July 21, 2010 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
July 21, 2010

1. Meeting opened at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ted Mitchell (TM), Helen Schiff (HS),
Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), Matt
Monahan (MM) from SNHRPC, and Nik Coates (from SNHRPC).

3. Minutes from June 23, 2010 accepted and approved.

4. Nik Coates from SNHRPC – Safe routes to school
A. Reviewed highest priorities
1. Traffic calming-need to slow it down in town
a. Tilton Hill average speed 54 mph-needs to be slowed down
b. Catamount Rd – needs traffic calming
2. Berry Av and Bow St need repairs to road and side walks
3. Inventory and upgrade existing infrastructure to be ADA compliant
B. Need combination of better signage and enforcement
C. Limited money available from federal government – $250,000
D. Get a recommendation and an estimate from engineering firm
E. Apply for a grant to get crossing guards
F. Nik will report his findings to Select Board, School Board and Planning Board

5. Park and Ride
A. EV, MM and Nik Coates tried to contact Senator Judd Gregg -left message
B. Nik will send letter to NH DOT
C. Town highway dept can probably help with grading and paving
D. Apply for Tiger II Discretionary Funding for rural communities
1. Pre-application due Monday July 26
2. Final application due August 23
3. LS made a motion for MMM to apply for the pre-authorization for Tiger II funds.
4. SM seconded it.

6. Other
A. Contract for Single Digits needs to be renewed
1. Try to get a lower rate since we are a non-profit
2. We may arrange to charge people who are logged on longer than 1 hour
3. Need to revisit advertisers to renew their subscription
4. Contract with Metrocast is up for renewal-try to get them to buy listing or lower
B. EDC web site does not have commercial properties listed
C. Diamond Signs is making the sign for Ping Garden, Jitters and Village Pizza to be
placed at Dam

8. Next meeting August 4, 2010.

9. Meeting closed at 6:50 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary