July 12, 2004 Minutes

Minutes of July 12, 2004 Meeting

Pittsfield Parks & Recreation Commission


Michelle Bahr x

Mike Blais x

Lynne Fahy x

Bill Provencal x

Ella Stickney x

Lyn Ward x

Ray Webber

(Kathleen Boudreau attended as a potential new member)

June minutes were accepted as written.

Dustins Park
Request for Quotation going out tomorrow via the town.

Town Swimming Area
One employee hired as a lifeguard did not pass the lifeguard course, so employment was terminated.

One employee has chosen to not complete the swimming instruction certification course. They will reimburse us for the cost of the course and the books. The committee accepted the motion that in the future any training expenditure is paid by the employee and we will then reimburse once the course is successfully completed.

The committee agreed to spend up to $150 for a parade float for the Old Home Day Parade.

The committee agreed to spend up to $500 for a new diving board to replace the current one.

“Pool Day” will be August 21st noon-4pm, all members should attend.

The committee agreed to run a lifeguard course at the swim area, providing there is a minimum of 3 attendees at a fee of $75ea to cover instruction costs. The course would run August 14th – 20th.

Rotary has kindly donated $200 for the lifeguards to have lifeguard sweatshirts since the weather has been so chilly.

The committee agreed to spend up to $200 for a portable easy-up canopy.

The committee agreed to spend up to $90 for hats for the committee so we can be easily identified at the event.