January 4, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Fred Okrent (FO), Arthur Morse (AM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Dan Schroth: To Fred Okrent, HSA, there is another complaint. Just want you to know that you are “on notice.” Also, regarding the five member Board of Selectmen discussion on going back to three members, it is foolish. Thank you, Fred, for not voting for this. Town should not go back to three member board. Many have resigned because of sickness and the economy, but what if we had a national disaster, we need a five member Board. This is not a solution.

Dan Schroth: I have been working at the athletic park constructing a wall and it is half done and we are running short of rocks. On Greer Lane there is a lot of rock lying around as well as the excavation on Rocky Point; maybe we could get some ledge to finish the wall. You do not have to let me know right now; I will check back with you later. I want to keep working on it.


(AM) Three member Board, Police Budget; (PS) Delinquent Taxes, Julee Worthen, 31 Berry Avenue and Security Light/Pittsfield Youth Workshop.


1. Transfer to General Fund from Ambulance Replacement Special
Revenue Fund

(AM) Motion to transfer to General Fund from Ambulance Replacement Special Revenue Fund – $3,836.85. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Virginia Chase – Tax Agreement

(PS) This is a Monthly Payment Agreement which I would like to submit to her if the monetary amount is acceptable to the Board.

(AM) Motion to approve Monthly Payment Agreement, Virginia Chase.
(EV) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) The full amount is $12,326.23 and it will take her three years to get caught up. Will she also keep current on this year’s taxes? (PS) I would like to put her in the frame of mind of catching up on taxes as she goes along.


6:05 P.M.: Representatives from the City of Nashua
Re: Pennichuck Acquisition

City of Nashua representatives: Donnalee Lozeau, Mayor, John Pattenaude, Arthur Gottlieb, Wade Oust, and Don Ware, Pennichuck.

John Pattenaude offered a Powerpoint presentation regarding the proposed acquisition of Pennichuck Corporation (see attached.)

Discussion ensued as to whether Nashua would acquire all of Pennichuck and operate all of it (yes) and whether they would be interested in getting rid of one or two of the subsequent companies which are included as part of Pennichuck. Nashua representative noted that currently City of Nashua will be replacing the shareholders with an independent Board of Directors, but Pennichuck will continue to operate. It is noted that at this point it is too early to tell what lies ahead along these lines. At the present time, the structure as noted in the presentation will be brought to the Public Utilities Commission for approval. All businesses can operate the way they have been operating which will bring continuity of service and all will be regulated by the PUC.

(AM) Are you aware that Pittsfield was attempting to purchase the watershed around Berry Pond and are you willing to enter into an agreement regarding this? It was noted by Nashua that it is really premature to make any decisions on something like this. Ms. Lozeau stated that the Board of Directors, as noted in the presentation, will be seated and all discussions of this kind will take place after that Board is seated. (AM) When this goes before the PUC, can we voice our concerns? Ms. Lozeau: Absolutely, but we are not in a position to make a decision now. (AM) We are trying to preserve the watershed right now. Berry Pond is at its capacity and whoever owns it can drill wells, build cottages, etc. and we would not like to see this happen. It was noted that until this is all complete it will result in a 12-18 month time span. Mr. Pattenaude explained the tiered seating of the proposed independent Board of Directors that will be comprised of between 7 and 13 members.

Board and Nashua representatives discussed the $5 M existing debt and how it would be recoverable to the taxpayers. The final analysis is that the rates will not go down but also will not go up. It was noted that it is not known what the PUC will mandate and there are a lot of different pieces that cannot be predicted until it has reached that point. (EV) You can see our concerns. We were negotiating with Pennichuck and everything was going well and then this all came about. We are trying to do what is best for our community. We do not want to be “left out in the rain.” (FO) What do you envision as the requirements for capital improvements? Don Ware, Pennichuck, explained the economic development process and how it would be calculated as well as who would absorb the costs.

(FH) When we started this project, we assumed we would own it and we would like to see the “light at the end of the pipe.” It was noted by Nashua that there will be water rate payers and taxpayers and that they were not interested in having one assume the debts of the other; we would just like to pay off the debt. After PUC approval, the ratepayers will be better off. The ratepayers will be happy at 6 ½ %. By not being a public company, it will result in two million dollars of operating expenses that will be saved. Water systems are capital intensive with decreased operating expenses and decreased debt service costs.

Board and Pennichuck discussed the tax abatements, property taxes, and dams involved. (AM) We assumed that PUC would control the acquisition. We were shocked when this information was released.

Nashua assured Pittsfield that they would like to work together and will address any concerns that result. (EV) noted that there is the possibility that there will be new members of the Board of Selectmen when the transaction is complete.

Nashua representatives left meeting at 7:05 P.M.

Break at 7:06 P.M. Resume at 7:12 P.M.

ACTION ITEMS – Continued

3. Delinquent Taxes/Julee Worthen/31 Berry Avenue

(PS) Ms. Worthen called today indicating that she would like to arrange for an agreement regarding delinquent taxes. I indicated that the BOS would have to agree due to the magnitude of the delinquent taxes ($42,686.52). It was noted that approximately $700-$800 a month is suggested and the BOS suggestions would be welcomed. (AM) Is this what you related to her? (PS) No, I wanted to discuss with Board first. This is a large figure for monthly payments.

(EV) Maybe a lump sum payment for 2006 and 2007 and then a large payment a month. (FO) Has she had a change in circumstances? (PS) She noted that she thought these taxes were included in her mortgage payment. I do not know the individual or her circumstances. (AM) We can make it $700-$800 a month and encourage her to pay more. If it does not happen, we can do what Ed suggested but at least we will be giving her a chance. (FO) I agree with Art. We should give her a chance to catch up. (FH) I would suggest she refinance. That is a lot of money for anyone to pay. (PS) I would hesitate to give her financial advice. (DM) Board needs to come up with an agreement. (PS) Agreement would be good for one year. (DM) Draw up the agreement and see if she is agreeable.
(FH) She is too far behind and the only way to get out of it is to refinance.

(FO) Motion to approve agreement of $800 or more to be proposed to her.
(AM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

(FH) We should ask for this and ask her to refinance. (DM) This is the agreement we are happy with for now.

4. Security Light/Pittsfield Youth Workshop

(PS) Zach Powers, Pittsfield Youth Workshop is requesting that the Town assume payment for a security light located in front of the Academy building. (EV) I suggest we table this for now so that we can see which light they are talking about. (FH) What is the average cost of a street light? (PS) It depends on the light. Matter tabled until location/kind of light can be determined

5. Police Department Budget

(AM) The Police Chief got married and the budget will have to be increased to cover the family plan health insurance.

(AM) Motion to increase the Police Department health insurance line to include a family plan. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Cable Advisory Committee

(PS) I have discussed with Clayton Wood the applicant for the Cable Advisory Committee. He has indicated that the Website Committee has sufficient members but would support Albert Douglas as a member of the Cable Advisory Committee.

(FH) Motion to approve Albert Douglas for the Cable Advisory Committee.
(FO) Second. Carried 5-0.




1. Capital Improvement Program Complete
2. Bids for Town Hall Window Frame Rehab Pending
3. Settlement Agreement/Assessment Appeal U4, Lot 18/19, U3, Lot 75
(PS) It is now noted by the assessor that this was an error. The assessor has noted that they should not have been listed under the 2010 assessment.
4. General Assessing Service Contract for 2011/Cross Country
Appraisal Group Pending
5. Volunteer Appointment Application See Above

6. Three Member Board of Selectmen

(AM) I have learned that according to the RSA’s, reverting to a three member Board would have to be by petition and I would be happy to write that. (FH) I would also like to have a copy of that RSA. (PS) At the request of (FH) a copy of the current RSA will be provided to him. The RSA has changed since the Board went from a three-member Board to a five-member Board.




(EV) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

(FH) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of December 28, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 28, 2010.
(FO) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.


(DM) Page 7, #16: Motion Discussion – Should read Carried 4-1 (FH).

(EV) Page 9, #23, Second Paragraph: Name should be James Bernard.


Maurice Wells: I have written down the questions that I posed at the
December 28th meeting and I have a copy for all of you. (See attached.)

Paul Richardson: I have some comments on the meeting regarding Pennichuck. The Town needs to move ahead cautiously. Even at a 50-1 ratio we are still talking about $5M. I know some towns pay a higher rate ($3.31 cf). Pennichuck spent money like crazy recently. They had old clunker trucks and now they have brand new ones and more employees. Pittsfield is already too late in purchasing Pittsfield Aqueduct Co. This should have been done 13-15 years ago. You have to look at the payback and the costs of things.

Heather Brown: To me, the whole discussion left a “sour taste in my mouth.” Nashua did not provide answers to a lot of our questions. There is a lot of uncertainty in their presentation which should have been covered before this
point. It has not been the greatest thing to happen to communities.

Close Public Input




(EV) Motion to adjourn. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M.

Approved: January 18, 2011

_____________________________ _______________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded on January 4, 2011, transcribed and public posted on January 6, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes