulers, grant
funding – current and potential new ones for added improvements. He went
over design capacity and how it could be affected by future commercial
development. He noted that there are some improvements which need to be
done for which a grant can be procured though Federal grants are not as
significant as they used to be and explained the one currently in place is
really quite good. He explained that now actually there are a lot of manual
operations involved within the plant and that this is not always a good thing
because a lot of the information is within Ron’s head.
Mr.Ducharme noted that there is information in the report, which BOS needs
to review and make any necessary comments or changes.
(AM) questioned when a response would be coming from the Federal
Government. Mr. Ducharme noted approximately within 30 days. (AM)
“Do we need to respond?” Mr. Ducharme noted that he would respond to
any questions or matters that were posed.
(AM) “Once the report is accepted, must we do what is in there or can we
take some time and work on it?” Mr. Ducharme noted that for the Second
Phase the Town has invested $80,000 and now $900,000 of grant money is
useable. If you delay too long you can lose grant monies. “I encourage you
to move forward.” There is some paperwork, which now needs to be
completed, and once that is done, the money will be available to the Town.
He suggested contacting USDA to request another grant packages regarding
the excess water run-off. Grants are currently being offered with a
maximum of 75% grant monies and 25% loan monies, but the USDA goal is
to turn these figures around for future grants.
Board questioned Mr. Ducharme in reference to how the source of excess
water run-off could be located and he explained the process, what should or
should not be added to maintain the clean water process and if restrictions
for future and particular growth be made that would affect the plant. Mr.
Ducharme noted that the Town needs to consider whether they are
encouraging industries and that industries can be required to do their own
pre-treatment. This really would need to be looked at on a case -to-case
basis. “There are industrial pre-treatment ordinances in place to handle
these situations.”
Mr. Ducharme assured Board that when the USDA responds, they would
respond accordingly. (LK) suggested more information be acquired on grant
funds for the future.
Regarding the Septage Facility upgrade, Mr.Ducharme noted that Ron Vien
would like to see it moved to the new site. He related that SDS has
expressed an interest in a long-term agreement in operating the Septage
Facility. He reiterated that there are some economic benefits for it staying
where it currently is – power, water and building site and codes would have
to be complied with as well as permit issues. (AM) related that he felt that
Board would need some expert help on these issues and how they would be
accomplished. He noted that he already had some complaints in reference to
the trucks coming into town, speed limits and maneuvers. He related that
this should be a significant moneymaker for the Town. “How many other
places can they bring it?” (LKe) noted that along these lines, SDS will be
making a presentation to the BOS on January 29th which was scheduled after
Mr. Ducharme’s presentation so Board would have some knowledge of what
is currently transpiring.
1. Veteran’s Tax Exemption (Credit)
(LK) noted that last year Board reviewed and changed the elderly credit, and
we were going to look at the Veteran’s Tax Credit for this year. It is
currently $100. I have done some research with the Towns of Alton,
Barnstead, Chichester, Gilmanton, and Epsom and they are offering $500 as
a credit for veterans. He related that there are currently 192 people receiving
Veteran’s Tax Credit in the amount of $19, 200 and if it were $500 it would
be $96,000. I think a Warrant Article should be put together to put it at
$500. (AM) noted “This is regulated by the RSA’s and we are just changing
the amount, correct.” (LK) noted “Yes.” He felt that this was a fair and a
good proposal.
(LK) Motion to propose Warrant Article to increase the Veteran’s Tax
Credit from $100 to $500. (LS) Second.
(JL) decided to recuse himself and was seated in the audience.
Discussion: (EV) related that he would like to have a copy of the research
information as noted by (LK) to review and requested that Board wait until
next week to vote on this. He noted that he was not against it, but he wanted
to review the information prior to making a decision. (LS) noted that Board
really needs to get back to the procedure of having information ahead of
time so that it could be reviewed. Board agreed. (LK) noted that he should
have brought this forward sooner and wanted to make sure that it had time to
be drafted as Warrant Article, which he was assured there was. (AM)
related that it was always easier to make a decision if information was in
“black and white.”
(LK) Withdraw Motion as noted regarding Veterans Exemption Credit.
(LS) Withdraw Second.
(JL) returned and was seated on the Board.
2. Emergency Management
(LK) reminded Board that a while ago, $792.41 was charged for an oil
change on the generator. It was noted that we were not happy w ith their
service and now $1,190.18 has been billed for an oil change, battery and
heater jacket. There is another company in Concord – Power Generators –
who services generators and it might be worthwhile to get a price from them
to see what it costs to service this generator. Some companies bill from the
time they leave the office to the destination. (EV) We could give them a list
of what should be done and request charges. (LKe) to do.
3. Welfare Lien
(LS) Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map R-35, Lot T-7. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0.
4. Additional Funding Needs Memo
(LKe) noted that this is information that has just been supplied to Board, and
you can study them and Board can review next week. (AM) related that
Board would act on them next week.
(LS) “George got a fuel bill, which should be charged to December 2007
expenses. We cannot spend money that we do not have yet.”
1. Resignation from Ethics Committee – Ron Vien
(LKe) noted that Ron Vien has resigned from the Committee, and it is now
up to the Committee to appointment someone until the upcoming elections.
2. Monthly Report – Fire Department
(LKe) This is the monthly report and the yearly summary of activities.
(EV) Is the call volume less this year? (LKe) Yes.
3. Staff Meeting Minutes of January 15, 2008
(LKe) This is enclosed in your packets of information for review.
4. Cemetery Update
(LK) related that he would like an update on the investigation. “Is it closed
or what?” (LKe) noted Board was probably aware that three arrests had
been made and as yet, there were no Court dispositions. “I will get an
update and advise.”
5. Shingle Mill Brook Road
(LS) questioned whether there was any progress? (LKe) related that he had
worked with Laura Specter and they had researched the Planning Board
records and Board of Selectman Minutes but could not find anything relating
to the Town accepting any responsibility for the road. George Bachelder
related that the Town does not maintain the road. Therefore, it has not been
proven to be a municipal road. It is a private road, but who owns it we are
unsure of. All of this was explained to Bill Smith who noted he was aware
of this. (LKe) noted that to decipher this question would require civil side of
this and would have to be done through the Court system. To develop a
definitive decision in this matter would require Court intervention, which
could be quite costly.
6. Space Needs Committee
(LS) noted that they were still waiting for the Space Needs Committee
report. I, personally, have not seen one. Their report should play a role in
CIP projections. (LKe) noted that the Police Chief and the Fire Chief related
that they had never been contacted by the Space Needs Committee. “I
checked with Paul Colby and he confirmed that a report had been put
together and given to Paul Skowron. Paul related to me that he never got it.
Mr. Colby noted that he did not keep a copy of the report.” I will continue
to search the files for this report though I have been unsuccessful to date.
(LS) related that perhaps Paul Colby could re-create it. (EV) suggested
checking with Donna Keeley.
7. CIP Information
(LS) At a previous Board of Selectman meeting, it was requested that the
Public Works Department work with (LKe) regarding projected needs.
(LKe) noted that they are currently working on the truck aspects of this.
8. Ambulance – Municipal Building Repairs
(LKe) There is a Warrant Article for Municipal Building Repairs as well as
one for Municipal Repairs. One of them should be renamed. This wi ll be
available next week.
9. Update on Land Use Clerks Workshop
(EV) noted that Dee and he had attended this workshop on Saturday, which
was very informative. They have an three additional workshops coming up
on Zoning Board, Planning Board and Conservation.
10. 2008 Town Official Filing Period
(LKe) related that Liz had prepared this report noting the various vacancies
and the filing dates, which is January 23 through February 1, 2008. (LS)
“What happens if there are no names?” (LKe) noted that individuals will be
running for specific terms and Board will appoint alternates as to who will
11. Monthly Report Police/Fire
(LKe) This is for the month of December.
1. Proposed Warrant Articles
Discussed previously in meeting.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. After discussion:
Carried 3-1 Abstain (LK).
(LS) Regarding the bill for the subscription to Town & City Magazine put
out by LGC. (LKe) indicated “You get this as a Board member.” (LS)
questioned why Town is paying for subscription. It was noted that the
subscription covers Ron Vien’s copy. She noted that she would be willing
to share her copy with him so that a subscription rate of $22 would not have
to be paid.
(LKe) was questioned regarding the legal bill for the Planning Board for the
first proposed Zoning Ordinance review. He noted that this is a legitimate
bill though the Planning Board is still uncertain about what they propose as a
Warrant Article and a different one might be adopted and might need to be
evaluated by legal counsel. (LK) noted that it is 67 pages long. I don’t
know if something that long would/could be approved. Town Counsel
would have to review the 67 pages. (EV) noted that the copy he received
did not indicate what part of it was original wording and what has been
deleted/added. “I know I reviewed one definition and there was only one
word that was different.” (LK) Consider the cost factor for people to get
through it. (LS) What about the proposed warrant as drafted by the
CNHRPC regarding flood plan insurance? (LKe) The Acting Chairman has
assured me that it will be on the Agenda for review also.
(LS) Motion to approve Direct Deposit and Payroll. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-1 (LK) Abstain.
1. Public Session Minutes of January 10, 2008
Minutes have not yet been prepared for distribution.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of January 10, 2008
(LK) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of January 10, 2008.
(JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Continued Public Session Minutes No. 3 of December 27, 2007.
(EV) Motion to approve Continued Public Session Minutes No. 3.
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
Regarding the request of Mr. & Mrs. John Topouzoglou, (LK) suggested
they attend the Economic Development Committee meeting at
5:00 P.M. tomorrow to see if the EDC could offer them some guidelines.
(LKe) noted that he had met with Mr. Topouzoglou. (LK) related that it is a
difficult call regarding that area.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91 A:3 II (a). (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.
Public Session was adjourned t 7:45 P.M.
Approved: January 22, 2008
____________________________ ____________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date