July 13, 2005 Minutes

Place: Josiah Carpenter Library

Time: 6:35 pm

Date: July 13, 2005

Attendance: Bob Lemer, Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble

Acceptance of Minutes for June 7, 2005: Bob moved, Mary seconded.

The Trustees of the Library were notified by the estate of Arnold Wells that the Library was bequeathed a picture of the Opera House building and some old coins. The Trustees were very pleased to hear of Arnold’s wishes and will accept them when they arrive.

The Library received a thank you note from the Baptist Church for the old library shelving they took. Three sets went to Chris Ward, two to the Historical Society and one to the Baptist Church.

A note was received from Cara Marston, Treasurer of the Town of Pittsfield Trust Funds. She stated that our June 8th letter to her regarding our wishes on CD’s was received after their meeting in which they decided to invest the funds in a CD with TD Banknorth at a higher rate. They went ahead with their plans and received a rate of 3.51%. She also stated that interest payments would be sent quarterly, starting in September. A letter of thanks and acceptance will be sent to Ms. Marston by the secretary.

The Director gave an update on the work being done in the Library:

-awaiting a third estimate on the window repair

-carpet should be installed July 14 and 15

-shelving should be installed within 10 days

-the lighting work is about to commence when a front light fixture arrives

-minor office equipment: phone was purchased and printer is being considered

for purchase soon

-chimney was cleaned and the consensus of consultants is that the upper layer

mortar is getting dry but the chimney is in good shape for now – the Director said

she’d like to request that the Town include rebuilding the Library chimney when

the Town has other masonry projects it needs to do. This was acceptable to the


-work was done on the security alarm that had a zone fault and at the same time

the security system for the new area of the Library was completed with the

invoice going to the Town.

The Director requested that a new vacuum be purchased. This was moved by Mary and seconded by Bob, authorizing her to purchase one for up to $500. The old one is insufficient and with the new rug arriving, an efficient vacuum is important.

Bob Lemer would like to have a new Library sign (more visible and accurate with name, hours and special programs) included in the 2006 budget. The Director requested that the reading room (old children’s room) be set up with comfortable chairs. Mary who is also in the Friends group said that Paula, the Chairwoman of the Friends, indicated that she would like to work on that room for the Friends. The Director was amenable to working with them and also stated that due to the Friends’ input on the Childrens’ area, there are leftover funds that could be used for the room upstairs.

Treasurer’s Report:

June, 2005 was accepted as presented, moved by Bob, seconded by Mary.

Director’s Report was accepted as presented, moved by Mary, seconded by Bob.

The next meeting was set for August 10, 2005 with the Draft of the 2006 Budget on the Agenda.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm. Moved by Bob, seconded by Mary.