July 19, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield School Board
July 19, 2007
Pittsfield Middle High School
Members Present: Scott Brown, Chair
Mary Paradise, Vice Chair
Leslie Vogt
Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent
Peter Roche, Business Administrator
Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES
Tobi Chassie, Director of Student Services
Members of the Public
Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.
Ms. Erlandson added Second Start Student Assistance Program and two
resignations. Dr. Freeman deleted nominations. Dr. Compton added the OBM
Form 3 and 4 Authorization. Mr. Roche added a discussion of capital improvement
projects. Ms. Vogt added a procedural item regarding budget committee.
Mr. Brown welcomed Mr. Roche to the Pittsfield School District.
A motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt to accept the
minutes of June 21, 2007. Ms. Erlandson asked to change “Heidi Fischer” to “Heidi
Fisher” on page 2. Ms. Paradise added, “Athletic Director duties will be assigned
to a position compensated by a stipend” to page 4. The Board voted unanimously
to approve the minutes as amended.
Pittsfield School Board 1 July 19, 2007
A. Dr. Freeman requested approval of the Family Handbook, indicating that no
significant changes have been made. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and
seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Family
Handbook as presented.
B. 21st Century Community Learning Center Program
Dr. Freeman reported that the summer camp program being held at P.E.S. is
running very successfully.
C. Science Curriculum
Dr. Freeman stated that the curriculum work being done this summer is
extraordinary. Although it is difficult work, teachers are working diligently to
develop science units that are aligned with the NH Standards.
D. Summer School
Dr. Compton reported that the summer school program, which is involving
approximately twenty percent of the school population, was running smoothly.
Dr. Freeman added that the data is clear that there is a significant decrease in
loss of academic performance over the summer when a summer school
program is implemented.
A. Resignations
Ms. Erlandson reported that she has received a letter of resignation from Jason
Aube and recommended that the Board accept it. On a motion made by Ms.
Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to accept
the resignation as recommended.
Ms. Erlandson reported that Dawn Vaillancourt has unfortunately resigned from
her position as receptionist/secretary. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and
seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to accept the nomination.
B. Nominations
Ms. Erlandson informed the Board that Kristen Wolfe was hired as a high
school mathematics teacher. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by
Ms. Paradise, the Board voted unanimously to confirm the Superintendent’s
appointment of Ms. Wolfe to the position of mathematics teacher.
Pittsfield School Board 2 July 19, 2007
Ms. Erlandson recommended Zachary Babcock for the position of social studies
teacher in the high school. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by
Ms. Paradise, the Board voted unanimously to hire Mr. Babcock.
Ms. Erlandson recommended Silas St. James, for the position of high school
English teacher. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Ms.
Paradise, the Board voted unanimously to hire Mr. St. James.
Ms. Erlandson recommended Katie Bachelder and Louie Houle for girl’s varsity
volleyball and boy’s varsity soccer, respectively. On a motion made by Ms.
Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms.
Bachelder. The nomination of Mr. Houle was deferred to the non-public
Joshua Hyman, a representative from the Barack Obama campaign entered the
meeting and was welcomed by Chairman Brown.
Ms. Erlandson recommended Alison Roberts for the position of Athletic
Director. The nomination of Ms. Roberts was deferred to the non-public
C. Second Start Student Assistance Program
Ms. Erlandson distributed a report prepared by Mary Yost, the Licensed Alcohol
and Drug Abuse Counselor (LADAC). Mr. Brown asked that the issue be added
to the agenda of the August meeting for further discussion.
D. Advisory Credit
Ms. Erlandson requested action from the Board on the issue of approving
academic credit being awarded to students for participating in the advisory
program. She explained that the request is for .25 credits to be awarded each
year for participation in the program. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and
seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve .25 credits, not
to exceed one credit in total, for participation in the advisory program.
E. Yearbook
Ms. Erlandson explained that the work on this year’s yearbook was done by
underclassman. Due to the inexperience of the group, the book was not
completed before the end of the year, which negatively affected the sale of the
book. There is currently an anticipated $3,100 deficit. Dr. Compton stated that
this program should be self-supporting. He suggested that time be taken to see
how the finances change with further sales and payment for advertisement. Mr.
Brown requested that further information be sought to assist in finding a solution
to this long running problem. Ms. Paradise suggested that a reunion be
Pittsfield School Board 3 July 19, 2007
organized for the 2007 graduates over a holiday in the upcoming year in order
for the yearbook to be distributed and autographed.
F. Rotary Request
Mr. Brown explained that he has been asked by the Pittsfield Rotary to use the
parking lots at P.M.H.S. and P.E.S. for overflow parking during the Balloon
Rally in August. They have also asked for the use of the field between the two
schools for parking. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms.
Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to allow the Rotary to use the parking lots at
both schools but not to use the field.
A. Sick Bank Request
Dr. Compton reported that legal advice was sought on an employee’s request
for days from the sick bank. It was advised by the district’s attorney that Dr.
Compton rescind his previous recommendation to reject the request. On a
motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the use of six days from the sick bank as currently
recommended by the Superintendent.
B. OBM Form 3 & 4
Dr. Compton explained that the Board’s authorization is necessary to sign OBM
Forms 3 and 4. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt,
the Board unanimously voted to authorize the Superintendent and/or Business
Administrator to sign the OBM Forms 3 and 4 as recommended by the
C. Capital Improvement Projects
Mr. Roche explained that there is a problem with the heating system in the
technical education building. Some money has been put aside to remedy the
problem but it will not be adequate. Mr. Roche made recommendations on
financing the project, which included abandoning the plan for redoing the
gymnasium floor. Mr. Brown requested Mr. Roche conduct further investigation
on the work that was previously done by checking with Team Design and
existing warranties. The members of the Board agreed that a significant
amount of money had been spent in the recent past to improve the conditions of
the building and that it seemed too early for there to be such major problems.
While further information is gathered, the gymnasium floor work will be put on
Pittsfield School Board 4 July 19, 2007
D. Auditor’s Report
Dr. Compton presented the financial audit report, dated June 30, 2006. The
auditor agreed that the increase in lunch costs was a good idea. Mr. Brown
asked Mr. Roche to continue the previous business administrator’s work in
investigating options for the provision of food service in the most cost effective
E. State Aid Revisions
Dr. Compton explained that there was an increase in state aid given by the
State of NH. Although $3,971,638 was expected, $4,222,570 was granted,
which represents a 6.3% increase or $250,932.
F. Budget Planning
Mr. Roche explained that a meeting was held with the Budget Committee to
begin budget development. There is a meeting scheduled on July 25, 2007
with the Budget Committee to continue the work. Mr. Roche reviewed a
timeline for budget development, which is suggesting earlier due dates from the
district. Mr. Brown stated that time is needed in the fall to observe the current
status of the district’s financial situation before making recommendations on the
next budget. Ms. Paradise suggested that December 1st become the due date
for delivering the budget to the Budget Committee. Discussion ensued
regarding the timeline to which the administration and the Board would adhere.
Dr. Compton stated that direction from the Board would be appreciated before
the administration begins its work.
G. Fire Department Request
The Fire Department requested the use of Drake Field for a chicken barbeque.
Dr. Compton gave permission for the use of the field after conferring with Mr.
H. Follow the Child Institute
Dr. Compton explained that the Superintendent, administrators, and several
teachers would be attending the Follow the Child Institute in Nashua next week.
I. School Foundation
Mr. Brown shared information about a neighboring town’s effort to establish a
foundation to which donations can be made. He asked that the Superintendent
and Business Administrator investigate the possibility of initiating such a
foundation in Pittsfield.
Pittsfield School Board 5 July 19, 2007
A. SAU Planning
Mr. Brown distributed an information sheet from the SAU Study Committee to
the members of the Board. He asked that the Board review the report and be
prepared to discuss the issue at the next meeting.
Ms. Erlandson, on behalf of Mr. Colby, stated that the Budget Committee is
interested in receiving information regarding the SAU restructuring plans.
B. Drake Field
By report, Mr. Colby shared that the Fire Department is using Drake Field
during Old Home Day for a chicken barbeque.
PSNH has found a light on a pole behind the grandstand. It can be turned back
on for approximately $10 per month.
The grandstand locker room project is complete. There is no longer the need
for a porta-potty rental. Mr. Colby is looking forward to showing the project off
to Board members.
The fence between the Bleckman’s and the long sidewalk has been repaired.
Both dugouts are built, with just benches inside to be completed.
C. Budget
Ms. Vogt asked if the Board appointed an alternate for the Budget Committee.
Discussion ensued regarding the benefits of having an alternate. Ms. Vogt will
question the Chair of Budget Committee further on the advantages.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 5:30 at the
Pittsfield Middle High School. The agenda will include personnel updates, the
Superintendent’s goals and objectives, Student Assistance Program, and SAU
Planning Committee recommendations.
Ed Patterson suggested that there might be a way to integrate the heating system
between the school building and the technical education building. Mr. Patterson
explained that he builds machines for a NH company and has observed a deficit in
the capabilities of students in this area. He stated his concern that the metals
Pittsfield School Board 6 July 19, 2007
program has been eliminated from the high school vocational program and offered
several suggestions for the Board to consider. Mr. Patterson stated his concern for
the long-term effect of eliminating elements of the vocational program.
At 7:36 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded Ms. Vogt, to enter
into non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into
a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II 9 (c) [Personnel
A motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt to come out of the
non-public session. The Board was polled and voted to come out of the non-public
session at 8:18 p.m.
On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Ms. Paradise, the Board voted
unanimously to hire Mr. Houle for boys’ varsity soccer.
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted
unanimously to hire Alison Roberts for the position of Athletic Director.
Mr. Brown suggested that the superintendent contact the Executive Director of
NHIAA regarding the changes in the Athletic Director position for the 2007-2008
school year.
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted
unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tobi Gray Chassie