JULY 21, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Linda Small, Chairman.


Linda Small (LS), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Eric Neilsen noted that in the last year or so he has seen a large decline in public relations with the Police Department. He noted that he used to wave to police officers within the Town, but lately they have a “Gestapo” attitude. They do not seem as friendly or as small “townish” as previously, maybe because of all the new officers. They seem unfriendly, and abrupt, with no personal interaction with citizens. “I do not know if I should bring this to this Board, or not.” (LS) noted that anyone is welcome to say anything to the Board.

He noted that it is a concern of his that over the last year this has diminished a great deal. The Police do not have the small Town attitude that existed in the past. “This is not Boston.”

Board thanked him for his comments.


(DM) Letter from Jim Pritchard to BOS Re: Ethics, Employee of the Month changes; (LK) Building Inspector Certification; (EV) Department Budgets; (LS) Request of Ethics Committee – Removal of Member; (PS) Goals and Objective/BOS and Town Administrator, Engineering Construction Phase Contract/Chlorination-De-chlorination Building, Transfer Request/Ambulance Fund, and License Application for Hawkers and Peddlers.


1. SDS Contract Proposal

(PS) Board has E-Mails from DES Rep. Mary Jane Meier describing the visits to WWTP operation and their input regarding dewatering for the septage plant. Ron Vien is present tonight to discuss what is noted in the E-Mail and his recommendations as to how to proceed in the future.

Ron Vien made a visual presentation of what is happening in the lagoons, algae blooms, the blue-green algae, nitrification and denitrification, and pH factors. He explained the liming and caustic soda efforts to keep within the permit. He noted to raise pH in the lagoon, increased aeration and recirculation is necessary and related that they are currently operating on a consistent basis with an increase in electricity costs. Costs of this equipment was discussed with notation that there would be a possibility of switching to a different system at a cost of about $100,000.

He further explained the Operation Estimates for 2009 and noted that his recommendation is that the SDS contract be terminated effective December 31, 2009 and effective January 1, 2010 Pittsfield only accept Town waste.

Board members had several questions in relation to testing, operation, original pilot program/grant, returning lagoons back to normal, and how sewer rates would be affected (no affect).

The Board also discussed the necessity of a Public Hearing, but ultimately decided it would not be beneficial since this does not affect all residents.

(FH) Motion that (PS) and Ron Vien come up with an article to explain this in the Sun. After brief discussion, Motion withdrawn.

(FH) Motion Town terminate contract with SDS effective December 31, 2009 and not renew contract. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

(FH) Motion that Pittsfield no longer be responsible for septage from Barnstead, Alton, Epsom, New Durham, and Strafford effective January 1, 2010.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Cost to Cross Route 28 with Sewer Line

Ron Vien noted that it was initially estimated that it would cost approximately $39,000 to cross Route 28 with the sewer line when State was engaged in site work for traffic light, etc. at that junction. Upon verifying final costs, he was advised by State that this amount did not include sand, crushed stone and gravel and that State will only “be trenching” road. Due to the slow sewer fee collections and the economy, he recommended waiting four or five years to accomplish this,” perhaps, Route 28 will be more developed by then and it could be done at that time.”

(EV) Motion that Town not install sewer sleeve pipe across Route 28 at this time. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) to notify Mr. Greene, DOT.

12. Engineering Construction Phase Contract – Chlorination-De-chlorination Building

(PS) Ron Vien, Denise Morin and I met with James Spaulding, Vice President of TTG Environmental Consultants to discuss a number of things. Wright Pierce has been subcontracted for this work and we discussed the project progress which will be complete in about ninety days, at which time, all findings will be reported to this Board. It is noted that this contract includes the pump station on Joy Street and Main Street and will be properly sized for future demand and population. No bids will be acquired until BOS is advised of all completed construction and all other information pertaining to this matter.

(DM) Motion to authorize Chairman of Board of Selectman to sign Engineering Construction Phase Contract for Professional Services for Treatment Works with TEC Environmental Consultants(Phase II Chlorinaton De-Chlorination – $69,643).
(LK) Second. Carried 5-0. (Contract signed by Linda Small, Chairman.)

5. Animal Control – Northwood Police Department Request

(PS) Selectman Morin, Chief Wharem and I met with Northwood Police Commission. (DM) related that they had met with these individuals and now has a copy of the budget for proposed Animal Control Officer for Northwood. She related that Northwood is just looking to share the van itself. If Anne would like to work for Northwood on a part-time basis, she would be their employee and be covered by their liability insurance, etc. and would have to apply independently. Chief will research expenditures on use of van and Northwood will draw up an Agreement which will then be reviewed/decided upon by Board.

4. Safe Routes to School Project

(PS) A letter of support has been drafted to John Corrigan, Safe Routes to School Coordinator and if approved by Board, authorization for Chairman signature is requested. A copy of this letter forwarded to John Freeman, Supt. SAU #51.

(DM) Motion to accept drafted letter and authorize Chairman of Board of Selectman to sign. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0. (

(EV) REMINDER: Suncook Valley Town Association will be meeting here on Thursday.

5. LGC Job Descriptions

(PS) Members of the Board have been provided a notebook of the job descriptions and it has been requested that this matter be placed on the Agenda.

(LS) I have asked Paul to put this on Agenda. I wanted to see these job descriptions and what they are doing, and what they should be doing. We need to fine tune these so that each position is very clear on what their job responsibilities are. This will be a good start. Board agreed that this will be on the future Agenda under Old Business.

6. Inventory of Taxable Property Form

(PS) noted that each and every town no longer uses this property form. It is requested that Board motion to no longer use Form PA-28 in 2010. Cara agrees with this.

(DM) Motion that Town of Pittsfield no longer use Form PA-28. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) It is noted that the contact person will be Cara Marston. All members of Board should sign this form from DRA.

7. LGC Lawsuit Re: Shifting of State Retirement Share to Municipalities

(PS) There is a Memo from LGC regarding the shift in costs of the State’s share of employers’ retirement contribution for Group I teachers and Group II police and firefighters. This is a notice to towns that “you may have the opportunity to participate and would also suggest that a letter be sent that this is paid under protest.” They are not asking us yet to participate in the lawsuit. Board questioned whether they had made a contribution in the past which will be checked by (PS). (LS) Letter should go out and we should find out about contributions. (PS) to do.

(EV) Motion to approve (PS) writing letter and signed by Chairman of BOS. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) to check on impact on Town budget.

8. Spradling Group Proposal

(PS) The Spradling Group proposal is to provide marketing skills to benefit Town of Pittsfield. This proposal is recommended by EDC and at this junction would be open to discussion.

(DM) Do we already have someone who is doing this? (LS) No, we have ten hours left on our contract. (PS) I think CRDC focus provides supplemental financing to businesses. (EV) CRDC would be involved and any development would be closely tied to them. (LS) explained that $5,000 of the $9,000 would be put towards this endeavor. Phase I would be a community wide effort to do some brainstorming. (PS) noted that people respond different to an “independent” rather than to Town government. (EV) noted that the time to plan and move on this is now. (LK) Nothing is moving now. (LS) “You have to spend money to make money.” So far, we have not spent anything. The money is still sitting there. Opportunity is not going to fall into our laps. (LK) “I am not impressed, so far.” (EV) We have not wasted one cent of the taxpayer’s money. (LS) The problem piece is marketing. Board further discussed this proposal.

(FH) As I read this, Phase II would be getting out on Route 28, some people are against that. (EV) Opinions change. We would not be able to do it all in Town.
(LS) We would need to complement Route 28 with downtown Pittsfield. They should be complementary to one another.

(EV) Motion to approve Spradling Group Proposal contract. (FH) Second. Carried 3-1 (LK). (DM) Abstain.

Break 8:45 P.M. Board resumed meeting at 8:51 P.M.

15. Letter – Jim Pritchard to BOS Re: Ethics

(DM) Board has received this letter and I am bringing this up because it was formally sent to this Board. We should review it and decide what to do with it. (PS) noted that the last time a letter of this nature had been received, BOS requested Planning Board recommendations and if there would be any grounds as noted by Jim Pritchard. (LK) suggested letter also be sent to LGC for their recommendations. Board agreed that letter would be sent to Planning Board for their recommendations. (PS) to check what responsibilities BOS would have in this matter.

(DM) Motion to send letter from Jim Pritchard dated July 6, 2009 to Planning Board for review and recommendation with a copy sent to LGC. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0 (FH) Abstain.

16. Employee of the Month

(DM) I am proposing that we continue with this program but not on a monthly basis but only when we have a recommendation for an Employee of the Month. I would like to change the criteria form to Department Heads and notify them of this as well as put it on the Website. Board agreed.

(DM) Motion that an Employee of the Month be selected when recommended rather than on a monthly basis. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

17. Building Inspector Certification

(LS) noted that BI is her brother-in-law and “f the Board is uncomfortable with my sitting on any decision concerning him, please let me know.” She noted she would not be recusing herself in this matter.

(FH) It notes that the computer based fee is $160. the paper/pen test is $110. and the differences were noted. (LK) related that he had discussed this with Kyle and questioned whether we should be paying the full amount. The BI is making the “top” pay scale for this position rather than starting at a lower pay scale and this difference should account for the cost of certification. Board discussed the possibility of BI paying the full cost or at least half the cost of this certification, and whether Dunbarton would be willing to assume partial cost since they would also benefit from this certification. Board members agreed that assuming half the cost would be agreeable. (FH) BI was given top salary without being certified. He agreed to get certified and I would think that the difference in pay would be accountable for payment of this certification. He should be getting all category certifications as soon as possible.

(DM) Motion to agree to share in the cost of Building Inspection Certification on a 50/50 basis. (LK) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH).

(FH) questioned when he would be certified in the other categories of training?

18. Request of Ethics Committee – Removal of Member

This will be addressed in Non-Public Session.

13. Ambulance Transfer Request

(FH) Motion to approve transfer of $266.28 from Ambulance R&E Fund to General Fund. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

14. License Application for Hawkers and Peddlers

(PS) This is a license application before the Board. (LS) We had wanted a background check in these instances. (PS) noted that he would check the Ordinance regarding this in reference to the background check. (EV) I do not like the time period – 9:00 P.M. is too late. (PS) noted that individual should also have State Peddlers Permit. (PS) to check on Ordinance and matter will be addressed at next meeting.

19. Budgets

(EV) I wanted to make sure that all departments are aware of the budget crisis. (PS) to do Memo as reminder to all departments to temper spending.

20. Town Properties

(PS) This is information as submitted by Tax Collector with commentary about each individual case. These before you are ones to make a decision on as to whether Town should assume property. There are two parcels that Board might like to consider. One is the Timco land on Broadway (unpaid taxes $3,156.65) and Pittsfield Weaving Building (unpaid taxes $46,362.33). This will be on the next Agenda.


1. LGC Legal Opinion Re: Confidentiality of E-Mails
2. CNHRPC Re: Innovative Land Use Implementation Grants
3. Fire/Rescue Monthly Report June 2009
4. Superior Court Denial of Richardson Motion to Reconsider
5. Memo-July 10, 2009-Chief Wharem Re. Sergeant’s Job Description
6. Memo-July 10, 2009-Paul J. Skowron Re: Vacation Leave
7. Letter-July 10, 2009-to Gerard Leduc Re: Pritchard/Miskoe Ethics
8. Letter-July 10, 2009- Gerard Leduc Re: Delores Fritz


1. Town Hall Improvements – Life Safety Codes

2. Capital Improvement Program

(LS) This is important and should be forthcoming.

3. Space Needs Study

To be removed from Agenda for now.

4. Sideway Improvement Plan

5. Generators

(LK) Any update on the generators? (PS) None.

6. Fleet Fuel Charge

(PS) noted that Cara and he were currently working on this with Shell (Bell Brothers) and Exxon/Mobil (Blueberry Express). Shell requires that certain parameters be met so no monthly fee is charged. Exxon/Mobil rates are based on the number of gallons purchased. A spread sheet will be made to determine the amount of gallons used and costs under each plan before a decision is made.

(LK) noted that he has discussed this with Bell Brothers and has asked them to put all applicable information in writing so Board has something to evaluate. It is noted that Board would like to keep the purchase site in Town if at all possible.


1. Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R2, Lot 2

(LK) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R2, Lot 2.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R27, Lot 15

(FH) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R27, Lot 15.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R43, Lot 17

(FH) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R43, Lot 17.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R43, Lot 14

(FH) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R43, Lot 14.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R46, Lot 14

(FH) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R46, Lot 14.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Yield Tax Abatement – Tax Map R46, Lot 14

(FH) Motion to approve Yield Tax abatement – Tax Map R46, Lot 14.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LS) Overtime continues to be a problem. On Tuesday there was nine hours overtime with full coverage and on Wednesday, eleven hours overtime with full coverage. What do we have to do to stop this? There was nothing “spectacular” going on.

(PS) shared with the Board that he has had two meetings with Chief Wharem and Sgt. Cain. Jeff develops the schedule and discussed overtime and shared the circumstances as to why overtime is required and how they try to avoid it. He offered to meet with the Board and explain the overtime at Board’s convenience. (LS) It is clear to me that there is a schedule, all shifts are covered and present, then – Why is there overtime? She noted if it is needed to fill a shift or cover a “disaster” then it is understandable.

(PS) noted that a full time officer is always on duty with the part-timers as mentor with overlapping of hours. A part-time officer can be scheduled to be on alone if there is little or no activity going on in Town. Sgt. Cain would be happy to sit down and explain the overtime procedure. (LS) noted that all departments oblige by not scheduling overtime, why can’t the PD comply? (LK) There should be no overtime allowable without Town Administrator or Chair approval. I would like to move forward with that. We could send out a Memo to that effect. (DM) explained that she schedules for her department at work, and the schedule can be good on paper but often that is not what happens. I do agree that the PD should be able to sit down and prepare a schedule so no overtime is accomplished. (LS) We are already over budget and it is July. The budget calls for $45,000 and we are at $37,000 already. The schedule needs to be put together differently.

(PS) About 15% of overtime is court time. (LS) I would like Board to be on same page with this. I do not want to tie their hands. (DM) You cannot restrict overtime and go against contractual obligations. (PS) noted that he would be more than happy to be assigned responsibility of determining whether overtime is necessary,” but it would be impossible for me to accomplish this on a 24/7 basis.” It is of a magnitude that it cannot be accomplished. (PS) I will meet with Sgt. Cain again and share my findings with Board. (LK) That is not where the problem lies. (DM) I think a Memo would create a problem. I do not think they are not trying to reduce overtime.

Board agreed that a meeting should take place with Sgt. Cain and Town Administrator. (DM) requested that she be present as did (EV) and (FH). (PS) to set up meeting.


1. Public Session Minutes of July 7, 2009

(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of July 7, 2009.
(FH) Second. Carried 5-0. (It is noted that one word change from Commission to Corporation was made.)

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of July 7, 2009

(FH) requested that these be discussed in Non-Public Session. Board agreed.


Letter Welfare Department

(PS) noted that Welfare Director has revamped and presented a copy of a letter which she has authored noting Guidelines for Applying for Town Welfare for publication. (FH) related that he thought it could be very educational if it was published in paper from the prospective of what Welfare is about and how to apply for it. After review, Board agreed that it is applicable for publication with a minor omission and

(FH) Motion to approve Welfare letter for publication as revised.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


Don Chase related, “You guys have just spent $5,000 to have Scott Spradling help solve all our problems.” I have sat at meetings before like WiFi that were supposed to help with the economy by bringing in people from the outside. “Why

not support the ones that are and were here? Why not use the money to support those businesses?” (LS) noted that is all part of the proposal.

He also questioned why the Town of Pittsfield has never been connected with Concord via public transportation. (LS) related when the Economic Development Committee meets and explained that they would be more than happy to have him come in and offer some of his ideas for this.

Mr. Chase also explained a situation which he was involved in while driving his taxi on a Saturday night. He explained that he picked up a party of individuals, one of which was about 18 or 19 and could barely walk because he “was stoned out of his mind on drugs.” The other individuals with him thought he was a joke. “I do not usually share customer information,” but noted he viewed a police cruiser and explained this to the officer who said, “Thank you very much” and did nothing and returned to the Police Station and stayed there. He did “zip” for this kid and I thought, Why did I bother? How many kids in Town have overdosed on drugs?
He related that he had recently talked to the Chief and requested that if you “see something that is not quite right, let us know.” Later that night, I picked up the same group on their way out of Town and took the kid home.

(LS) Don, that is sad. Mr. Chase related, “It is freakin bad. I am serious about this. He was a child in my eyes and he was totally out of it. I explained this to the police officer and he drove by this kid and did nothing.


(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a). (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 9:17 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:40 P.M.

(LK) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of July 21, 2009.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to adjourn. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.

Approved: August 4, 2009

________________________________ ________________________
Linda Small, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on July 21, 2009 and posted on July 23, 2009.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

III Tapes


The distribution of Pittsfield Welfare money is governed by very specific State Law (NH RSA 165) and the Pittsfield Welfare Rules. Town Welfare money comes only from the Pittsfield taxpayers. Normally, a person learns if they qualify for assistance from the town by picking up and filling out an application, then calling for an appointment and meeting with us to figure out if they qualify for assistance and how much they qualify for.

An applicant qualifies for money from the Town Welfare if his/her verifiable net income for the last four weeks is less than his/her verifiable basic need debt for the past four weeks. Verifiable means proven with things like pay stubs, Social Security statements or electric bills and a signed landlord rental form.

The amount of money an applicant qualifies for is equal to the difference between their basic need debt and their net income. So, if the combined net income for a month for a husband and wife is $1,000 but their basic need debt for the month is $1,500, they qualify for $400.

If this sounds like a lot of work, it is, both for the applicant and for us. But these verifications and rules are necessary to assure equal and fair treatment of all applicants. Most people understand this and generally our job is very rewarding.

Occasionally, a person will call on the phone late on a Friday afternoon and demand emergency assistance because they need their prescriptions re-filled and paid for and it cannot wait until Monday. Knowing nothing about the applicant, the least we require is a fax from the pharmacy invoicing the prescriptions and verification from the doctor as to the validity and medical necessity of the prescriptions. In cases such as these, we have provided hundreds of dollars to fill the prescriptions.

Sometimes, even after receiving the money they have asked for, people view these minor requirements as an imposition and react angrily. In spite of this, Pittsfield Welfare feels an ethical obligation to treat all applicants honestly and fairly.