July 10, 2007 Minutes

Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
6:15: Trustees met to do an evaluation of the Library Director.
The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order
at 6:45 P.M. on July 10, 2007 in the children’s room of the library.
In attendance: Director Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble, Bill Provencal, and Sylvia
Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of June 12, 2007, were accepted with a
Old Business:
The Trustees gave Leslie the evaluation.
It was decided to postpone discussion of the library meeting policy until the
August meeting.
Roof bidding update: The roof and a downspout can be done below what was
budgeted for it.
Window replacement: Put on hold until next month. Bill should have some figures
for us by then.
Outdoor plantings: Put on hold until Bill talks to Dana again.
Building tour review:
Broken tiles: Leslie said we should seek professional advice on broken tiles in
entryway. The tile has been there since 1901. It was decided to have the building
inspector, Mike Sullivan, look and it and see what he suggests.
Green runner rug under computer chairs: Mary moved we go ahead and
purchase three computer chair mats to replace the runner carpet. All approved.
Boarded up window in back room: Leslie will look up the price of replacing the
last window. Bill said he’d also have his son, David, take a look at it.
Reports: Leslie presented the Board with the Nation Wide Annual Report which
she had completed. Mary took a copy to read over.
Leslie asked if she could enforce the shirts and shoes advice for the library, even
though it is not a written policy as yet. The Board agreed that they’d like to have
that advice observed. We’ll deal with making this a policy at a later da te.
Mary motioned to accept the financial report for June 1 -30. All approved.
Bill said he added $2000 to our existing eleven month CD that just rolled over.
Mary stated that there was nothing new to add about the Friends of the Library.
New Business:
Leslie handed out copies of Email quotation from Harry-O Electric Corp. for
estimates on various options on the electrical work involved with installing air
conditioning. They said we should go up to 200 amps to run the air conditioner
safely. Leslie discussed installing ceiling fans as well. Bill suggested that Leslie
ask Mike Sullivan about the fire alarm duct detector when he comes to look at the
Next meeting we’ll need to discuss window replacement, and air conditioning and
electrical for 2008 budget.
Adjustment of library hours: Leslie suggested we adjust the library hours in
September to 27 hours instead of 29 hours. Also, that we begin proposed
increased salaries for staff in September. She would like to be able to tell the
new person what her hours will be, and not have to change the hours in January.
She handed out a salary estimate sheet showing the adjusted wage increases
with reduced hours to 27. We cannot increase staff salaries without decreasing
the library hours. Leslie proposed reducing the hours on Fridays, as this is when
fewer people use the library.
There was a lengthy discussion on this issue. It may mean we’ll need to ask for
as much as 10% increase in our budget in 2008 in order to regain our library
hours back. However, Leslie said it has been very difficult to get and keep library
staff at the salaries we are paying them. Mary finally proposed that we hire the
new person at the salary indicated on the sheet, and increase salaries for others
as indicated, and reduce the library hours to 27. The vote was two to one, with
Bill negating the proposal.
.Miscellaneous: Mary handed out the Investment Policy Requirements which
she asked that we read over and be ready to vote on in August .
The next meeting will be on August 20 , 2007 at 6:30 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Sylvia Wallace, secretary