January 4, 2012 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
January 4, 2012

1. Meeting opened at 5:32.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS), Susan
Muenzinger (SM), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Gerard LeDuc (GL), and Matt Monahan (MM) from

3. Minutes from December 7, 2011 accepted as written.

4. Election of new chairman
A. LR nominated Ted Mitchell as chairman
B. Linda Small seconded the nomination.
C. Ted Mitchell accepted unanimously.

5. Plan NH update
A. Paul Skowron sent an email to EDC members with information about the parcels that are for sale
B. SVRDC will contact the owners of the properties

6. Winter Newsletter
A. The slides of the EDC presentation should just be limited to just a few, showing the overview
B. Change “Spotlight on EDC Tool” to “Reminder on EDC Tool”
C. Other rewording suggested
D. Include highlights of what EDC has done this year

7. Plan NH update
A. Board of Selectmen accepted the plan
B. The Charrette has been handed over to the SVRDC who will now move the plan forward.

8. Wi-Fi update
A. Single Digits was contacted-network looks O.K. from their end
B. Will send someone up at the end of January – have Clayton Wood go with that person
C. Contract is from 8/15/11 through 8/14/12
D. They may be able to lower the cost per month

9. Other
A. Suggestion was made that we have a “meet and greet” with one business per month
1. Invite that business to an EDC meeting
2. Ask how we can help them or if they have suggestions how we can help the town
B. Park ‘N Ride
1. Nick from CNHRPC will check with the state on their plans for the property
C. Send a prospecting letter to a grocery store

10. Next meeting January 18, 2012

11. Meeting closed at 6:35 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary