July 16, 2009 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Leslie Vogt
Kathy Corliss
Michael Wolfe
Ross Morse

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Rick Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS

Vice Chairperson Vogt called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m.


Mr. Gremlitz added a resignation.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended agenda.


A motion was made to accept the minutes of the June 18, 2009 meeting. Mr. Morse stated that his name should be removed from the list of members present. Also, on page 6, the year 2990 should be changed to 2009. The last sentence of the second paragraph on page 6 should read, “On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Primex provider for worker’s compensation insurance for the 2009-2010 school year.”


Ms. Chassie introduced Mr. Michael Joyce, the new hire for the position of grade eight special education teacher/case manager. Mr. Joyce provided a summary his background and training for the Board.


A. PES Staff Handbook

In the absence of Principal Kilmister, Dr. Freeman presented the PES Staff Handbook for the Board’s consideration. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to approve the PES Staff Handbook.

B. SINI Committee

Dr. Freeman commended Principal Kilmister for his effort in creating the SINI plan. Mr. Kilmister coordinated the collaboration of many people, under the direction of an educational consultant, to develop a plan that will be delivered to the Department of Education.


Dr. Freeman stated that Mr. Kilmister had accompanied a team of teachers from the district to the NH Education and Environment Team summer institute. Mr. Kilmister was acknowledged for being the only administrator at the training, demonstrating his commitment to the project.

D. Summer Professional Development

Dr. Freeman explained that Linda Kirszenbaum presented a week-long conference on literacy. He commented on the fact that faculty from across the district participated. Of significance was the attendance of teachers who would not traditionally be expected to attend, such as the PMHS art teacher, Mr. Bill Mitchell. Mr. Morse asked that Dr. Freeman thank all staff, particularly the unified arts teachers, for participating.


A. Resignation

Principal Gremlitz reported the resignation of Susan Ingerson, middle school science teacher. He commented on the contributions Ms. Ingerson has made during her two year tenure at PMHS. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Ingerson, with regret.

B. Faculty/Staff Handbook

Mr. Gremlitz presented his draft of the PMHS Faculty and Staff Handbook. He reviewed several changes that were made. Ms. Vogt asked about the expectation to use PowerSchool for taking attendance. Ms. Stevens and Mr. Gremlitz explained that staff will be trained in using PowerSchool and will be expected to use it for attendance and other functions. Mr. Gremlitz stated that PBIS information would be added to the Handbook.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board unanimously approved the PMHS Faculty/Staff Handbook.

C. DOE Site Visit

Mr. Gremlitz called attention to the letter from Mr. Edward Murdough, an administrator from the NH Department of Education, following the site visit made in April. Mr. Gremlitz summarized the content of the report by reading the following quote from the report:

“Given that Pittsfield is one of the five communities with a resident complainant in what is known as the Claremont Lawsuit, a visitor’s expectations might be set somewhat low. This school far exceeds those expectations. Despite lacking resources that are available in other communities, the staff in Pittsfield has produced challenging programs to meet the widely varying needs of individual students. Students are well behaved and engaged. The staff members with whom we communicated seemed to be proud of their work and genuinely interested in their students.”

D. Calculus

Mr. Gremlitz stated that Mr. Stickhart is planning to attend the AP Calculus training this summer in order to support two students enrolled in an AP on-line class. There is a possibility for future enrollment potential for an AP Calculus class, which Mr. Stickhart will be trained to teach.

E. Advisor Expectations

Mr. Gremlitz stated that Ms. Stevens, Rick Anthony, and Sheila Ward are devising a set of expectations for each of the class advisors. Mr. Gremlitz will be sharing the product of their work at a future meeting.


A. New Hires

On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to affirm the hiring of Michael Morse and Denise Gordon as special education teachers at the middle high school.

B. IDEA and Preschool Grant

Ms. Chassie provided a description of the items that have been included in the IDEA and Preschool grants. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to approve the application for the IDEA and Preschool grant. The IDEA grant is for $159,291, and the Preschool grant is for $4,917.

C. Special Education Teacher – Grade 2

Ms. Chassie reported that a final candidate for the position of grade two special education teacher / case manager will be meeting Dr. Freeman next week for final approval.

D. Relocation of Preschool

Answering a question posed by Mr. Morse, Ms. Chassie gave an explanation regarding the relocation of the district preschool program to Blueberry Express Day Care Center. The relocation is a one-year commitment on the part of the school district and Blueberry Express Day Care. Evaluation will occur throughout the first few months and beyond to determine the viability of a more permanent arrangement.

E. Stimulus Funds

Ms. Vogt asked if a public hearing will be warranted before expending the stimulus funds. Dr. Freeman indicated that his research indicated that a public hearing would not be necessary, but agreed to double check with the school’s attorney.


A. Proposed Policies, Adoption

Dr. Freeman explained that changes have been made to Policy DBJ, Transfer of Appropriations, to reflect the discussion at the last Board meeting. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to approve the following policies: Policy DA: Fiscal Management Plan, Policy DB: Annual Budget, Policy DBC: Budget Preparation, Policy DBI: Budget Implementation, and Policy DBJ: Transfer of Appropriation.

B. Proposed Policies, Reading

Dr. Freeman presented policies for the first reading. These policies include Policy IHBH: Extended Learning Opportunities, Policy IHBI: Alternative Learning Plans, Policy ILBAA: High School Competency Assessments, Policy IMBA: Distance Learning, Policy IMBC: Alternative Credit Options, Policy IHCD: Advanced Course Work / Advanced Placement Courses, and Policy IKAA: Interdisciplinary Credit. Mr. Gremlitz stated that these policies and new practices planned for implementation will be the beginning steps in developing further extended learning opportunities and alternative learning plans. Discussion ensued regarding the new law that prohibits students from dropping out before the age of eighteen. Ms. Stevens explained some of the options that are available in the district and in neighboring districts for students that might be at risk of dropping out. Discussion ensued regarding the specifics of the policies. A suggestion was made to include elements of “prior approval” in the approval of advanced course work.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to approve the first reading Policies IHBI, ILBAA, IMBA, IMBC, IHCD, and IKAA.

C. HVAC Maintenance Agreement

Dr. Freeman reviewed the bids from Siemens and Hanson Fox. He recommended awarding the three-year bid for HVAC maintenance from Siemens, for $16,911 in the first year, based on their familiarity with the system and the amount of the bid. On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board unanimously approved the three-year bid for HVAC maintenance from Siemens.

D. Drake Field Tennis Courts

Dr. Freeman reported on the repairs that have been made on the tennis courts at Drake Field. He stated that the surface is deteriorating and that a quote of $4,600 has been received from Tennis Courts of New Hampshire to resurface the courts. Discussion ensued regarding the benefits of engaging in this project.

On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the expenditure of up to $4,600 for the resurfacing of the tennis courts and giving Dr. Freeman the authority to hire a company after receiving additional bids using from the Drake Field Capital Reserve Fund. Dr. Freeman will consider the appropriate timing of the project so not to interfere with scheduled events. A suggestion was made to highlight the work being done to improve the tennis courts in the paper to help discourage vandalism.

E. ARRA Positions

Dr. Freeman explained that work continues to complete the ARRA grant applications. He noted that the positions of Dropout Prevention Coordinator, Extended Day Kindergarten Teacher, Literacy Interventionist, and Math Coach have been integrated into the overall project. He stated that work will continue to tighten up the role expectations.

Answering a question posed by Ms. Vogt, Mr. Gremlitz explained that interviews will be scheduled for the industrial arts and English teaching positions.

F. SAU Office Relocation

Dr. Freeman explained that the bids for the Industrial Arts building will be opened on July 20, 2009. He further explained that a visit was conducted of the Town Hall for the purpose of considering that site as a location for the SAU office. The architect provided information indicating that the cost of an exterior elevator would be in the range of $250,000 to $300,000. An interior elevator would be preferred, but the space may not be adequate. His conclusion was that the upper floor of the Town Hall would be a desirable space, but would be more than triple the cost of the Industrial Arts building renovation. According to the architect, the Industrial Arts building has the advantage of handicap accessibility, existing restroom facilities, and an air conditioning system.

G. NH Retirement System

Dr. Freeman reported that changes in legislation have resulted in an increase in employer contributions to the state retirement system. The change has an immediate impact as the increase is effective in August, explained Dr. Freeman.

Dr. Freeman distributed correspondence that he has received from John Andrews, Executive Director of the NH Local Government Center; Theodore Comstock, Executive Director of NH School Boards Association; and Betsy Miller, Executive Director of NH Association of Counties. The memo explains legal ramifications of the recent legislation adopted in NH regarding increases in retirement costs. They are requesting that the School Board consider attaching notification with the payment of the increase in state retirement contributions indicating they are paying under protest. They also request a contribution of $83.88 toward the cost of litigation against additional retirement costs.

Discussion ensued regarding potential ramification of participating in this effort. On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to contribute $83.88 toward the litigation opposing Article 28-a against the State of New Hampshire and, furthermore, to pay the increase with indication that such payment was being made “under protest.”

H. Technology Stipends and Support

Ms. Vogt questioned the need for a review of using Multi-Media, the company providing technology support services. The company has been used for the past ten years. According to Dr. Freeman, there is a need for a long-term relationship with any company due to the intricacies of the system. Dr. Freeman agreed to work on putting out a bid for this service, beginning in the 2010-2011 school year, in the upcoming budget process.

I. Wellness Committee

Ms. Corliss asked clarifying questions regarding the Wellness Committee. She suggested that we might be asking the kitchen staff to do too much with too few resources. Discussion ensued regarding the menu options and the issues around money collection. Mr. Gremlitz will consider options to relieve the bottleneck that seems to occur when students cash out. Ms. Vogt suggested allowing students to have a voice in menu suggestions.

J. Budget Process

Discussion ensued regarding the timeline for the preparation of the budget. A question exists regarding the need for two public hearings scheduled by the Town Budget Committee. A critical factor in the determination of the timeline is the process under which negotiations will be conducted.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 20, 2009, at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items will include a report on school district comparison information, discussion of budget parameters for FY’10 (including comparing like-services between the town and school), comparisons of staffing patterns, report on special education compliance, crisis intervention handbook, PES and PMHS Student Handbooks, and paraprofessional hiring information.

XI. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary