January 2, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 01/02/2008
1) Meeting called to order at 5:06 pm. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn
Roberts (LR), Deb Jordan (DJ), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), Also attending: Linda Small (LS), Leon
Kenison (LK), and Gene Marcotte (GM).
2) Minutes from 12/12/07 reviewed and accepted.
3) YMCA survey follow-up
a. Surveys distributed to different places in town
b. Town Hall on Tuesday January 8, 2008 for the Primary.
1. James Hetu will be here in the morning
2. Ed Vien will be here around 2:30
3. Ellen Barbasso will be here around 4:00pm-6:00pm
c. Return date not on the cover letter or survey. Return by January 15, 2008.
4) Web Site
a. Membership not updated. EB will correct that and send to Bill Provincial
b. Should be more user friendly-put in some pictures..
c. Mr. Woods will come at a future date to help us plan an updated version of our web site
5) Stephen Heavener, the new director of CRDC will be coming to a Selectmen’s meeting on
Tuesdsay January 22, 2008
a. EDC members should try to be there
b. Members of Zoning Board and Chamber are going to be invited to attend.
c. Cedric Dustin will be our representative on the CRDC board.
d. They are looking for an area outside of Concord for their next project. We would like them
to come here.
6) Current Projects
a. Kentek-some ideas being considered-nothing definite
b. Any Make Auto- JH needs to get further information.
7) LRDC Update
a. We have been unable to get electronic file for the one from Bow. LS can start typing the
information we have from Bow.
8) Helen Schiff was appointed to EDC. She will be here next week.
9) There will be a Grants conference on Monday January 28 from 8:30-12:00 at the House of
Representatives Hall. EV wants to go to see what grants would be applicable for Pittsfield.
10) Meeting was adjourned at 6:02 pm. Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 9, 2008.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso