July 16, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.






Call to order at 4:32 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.

Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,

Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Meggin Dail, Recording Secretary.

Members Absent





(LKe) Union wage updates


(LK) asked BI for updates since his last report of 11/1/07. Since BI has been enrolled in classes on Tuesday nights and unable to attend Selectmen’s Meetings, (LS) wanted a report on where BI was. Mike McLaughlin (MM) responded that he graduates August 1st from the Part Time Police Academy. June’s building permits have been as many as the entire year so far, there have been a lot of health issues found through the H.S.A. inspections and he has become involved with some DCYF cases involving foster homes. (JL) asked if Foster Home were state mandated. (MM) responded affirmatively that he and the FD make recommendations to the state.

(EV) commented that the BOS had no complaints except to have the BI more active in Planning and Zoning Boards. He thanked Mike for accepting more responsibility without complaint and told (MM) he was doing a good job. He would like to have more communication between the BI and the BOS like a procedure list. (EV) indicated the purpose of the meeting was to get a general look at what tasks the BI has and how to rearrange them to become most efficient. (MM) responded that there was really no room to add more responsibilities under his current 32-hour allotted week and that he’d spend more time on reports describing his tasks than doing the actual job. (LK) commented that when (MM) was out of school he’d have more time to interact with Planning and Zoning. Boards. (LS) commented that communication is important, especially if (MM) is having difficulty finishing what’s under his job description and where the BOS can help. (MM) commented that there was a lot of work in the Health Officers position alone.

Discussion ensued re: whether (MM) needed to have more time to review applications and if the BI needed to initial them all. No conclusion was reached.

(LS) asked if (MM) had any questions for the BOS (MM) indicated no. (EV) liked the report the BOS had been given from the BI (LS) asked how many foster homes there were. (MM) 16-17.

(DM) referred to a letter from (MM) and asked how things had been handled. (MM) responded that he felt it had been taken care of. (EV) felt the reports had been helpful and now wanted to know what the Board wished to see. (LK) commented that he wished to know about any issues with overload on the BI and open the door to communication.

At this time (LK) asked if the BOS had any Non-public issues. The rest of the BOS did not feel they did. (LK) felt there was one. (MM) preferred to stay in Public Session regardless of what was to be said. (EV) suggested telling him what it was about. (LK) responded it was about job duties and the BI number one priority is being a BI and his second duty is PT Police Officer and wanted to make sure the BI and BOS were “on the same page” because “you’re very good at what you do here and we don’t want to lose that.” (MM) replied that he was “doing the best job” he could do and if the Board disagreed they should say so. (EV) commented that “if it meant losing the Building Inspector that we have in you to let you be a part-time police officer, I wouldn’t be for that” and discussed the need to rearrange duties if necessary if 32 hours is not enough time to accomplish the work. (MM) questioned the expectation of the BOS on attending Planning and Zoning meetings. (LS) thought the BI should go to all. (DM) thought the BI could determine which he needed to go to on his own. (MM) asked if he should rearrange his hours to accommodate the meetings (LK) “I would.” (LS) felt it was important to go to many of the meetings, but not every one. (EV) did not feel the BI needed to attend every ZB meeting. (MM) inquired whose discretion it was for him to attend a meeting? (LS) and (DM) felt it was the Chair of the Boards’ job. (LK) added “and the Board of Selectmen” and commented that he felt every meeting of the Planning Board needed the BI’s attendance. (DM) thought reviewing the minutes would help the BI to see which meetings he needed to attend. (EV) asked the average length of the Planning Board meetings? (LK) normally 7pm-9pm. (JL) questioned if (MM) should get paid for the time he has to wait from the end of his day to the start of the meetings.

At this point (LK) questioned if (MM) wanted to remain Public (MM) replied affirmatively.

(LK) suggested (MM) come in at 1pm or 2pm and work to and through the meeting but that was between (MM) and (LKe) “because I don’t want anyone working 40 hours and getting paid for 32.” (LS) agreed with (LK) that the BI’s attendance at the meetings was crucial because his “expertise is worth a lot to us.” (EV) thought the BI could come in at the end of a meeting when decisions were being made. (LS) reiterated that it was up to the Planning and Zoning Boards’ opinions.

(MM) asked if he needs to go to every meeting? (EV) no, (LK) thought he should and (LS) commented it should be up to the separate boards.

(LK) asked if there was any further discussion? (LS) reiterated that (MM)’s priority list should be BI first and PD second; “I know we’re on the same page, I just want to make that clear.” (MM) “I’m here every week.” The BOS allowed (MM) and (LKe) to work out his hours. (LS) noted, “as long as the job is getting done.”

(LK) asked if there were further questions. None.

The BOS thanked (MM) for his time.

(LKe) For the record, Cara prepared additional info on Union wage updates for next week’s meeting.



(EV) moved to adjourn (LS) seconded. Motion carried 5-0

Meeting adjourned at 5:05 PM.

Approved: July 22, 2008

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Larry Konopka, Chairman Date