July 15, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.






Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.

Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,

Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Meggin Dail, Recording Secretary.

Members Absent





(DM) Employee of the Month – Info.

(LS) Policing Strategies Update – Action; Budget; 2 Local Government Center (LGC) – Info.: 2 Non-public.

(JL) Application for Inspection – Action

(EV) Town Refuse Disposal – Action; Secretarial Help for Town Hall Front Office – Action

(LK) None

(LKe) Under Action: Suncook Leathers/BTLA appraisal; Resignation of Merrill Vaughn from Budget Committee; Resignation of Nancy Bates from Joint Loss Safety Comm.; J&L Auto Repairs Dept. of Safety Insp. Station. Under Info: Fire Dept. Work Schedule; HSA response to LK letter 6/8/08.


Brandon Ward and Briana King part-time Park & Rec. employees – absent


Union Wage Step-Schedule Updates

(Lke) Cara tried to put in writing the research that has been given and needs to have it formalized in order to present it to the Unions. (LS) “What is it that she needs from us though?” (LKe) An approval that these people have been put in their proper steps and allocations. (LK) We need a motion to approve the Teamsters employees and the AFT as proposed in front of us since July 10th. (LS) “If they fall into this wage schedule, why do we have to do anything?” (LKe) “But they don’t, they’re in-between.” (LKe) noted that there are employees that are certified, some that are not, some that are part-time etc., stating that McLaughlin and Darrah have been addressed before. (LS) noted that if a summary of what was being approved were available it would be better. “Rather than going through oodles and oodles of paper.” And have it show where the employees belong in the steps. (DM) noted that there are no steps for non-certified, it hadn’t been discussed yet and now it’s needed to make these employees fit into the step program.

(LS) wanted something from the Dept. Head “It might be helpful rather than trudging through the spreadsheets.” (LKe) noted that “detail will kill but..” suggested looking through the spreadsheets to find where to plug in the employees and put it in perspective. (DM) noted that it would be beneficial to know at least what week each employee was at. Discussion took place as to what each employee’s date of hire might be and how to find that information (LS) “So, I guess we have to go through these people and go through these scales and find the first week and what they should be at, and plug it in.” (EV) gave an example of one employee and what exactly the BOS would be approving in the scale for that employee. (LKe) concurred. (LS) questioned how to draw conclusions from the paperwork and questioned the accuracy of the report. (Lke) explained and discussion followed regarding how to present a summary of what has already been talked about to give to the Union to sign off on it. (LS) “Now that I understand these, does anybody object to my looking at them and making sure?” (LK) “No, I’d rather be safe than sorry.” (DM) “I would just like to know what step their on.” (LS) “Exactly, and that’s what it should say, this is where they’re at, the meeting minutes on this date. That would be really, really helpful.” (LK) “There was a lot of work put into these, we want to make sure nothing was missed.” (LS) “Unless one of you can simplify it for me, I’ll go over it with Cara and figure it out.”

Tabled until next week.


Gingras Application for Discretionary Preservation Easement

(LKe) gave an introduction for the Discretionary Easement as allowed by RSA 79d and noted that it was a specific application for agricultural structures and commented that the qualifications for this have been circulated to the Selectmen noting that the building must be 75 years or older, performing as an agricultural structure and is not modified, does have visibility from a public way, and the Board may grant 25%-75% abatement of assessment for a minimum of 10 years. “The homeowners’ part of that bargain is to maintain the property in a similar condition over that period of time and also to agree to file with the Registry of Deeds the easement that is established.”

Jenny Gingras took the floor and displayed pictures of the Berry homestead to those members of the board who had not visited it three weeks ago on the walk through. She noted that the barn had been maintained as well as possible in its original 1800s condition, that it can be viewed from the road and that the Berry’s were original residents for whom the road was named. (LK) asked if the board had any questions. No response. He then opened questions to the public, no response, closed. Then asked BOS if it should “go back on the agenda for action or leave it for next week?” (LKe) “I might say we’ve dealt with this longer than we should.” (LK) noted that it would be on the action items for later in the meeting. Ms. Gingras asked when that might be. (LK) “Within the hour?” Asked Ms. Gingras if she wanted to wait. Ms. Gingras replied that she would come back. (EV) asked if there were any questions. (DM) wanted to know if Ms. Gingras was granted the abatement how would the town benefit? Would Ms. Gringras consider becoming a part of the Historic Trail and/or allow public access? Ms. Gringras hadn’t really thought about it. (DM) reiterated the criteria of the property demonstrates the necessity for the public. “It says there is scenic enjoyment of the structure by the general public.” Ms. Gingras noted that she had no problem with people driving by and has even had ancestors of the Berry’s stop and share stories with her. (LK) closed the public hearing without further questions. Ms. Gingras did note that this action on her property was not only important to her and Pittsfield but to others looking to do the same thing. BOS thanked Ms. Gringras and Ms. Gringras thanked the BOS for the time spent on it.


(LKe) explained the form is antiquated and a “quaint but not very efficient” way of communities to count people and livestock in the town by going door-to-door. “It might be a role some of you would like to play.” (LS) “Not really.”

(LK) accepted a motion from (LS) to “follow the recommendation that we not use the PA-28 form for 2009.” (EV) Seconded. Motion carried 5-0.


(LKe) explained Mr. Heath would like to rent the room to prepare kids for SATs. He used to do it professionally and now does it privately. (LK) commented why not use Community Center? (JL) or the school? (LS) noted that it was a great thing to do but that the conference room is very busy. (EV) suggested sending a letter to Mr. Heath explaining the difficulties and outlining other prospects but coming back to BOS if all options had been exhausted.


(LKe) summarized the rates for per diem indicating info sheets given to the BOS for the part-time and per-diem FD employees and their schedules. In order to continue to have PT and PD employees cover our town that the pay range needs to be updated. (EV) How does it affect the FD budget? Fire Chief Johnson noted that the effect on the budget would be minimal and brings the PT and PD rates up to the base rates. (LS) inquired if this would side step the Step Plan already in place. Chief Johnson responded yes, to keep things competitive with other towns. (LS) “When these rates scales were put together; longevity was taken into consideration; experience was taken into consideration but you want us to negate what was done and just put everybody up to these base rates now? That’s what you’re saying? Am I understanding that correctly?” Chief Johnson responded yes. (LKe) “You were negotiating for people other than these.” Chief Johnson interjected that these are people not covered by the contract. (LS) “This would have to be approved by the Union because you’ve got some of these full-timers who are under these scales- under these amounts that you want for these part-timers.” Chief Johnson responds, “That’s not true. Unless I’m misunderstanding.” Discussion about employees and the steps and rates of wages ensued. (LKe) “The full time people take steps- pay steps, the part timers don’t. This adjusts the base.” (LK) asked if (LS) felt comfortable to move forward on it. After discussion it was agreed to do more research and talk about it next week. Chief Johnson offered to meet with BOS for any questions they may have, as he is concerned about losing people to other towns, “but I don’t think a week will make a difference.”


(LKe) explained that Anne Taylor would like approval of a medical leave of absence until mid-September and that her position as Animal Control Officer be held for her. He also noted that she is a part-time office person at the Town Hall.

(JL) moved that a LOA be granted as requested. (EV) seconded.

Discussion included (LS) noting that on the Town Hall side of her duties that there would be a need for additional help in her absence and inquired if the LOA and keeping the job open pertained to both positions. (LKe) suggested changing the request to split the two positions as she applied for the leave under office assistant, or to say no. (LS) noted she was nervous about covering the work at the Town Hall but did not want to say no to the whole application and suggested keeping the ACO position open but “do what we need to do” to fill the void at the Town Hall. (LKe) recommended that the application be changed to “Animal Control Officer.”

(JL) withdrew his original motion (EV) withdrew his second.

(LS) moved to accept the leave of absence for the ACO from 7/8-9/8/08 (DM) Seconded. Motion carried 5-0


(LKe) explained that by request of the management and the Unions’ concurrence to study the Fire Dept. and the issue of cross training to better use the employees the town has. So there are enough skills, licenses and certifications to fill the schedule voids. The contract states to commence a study to be completed prior to October 15th. Asked if the Board wished to pursue it. (LK) asked for recommendations. (LS) stated that it needs to be done and it’s already been talked about. (LKe) noted that Chief Johnson feels it’s very important in pertaining to keeping employees. Discussion ensued regarding this committee and what needs to happen and who should be members on it. Chief Johnson noted the “hoops that we have to jump through” to get the department to where he’d like to see it to best benefit Pittsfield. It was noted that the requirements for the committee are: three townspeople, Fire Chief, and representatives from the union. Chief Johnson requested a member of the BOS to see that the plans go forward and make it happen. (LS) “I think we should form the committee.” (LK) Let’s look for volunteers. (LS) put it to (LKe) to communicate with unions for representatives. (LK) “Education is everything. Great job Gary.”

At this time (LK) recognized a member of the public who had come in and asked if he was sitting in or needed the floor.


Donald Lilljedahl (DL) of Clough Road asked to be able to join Public Input at the end of the meeting. (LK) after consulting with the board decided to take the Public Input right away rather than have Mr. Lilljedahl wait. (DL) was very appreciative of the lenience of the board. (DL)’s complaint was that of an old issue regarding branches on Tilton and Clough Roads and that he felt he had taken the proper channels to have these stray limbs that hit his truck/camper taken care of to no avail. (LK) did not remember the issue stating that hundreds of issues come across the BOS desks in a year. (LKe) recalled the problem and did say that it had been looked at and remedied with the aid of the Highway Department he thought. (DL) didn’t agree. (LKe) suggested that perhaps the weight of the summer leaves changed the 13’6” clearance originally striven for and needed to be done again. (DL) was satisfied with that and stated there were three other new things he wished to talk about. (LK) suggested he visit with (LKe) during his later open hours on Mondays to talk about his issues so that they might be addressed. (DL) didn’t realize that was an option and gratefully accepted the invitation to meet with (LKe) next Monday.

Brandon Ward and Briana King part-time Park & Rec. employees – NOW PRESENT

(LK) recognized Minnie Plante, Briana King and Brendon Ward at this time. The BOS welcomed the new Park & Rec. employees and (LS) stated that this was an initiative to put faces with the new town employees. Ms. Plante noted that she would work on getting the applications in earlier next year so that it wouldn’t take as much time for the BOS to meet the Park & Rec. employees. The BOS thanked the employees.

At this point (LK) went back to the Agenda


(LKe) noted that there were two different proposals for bi-weekly payrolls. Need appointments from management and union. (LS) felt the need of it to make things efficient. (EV) commented that it may save money in the long run. (LKe) noted the committee required two members of the local and three representatives from the town and with AFT it was three and three. He suggested the possibility of combining the committees (LS) volunteered to be on the committee. (DM) volunteered to be an alternate.

At this time (LKe) asked if there was a volunteer from the board for the Fire Dept. Committee. (LS) thought it would be good to be ready with a member, “Not me.” (EV) volunteered (LK) volunteered to be an alternate.


(LKe) noted that re: Suncook Leathers, the BTLA had not been satisfied with the information submitted by either the Town or the business, sent their own appraiser out and based their judgment on comparable properties. At this point it was suggested that the BOS decide to 1) do nothing or 2) say to BTLA that we have no comment. And they will take that finding and probably accept the most recent appraisal.

(LS) moved that the BOS have no additional comment, we accept the recommendation.

(LKe) amended the motion to say, “We have seen the appraisal and have nothing further to offer.”

(LS) accepted the amendment (DM) seconded. Motion carried 5-0

(LK) returned


(LK) asked the board’s wishes. (LKe) input the amount of tax dollars the actual easement would incur both 25% and 75% and over 10 years which was nominal. (LS) asked the members of the BOS who viewed the property if they felt it matched the criteria. (EV) commented that it locked the property down for ten years to not be developed and supported it for the preservation of the town. (JL) interjected that the abatement should be granted then decided upon how much. (DM) didn’t feel the easement should be the full amount because the property was not highly visible (EV) noted that the benefit to the public is hard to value Ms. Gingras noted that Berry Pond Road used to be the main drag, even having the Post Office on it at one time. (JL) felt everyone was in agreement of meeting the criteria. (LS) leaned toward not granting the full abatement as it “sets a precedent” (LK) suggested 50%.

(JL) moved to grant a 50% abatement (DM) seconded

(EV) “I don’t think that’s enough, I’d rather see the full amount.”

Motion carried 4-1 with (EV) opposing the amount of the easement, preferring 75%, not the easement itself.

(LK) noted the motion carried at 50% because of the structure’s location


(EV) moved to accept (JL) seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Agreed to send letter thanking him for his services.


(EV) moved to accept (DL) seconded. Carried 5-0.

Agreed to send letter thanking her for her services.


(LKe) Owner on Broadway has improved the building and is looking to sell. They have relocated and now need to have approval to continue on at their new location.

(JL) Motioned to pass the application for license (DM) seconded. Motion carried 4-1; (LS) abstained not feeling comfortable voting on it.


(EV) for the Park Street Baptist Church; the request states that it shall be town refuse and not from private property; also the request came after the disposal. (LS) “You recommend not to approve?” (EV) “No, I don’t think we should.” (LK) had mixed feelings (LS) pointed out they didn’t go through the correct channels.

(JL) moved to deny request (LS) seconded. Motion to deny carried 4-1, opposed by (LK).

During discussion it was suggested they appeal to BCEP to have the disposal billed at cost.


(EV) Paperwork is piling up in the clerical areas; typing etc. (LK) thought the help should be looked for within the part-time town employees. (LKe) “We’re so close to going critical on some days… They need some help… competent, mature, professional help.” (DM) “What’s your recommendation? To look at part-timers or hire someone full time?” (LKe) I don’t think that we have the budget for Full Time. (LS) Let’s interject LGC here; let’s get everyone’s job descriptions first; before adding people; let’s know what they do first. Requested (LKe) head up committee. (LKe) felt there wasn’t enough time for a committee (LS) “This is very important.” (LKe) It’s hard to prioritize all the important things that need attention; there are so many. (EV) Maybe use a temp. service? (LK) “I’d rather see it go to a Dept. Head meeting to see who we can get temporarily,” with the hope that someone will “step up and help us for a couple of months.” And hopefully not increase the budget. (EV) Maybe we need to move job description to #1 on the list of what we want to accomplish. (LS) “I know they’re overwhelmed.” (EV) “In all fairness I think Leon could use some typing to free him up so he can do more study.” (LS) But to do it before we know what we need…(LKe) there’s a need to move quickly at least on a part time basis because “we’ve got a void.” “We’ve got budgets we’ve been trying to get ready; personnel evaluations; are those any less important? And so we really don’t have time to look into a part-time basis person and look at their job description.” (EV) What are we losing on hours in the part time help? (LK) Monday, Thursday (LS) about 12 hours (LK) they need help at the front desk (LKe) “There’s a lot of walk-in business.” (DM) We need someone trained. (LK) I think we ought to let Leon try and get somebody willing to fill the gap.” (EV) “Can we authorize that tonight?” (LS) agreed that it would be good to find someone “in house” to pick up an extra 12-20 hours a week as needed on a temporary basis.

(LK) asked for a motion for 12-20 hours part-time help be authorized within house for secretarial work at the Town Hall temporarily. (EV) made the motion. (LS) seconded. Discussion ensued regarding authorizing (LKe) to fill the position. Motion carried 5-0

(LS) indicated the need for Job Descriptions once more. It was noted that it would be put on next week’s Agenda.


(LS) requests soliciting bids for professional services such as legal and auditing services or accounting.

After minimal discussion (LS) moved that Leon put out an RFP for professional service bids (DM) seconded. Motion carried 5-0

(LK) “Is that something we can do through the Local Government Center?” To put classifieds on the Internet? (LKe) Certainly to do the screening and narrow it down.

(LS) “You said the job descriptions are going to be on; what agenda? Next week?” (LK) For the timetable.


(LKe) Training, call summary, inquiry re: outside responses to calls and billing.

Minimal discussion regarding Mutual Aid and how fortunate Pittsfield is in that respect.


(LKe) In spite of increasingly dismal economy, the Welfare Dept. is producing better results under the competent management. (DM) When were the welfare guidelines updated? (LS) About a year ago.


No comments, questions.

PD ARREST LOG 6-29 TO 7-5-08

(LKe) There’s a trend in overnight guests from Pittsfield residents ending themselves in court and if you were to eliminate arrests related to drugs and alcohol there’s nothing to speak of.


(LKe) Gary has given you the anticipated balloon rally schedule. (LS) “We’re right around the $3000 mark that we talked about, so that’s much better, that’s good.” (LK) thanked the FFs who are volunteering their time. (DM) wanted to refresh her memory about the portion the town provides and the portion the Rotary club provides. (LS) Basically we didn’t mind helping with coverage but we didn’t want to be covering everything under a detail rate “because it should be a regular rate and it shouldn’t be to watch the field all night and stuff like that.” (LK) “Whatever the Police Chief, the Town Administrator and The Rotary worked out to be reasonable.” (LS) thanked Gary for the report.


(LKe) Updates include being able to post public hearings on Websites, engaging Board members by telephone providing there is a physical quorum for the meeting and other things coming down the pike. BOS thanked Leon


(LKe) Chief Johnson submitted a work schedule and is willing to help with understanding it. Most apparent is the long hours EMTs work and, like the police schedule, is subject to change. (LK) thanked Gary. (LS) wanted to understand that the employees change but the shifts stay the same. Chief Johnson responded, essentially. (LK) commented that like the PD schedule, the FD schedule is an education in how things are run, commenting on how the PD has been turning in their schedule for the last few months and how helpful it’s been and thanked Chief Johnson.


(LK) wished there could have been a meeting with H.S.A.; that his major concern is with how long it takes the Building Inspector to assist with the jobs. (LS) commented that it was still a concern. (LK) asked if this was a non-public issue. (LKe) said it was his call (LK) said they’d discuss it later. BOS agreed.


(DM) will submit a letter to Officer Webber; put it in the Suncook Valley Sun and on the Town Website along with the criteria and asked if these press releases needed to be approved by the BOS or could she just give them copies? BOS felt copies were okay. (EV) wanted to know where the EOTM plaque should be hung, some discussion followed but not conclusive. (DM) wanted to invite Officer Webber to the next meeting as he was on vacation this week.


(LS) wanted to know from Police Chief Wharem if the BOS could have another update because the last one was from May. Police Chief Wharem responded affirmatively commenting that the only major change was in investigations.



(LS) didn’t expect to revisit this again. (EV) understood they were to revisit it (LK) to (LS) “If you don’t want it there…” (LS) “No, it’s whatever the Board’s wants.” (LK) need to do some homework on it. After minimal discussion BOS felt they were not ready to discuss it again and moved on.


(LKe) Most of these were initiated by complaints after the assessor discovered a problem in the assessment computer program, and recommended the abatements (LS) was concerned there was nothing in writing besides the assessor’s handwritten notes. (EV) suggested sending a letter to the assessors asking them to do a report for the BOS. Discussion about a certain property being incorrectly billed for outbuildings and if the outbuildings were then assessed to the correct property and the fact that the taxpayer could not be re-billed after 4/1 regardless of the mistake.

(EV) moved to approve R53, Lot 1 (DM) seconded Motion carried 4-1. (LS) opposing

(EV) moved to approve R45, Lot 2 (JL) seconded

Discussion re: making certain that some outbuildings charged to another property were then assessed to appropriate property in the future. Motion carried 3-2. (LK) and (LS) opposed.

(EV) moved to approve R4, Lot 9 (JL) seconded. Motion carried 4-1; (LS) opposed

(EV) moved to approve U6, Lot 2 (LK) seconded Motion carried 4-1; (LS) opposed

(EV) moved to approve U3, Lot 88 (DM) seconded Motion carried 4-1; (LS) opposed

(LS) wanted to go on record that she opposed the abatements because she didn’t feel comfortable given the lack of information.


(LS) asked for a second form of recommendation on this (LKe) was unable to locate the written form, as it may have been verbal. Police Chief Wharem recalled a second form as well but could not locate it. (LS) that Chief Wharem follow up on it so that “we can have a formal Yea or Nay in making our decision.” “I looked and there’s just one, there should be a second one for the second application, a recommendation of Yea or Nay.” Asked Chief Wharem to do one up for next week.

(LS) asked about LOITERING ORDINANCE at this time. Chief Wharem responded that he had not heard back from the Merrimack County Attorney’s Office.

(LK) asked how the SPACE NEEDS STUDY was coming. Nothing new.


(LS) moved to approve the accounts payable checks and manifests (EV) seconded Motion carried 5-0


(LS) moved to approve payroll (EV) seconded Motion carried 5-0.


Tabled until Dee returns for corrections.




(LS) Moved to go to Non-Public Session per 91 A:3 II (a) and (c) (JL) seconded Motion carried 5-0. Members of the board were polled individually and all agreed.

(LK) and the rest of the BOS thanked Meggin Dail for doing the minutes in Dee’s absence and relieved her of the minutes for the Non-public Session.

The Board will take a five-minute break at 8:30 PM before going into non-public at which point (DM) was requested to take notes on Non-Public Minutes.

Approved: JULY 22, 2008


Larry Konopka, Chairman

