January 16, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 01/16/2008
1) Meeting called to order at 5:10 pm. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn
Roberts (LR), Deb Jordan (DJ), Helen Schiff (HS), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), Also attending:
Linda Small (LS), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Leon Kenison (LK), and John and Effie
Topouzoglou. Helen Schiff is our new member.
2) Minutes from 1/9/08 reviewed and accepted. Corrections needed to be made: on 4E should be
Web Page, item 7 should be LDC not LRDC.
3) Property owned by Mr. & Mrs. Topouzoglou
a. They have been unable to sell or rent it.
b. Gas tanks have been updated to meet current standards and would cost too much to have
them removed
c. Property is about ½ acre and has water and sewer. It is right by the river
d. Building is in fair shape but does need some work.
e. EV is looking into a temporary solution
4) Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce
a. They are updating their “Guidebook to Greater Concord”.
b. They want to know if we have updated information for the profile on Pittsfield.
c. Suggestions were made that we mention Pittsfield Players, 2 banks, historic trail,
churches, hardware store, grocery stores, pharmacy, schools for kindergarten through
12th grade
5) WiFi update
a. Veronica will be in Pittsfield within the next two weeks to evaluate the area
b. A suggestion was made that users of the site have to go to a Pittsfield EDC web page
6). Waste Water Treatment-Questions will be e-mailed to Ron Vien . We will be meeting with him
7) Any Make Auto – They have some problems not related to EDC. Steps are being taken to
address those issues
8) Web Site
a. Clayton Woods will be coming next week
b. We have to come up with some questions or ideas to ask him
9) LDC update
a. LS has the by-laws from Bow
b. She e-mailed the updates to everyone so we can review them
Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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10) Time of meeting
a. JH made a motion to change our meeting time to 5:30-6:30
b. DJ seconded it.
c. Motion carried, so starting next week we will meet at 5:30 pm
11) Select Board Meeting
a. Stephen Heavener from CRDC will be at the meeting. It was suggested that as many
members as possible should attend
b. Meeting is Tuesday January 22, 2008 at 6:30 pm
12) Our next meeting is Wednesday January 23, 2008 at 5:30 pm.
13) Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso