January 22, 2009 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Scott Brown
Leslie Vogt
Michael Wolfe

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Richard Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.


Ms. Vogt added NEAS&C accreditation. Dr. Freeman added Foss Fund annual report, a staff member request, and SAU financial split.

On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.


On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Brown the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of January 8, 2009, as written.



A. Donuts with Dads

Mr. Kilmister stated that the parent-child literacy event is very popular and was well attended by students and their fathers on January 15, 2009.

B. Recycling

Mr. Kilmister stated that the kick-off of the recycling effort was successful. The fourth grade class introduced the program and will keep statistics on the paper collected.


A. Poetic Achievement Award

Mr. Gremlitz stated that we have been notified that the original poems of fifteen junior and seniors have been selected for Creative Communication’s Poetic Achievement Award for Fall 2008.

B. Mid-Terms

Mr. Gremlitz reported that mid-term examinations are currently in progress. The third quarter begins on Monday, January 26, 2009.

C. NEAS&C Accreditation

Ms. Vogt asked Mr. Gremlitz to gather information about the history of PMHS’s accreditation, to which he agreed to do for the next meeting.


A. Out-of-District Costs

Per request of the Board, Ms. Chassie worked with the business manager to calculate the difference between the proposed budget projections for out-of-district placements and actual costs as things stand currently. She reported that the current budget projections would be adequate to address projected needs at this time.

B. Paraprofessional Newsletter

Ms. Paradise thanked Ms. Stevens for her work in preparing the second edition of the Panther Post.


A. Policies

Dr. Freeman reviewed the policies that he recommended for adoption. Policy AA: School District Legal Status; Policy AC: Non-Discrimination; Policy ACD: Commitment to Religious Neutrality; Policy ACE: Procedural Safeguards, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap / Disability; Policy ADB: Drug-Free Workplace; Policy ADD: Safe Schools; Policy EB: Safety Program; Policy GBCD: Background Investigation and Criminal Records Check; Policy IHBG: Home Education Instruction; Policy KFAA: Public Conduct on School Property – Athletic Events.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to approve the presented policies as submitted.

B. Warrant Articles

Dr. Freeman distributed a draft copy of the warrant articles being considered at the School District Meeting. He called attention to Article IV, which is related to federal entitlement grant appropriations and Article V, which is related to unanticipated money from state, federal, or other governmental or private agencies.

Discussion ensued regarding the need to state an exact amount of funds appropriated from federal entitlement grants. Concerns regarding Article V, authorizing the Board to apply for, accept, and expend, without further action by the school district, unanticipated money were stated. Dr. Freeman agreed to investigate further the purpose of these two warrant articles, which have been recommended by Paul Mercier, the district’s auditor, and the Jordan Institute, the latter motivated by the possibility of the anticipated economic stimulus program from the federal government.

The Board discussed Article VIII, which establishes a capital reserve fund for unanticipated energy expenses. It was agreed by consensus that this article be removed, given that the cost of energy has recently stabilized. Dr. Freeman agreed to contact Fuller Oil Company to see if pre-buying fuel will be a possibility for next year.

On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to accept Articles I, II, III, VI, VII, VIII, and IX as presented. Article IV and V will be considered after further information is provided.

C. Expenditure Report

Ms. Vogt inquired about a specific expenditure in the 2210 series, which Dr. Freeman explained is being used to pay stipends for mentors.

Dr. Freeman explained that the Financial Manager has done a thorough job of encumbering the funds that are anticipated to be needed for the remainder of the year. At this time there is an approximate fund balance of $150,000.

D. FY10 Budget

Dr. Freeman distributed a revised list of grants received for 2008-2009. A correction was made to reflect the technology grant in the amount of $48,000 that was recently received.

Dr. Freeman distributed an estimated default budget for 2009-2010, should the SB2 warrant article pass. Although only an approximation, the total default budget would be $10,102,297, which is an increase of about $218,000 over the proposed budget.

Mr. Brown requested that the increases in the proposed budget be reviewed another time to ensure accuracy. Ms. Vogt suggested that the administration be prepared to discuss the details that would exist in the event of the Budget Committee making a further cut.

Discussion ensued regarding class size, classroom capacity, and the effects of potential reduction in force.

E. S.B. 2 Information

Mr. Brown presented a map of NH that illustrated the towns that have approved S.B. 2 (69 out of 220 towns). He explained that he found no new information on the Internet so suggested that the public information used previously be used again, with some revisions. Mr. Brown agreed to draft a letter for the newspaper explaining S.B. 2.

F. Budget Committee Meeting

Dr. Freeman reported that the Budget Committee met on January 21, 2009 with school representatives. The budget was reviewed line-by-line, with few questions asked. Dr. Freeman provided information that would assist the Committee in understanding the changes that have been proposed in the budget. Mr. Brown provided information regarding S.B. 2.

G. PMHS Roof

Dr. Freeman reviewed the information that has been received from the members of the team who surveyed the PMHS roof. If the roof is replaced with no insulation, no new reinforcements will be needed. On the other hand, if insulation is added, renovations will need to be done on the roof and structural reinforcement added. The Jordan Institute is available to continue their work to investigate possibilities. An energy audit could be completed by the Institute, which would calculate the savings that the insulation would provide over time in energy costs. Ms. Vogt asked Dr. Freeman to ask the Jordan Institute what the timeframe would be to complete the audit. The Board would prefer to have the information that the audit would provide before making final decisions about the roof.

H. Fall 2008 NECAP

Dr. Freeman distributed information distilled from the NECAP scores that were received this week. He also provided the Board with a press release from the Public Information Office of the NH Department of Education.

Mr. Kilmister and Mr. Gremlitz explained that people have immediately started analyzing the data to determine possible reasons for the modest gains that have been made. Dr. Freeman stated that the data analysis will be used to look critically at instructional practices and determine potential instructional modifications. For example, math intervention groups have already been initiated in the elementary and middle schools.

Mr. Brown suggested developing a list of points to share with the community during the budget approval process. He also requested information that would illustrate the change in student rosters over time due to residency changes.

I. Foss Family Scholarship Fund

Dr. Freeman distributed a report from the Foss Family Scholarship Committee that is suggested for inclusion in the School District Annual Report. It was agreed, by consensus, that the report will be included in the Annual Report.

J. Staff Request

Dr. Freeman reported on an appeal of a decision made regarding the request made by Herb Moyer, teacher at PMHS, to receive compensation for use of days to attend the Presidential inauguration on January 20, 2009. On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to uphold the decision of the Superintendent to grant approval for January 20 to be charged as leave without compensation and January 21 to be charged as a personal day in accordance with the Agreement.

K. SAU #51 Split

Dr. Freeman distributed a final cost calculation for the split of Barnstead from SAU #51. The Board asked Dr. Freeman to reconsider the fund balance amounts that were included in the calculations.

L. Administrative Team

Dr. Freeman explained that the administrative team has been meeting once per week to discuss important issues. He listed the items that the team included on their recent agenda. Dr. Freeman thanked the administrative team for their diligent work. Mr. Brown reiterated the Board’s satisfaction with the work that the administrative team is accomplishing.


A. Budget

Ms. Vogt explained that the draft of a letter for the newspaper will be finalized before publication the Wednesday before the public hearing. She requested input from the members of the Board.

X. NEXT MEETING – The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle School. The agenda will include warrant articles, NEAS&C accreditation history, S.B. 2, and remaining budget issues.

XI. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary