January 8, 2008 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
1/08/2008 (draft)
The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:33
p.m. on January 8, 2008 in the children’s room of the library.
In attendance: Director Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble, Bill Provencal, and Sylvia Wallace
Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of December 11 were accepted as written.
Public Hearing: In accordance with RSA 202-A:4-ciii to put before the public the
action to be taken on all unanticipated money from the state, federal or other
governmental unit or any private source that has become available during the 2007
calendar year.
The motion was made, seconded and approved to accept all unanticipated money from
the state, federal and other governmental units, and private sources that have become
available during the 2007 calendar year.
Old Business:
Leslie handed out copies of letters from Leon Kenison to the Board of Selectmen
regarding the Library Trustee’s request to apply the balance of $6,000 from the roof
repair to other needed improvements, along with his quotes from firms. The only price he
received for the two window replacements was from Granite State Glass, at $2,000 per
window. This was denied by the Board of Selectmen. The lowest quote for the work on
the electrical was from The New Line Electric Inc. firm of Northwood, which was
$1,789.93. This was approved by the Board of Selectmen.
Motions were made, seconded and approved to accept the director’s report and financial
New Business:
The Board reviewed the draft of the annual library report. Leslie will add a few items and
present it for final approval at our February meeting.
Leslie asked about guidelines for closing the library during inclement weather. Because
of the many snowstorms this year she has chosen to close the library at times when she
anticipated there would be little or no business and it would be a waste of money to keep
it open. The Board agreed, and indicated that she continue to use her own judgment.
There was some discussion about replacing the front door of the Library, possibly with a
qrant. Sylvia will try to get information from a Pelham firm that builds doors.
The next meeting will be on February 12, 2008 at 6:30 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sylvia Wallace, secretary