July 1, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.






Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.

Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,

Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Maurice Wells noted that last week we discussed the grant on the septic system. It is in the Town Report, which says they appropriated $1M for that. How far have they gotten with that? It has been a year and three months. (LK) noted that this information is not readily available, but if you would come in and meet with Leon, he could give you that information. Mr. Wells indicated that he would like this on the record. (LKe) explained that it was a pilot project and Ron Vien along with several other individuals will decide if we want to continue. Mr. Wells questioned whether we would be doing away with that? (LKe) noted that it was still an option. Mr. Wells inquired how much had already been spent of the $800,000? (LKe) indicated that he did not have the exact figures with him. Mr. Wells noted that there were two grants involved and about $3 M. “It sounds like we are up a creek without a paddle.” (LKe) “I do not think so.” We can account for every bit of it. It is reimbursable from the State as a grant and the revolving loan from DES.

Mr. Wells questioned whether it was an agricultural grant and are we going to do something with bidding on the contract? It is a little unfair not to.” (LKe) noted that he did have that information, but not with him. Mr. Wells indicated again that he wanted this on the record. (LK) noted that Board would have the information next week and we could have it on the record then. Mr. Wells indicated that he would meet with (LKe) in the next few days to discuss.

Fred Hast also indicated that he had some questions that he wanted answered.

Mr. Hast – Are Department Head meetings public? (LKe) Yes.

Mr. Hast – Are abatements public? (LKe) Yes.

Mr. Hast – When is WiFI going to be hooked up? (LKe) In about 4-6 weeks.

Mr. Hast – What about the funding? (LK) There are matching funds; we will receive up to $4,500 back. There has been money appropriated through the Economic Development for this purpose.

Mr. Hast – Sunshine Policy, what is it? (DM) It pertains to the Code of Ethics and is a Federal term that notes opening records to the public to see how things are being run.

Mr. Hast – How many hours is the Welfare Director scheduled for?

(LK) Anywhere from 24-28 hours. Mr. Hast noted and you added some hours to her schedule. How has that worked? (LK) If you see the monthly report you will see that it has worked quite well. Mr. Hast – “I have seen the report.” Have you seen all the vacant apartments in Town? (LK) Yes, I have.

Mr. Hast – The Suggestion Box letter regarding politeness, is that for the staff or public? (LK) noted that he has all the original letters and would try to find it for him.

Mr. Hast – We have a new assessing outfit. Are they reassessing some of the other properties? (LKe) In sending out the tax bills, some errors were discovered. Some of the old information was incorrect which included some noted finished basements, where there were none, dimensional lot notations and structures, and etc. Also, a number of value abatements have been requested.

Mr. Hast – What about properties being devalued? (LKe) noted it pertains to the tax year we are talking about.

Mr. Hast – Are all liens from the past years been brought up-to-date?

(LKe) noted, “No, on some we are trying to determine advantages/

disadvantages on assuming ownership particularly dilapidated mobile homes.”

Mr. Hast – What about the other properties? (LKe) noted that with others there were some contamination issues. After three years, Town has the right to put a claim on the property and acquire the title. On some; a determination has not yet been made.

Mr. Hast – Are there public notices? (LKe) Yes, they are filed with the Registry of Deeds

Mr. Hast – What is the discretionary easement? (LKe) The Statute grants individuals to apply to Board regarding a historic agricultural structure and the Board can grant a 25-75% of the value abatement. The one tonight is a barn valued in the low range and according to the tax card about $12,000. If the Board decided to grant a full 75% value abatement it would be about $281., which is not a lot of money. In turn, the owner would give Town an easement and would not convert it for the next ten years, and would be responsible for maintaining it.

Mr. Hast noted that he had several other matters he had questions on.

(LK) requested that Mr. Hast hold his further public input until the appointment, which was scheduled for 6:05 P.M. could be completed. Mr. Hast agreed.


6:05 P.M. – Wright Pierce, GIS Mapping

Ron Vien, “As you know, we are waiting for our permit for the treatment plant.” They are here tonight to discuss what other treatment plants have done to meet the requirements added by EPA and DES.

Mr. Steve Rodman, Wright Pierce, noted that there are some permit conditions as mandated by EPA and DES driving states to comply with these requirements. There are a lot of new requirements noted in the permits. Basically, the GIS Mapping System is a filing system. There is increasing interest in wastewater collection systems and with it an increasing need to develop budgets and gain approval, planning and the necessary tools to accomplish these requirements. GIS will make it easier to do so.

Justin Richardson, GISP, presented several different options as to how this could be accomplished including mapping of manhole, pipes and pumps and tie sheet integrations. He explained that the system could be used for multiple applications including pavement management and plow routes. Depending on the option chosen, cost could range from $9,700 to $19,000.

Ron Vien noted that mapping could be accomplished of the entire system. Previous tie sheets noting checkpoints are often no longer valid and under certain circumstances, Town could be negligible (LK) questions whether this would be a cost to the taxpayers, which Ron Vien noted that it would be. (LK) What about grants? Ron Vien noted that he had not looked into that yet as this is all in the preliminary stages and since permit had not yet been received. (LKe) noted that the existing grants would probably pay for this.

Appointment ended at 6:50 P.M.

PUBLIC INPUT (Continued)

Mr. Hast questioned the abatement approved in connection with Windwalker and Pittsfield Weaving. You discussed the abatement in non-public and then came back into public session and approved abatement. You stated the abatement was marked down from 12% to 5%. Correct? (LK) I cannot recall. Mr. Hast Did you take into account that some of the liens go back to 18%? My biggest question is, “Why are you abating Pittsfield Weaving and Windwalker?” Windwalker owes three times as much as Pittsfield Weaving. Pittsfield Weaving is working hard and I feel for them. Why did you do it? What is your answer? Did you ask if Pittsfield Weaving is paying rent to Windwalker? (LK) noted that he could not respond to that. Mr. Hast noted “I am paying for that. I do not like this” They pulled all of Pittsfield Weaving out of the other building. “If they are paying rent, why should we have to pay them?”

(LK) The Board made a careful decision; we did our homework on this and gave it careful consideration. Mr. Hast responded, “You did not do your homework.” You discussed this in non-public session but other abatements you did in public session. I would like an answer. Four of you made that decision. “John, why did you?” (JL) noted “With what was before me, I thought I was informed and I acted upon that information.” Mr. Hast – “You did not ask the question?”

(LS) “This Board has the right to make that determination.” I believe we made the best decision according to the information we had. If you do not agree, that is okay. It is duly noted. Mr. Hast noted it was not the Board’s best decision and I do not agree with it.

Mr. Hast noted that the Board goes into Non-Public Session quite frequently because of personnel. Yet. regarding one employee, you “slit his throat and castrated him in public. Why are you showing impartiality to people?”

(LK) “With the information provided, I would make the same call again tonight. Windwalker and Pittsfield Weaving are connected.” I am not going to get into it. Mr. Hast, “Why did you do that? I want an honest answer. Why did you push the public out.”

Mr. Hast related Board is so tight with so much money it is ridiculous. Yet, Windwalker owes you three times as much. Why didn’t you ask that question?

(LK) Fred, it is a dead issue. Mr. Hast noted, “It is not a dead issue. Why aren’t you going to answer me.? It is not what you know, but who you know and I don’t like that.”


(LKe) Parade Permit, Pittsfield Weaving Abatement Request, Dog Licenses Renewal List, Maternity-Family Leave Act; (LK) Suggestion Box Letters, Bikes at Auction; (DM) Employee of the Month Nomination Forms;

(LS) Police Department Schedule, Loitering Ordinance, Pennichuck Hearing and Non-Public 91A:3 II (a) and (c).



1. Conservation Easement Proposal – Nancy Christie

Ms. Christie noted that she is a member of the Conservation Committee and it is their job to look at land here regarding flora, fauna and open spaces. It was noted in a newspaper article by Art Morse recently that Berry Pond area is not protected. There is about 200 acres there and it would now be a good opportunity to approach Pennichuck and request an interest in a conservation easement on this property to be held by the Town. She noted that she had an “informal contact” with Steve Densberger and he seemed quite interested. We could try and get State monies to help us purchase this easement. Pennichuck wants to work with communities. I am asking Board to consider creating a “steering” committee to move forward with this consisting of perhaps, several Board of Selectmen, some members of the Conservation Committee and a private citizen, perhaps like Art Morse. The committee could discuss this and then one member would set-up a meeting with Pennichuck.

(LS) This would be a research committee? Ms. Christie noted, “Possibly and also a steering committee to decide about the land, trails, hunting and fishing, and public access. They could also look into grants and funding. We could help acquire donations for surveys, legal fees and money donations to try and move this project forward.” (EV) The actual grant would be done by the Board. (LS) You would do the “footwork” and BOS would make the determination. (LKe) The committee cannot act outside of the authority of the Board and not financially. (LS) What about money needed for survey? Could the Conservation Committee monies be used for this? It was agreed that this could be possible. (JL) noted that this issue had been raised 12-15 years ago as to whether the water district could sell off land. (LS) “Do we have current mapping of that land?” (LKe) The tax maps. (LS) I would like to see what we are talking about. (LKe) It would be a watershed of the pond. (EV) reminded Board that there are only about three other landowners abutting Berry Pond so there are a few players in this. Ms. Christie agreed that there were only three other landowners and it would mean approaching them and protecting this area. (LKe) noted that protection of the watershed should also include the top of land that drains the other way. (LK) What would the Board like to do? (LS) noted she would like to review the maps first. (DM) Yes, and see what the property layout is, that is a great idea. In closing, Ms. Christie reminded Board that grant proposals are due by September 1, 2008. (LK) and Board agreed that action would be taken next week. (EV) A final question, “Is the grant for a set amount or percentage of whole projection?” Ms. Christie noted that the projects are ranked by $100,000 – 25% State and 75% leverage.

2. Consideration of 2007 MS-5 Form

(LKe) noted that this form is for the Department of Revenue. Cara and I have reviewed it.

(LS) Motion to approve MS-5 Form as proposed. (JL) Second.

After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

A question regarding the date on the front of the form ensued, (LS) we are on calendar year rather than fiscal year.

3. Welfare Lien, Tax Map R35, Lot 48

(LS) Motion to approve Welfare Lien, Tax Map R25, Lot 48 for $128.88. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Approval of No Cost, Time Extension, WWTP Design Contract

(DM) Motion to approve No Cost, Time Extension, WWTP Design Contract. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EV) On the last page, it is noted that the engineer agrees this will be done by 8/28/08. Is this doable? What happens if they do not meet date?

(LKe) They would have to request another extension.

5. Sewer Abatement Request – 29 Manchester Street

(LK) noted “I have been up there and done an inspection but there is no reason to recuse myself.”

(LKe) This one is similar to the one we had before. A month ago a part of the heating system broke and water flowed out of the building for quite a period of time. The water meter showed usage, they have since cleaned it up and are now requesting an abatement. Ron Vien has seen it and concurs.

(LS) Motion to approve sewer abatement request for 29 Manchester Street as per Superintendent recommendation. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. 2008 Vacation Determination

(LS) This is correct regarding the anniversary month – use it as you earn it.

7. Overtime Pay Clarification

(LKe) As often occurs within a contract, unexpected exceptions occur.

(LS) The actual hours worked should be actual hours worked. I agree with Sgt. Cain. Time and a half for the holiday and overtime after that, I agree.

8. Warrant for Collection for Excavation Tax – Tax Map R15, Lot 30-1

(LKe) This is property we talked about in the past. They have been delinquent in getting forms filed. This is for a new rental business near cemetery. They owe $60.

(DM) Motion to approve Excavation Tax, Tax Map R15, Lot 30-1.

(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

9. Tax Abatement, Tax Map R53, Lot 1

(LS) noted that there was no explanations on these. (LKe) What more do you need? Each one has own explanation. (LS) I am not comfortable with that. (LKe) Each one is different. (EV) noted that the actual assessment packet is not here and I think that is what (LS) is asking for. (LKe) noted he would make them available to Board members for review. (LK) Board agreed to table tax abatements till next week.

Included in the continuance:

10. Tax Abatement Tax Map R45, Lot 2

11. Tax Abatement, Tax Map R4, Lot 9

12. Tax Abatement, Tax Map U6, Lot 2

13. Tax Abatement, Tax Map U3, Lot 88

These abatements will be continued until next week.

14. Proposed Transfer, WiFi Expense from ED Expendable Trust

(LKe) This reflects one-half the fee Town will owe.

(LS) Motion to transfer $900 from ED Expendable Trust to General Fund. (JL) Second. Carried 4-1 (LK).

15. CNHRPC Funding Request for NH 28 Corridor Study

(LKe) We were asked a few months ago by the CNHRPC to support their request for DOT corridor study – Alton Circle to Epsom Circle. This is a 20% matching fund from $5,600 share. Chichester, Epsom, Pittsfield and CNHRPC each would pay $1,400. I am thinking that if Board approves this that it will not happen till later in the fiscal year. We might be able to budget this for 2009. (EV) Will Alton help support with financing? (LKe) Yes, and Barnstead also. (LK) I am stuck on not having any increased taxes on the taxpayer. (LKe) Perhaps this could be through ED. (LS) “How would it benefit EDC efforts?” (LKe) It would show the business community the features and potential of this road. We would get to know what type of road and how good the service level of this road is. (LS) When would we have the final product in hand? (LKe) It would probably be funded some time in the State fiscal year, so it could be some time. (LS) So, it would be quite some time before we got this in our hands. (EV) I think it would be worthwhile doing. It would impact the things we do. I would be for it as long as the other communities do it. (LK) We could do it and try to find the money. (LS) I think it would be worth the effort. (LKe) About 80% would be funded by Federal funds. (EV) What is the start date? (LKe) to check.on start date. (LS) I am for not spending any more than we have to.

(LS) Motion to approve CNHRPC Funding Request for NH28 Corridor Study dependent upon other communities participating and timeframe for estimated starting date is noted. (JL) Second. Carried 4-1(DM).

16. Parks & Rec Part-Time Employee Background Checks

(LKe) These are first time pool employees Brendan Wood and Brianna King, and attached is a report by Police Chief that there are no conduct or integrity issues concerning them.

(DM) Motion to release checks for Brendon Wood and Brianna King.

(LS) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

(LS) “I am thankful for this information, but where is the information on these employees we have requested. This is really not what we asked for.” (EV) The BOS hires and fires individuals. (LS) On April 29th, we requested information on them and without that information, their payroll checks were processed. I have not seen any applications for them.

(LKe) noted that this was his fault. I have seen the applications. (EV) We want to see the applications. We have released the checks and now the two new employees should be at the next BOS meeting, as should all future employees. We would like to meet them.

(LK) Leon to draft letter to Minnie Plante to please request two new employees to appear at next BOS meeting. This would be for these employees along with their applications and other paperwork. It should be noted that this would pertain to any future employees as well.

(EV) As a reminder, it has been noted that for the previous years, no records were kept as to what was bought and sold at the pool. This would be something that they should have for the next budget season.

17. Unlicensed Dogs – Suggested Warrant

(LKe) noted that this is the suggested Warrant concerning unlicensed dogs to encourage people to register their animals. The Town Clerk is charged by Statute to produce a list of unlicensed dogs by June 20th. Twenty days after that to charge local official to go out and issue civil forfeiture served on owner. Law enforcement officer can seize the animal.

(JL) Motion to approve warrant for unlicensed dogs as written.

(LS) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

(DM) Has this ever been done before? (LKe) noted that one animal was seized after a Court appearance due to lack of rabies vaccination. If you do not do this and bites by unlicensed dogs occur, Town is responsible for resultant damages.

18. Parade Permit – Old Home Day

(LKe) The parade requires a permit from the State also so Town needs to indicate it is in favor of it.

(EV) Motion to approve Parade Permit for Old Home Day. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

19. Pittsfield Weaving Abatement Request

(EV) recused himself and was seated in the audience (8:00 P.M.)

(LKe) At the suggestion of the Town attorney, we had a “drop dead date.” We have been contacted that the bankruptcy judge is on a three-week vacation until August 8th. They have secured the loan from Laconia Savings Bank and have agreed to the terms and require approval of the bankruptcy judge. They are also selling properties; the proceeds are going to pay the taxes on properties and to savings bank. They have requested an extension to the end of July, which would grant them the ability to pay the taxes.

(LK) We have had the Town attorney look at this. (DM) We have already given them an extension with terms. (LS) The loan has been secured. Do we have a confirmation on that? (LKe) I do not know. I would think someone would have to appear here for that purpose. (JL) The reasons for needing an extension is very straightforward.

(LS) Motion to grant extension to Pittsfield Weaving to July 31, 2008 as requested. (JL) Second. Carried 3-1(DM). (EV) Recused.

(EV) returned and was seated on the Board 8:06 P.M.

20. Dating “Old Business”

(LK) We used to put the date next to Old Business items to determine how long they have been on the Agenda. I think it would be advisable to start doing this again starting with any new Old Business items we add from now on.

21. Employee of the Month Nominations

(DM) The entry forms for Employee of the Month nominations are due today. We can assess them and vote on them next week.


1. DPW Monthly Report – April and May, 2008

(LKe) noted that George has provided us with April and May report and June will be forthcoming shortly. (LS) noted that Upper City Road looks great.

(DM) questioned, “We paid our people to fix the road at the Salt Shed?” (LKe) Yes. Company gave us a $10,000 estimate and they felt it was adequate, we did not. (DM) We paid for the concrete and the repair? (LKe) Yes, noting that the spring run-off blew out one of the slopes.

2. Police Department Arrest Log June 15-23, 2008

(LKe) This is a longer one, more of the same and includes some out-of-towners.

3. Affidavit of Execution of Real Estate Tax Lien – 2007

(LKe) This is just to inform you what the Town Clerk has done regarding these properties. (EV) A couple of these, we should take a look at. We have to be careful about these. (LK) Once the Board sees and reviews report, a couple of us can go out and look at the properties. (LS) The total liens are valued at more than $965,000, which is a large amount of money.

4. Staff Meeting Notes – June 24, 2008

(EV) I see under Admin. Asst: that she has suggested a change in the CIP form to better explain need and justification. (DM) Maybe at the next staff meeting you could remind them of the Employee of the Month nominations. It is really pathetic that Department Heads do not feel their employees are worthy of recognition. (LK) Hopefully, once they see the process, they will do so. Several Department Heads have approached me and asked me about it and saying they do not know anything about it. (LKe) Each Department Head gets these same staff meeting notes so there is no excuse.

5. Suggestion Box

(LK) The first one concerns a letter suggesting making Dick Foss Citizen of the Year.

(LKe) The second letter questions “Why are clerks so rude. I do not know how car registration works…..” (LKe) One problem I see is that it is difficult to talk through the glass. Voices are raised and this can be taken offensively though this is not always the case. (EV) noted that he personally hates talking through the glass and that the office is not really secure anyway. Maybe something could be done with the glass. (LKe) noted he would look into doing something with the microphones incorporated in that area.

The third letter concerned, “I am not sure I like the idea of the Building Inspector being a part-time Police Officer….. These are two separate jobs, which should not be combined.” Letter noted individual would not like to have BI in his apartment under those circumstances, though he does like the BI…….”

(LK) A Town employee, no matter what hat he is wearing, has the right to call the proper authorities. (LKe) Each one of these people has the ability to get a Warrant from the Court. (LS) noted that she liked the Suggestion Box.

6. Bicycles at Auction

(LK) noted that he wanted an update on the bicycles. They were moved last year and I know there are old bikes still around and now is the time to get rid of them.

7. Maternity – Family Leave Act

(LKe) noted that he had provided Board members with a copy of this policy. People should use leave time before they are granted leave without pay. (LS) I would think it would be vacation time, sick time, and then requesting more time – unpaid. The Board needs to make this part clear to employees. That would be the right way to use it. It was noted that identical wording exists for all these. (LKe) noted that Town had ability to clarify that information in the contract and would check to see if repercussions could result with the identical wording.

8. Police Department Schedule

(LS) Do we have July’s schedule yet? (LKe) No, it will be forthcoming shortly.

9. Loitering Ordinance

(LS) Where are we with that? (LKe) noted he was working on this.

10. Pennichuck Update

(LS) noted that she was a little nervous concerning this. (LKe) related that a filing had been made today by Laura Specter to the PUC.


Out of Sequence:

7. Application for Discretionary Preservation Easement – Gingras

(LKe) noted that (JL), (DM), (EV) and he had visited the location last Wednesday. The property appears to be eligible. It is older than 75 years and Ms. Gingras is willing to sign easement. Board now needs to hold a hearing before they can act on this and the sooner the better. There are no particular requirements concerning this hearing. Board agreed public hearing would take place on July 15, 2008 at 6:10 P.M. to allow time for posting.

1. Application to Operate a Coin-Operated Amusement Device – Zoya’s Restaurant

(LKe) The inspections have been conducted. The reports are not yet available.

9. Combination of Entities Agreement – Health Insurance

(EV) I have checked with the Chairman of the Regional Town Association and August 1st is the deadline to be able to participate by January 1, 2009. I have E-mailed two other members who have talked about another quote from Primex. My feeling is to stay with LGC. I do not feel good about Primex. There would be some good savings and we would be committed for two years. I question why LGC didn’t come up with this idea themselves. (LS) The first year we would save a substantial amount of money. It seems like a good idea and whatever we can save will help. (DM) questioned whether we had to sign up immediately? What if the other communities do not participate? (LKe) The numbers given us is provided all communities sign up. (LK) No penalty for getting out of old one? (LKe) The increase in numbers spreads the risk out.

(DM) Motion to approve combination of entities agreement for health insurance. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. Tax Abatement Requests R10-3

(LKe) To answer some questions regarding tax abatements, when two people or more on named on a Deed, the first person addressed on the Deed becomes the individual named throughout the documents just by convention, though all are equally binding. There was a partial settlement for 2006 ($197,490 to $184,400) with an abatement of $655.62, which was processed. We now need to make an adjustment for what remains and the 2008 tax bill needs to be adjusted. The $2,000 reduction after appeal in 2008 was not able to be adjusted before the tax bills went out.

(LS) Motion to approve tax abatement for Tax Map R19, Lot 3 as outlined. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (LK) Abstain.

2. Town Investment Policy )

3. Capital Improvement Plan )

4. Space Needs Study ) Pending

5. WWTP Plan Status )

6. Sidewalk Improvement Plan )

8. Management Analysis for GASB34 )


1. Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R50, Lot 7-8

(DM) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R50, Lot 7-8 for $285.61. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

(LS) There is an employee that indicates three days sick leave using vacation for part of it. Do they have a doctor’s note? I have a question as to how this would work for Ambulance because of the 24-hour shifts. (LKe) noted that they are on 24-hour shifts, which are split up into different timeframes over a period of usually two days. (LS) Once Leon makes sure it is okay and fixes what he needs to fix, then he can approve it. (LKe) If the individual is asking for more sick time than is noted on the books, then it is disallowed. (LS) They would still need a doctor’s note. (LKe) noted he would discuss with George.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. After discussion, Motion amended to exclude Check #8950 in the amount of $546.50 and seconded. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: What is the check to Everett Sports Center for in the amount of $546.50 for what looks like women’s golf shirts? Is it for part of Police Department uniforms? Hold check until further explanation: Check #8950.


(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 24, 2008 as amended. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (LK) Abstain.

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of June 24, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0 (LK) Abstain.


Fred Hast noted that he had been sitting here listening to the presentation the Conservation Committee made. We currently have a Court case pending and I would suggest not entering into any agreement before the Court case is settled. (LS) “That is why I want all the information first.” Mr. Hast noted that he would not go along with their suggestion. “A few years ago Pennichuck split and sold property and made big bucks on it. I would hold back on this until everything is settled.”

Mr. Hast informed Board that along the Route 28 corridor there are five towns – Epsom, Chichester, Pittsfield, Barnstead, and Alton and that Pittsfield is the only town, which has limited access. The other towns can build.

Regarding the bicycles, Mr. Hast reminded Board that the bicycles were taken out of here and put some place else. Why not put an ad in the paper and give them away. Somebody can use them.

Mr. Hast reiterated, “For people not doing their homework, you Carte Blanc a lot of tax money. You are costing us quite a bit of money. If Pittsfield Weaving goes into bankruptcy, the Town will get its money. To reduce the penalty from 18% to 5% is quite a bit of money. I feel for these people. Board needs to stop and think what they are doing here.”

Close Public Input


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91 A:3 II (a) and (c).

(DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 9:06 P.M. Short break.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:24 P.M.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of July 1, 2008.

(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LKe) Last week we had three abatements, which we continued for explanation.

(JL) Motion to approve abatement for 26-28 Main Street, Tax Map U3,

Lot 6-0. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(JL) Motion to approve abatement for 11 Main Street, Tax Map U3, Lot 50. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(JL) Motion to approve abatement for 7 Crescent Street, Tax Map U6, Lot 38. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to adjourn. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:37 P.M.

Approved: July 8, 2008

_________________________ ______________________

Larry Konopka, Chairman Date