JANUARY 20, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.





Call to order at 5:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS),
Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(LK) Emergency Management Operation and Town Report


5:00 P.M. – Craig Green/State DOT Re: Intersection of Route 28 and Leavitt Road

I am Craig Green from the State Department of Transportation. I would like to thank you for having me here this evening. He related that the Public Hearing was in reference to the Intersection of Route 28 and Leavitt Road. This intersection has come to light in conjunction with the Highway Safety Improvement Program, which is a new program that has just started this year. A number of agencies became concerned with the number of fatalities, about 43,000, noted each year across the nation. This program addresses issues of highway safety and how to provide modest improvements to counteract these types of fatalities and accidents.

The program is data driven demonstrated through the crash history as identified by State records. The State has comprised a “5% report” of the most severe safety issues for the State as reported to the Federal Highway Commission each year. The list was analyzed further as to the types and severity and traffic information regarding the crash to further determine the data. This was narrowed down to thirty different locations within the State and this intersection in Pittsfield qualifies as one of these locations.

I am here to gather your input as residents as to what the problems are which you see every day. There have been sixteen crashes over the past five years – 2003 to 2007. You live here and I would like to get your input as to what you see as the issues.

(LK) We thank you for coming and I will open this to the public at this time.

Chief Wharem, “What kind of information are you looking for exactly? I pulled some records to record time of day, day of week, and possible severity of injuries of people involved. The gist of the problem seems to be the traffic turning either left or right into and out of Town depending upon the time of day. There have been 26 accidents in the last four years. Mr. Green noted, “The type of crash and the injuries involved is the kind of information I am concerned with.” Chief Wharem noted that unfortunately there are no statistics on “near misses.” Chief Johnson related that he would be able to provide data regarding actual injuries (2004 to 2007) and would collaborate with Chief Wharem and provide this information. Chief Wharem, “Most of the crashes were angle crashes.”

(EV) noted that it is governed by the amount of traffic at that location. People sit on Leavitt Road trying to go when they shouldn’t.

Brenda Hutchins, “I commute and in the morning you cannot get across or go left and in the evening it is just the opposite. Early in the morning there is a long wait to get across.”

Bradley Graham, “I live at that intersection and it is exactly why I put a bunch of blue spruces up as ‘car catchers.’ On the weekend the Southbound traffic on
Route 28 coming up over the knoll and trying to get across is very busy. People get T-boned and end up on my front lawn.

Cathy Corals, “There seems to be a problem with the traffic turning right and heading North on Route 28. For a while there were signs that were blocking the view which have since been removed. The biggest problems are right turning traffic as well as pedestrians.”

Chief Wharem noted that one pedestrian has been hurt at that intersection.
(LK) “Crosswalks would be a good idea across Route 28 as people have a hard time crossing there.”

Pat Henderson, “Do you know how much longer it takes to get across? I walk it every day and have a difficult time of it.”

Jeff, part owner of Globe Holding Company, noted that his concerns included the impatience of people trying to exit, a blind spot where people turn, and also concerns about the employees turning there. It was noted that there is also another entrance/exit area, but this also turns onto Route 28.

Scott Ward, “Could the shoulder area be designed at the turning lane? If it was marked as such, it would force people to use it.”

(EV) “People are inpatient. You hit a blind spot waiting for car or two in front of you to turn and you cannot see 100% while you are waiting. If you did not have to wait ten minutes or so, it would not be an issue.”

(FH) In 1964 on Loudon Road, the State allowed a 300 ft. right of way, and on Leavitt Road there is only a 200 ft. right of way. “Why are you trimming it down.”?

Pat Henderson, “There was a bridge that was supposed to go across my road to Leifert Hill. The State owns right up to my bank and I am at the widest point.”

(LK) “Coming Northbound and taking a left, you are just waiting to get ‘clobbered.’ Speed is an issue as it is hard to judge because of the long straightaway.”

(FH) If you put lights there, people see the yellow light and speed up. Many cars go through the yellow lights.

Mr. Green noted that currently they do not have any engineering studies. Perhaps, if signals are utilized, we may put in a turning lane. (FH) I would think lights, a turning lane as well as a reduced speed limit. Mr. Green noted that signals are possibly something that could be done right away but the also the daily issues need to be addressed.

Chief Wharem, “Would this be traditional light. Using turning lights and not using traditional lights might help. People do not read, ‘No Left Turn on Green. This is something that can magnify the problem.”

Scott Ward, “I think lack of patience is an issue. A lot of people fly down Concord Hill Road and do not want to deal with a light which might increase the traffic on that road.” (FH) Lights could be synchronized.

Chief Johnson questioned whether the Opticom system could be offered. Even the ambulance has a difficult time crossing 28 to transport to the hospital. We have one on our ambulance but there is no reciprocation on the lights here.

Cathy Corals, “Do you envision having turning lights put on Route 28?” Sometimes people wave you through to make a left hand turn but that is also taking a chance if someone is not paying attention.

(PS) Can you provide the sequence of events and the timetable that would be involved in this process?

Mr. Green noted that State would first have to send letters to property owners to survey the area as to position of home and driveways and create a map of the area. Secondly, they would have to develop some concepts regarding the traffic and crash information. Then they would have to come back to Pittsfield to present this concept and results at a public hearing. Finally, looking at utility lines, water and sewer locations and staying within the right of way. We would hope to get this project out this year but it would be dependent upon the issues.

(EV) If you re proposing STOP lights, what would that do to the traffic on Loudon Road and Route 28? Mr. Green noted that he was unsure at this point and would be concerned with back-ups occurring.

(PS) Can you give us examples of similar setting where resolutions have occurred? Mr. Green noted that this program is a little different in that it addresses safety issues along with congestion. He explained the Chichester area where something similar was done on Route 4 to alleviate traffic problems.

(LK) As far as I can determine there are three issues: 1. Left turn lane; 2. Crosswalks; and 3. Ambulance control lights.

(EV) How many years have you been doing this type of thing? Mr. Green noted that this is really the first year. In the past, we have done Routes 202 and 9 in Henniker putting in left turn signals and rumble strips. (EV) Has that reduced the problem? Mr. Green, “Not known yet.”

Scott Ward, “Have they done a traffic count recently? The last one is a few years old.” Mr. Green noted that would be through the Traffic Bureau.

Owner – Globe Holding Company, “My concern is if they put up signals, won’t people try to beat the signals?” Mr. Green noted that this is always a concern.

Mr. Green was questioned as to whether this would be a “fast-paced project?” Mr. Green noted that the funds can be used this year though for various locations and hopefully you will see improvements this year. (LK) Thank you and we are looking forward to seeing you soon. Mr. Green noted that the information provided would be helpful. (LK) Safety is the number one issue. Thank you for coming.

Break 5:42 P.M. Return 5:48 P.M.


1. Emergency Management Operation

(LK) After the Department Heads meeting, it was noted that there was no representative from the Board of Selectman. We need to appoint one.

(LS) Motion to appoint Larry Konopka to Emergency Management Operation Committee. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0 (LK) Abstain.

(PS) What will be the focus of the next meeting? Chief Wharem noted that this would mainly be an organizational meeting but they would also deal with the Shelter Program. After that, each issue will be addressed in sequence. It was agreed that it would not be necessary for (PS) to attend. (EV) We had discussed having the State representative also attend. (LK) The first meeting is just going to be the game plan. Chief Wharem noted that it is his intent to have meetings about every two weeks. Also, the representative from the State will be attending a meeting at some point.

2. Town Report

(LK) I have provided each of you with a copy of the Board of Selectman statement for the Town Report.

(PS) The Chair has shared with me a copy of this statement. It is my observation that I would like to thank you for the positive comments concerning me personally. It is nice to be able to report that the “glass is half full and not half empty.”






(EV) Motion to Adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M.

Approved: January 27, 2009

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Larry Konopka, Chairman Date