July 17, 2008 Minutes





Pittsfield School Board

July 17, 2008

Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Scott Brown, Vice Chairman

Gary Colby

Michael Wolfe

Leslie Vogt

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent of Schools

Lois Stevens, Student Services Coordinator

Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS

Douglas Kilmister, Principal, PES

Members of the Community

Mr. Brown called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.


Dr. Freeman added four items to the non-public session. Mr. Kilmister added information on two custodial candidates; Mrs. Stevens added a nomination for an education assistant; and Mr. DeLois added a resignation to the agenda.


Candidates for teaching positions Katie Lasky, Katherine Loud, William Mitchell, as well as community members Edward and Denise Patterson, were in attendance.

Mr. DeLois introduced Katherine Loud, who will be filling the high school English teaching position vacated by the reassignment of Mr. Kilmister. He also introduced William Mitchell, who will be filling the middle high school art teaching position vacated by the retirement of Ms. Filson. Mr. Kilmister introduced Katie Lasky, who will be filling the fourth grade teaching position for one year vacated by the child care leave of Ms. Jean.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe, and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of June 19, 2008, as presented.


Edward and Denise Patterson voiced their concern regarding the need for some type of metals based program, the potential liquidation of equipment previously used for the metals class, and use of the I/A building as office of the superintendent and other S.A.U. staff.


2008-2009 Family Handbook

Mr. Kilmister submitted a draft of the PES family handbook and reported on the revisions. Ms. Vogt made a motion to approve the handbook and revisions as submitted, seconded by Mr. Wolfe, and unanimously approved.


Mr. Kilmister presented Katie Lasky, who has been hired by the superintendent for the one-year grade four teaching position vacancy, for affirmation by the board.

Mr. Kilmister nominated Diane Richardson and Donald Rogers, both candidates for custodial positions at PES, to fill positions vacated by the retirement of Randy Grainger and the dismissal of Paul Gregoire. Mr. Colby made a motion to accept the nominations of Ms. Richardson and Mr. Rogers as submitted, seconded by Mr. Wolfe; the Board unanimously approved.


A. Appointment of Athletic Director

The Board agreed by consensus to address this item following non-public session.

Proposed Changes for “Senior Privilege” Policy

Mr. DeLois reported the PMHS Educational Leadership Team concern that attendance was not a component to granting senior privilege. Those students that have missed excessive days should lose privilege until attendance improves.


Mr. DeLois nominated Wesley Sorrell for the custodial position left vacant by the resignation of Donald Bradley. Mr. Colby made a motion to accept the nomination of Mr. Sorrell as submitted, seconded by Mr. Wolfe; the Board unanimously approved.

Mr. DeLois presented Katherine Loud, who has been hired by the superintendent for the high school English teaching position vacancy; and William Mitchell, who has been hired by the superintendent for the middle high school art teaching position vacancy, for affirmation by the board.


Mr. DeLois presented a letter of resignation submitted by Maren Bicknell, high school science teacher. Mr. Wolfe made a motion to accept the resignation of Ms. Bicknell as submitted, seconded by Mr. Colby; the Board unanimously approved.

Survey “Managing Your Material World”

Mr. DeLois distributed an outline for a new class proposed by community member Edward Patterson. The Board advised Mr. Patterson that new courses are first reviewed by the Education Leadership Team and, if needed, would be brought back the School Board for approval. Discussion ensued; Mr. and Mrs. Patterson contributed to the discussion. The Board directed Dr. Freeman to refer the proposal to appropriate faculty members for consideration as a new course as is appropriate in the course approval process.


Occupational Therapist Candidate

Mrs. Stevens presented Caitlin Sweeney, who has been hired by the superintendent for the occupational therapist position vacancy, for affirmation by the board. Ms. Stevens reported that Ms. Sweeney is finishing her occupational therapy internship and expects to take the NBCOT test (National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy) required for certification in September, 2008. Ms. Sweeney will be supervised by former Occupational Therapist Pam Plante, for the 2008-2009 school year. Ms Sweeney has been hired as Special Coordinator II, until she passes the NBCOT test and obtains State certification, and at that time Ms. Sweeney will be hired as a certified Occupational Therapist. In accordance with the terms of the contract that has been issued, if Ms. Sweeney fails to pass the qualifying test, her contract will be null and void.


Ms. Stevens submitted the nominations of Lynn Lamy for PES ESOL teacher, Justin Miner for PES Grade 4 Educational Assistant, and Ellen Barbasso for PES Grade 2 Educational Assistant. Mr. Colby made a motion to accept the nominations as submitted for PES, seconded by Ms. Vogt; the Board unanimously approved.

Ms. Stevens submitted the nomination of Brenda Fraser as PMHS Educational Assistant II in the middle school. Mr. Wolfe made a motion to accept the nomination of Ms. Fraser as submitted, seconded by Mr. Colby; the Board unanimously approved.

Ms. Stevens reported that four high school, one middle school, and two elementary school education assistants are still needed to complete staffing for the 2008-2009 school year.

Leave Of Absence Request

Ms. Stevens reported Susan Sanborn, PMHS special education secretary, has requested a thirty day unpaid leave of absence to care for her mother when needed. Superintendent Freeman recommended request approval. Ms. Vogt made a motion to approve the request to grant a thirty day leave of absence for Susan Sanborn as submitted, seconded by Mr. Wolfe; the Board unanimously approved.

Incentive Funds Grant

Ms. Stevens reported that the Incentive Funds Grants have not yet been awarded to school districts and community partners.

IDEA & Preschool Grant

Ms. Stevens requested the Board review and affirm budget expenditures. Mr. Wolfe made a motion to accept the budget for IDEA and Preschool Grant funds, seconded by Mr. Colby; the Board unanimously approved.

Teacher Induction

Ms. Stevens reported on plans made by Ms. Chassie and Mr. DeLois on the induction of new teachers.


Affirmation of Appointments

Dr. Freeman submitted the following teachers, who have been hired by the superintendent, for reaffirmation of appointment.

Katie Lasky: Grade 4 Teacher, one year position
Katherine Loud, English Teacher
Valerie McQueeney, Chemistry Teacher
William Mitchell, Art Teacher
Caitlin Sweeney, Special Coordinator II and Occupational

Ms. Vogt made a motion to reaffirm appointment of the teachers identified above, seconded by Mr. Wolfe; the Board unanimously approved.

Affirmation of Termination

The Board agreed by consensus to address this item following non-public session.

Mileage Rate Adjustment

Using the Internal Revenue Service mileage rate as a guideline, Mr. Wolfe made a motion to set the reimbursement mileage rate $.585 for employees using their own vehicles when traveling to transact school district business in the 2008-2009 school year, seconded by Ms. Vogt; the Board unanimously approved.

D. Literacy Coordinator Contract

Dr. Freeman reported Literacy Coordinator Christine Teague is currently working to conclude her doctoral dissertation at the University of New Hampshire; Dr. Freeman has discussed an adjustment to her contract for the 2008-2009 school year to provide Ms. Teague with time to complete the dissertation as well as continue to provide services to the District. Dr. Freeman reported that he had discussed district priorities with Ms. Teague; Ms. Teague has adjusted work schedules of two Title I teachers, to be paid through the Title I Grant, to meet school district needs. Dr. Freeman recommended offering a new contract at 60% plus twenty-five days. Mr. Wolfe made a motion to approve offering Ms. Teague a 60% plus twenty-five days work contract as recommended, seconded by Ms. Vogt; the Board unanimously approved.

E. Title II-A Grant

Dr. Freeman reported that the 2008-2009 Title II-A allocation to the Pittsfield School District will be approximately $60,000. Dr. Freeman provided an outline of the proposed use of Title II-A funds for 2008-2009. Ms. Vogt made a motion to approve use of the Title II-A funds as presented, seconded by Mr. Colby; the Board unanimously approved.

F. Middle High School Interim Principal

The Board agreed by consensus to address this item following non-public session.

Annual Review of Evaluation Process

Dr. Freeman presented meeting notes of the Annual Review of the Evaluation Process conducted on Friday, June 20, 2008. Dr. Freeman reported that the District Leadership Team, composed of administrators and teachers from both schools, recommended that the district’s evaluation process, as described in the Handbook of Teacher Evaluation, be revised as recommended in the context of the larger work of the Team. Dr. Freeman estimated that this revision and pilot would take place in the 2010-2011 school year.

Math Task Force

Dr. Freeman reported that the Math Task Force will continue to work to address deficiencies in the district’s instructional program, focusing both on short term strategies to support NECAP success in the fall and long term strategies to strengthen overall instruction.

Developmental Designs

Dr. Freeman reported that middle school staff members will participate in a week-long workshop on strategies designed to keep young people safe, connected, responsible, and engaged in learning during the week of July 21.

FY08 Fund Balance

Dr. Freeman reported that the fund balance remaining from the 2007-2008 school district budget is approximately $268,000.

Status of Facilities Projects

Dr. Freeman reported on the status of several facilities projects, including the fire alarm upgrades at PES, heating system repairs and upgrades at PMHS, exterior painting projects at PES and PMHS, and window replacement at PES. The Board agreed by consensus to include painting of all three “peaks” located at the main entrance of PMHS. The Board directed the superintendent to ensure that the PMHS project includes proper surface preparation. A second opinion was requested on the cupola. Ms. Vogt made a motion to approve the projects as amended, seconded by Mr. Wolfe; the Board unanimously approved.

Open Budget Issues

The Board discussed the anticipated cost of heating oil, interim PMHS Principal, teaching personnel, school bus fuel, special education placements, and advancement of teachers on the salary guide.

Dr. Freeman reported that the school bus contract states the bus company will notify the District of fuel costs on a monthly basis. At the start of each month of the contract, the transportation contractor, H.A. Marston, will provide documentation of fuel cost to the superintendent; if the cost of fuel has increased or decreased more than 5%, the district will reimburse the contractor for the additional monthly cost of fuel above the baseline cost in accordance with the agreement made between the District and provider. Dr. Freeman reported that Ms. Marston raised the issue of inconsistency in the contract regarding the time that the baseline be established. Dr. Freeman recommended that the District formalize in writing the baseline starting point of July 1st to accommodate summer school transportation. At this time, the cost of gasoline is $4.099, and the cost of diesel is $4.2155 for Marstons. Ms. Vogt made a motion to approve clarifying/affirming the baseline date of July 1st, seconded by Mr. Wolfe; the Board unanimously approved.

Dr. Freeman reported that the estimated projection of cost of the five items discussed result in a balance in the district operating budget of approximately $52,000 at this time.

Capital Improvement Plan

Dr. Freeman distributed copies of the prior Pittsfield School District Capital Improvements Program. The School Board discussed the items listed the CIP and agreed to keep the following items on the Capital Improvement Plan:

PES Field and Parking Lot Upgrades
PMHS Gym Floor Replacement
PES Roof Replacement
PMHS Roof Replacement

Mr. Brown noted that the point of CIP is to project expenditures to avoid spikes. Ms. Vogt reported that the town Budget Committee has requested CIP updates for their meeting in August. The Board directed Dr. Freeman to meet with the town manager to discuss expectations for the district CIP and direction to be taken.

Food Service Audit

Dr. Freeman submitted a letter from Commissioner Tracy regarding the need to file a Corrective Action Plan to address losses incurred by our food service program. Dr. Freeman reported that he had discussed this letter with the Department of Education auditor and will submit the Plan as requested.

Memorial Gift Acknowledgement

Dr. Freeman presented the acknowledgement to the School Board for the memorial gift made in the name of Virginia Compton.


Drake Field & Facilities-GC
No additional report.

B. Selectmen Liaison-SB

No additional report

C. Budget-LV

Ms. Vogt reported there will be a meeting at the end of the month. Finances are all set until budget process starts up again.

SAU Planning-SB&GC
No additional report.

E. Negotiating Team-LV&MP

No additional report.

XI. NEXT MEETING- August 21, 2008

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) –



At 7:52 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Colby, and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to enter into non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (a) [employee dismissal and compensation], (b) [hiring], (e) [pending litigation].

PMHS Athletic Director

The Board discussed the performance of the PMHS Athletic Director.

Employee Dismissal

Dr. Freeman reported on the performance and dismissal of an employee.

Interim Middle High School Principal

Dr. Freeman reported on the selection process for the Interim PMHS principal position as well as the qualifications of the nominee. The Board discussed compensation for this position.

Athletic Coach

Dr. Freeman presented the request of a former athletic coach that the Board consider potential future service. The Board discussed future service as requested and directed Dr. Freeman to communicate with the individual relative to the Board’s discussion.

Pending Litigation

Dr. Freeman described an issue of pending litigation relative to the district’s insurance coverage. The Board discussed the case as well as insurance coverage for the district and Board.

At 9:07 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Colby, and seconded by Ms. Vogt to conclude non-public session and to re-enter open meeting. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to conclude non-public session and to re-enter into open meeting.


A. PMHS Athletic Director

Mr. Wolfe made a motion to appoint Alison Roberts as PMHS Athletic Director for the 2008-2009 school year, seconded by Ms. Vogt; the Board unanimously approved.

B. Employee Dismissal

Mr. Colby made a motion to affirm the dismissal of Paul Gregoire from his position of PES custodian, seconded by Mr. Wolfe; the Board unanimously approved.

C. Interim PMHS Principal

Mr. Wolfe made a motion to appoint Richard F. Gremlitz as PMHS Interim Principal for the 2008-2009 school year according to the terms presented by Dr. Freeman, seconded my Ms. Vogt; the Board unanimously approved.

D. Legal Counsel

Mr. Wolfe made a motion to authorize Dr. Freeman to seek legal counsel relative to insurance coverage; the cost of such counsel is not to exceed $2,000 without further Board approval, seconded by Mr. Colby; the Board unanimously approved.


At 9:10 p.m., Mr. Wolfe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Colby; the Board unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Payne

Public Session

Acting Recording Secretary

John Freeman

Non-Public Session and Subsequent Open Session

Recording Secretary