July 25, 2006 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire
July 25, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Brian Wittenberg, Nicole Wittenberg, Peggy Gingras, Don Chase, Jim Dodge, Don Tyler, Fred Hast, Jim McCormick, Todd Drew, Phil Gordon, Michael Therriault, Laural Collier, Jen Tedcastle, Josh Brehm, Jim Girard, Lenny Deane, Interim Fire Chief, Pam St. Laurent, Maurice Wells, and Dave Simpson.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Appointment – Brian Wittenberg

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 6:01PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 6:17PM.

Chairman Morse announced that the Board had ended Brian Wittenberg’s employment with the Town.

Public Input


Agenda Review
The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

Appointment – Fire Department

Jim Girard presented the Board of Selectmen with the Exhaust Removal System quotes that had been received. Lenny explained why the PlyMovement Exhaust System was chosen. The Board discussed the quote and the system with the department and Jim McCormick, the representative from Clean Aire Technology. Lenny asked Jim M. to provide a cost estimate for using a 10 horsepower motor.

Jim Dodge presented the Board with information on the digitizer upgrade to replace the 1985 model currently in use. The price was $18,950. Jim also discussed the other options, which were more expensive. The Board discussed the costs and the system. Chairman Morse asked Jim Dodge to provide a report on the costs and the benefits for the Board to review. Both items were to be added as action items for the next meeting.

Appointment – Michael Terriault

Michael Terriault stated that he was there to request that the Town allow the Highway Department to grade Shingle Mill Brook Road then allow the residents on the road to borrow a york rake so that they could finish fixing the road. He stated that the residents could not afford the cost of a private contractor to work on the road. Selectman Konopka asked Michael if he was aware that the road was private when he bought his house. Michael stated that he was.

Phil Gordon stated that George was unable to make it that night, but that George had some concerns about town money being spent on a private road, although the residents could borrow the spare york rake. The road and the rake were discussed. Phil stated that the person borrowing the rake should sign a waiver and agree to fix the rake if it was damaged. Chairman Morse stated that the Board would send Michael a written response once a decision was made.

New Business – Action Items

Website Policy – The Board reviewed the changes proposed by Selectwoman Keeley and the Town Administrator. A motion was made to adopt the Website Link Policy by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Personnel Policy – The Board decided to go with forty hours as the threshold for full-time employment. The Board discussed making other changes. The Board decided to wait for a clean copy before voting on it at the next meeting.
Badge Donation Request – The Board reviewed the letter from Chief Wharem requesting that a historic Pittsfield Police Chief Badge be donated to the Historical Society. A motion was made to accept the donated badge and give it to the Pittsfield Historical Society by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board felt that a letter of thanks from the Board of Selectmen should be sent to the donor.
Magliozzi Appeal Letter – The Board reviewed the letter from Deborah Magliozzi appealing a fine that was issued by the Housing Standards Board. The Town Administrator stated that the appeal period had lapsed on July 3, 2006. The Board felt that a letter should be sent stating that the Board could not act because the appeal period had expired.
Computer Quote – The Town Administrator presented the quote for a replacement computer for the Welfare Office. He stated that the quote was less than the budgeted amount. A motion was made to approve the quote of $1,253 with total cost including installation not to exceed $1,500 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Labor Department Letter – The Board reviewed the letter from the Labor Department that issued fines for the violations that had been found. The Board concurred with the Town Administrator’s recommendation that the Town request an informal conference to try to reduce the fine.
Assessing Contract – Chairman Morse explained that the assessing company had informed the Board that they would not be able to complete the revaluation this year and the Board was looking it the matter.
New Business – Informational Items

Septage Grant Press Event – The Board decided to have Chairman Morse and Ron Vien accept the check from the State at the event.
Selectman Konopka asked if letters had been sent out to the other candidates for Building Inspector and the Welfare Director. The Town Administrator stated that he had sent letters out to the other Building Inspector candidates and that he would send them out to the other Welfare Director candidates once someone started as the Welfare Director.
Selectwoman Keeley stated that it appeared that the Green Cemetery had been vandalized and the matter had been given to the Police Department.
Old Business

1. Condo Conversions – The Board discussed the letter that the Town Administrator had drafted to send to the Housing Standards Board on the Board’s concerns about condo conversions. The agreed to send the letter to the Housing Standards Board.

2. Ethics Code Sign-offs – The Town Administrator stated that he was still getting them in and it was mainly three departments that he was waiting on signatures from.

3. Charitable Trust for the Food Pantry – The Board reviewed the draft Articles of Agreement that Peggy Gingras and Don Chase had proposed. The Town Administrator was asked to check to Peggy and Don to make sure the Articles were complete before they were filed. The Board okayed the filing of the documents.

Applications and Warrants

1. Intent to Cut – A motion was made to approve an Intent to Cut for Brenda Gauthier by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

2. Welfare Lien Release – A motion was made to approve a Welfare Lien Release in the amount of $563.00 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 7-25-06 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of July 18th – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes of July 18th, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Public Session Minutes of July 18th – A motion was made by Selectman Vien to approve the public session minutes of July 18th, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Public Input

1. Don Chase stated that he had a marker from the Green Cemetery that he found two years ago while replacing a wall in the garage. Don then told the Board about a four-year old girl who had come to the food pantry to help fight hunger. He stated that he would file the nonprofit documents with the State of New Hampshire.

2. Maurice Wells presented the Board with a concern about streetlights that needed to be replaced. Selectwoman Keeley stated that she would report them to PSNH. He stated that the Shingle Mill Brook Road was private and people should sign a waiver and promise to repair the york rake before being allowed to use it.

3. Pat Heffernan asked about the Department of Labor fine and who needed to sign the Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Form. The Town Administrator stated that everyone in the Fire Department would need to sign the form if they had not already done so. Pat then spoke about repairs to the bridge lights. Chairman Morse stated that Pat should return to the Board if the repair costs got unreasonable.

4. Laural Collier stated that Fish and Game was looking for volunteers to help tag and move mussels in Chichester on Friday.

5. Fred Hast stated that there should be a fee for using the york rake. He suggested that the residents of Shingle Mill Brook Road should bring it up to the Town’s standards and then ask the Town to accept it. Fred felt that the Board members needed to be more hands on and there should be a Board member serving as a liaison to each department. He also stated that there were cheaper exhaust removal systems out there that would work just as well.

6. Pam St. Laurent stated that the Board reviewed the time sheets when she was on the Board and the Board should be checking them to ensure that they are correct.

7. Fred Hast stated that the previous Town Administrator would report the streetlights to PSNH when they were out.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 7:52PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), (c), and (e) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 8:53PM.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to seal the nonpublic minutes of the July 25, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen and render a proposed action ineffective, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 8:53PM by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board adjourned at 8:53PM.


July 18, 2006

Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Dan Schroth, Brian Wittenberg, Nicole Wittenberg, Tom Hitchcock, Judith MacLellan, Al MacLellan, Diane Vaughan, Don Chase, Hank FitzGerald, Pam St. Laurent, Walter Alarkon, Concord Monitor, Ron Vien, Wayne Case, and Michael McLaughlin.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 5:15PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

The Board discussed their expectations for the Building Inspector’s position.

Appointment – Interviews

The Board met with Michael McLaughlin to discuss their expectations for the Building Inspector’s position. The Board discussed the position with him.

The meeting was recessed until 6PM.

Public Input


Agenda Review

The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

Appointment – Winsunvale Homeowner’s Association

Al MacLellan spoke to the Board about the situation at the White’s Pond Dam. He went over what the Department of Environmental Services had given them for options and what the Association was looking to do. Al stated that the Association was requesting any help that the Town could provide in looking into a solution. The Board discussed the situation. Chairman Morse asked the Town Administrator to look into the tax impact of the dam being removed and contact DES about any grant funds that could be applied for.

New Business – Action Items

Website Policy – The Board reviewed the changes proposed by Selectwoman Keeley and the Town Administrator. The Board discussed combining the Town Administrator’s changes with some of Selectwoman Keeley’s proposed changes. Selectwoman Keeley was to add the language and present it to the Board next week.
Personnel Policy – The Board discussed changes proposed by Selectwoman Small and the Town Administrator. The Board discussed what should be the hours that are necessary for an employee to be considered full-time. The Board decided to address the Town Administrator’s amendment on hiring and screening. A motion was made by Selectman Vien to approve adding the new Article 14 Hiring and Screening as proposed by the Town Administrator, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Town Administrator was asked to check on the impact on insurance if the full-time threshold was changed.
Appointment – Public Hearing on Welfare Amendments

Chairman Morse opened the hearing at 6:30PM.

Chairman Morse read the proposed amendment regarding requiring apartments to have valid Housing Standards Licenses in order to receive welfare vouchers from the Town. He explained why the amendment was being proposed. The amendment was briefly discussed.

The hearing was closed at 6:33PM.

New Business – Action Items (Cont.)

Welfare Amendment – A motion was made to adopt the Welfare Guidelines as amended by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Fire Chief Search – The Board discussed whether or not to proceed with searching for a new Fire Chief now. The Board agreed to proceed rather than wait.
Pritchard Letter Request – Selectman Konopka asked if he should recuse himself. The other members said he did not need to. The Board reviewed the letter (see Attachment A). A motion was made to approve and sign the letter to Jim Pritchard by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Police Detail Rates – Tabled until nonpublic.
Town Hall Bathroom Repairs – The Board discussed the quote that was received. The Board asked the Town Administrator to get another quote and to look into hiring a handyman service for maintenance around the Town Hall.
Ambulance Liability Policy – A motion was made to adopt the Ambulance Liability Policy by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Light Duty Policy – The Board discussed the comments that were received. A motion was made to adopt the Light Duty Policy by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Septage Grant Press Event – The Town Administrator went over the request from DES to have a press event to be presented with the grant. The Board discussed the request with Ron Vien. The Board asked the Town Administrator to try to set it up for 5PM on August 1st at the Town Hall.
Rotary Sign – Selectwoman Keeley presented the request from Rotary to place a sign at Centennial Park regarding trash disposal. A motion was made to approve placement of the sign at no expense to the Town by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Appointment – Dan Schroth and Tom Hitchcock
Dan Schroth and Tom Hitchcock addressed the Board about what the Town was doing to prepare itself for avian flu and other emergencies. Chairman Morse stated that the Town was working through the regional organization on the regional plan. He hoped that a local committee would be formed, but some people had not responded yet regarding appointments to the committee. The Board discussed what was happening. Dan stated that he was looking to put something in the newspaper about this. Selectwoman Keeley stated that she thought that volunteer efforts were great. Selectman Konopka stated that the local health committee would be formed and that the emergency management team was available to address emergencies that happen now.

New Business – Informational Items

Hazardous Mitigation Plan – The Town Administrator gave the Board an update on the status of the plan.
Sewer Ordinance Update – The Town Administrator explained what changes he was preparing to make to the Sewer Ordinances.
Old Business

1. Town Hall Furnace – The Board discussed how to proceed and decided to find out how much it would cost for the Turner Group to review the heating needs of the building and make a recommendation on the type of furnace. The Town Administrator was to research this for the next meeting.

2. Economic Development Committee – Selectman Vien asked to have Deb Jordan from Northway Financial added to the committee as a representative from the Pittsfield Chamber of Commerce. A motion was made to appoint Deb Jordan to the Economic Development Committee by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. Ethics Code Sign-offs – The Town Administrator stated that he had received nine acknowledgement forms back so far. The Board discussed the letters and the policy and decided to wait to see how many more forms were returned before taking further action.

Appointment – Hank FitzGerald
Hank spoke to the Board about the letter he received. He stated that he had not been argumentative with anyone and the he was upset that the Board did not contact him before sending the letter out to discuss the matter. Hank stated that he would avoid the Town Hall because he was working now.

Applications and Warrants

1. Abatement – A motion was made to approve an Abatement for Tigger Realty LLC in the amount of $1,262.00 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 7-18-06 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of July 11th – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes of July 11th, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Public Session Minutes of July 11th – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes of July 11th, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Public Input

1. Don Chase asked what was meant by the Food Pantry being described as a ‘Town Entity’ once it was separated from the Town. The Board stated that it would be a separate entity as opposed to being part of another entity.

2. Ron Vien spoke to the Board about a problem that he was having with RV’s dumping into a drain at the WWTP. He asked if he could draft a policy and look into some improvements to address the problem. The Board stated that he should go ahead with that.

3. Brian Wittenberg asked the Board if they would be discussing his situation tonight. Chairman Morse stated that the Board would discuss it and meet with him next week.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 7:52PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), (c), and (e) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 8:58PM.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to seal the nonpublic minutes of the July 11, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen and render a proposed action ineffective, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to hire Michael McLaughlin as the Part-Time Building Inspector for the Town of Pittsfield by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 8:58PM by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Board adjourned at 8:58PM.


July 11, 2006

Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Pat Heffernan, Don Chase, Peggy Gingras, Earle Wingate III, Penny Taylor, Susan Munn, Pam St. Laurent, Dave Simpson, Jeremiah Blackey, Ellen Barbasso, Colleen Lynch, CNHRPC, Wayne Gallup, Daren Nielsen, Ron Vien, Lenny Deane, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 at 5:21PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Appointment – Interviews

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 5:21PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(b) by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 6:04PM.

Appointment – Public Hearing on Sewer Fees
Chairman Morse opened the hearing at 6:04PM.

Ron Vien explained why the increase was necessary and that the last increase came in 2001. Ron stated that the new fees would be an $8 flat fee and a rate of $.0577 per gallon on usage.

The hearing was closed at 6:10PM.

Public Input


Agenda Review

The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

New Business – Action Items

Website Policy – A motion was made to approve the policy by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. The Board discussed adding language to limit links to sites expressing viewpoints. The motion was withdrawn and the matter tabled so that Selectwoman Keeley could draft some new language to address this concern.
Contract for Sand/Salt Shed Engineering Services – The Board reviewed the proposal that was received from Joe Ducharme. A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the contract with TTG Environmental Consultants LLC, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Fire Chief Search – Tabled.
Pool Hire – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to hire Jordan Drolet as a lifeguard, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Pritchard Letter Request – The Town Administrator explained that Jim Pritchard had requested a letter from the Board explaining what action the Board had taken on his sister Elaine Mahood’s letter to the Board dated April 26th. He explained that the minutes did not reflect a discussion of the letter. The Board discussed their earlier actions and their belief that there was nothing more to be done on the abatement application. The Board discussed having a new letter sent reflecting this opinion with the Board’s signature. The Town Administrator was asked to draft a letter for the Board’s review based on the discussion.
Sewer Fees – A motion was made to adopt the new sewer fees of an $8 flat fee and a rate of $.0577 per gallon effective July 1st to December 31st by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Appointment – Colleen Lynch

Colleen Lynch, the Economic Development Planner from the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, presented her report on the demographics of Pittsfield. She asked about the status of forming an Economic Development Committee and stated that her next tasks would be to work on a database of commercial properties and reviewing the zoning ordinances to look for ways to make them more business-friendly while still keeping the character of the Town. Chairman Morse asked the members of the Economic Development Committee present to introduce themselves. The members discussed dates for the first meeting and chose August 2nd at 6PM at the Town Hall. The Town Administrator was asked to send letters to the Committee members informing them of the meeting date.

New Business – Informational Items

Food Pantry – The Board received an update on filing for an Employer Identification Number.
New Employee Orientation Checklist – The Board discussed the form that the Town Administrator was proposing to use.

Appointment – Food Pantry
Peggy Gingras complimented Don Chase on the job he was doing volunteering with the Food Pantry. He had moved shelves, brought a computer in, and helped her when she went to the Food Bank. Peggy proposed having a police officer, a member of the fire department, a member of the local clergy, a member of Board of Selectmen, and a citizen of Pittsfield on the Board of Directors for the Food Pantry when it becomes a separate nonprofit entity. Don Chase stated that the Board of Directors would have to be identified in the initial filing.

Don stated that the food pantry could go under an existing nonprofit entity. The Board discussed the idea of having the food pantry go under the umbrella of another charitable or exempt organization. They discussed looking into the benefits of filing separately versus filing under another organization’s number. Selectwoman Small asked Peggy if she would be interested in staying on with the food pantry after the 14th. Peggy stated that she would be willing to continue helping out.

Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that they had located where the leak was and that Therrien Roofing was aware of the location and would be coming back to finish the work.

2. Town Hall Furnace – The Town Administrator reported on the response he received from the Department of Revenue Administration. The Board discussed the option to request the ability to spend funds on the furnace. The Town Administrator then went over what was happening with the Shaw Road Bridge. The Board discussed the repairs. Chairman Morse requested that the Town Administrator prepare reports on the facts of both issues so that the Board could make a decision on them.

3. Office Space for the Building Inspector – Selectman Vien stated that the floor was currently being repainted around the office area.

4. Condo Conversions – The Board discussed sending a letter with the member’s concerns about the conversions to the Housing Standards Agency. The Town Administrator was asked to draft a letter based on the Board’s concerns.

5. Ambulance Liability Policy – The Town Administrator stated that the Jim Dodge and Lenny Deane had both told him that the policy looked good. He asked the Board to review it for the next meeting.

6. Light Duty Policy – The Town Administrator stated that he had not received any comments yet. This was to be added as an action item for the next meeting.

7. Ethics Code Sign-offs – Selectman Vien read a statement “that because of our Code of Ethics adopted under RSA 31:39-A at a Special Town Meeting on November, 29, 2005, under Section VI Paragraph B Item #4, I make this motion: That any Town officers/employees/committee or subcommittee members who do not return a signed written receipt for the code within seven working days after one more notice be removed from his or her position immediately.” The motion was seconded by Selectman Konopka. The Board discussed the motion. Chairman Morse proposed sending a letter explaining the Code of Ethics then sending a second letter warning of consequences. The Board discussed sending the two letters. Ron Vien stated that termination was too harsh a punishment for refusing to sign the form. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Applications and Warrants

1. Abatement – A motion was made to approve an Abatement for Lily Pond Road LLC in the amounts of $2,456.00 by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

2. Pole License – Selectwoman Keeley proposed rejecting the licenses because the highway Superintendent had not been informed prior to the poles being set and sending a letter to PSNH to that effect. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to reject pole licenses for poles numbered 805/10, 805/11, 805/12, and 805/13 on Clough Road, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0. Selectwoman Keeley was to draft the letter.

3. Health Plan Amendment – The Town Administrator stated that this amendment was because of a change in the law. A motion was made to approve the amendment to the Health Care Reimbursement Plan Document by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

4. Raffle Permit – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve a Raffle Permit for the Pittsfield Skate Park conditioned upon receipt of a sample raffle ticket, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Check Manifests
A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 7-5-06 and 7-11-06 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Selectwoman Small stated that she wanted to see the backup data for the welfare checks. The Board discussed getting more information on the welfare and what information they wanted. Motion passed 3 to 1 with Selectwoman Small opposed.


Public Session Minutes of June 27th – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes of June 27th, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectman Konopka abstaining.

Public Session Minutes of July 6th – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes of July 6th, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of June 27th – A motion was made to approve the nonpublic minutes of June 27th by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectman Konopka abstaining.

Public Session Minutes of July 6th – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes of July 6th, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Public Input

1. Pam St. Laurent offered some advice about the food pantry and welfare administration.

2. Jeremiah Blackey commented on the prices at area pharmacies.

3. Pat Heffernan asked some questions about condo conversions, which the Board discussed.

4. Pam stated that she used to give the Board monthly reports on the welfare expenditures when she was the welfare director.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:35PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), (c), and (e) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 10:22PM.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to seal the nonpublic minutes of the July 11, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen and render a proposed action ineffective, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 10:22PM by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Board adjourned at 10:22PM.