July 17, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town
Administrator, and Peggy Gingras Recording Secretary.
Mike Brewster would like the BOS to send another letter to NHHHS. He
received a letter dated June 27,2007, from NHHHS stating that they will
respond as soon as the review is completed.
Wilbur Maxfield 28 Loudon Rd. complained about 29 Bridge St, He said he
had spoken to the Health Inspector about the deplorable condition of the
property. The Inspector told him it was being worked on, but he says
nothing has been done. He would like the Town to do something before
someone becomes sick or injured. He says it is a disgrace to people coming
into Town. (LK) said many letters and violations have been sent to the
landlord and the Town will take further steps. He intends to see the property
(LK) Welfare; (LS) Public Employee Follow-up; (EV) WiFi Info Update
and Mike Brewster’s request.
6:15 P.M. – David Pollard. President of the Pittsfield Cemetery Association
Mr. Pollard gave a report about the repairs to Floral Park Cemetery after the
recent vandalism. He presented a press release on the repairs and a list and
estimate of the damages. The damages could be as high as $9,000.00 when
completed. He has received assistance from the Perry Brothers Monument
Company in Concord and many volunteers. He has also received monetary
donations. (LK) asked if the money will go to the Cemetery Association?
He answered that it would and Cara will put it into individual trusts for the
front of the cemetery. He noted that the area in back of the cemetery is a
conglomerate of trust funds. So far the restoration has not cost the
associations. (AM) suggested that when the press release comes out in the
Monitor that he attach his name to it, so that when questions arise, he can
answer them so only one story comes out. He also suggested that he thank
everyone as a group to avoid hurt feelings.
Chief Wharem will address this issue in Non Public.
7:00 P.M. – Bill Smith, Town Acceptance of Shingle Mill Brook Road
The BOS received two letters regarding Shingle Mill Brook Rd. showing
that the road is not owned by anyone living on it. The question is: Who
owns Shingle Brook Rd? Mr. Smith said it looks like it is owned by Gerald
Brown. (AM) What is the Boards desire? Do we want to get an attorney’s
opinion? (LS) We have a lot of information now. Chief Wharem stated that
he is meeting with Laura Specter to gather more information. He doesn’t
know how to get the bankruptcy papers. (LS) noted that Board does not
want to duplicate efforts or costs for this. The Chief will look into it and
discuss more next week.
1. Teen Institute – Two Tuitions – Drug Account
Take off the agenda.
2. Amendment to SRF loan for WW Septage Facility Upgrade
(PS) The BOS has already taken action to approve the amended amount for
the State Revolving Fund. All that is needed is to have the BOS and the
Treasurer sign the documentation and forward it back to DES. Act upon it
(EV) Motion to sign the SRF loan agreement amendment of the original loan
agreement for increase of $810,740. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0
3. Letter to State – State Garage on Barnstead Road
(EV) wants a letter sent to the State to clean up the property. (AM) the letter
should be asking what the intent is for that property as lead paint and asphalt
may be buried there. It seems the only thing it is used for is the gas pumps.
(PS) is to draft a letter to the State asking what their intentions are for the
4/5/6. Raffle Permits
(PS) presented applications for raffles, three Rotary and one for Skate Park.
(LS) Motion to approve raffle permits. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
7. Termination Timetable, Interim Town Administrator
Leon Kennison will be starting Monday as Town Administrator. The BOS
would like to have a transition period. It was decided that we limit Paul to a
two-week period, up to 24 hours during that two-week period and have Paul
come in on the 24th and the two of them can work out the details. We will
take our chances on whether Leon needs Paul more. All agreed.
8. Mike Brewster
(AM) noted that the last time Mike Brewster was in, Board advised him that
Town had written a letter and done all that we could do. He is unhappy with
that. We do not want to put ourselves in a position where we are disagreeing
with a State agency where someone is accusing them of illegal and
“underhanded activities.” (EV) stated that if Mr. Brewster has a problem, it
belongs at the AG’s office. Paul is to draft a letter.
1. Concord Regional Crime Line Signs
Twelve signs will cost the town $532.08. They measure 20”x16”. They will
be placed at White’s Brook Apartments, all entrances off Route 28 and
various spots all over town. The Chief says this is a great tool to help with
drug information and wanted people.
(LK) Motion to purchase twelve (12) Crime Line Signs at $532.08 and the
cost to be taken out of drug money. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Loitering Ordinance
(LS) presented some information from the Local Government Center for the
Board to go over. Problems exist in the front of businesses where it is
difficult to move people. The Town of Pittsfield does not have an ordinance.
Will review this next week.
3, In-Law Apartment Permit
This must go to the Zoning Board for approval. The owner must re-apply
every year and the apartment may not be rented after the in-law leaves.
(LK) suggested that we contact the Local Government Center for more
4. Welfare
(LK) The upstairs door is usually closed during Welfare hours. When the
door is open, the air is sucked downstairs leaving the upstairs warm. It was
suggested that the door be left open a crack to allow the people from
downstairs to have access to restrooms, etc.
5. Committee Appointment Form
Paul has read the info E-Mailed to him and is revising it.
(EV) Central Planning has sent info to the Board to look over so that when
the grant is returned, Board will have more info on grant. Feedback from
Twin Mountain and Littleton will assist in evaluating grant.
1. Intent to Cut – Watson
Susan Willoughby would like Mr. Watson to agree to a setback of 100’.
(AM) is not sure we have the ability to put restrictions on the Intent to Cut.
(PS) Does not know if we can mandate that. The question will be posed to
Mr. Watson to agree to the 100’ setback. It was noted that most people
cooperate. (AM) Does the BOS agree that we would not grant an Intent to
Cut without a buffer?
(LS) Motion to approve the Intent to Cut with the “strong request” that there
be a 100’ buffer zone between what Mr. Watson believes to be his boundary
line and the Town property. (JL) Second, Carried 3-2.
1. Park and Recreation Pavilion Damage
Mike is reviewing the situation and is in the process of getting a quote.
2. Sex Offender Ordinance
Being sent to Town attorney. Chief Wharem is making a map and we are
hoping to have it by July 31st.
3. Fuel Bids
Mike is working on this.
4. Town Hall Sign
To be discussed later.
5. Pittsfield Players Exemption, Tabled 4/17/07
Nothing new on this.
6. Zoning Board of Adjustment, Alternate Position
Ad to be put in paper.
7. Central NH Response Team ( SWAT TEAM)
Chief Wharem requested the check be released for the Central NH Response
Team in the amount of $2,500.00. (LS) said it would have been nice to hear
about the check before it was cut.
(EV) Motion to approve the check for $2,500. to the NH Response Team.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-1.
(EV) Motion to accept minutes of July 10th. (LS) Second Carried
Corrections: Pg 6, #9 should read: People hanging around in front of
businesses and where Art says above and beyond curfew, I say Yes. I think
Art was asking me if I was looking for something above curfew. (JL) Pg 6,
#2 should be Northfield not Northwood. (LK) Add Betsy is doing a great
job with the Guidelines and she has brought a lot of knowledge to the
(PS) One veterans tax credit was submitted after the Agenda was
(LS) Motion to approve and sign the veterans credit for $100.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
Don Chase noted he would like to know if the Food Pantry representatives
could walk around Town on Old Home Days to sell their raffle tickets?
Chief Wharem approved.
Mr. Chase also noted that he did not feel the Conservation Department
should interfere in a lumber operation.
APPROVED: July 24, 2007
_________________________________ __________________
Arthur Morse Chairman Date