January 25, 2010 Minutes

Minutes from PDAC Meeting
7-8 pm at the Pittsfield Youth Workshop
January 25th, 2010

In attendance: Denise Morin, Dan Ward, Officer John Webber, Sarah Sadowski, Zach Powers

Meeting called to order at 7pm.

I. Welcome and Sign in

II. Review Secretary’s Report- no changes to the minutes

III. Interpreting YRBS Data- Zach and Sarah attended a CRCPC training on interpreting and using YRBS data. Katy Shea, evaluator at CRCPC, cautioned against inferring conclusions on a cycle to cycle basis and encouraged coalitions to look at trends over a broader timeframe, i.e. we shouldn’t get carried away if we see a big drop or increase in our numbers from 2007. Katy said that at least 3 data points are necessary for trend analysis- which is why it is so important that PMHS has participated in the YRBS so consistently. Scripts and popular questions were made available to members to help answer potential questions/doubts.

IV. Project Alert Update- Sarah reported that the pre-tests for Project Alert began 1/26. Data will be coded and reported to CRCPC

V. Safe Homes- 15% of pledges have been collected and 300 brochures have gone to grades 4th-12th. We will be doing a big combo push with the end of the year activities and YRBS forums.

VI. Housekeeping- Sarah passed out a list of volunteer opportunities worded a couple of different ways, opportunities will be posted online. She reported that she has passed the Prevention Specialist exam and is on schedule to submit her application by the end of May 2010.

Thank you for attending!