January 6, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:03 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






The Board of Selectman is meeting with Department Heads for the purpose of evaluating the Town’s Response to the recent ice storm emergency.

(LK) Thank you for all attending. The Board of Selectman called this meeting for the purposes of reviewing with Department Heads versus the Town’s response to the recent ice storm and issues created by the lack of electrical power.

During the ice storm, the operation emergency management unit called the Emergency Operation Center open. At this time, I would like to have our Director, Police Chief Robert Wharem explain the purpose of this center once it was activated and who is involved and what triggers this into play.

The Emergency Operating Center is opened by the Board of Selectman when catastrophic events occur such as floods, tornadoes, or in this case the ice storm. The purpose is to coordinate vital areas of communications

Chief Wharem explained that the EOC was only partially activated, as “we were not able to get other communities to assist us due to their own concerns and power outages.” That is what it is really about – to communicate available resources, if needed, to Town residents. We have a plan which was written in 2004 and which is also available on disc. (PS) now has a copy of it and we are in the process of making copies for all major departments. This plan deals primarily with those activities above and beyond regular duties. It helps organize matters and get the resource information out to the public. (LK) It also helps Town to receive monies back. He noted that the EOC could coordinate matters while the Department Heads are out assessing the situation.

He explained that the “biggest breakdown was the inability to contact George” due to the fact that he was out working with heavy equipment. Emergency lines are keyed to the radio and not all cell phones were working. He related the situation concerning number of lines into Police Station, which is two, (versus other towns which can have up to 100, such as Northwood Fire Station) and limits Pittsfield’s ability to communicate with many individuals. George was not able to keep the garage heated, open doors, or use welding machines for repairs when necessary.

We are looking at the infrastructures such as schools for shelter, and alternate means of communication. We need volunteers with specialties. Such as with housing at the school, we went to a standby mode where individuals could call and someone would arrive in 5-10 minutes to grant them access.

(EV) If you have volunteers, how are you gong to know if they are capable to do what they say they can do and what liability does that put on the Town? Chief Wharem noted that this is a gray issue at best. People do things that they are not requested to do just to assist Town and because they are there at the time. I do not know what the liability is in a state of emergency. (DM) Have you an updated resources list? Chief related that he did not currently. We do have updated lists that address HazMat Program, and Pandemic. We do not have lists indicating specific information about residents such as oxygen requirements, wheelchair status, etc.

Chief Johnson noted that Fire Department has a daily call list of these types of individuals though most reside downtown and most had power back in about five hours. The responsibilities are different in calling individual people.

(LK) Bob, are you planning on having more EOC meetings? After an emergency situation such as this, you probably should have a meeting. Chief Wharem agreed that this would not be a bad idea to plan since demographics always change with emergency services, shelter, and food/water. There are also other various plans such as “dam plans” dependent upon what is happening in Town and around us.

(EV) We need to educate the public. Is there some way that we can advise residents what to do in case of certain emergencies, maybe via the newspaper, Website, etc. Chief Wharem related, “We cannot go door-to-door.” We can relay information as to housing, transportation, and things such as this.

(EV) “Is the elementary school always the first choice for shelter?” Chief Wharem related that it is not, but rather dependent upon the situation.

(DM) Have you had POD training? Chief Wharem related that this is not yet finalized, though some meetings have been held. Medical is a problem and these things are being worked out.

(LK) questioned when the next EOC meeting would be held? Chief Wharem noted that it had not yet been scheduled. We have not yet set a date. He related also that he did not feel that the breakdown in communicating with George was that major. (LK) related that he had no problem getting hold of George. Chief related that one or two things may go wrong but this is not a major breakdown. No one got hurt or died. Our communications with Public Service was fantastic. (LK) questioned whether there were certain protocols that the Police Department should be monitoring? Chief explained that there was and explained the difference between digital and analog (which Town currently has) equipment.

His response to (EV) upon being questioned about Homeland Security grants was that this is no longer available due to the size of the Town of Pittsfield and lack of ports and/or airports. He suggested that he would check if digital equipment acquisition could be through the stimulus package.

Chief Johnson noted that he and Chief Wharem touched base on all areas. Training is required – command system training- then conduct related exercise, make revisions, review plan and then have a final exercise. We can come up with a plan to correct the infrastructure and make sure we are all on the same page and the costs involved. Most funding is directed to major cities.

John Freeman, Superintendent of School, noted that one issue is staffing. We do not have a lot of people to rely on. (EV) noted that the school was a great facility as everything was there – shelter, sleeping accommodations, water, kitchens, and anything else required. (DM) questioned whether there was some type of protocol within the school system for emergency management? Mr. Freeman noted that there were all sorts of protocols for all kinds of school emergencies including various drills and lockdowns. Chief Wharem noted that this is confidential information and not for public distribution.

(FH) noted if there were problems communicating with George, you could have Fire Department go out and check. Chief Wharem noted that Police and Fire did respond when George noted he needed some equipment, namely road cones. Communication with George does need to be worked on though. Public Service was quick to respond if wires were down.

Chief Wharem noted that another issue was the lack of communication with private contractors. “I was unaware that some of the landscaping contractors were assisting in Town.” Some towns have Department Heads coordinate matters and run operations from a central location. I have been talking to clergy, Clayton Wood regarding the Website, and other resources. “You have to understand also that volunteers still need to take care of their own personal properties, families, and needs.

(LS) noted, “From what I have heard about the buddy system, it is not something that we had in these situations.” Chief Johnson related that if he had assigned his people to do other things, if an event occurred, he would not have sufficient staff for Fire Department needs. (LS) Now that we have a pay scale, has that made a difference? I am saying the reasons we went to paid on-call was to encourage more volunteers. Is that not working? Chief Johnson basically related that it was not, though this is the same situation in all parts of the country. People who work out of town would not leave work to work for Town. However, after Friday, call volume was at a normal rate. (LS) “How many volunteers to you have?” Chief Johnson related about twenty. “I had seven volunteers on during this time.” Chief Wharem related, “The point is well taken. No one should be working alone.”

(EV) What is the difference between a volunteer for the Fire Department and a non-fire volunteer? A volunteer is a volunteer. Chief Johnson related “not necessarily. Looking at job descriptions, and people will look at it that way, there is a difference.” Also, training requirements are quite extensive for fire volunteers. (EV) We should have a list of different types of volunteers, fire and others. Chief Wharem noted that volunteers could note any specialties they could assist with that would benefit town. We would need someone who is trustworthy. (LS) How does all this play into our plan? Chief Wharem noted that we do not yet have the mechanisms in place for all this. We can develop a volunteer list. Chief Johnson noted that it should be a volunteer list for specific purposes. We can develop lists with other people that do not require specific training. (LS) “I lump it all under safety.” We are here to help, but cannot help each one individually.

Chief Wharem noted that this is a community response and not an individual response. We can assist with transportation, helping those with animals, finding water source, and diesel/gas acquisition.

George Bachelder noted that one thing that might help is preplanning for these events. Being prepared ahead of time helps a lot. I was prepared for the ice storm as well as the floods. We could meet prior to the event happening.

Ron Vien noted that this ice storm did not affect the WWTP. We have a back up for everything including generator back up. Chief Wharem noted that Ron has a little different situation where it is easier to manage a contained area such as the plant, rather than an entire town.

(EV) questioned the station on Joy Street, is this a continual threat with flooding to maybe consider putting up a wall? Ron noted that this was built for the 100-year flood and now we have had two back-to-back. Chief Wharem explained that DES is now considering various walls on dams to assist in flooding, though not in Pittsfield.

(LK) It sounds like what we need is a volunteer list, better communication, training, and preplanning for events. Chief Johnson noted that some of the training issues could be done through LGC. We all need to be on the same page applying resources and requiring commitments.

(PS) noted that he had one observation that might be helpful noting that the State Emergency Management Agency has a liaison for every community within the State. That person can come to Town and facilitate an update to the emergency-operating plan. Chief Wharem noted that he talks to her on a regular basis and quite a few times during the ice storm. (LS) I agree with Chief Johnson, that the State liaison might be helpful in implementing something that could assist us.

Board, Chief Wharem, Fred Hast, and Pat Heffernan discussed the generator needs for the Highway Garage as well as the Town Hall. (FH) “When was the last time the Police Department used the generator behind the Police Station?” Chief Wharem noted that it was utilized during the ice storm. We start it weekly to make sure it is operational.

(LK) Thank you all for everything putting everything back together.

(EV) “I want you to know that I am proud of all the departments. You guys did a great job. You all reacted very well though I know you were all stressed, but in spite of everything, you did a great job. Thank you.”
(FH) “Just like in any emergency, there were more chiefs than Indians, and that happened here. We do need a definite plan.”

(LS) I would like to involve the liaison. We all have to be on the same page.

(LK) Bob, do you think you will be meeting on this within thirty days or so? Chief Wharem noted they would be meeting within the next couple weeks provided we can find a time we are all available. (EV) recommended meeting even though one or two people cannot be available to keep it on the “front burner.”

(LK) This is a great start with the Department Heads coming up with solutions and making plans. Thank you.



(LK) Any questions that Department Heads may have for Board? (None.) Thank you all for coming.

(EV) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 P.M.

Approved: January 13, 2009

______________________________ ________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes