July 25, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.






Call to order at 3:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.

Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,

Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), and Denise Morin (DM).


Barry Cox, LGC Representative, Cher Keuenhoff, Art Morse, Denise Patterson, Fred Okrent, Jim Thyng, Paul Metcalf Sr., Pat Heffernan and Stan Bailey.


Several residents expressed their concern over the resignation of Leon Kenison. Some requested the BOS to not accept the resignation, but rather work through the “difference of opinion.” Paul Metcalf felt that he would like the parties to try to work through things. Priorities are to be set by elected officials (BOS) and carried out by the Town Administrator, who is to follow the direction of the Board.

(LK) assured the audience that he had spoken with Leon about the possibility of “shredding” his resignation and it was determined that his resignation would stand. Larry noted that, personally speaking, he would respect Leon’s decision and accept the resignation. (LS) concurred with (LK)’s position.

At this point, recorder was turned on to record rest of meeting.




1. Leon Kenison Resignation

(EV) Sometimes I do better when I stop and have an opportunity to think things through at home. These are my thoughts, which I have prepared in a letter. (EV) read into the Minutes the following letter:


This letter is to the other Members of the Board of Selectman and Town Administrator, Leon Kenison:

July 25, 2008

After this week’s Selectboard meeting and the resignation of Leon Kenison, I had to stop and do some reflecting on the past few months. The first question I came up with was, “How and what led us to this situation?” I must admit to seeing tension and frustrations building between some Board members and the Town Administrator, and I know now that I did not do enough to bring this forward to a meeting and help find a reasonable resolution to the problem. I had one member tell me, “I’ve seen this coming for awhile,” but like me, did not do enough to help solve this problem. Other Members have been quite disappointed and upset by some things not moving forward fast enough, but did not ask for a meeting to discuss these problems. I think any other Town employee would have been given this opportunity to have a meeting to work out any problems we have.

We, the Town of Pittsfield, and Leon Kenison have invested a lot of time and effort “together” this past year, making Pittsfield a better, more respected Town. We really have just gotten to know each other. I think the Selectboard’s zeal for positive change and forward movement for the Town has created job expectations for the Town Administrator that is not attainable.

I, myself, want to apologize to Leon Kenison for not doing my job as a Selectman more effectively and allowing this hostile and non-productive environment to develop to a point where he thought resignation was his only recourse.

For these reasons, I ask Mr. Kenison to reconsider this planned resignation, and give us all a chance to work on the issues that have brought us to this negative parting of the ways. I, for one, do not want to give up on the things “WE” have worked so hard on this past year.

That being said, I will make a Motion that we, the Selectboard, and Mr. Kenison set up a meeting to resolve the issues that are before us and allow Mr. Kenison to continue as Town Administrator if at all possible.


Signed: Ed Vien


(EV) Motion to have Board of Selectman and Leon Kenison set-up a meeting to try to resolve the issues before us and hopefully allow Leon to continue on as Town Administrator if at all possible. (JL) Second.

(EV) I think that this pretty much sums up my feelings in this regard. The reason I wrote this down is when I get upset with things that really bother me, I sometimes cannot find the words to express myself and this is the best way for me to present it. Thank you for this opportunity to do this.

Motion carried 5-0.

(LK) I, myself, am still going to respect Leon’s request. I have asked him to reconsider and he wishes to move forward on his resignation. (EV) noted that he has not seen any of these problems discussed on a one-to-one basis. (LK) Do you want to go into Non-Public? (EV) I thought Leon would be here. (LK) He does not want to be here. (LS) Why don’t we call him in and talk to him. (LK) And, go into Non-Public? (LS) I make a Motion….

(DM) There is a Motion on the floor that has to be voted on or withdrawn before we can go on and it has not been withdrawn. (LS) Yes, there is a Motion to meet with Leon. (JL) Why does it have to be in Non-Public? (LK) Out of respect to Leon. (EV) I would give Leon an opportunity to do that if he wants to. (LS) I do not know how well anyone can discuss some of these things in the public eye.

Pat Heffernan, “What the h— has he got to lose, he has one foot out the door.” (LS) We are wishing to resolve something out of this and accomplish something here. We will leave it up to him.

(EV) left meeting to talk to Leon Kenison.

Paul Metcalf, Sr., “Maybe if Department Heads worked with him more, maybe it would be better.” (LK) “The BOS works with the Department Heads – one Board member per department.” Mr. Metcalf commented that this is a big priority. (LK) One BOS per Department and if there is a priority in the department that member brings it back to the BOS without putting all that pressure on him, whatever it is. It used to run that way years ago. Art Morse, “Doesn’t Leon have a meeting every week with Department Heads?” (LK) Right. Art Morse, “How has that been working out?” (LK) indicated that there was good communication there.

(JL) “In my assessment of the situation, Department Heads and employees have no negative input on this. Everyone is distressed that he is leaving. He is the best we have ever had and somehow we have fouled our nest only the way Pittsfield can do it.”

??: I was very surprised that Pittsfield got that man and was glad that we did get him. I really like him and we were lucky to have him as an Administrator. We will not have any continuity in Pittsfield if we keep going through administrators and through staff because of problems. These people know the “ropes” and can make things happen. You know as Selectman, it takes a long time to get your feet wet. You have to learn the ropes before you can be productive in Town.”

Denise Patterson, “Do you think he would be willing to talk to us without you guys? I am not trying to……I am serious about you guys going. I am not trying to put anybody on the spot. Let the townspeople plead with him or at least let us thank him. Maybe he doesn’t want to come in because he doesn’t want to be in a meeting. (DM) noted that she could talk to him at any time. (LK) “His door is always open.” Ms. Patterson noted, “I already did talk to him and I communicated with him earlier. We might be able to talk to him as a group.” (LK) We have other appointments going on so if that is something you guys want to do on the way out, he did tell me to tell you his door is always open.

(JL) Ed is taking longer than I expected, that may be a good sign. (LK) If Leon doesn’t really want to, you have got to respect that. (LS) We do not want to put him on the spot. (JL) I would love to put him on the spot and get this Board’s consensus to ask him not to resign unanimously.

(LS) Actually, it was a Motion to talk to him about it. (JL) “Speak up so all can hear you.” (LS) I do not want to. You have to keep his character in mind; do not put the man on the spot. Ms. Patterson noted, “It is his choice.”

Recording reveals a lot of different individuals talking which is undecipherable for transcription, but nothing was particularly being addressed by Board members. Board continued to wait for (EV)’s return.

(EV) “I guess we are done. Leon has chosen not to talk to us. I do not think the problem is going to be with Mr. Kenison leaving, I think the problem is still here. I think we failed as an administration. This is my opinion. I am sure you do not all agree with me but I will take one-fifth of the responsibility of “screwing up” something that should have or might have worked. I apologize to the Town for that.”

(JL) Ed, can you read your resolution again? (EV) repeated his Motion. “Mr. Kenison thanks us for the invitation, but he declines.”

(LK) With that said, what is Board’s wish? I went there earlier as Chairman of the Board of Selectman to ask if there is any sort of way to work this out, and now I am granting him his wish and hope that we all will do so.

(LS) Motion that we accept Leon Kenison’s resignation. (LK) Second.

(LS) There is not much more that we can discuss on this and we cannot just leave it hanging out there. (JL) Saying nothing would be saying something. (LS) Whether we want it to go or not, Leon’s resignation is in hand.

Vote: (LS) and (LK) approve of Motion. (EV), (JL) and (DM) Opposed.

(LK) Motion dies.

(EV) He is going to leave. You cannot make him stay if he does not want to. (LK) We cannot move forward and get another Town Administrator without this Motion being carried. (EV) Right. It doesn’t mean I have to accept it or like it, but if he is not here, we have to fill the position.

Several members of the audience requested copies of Town Administrator’s resignation and were provided with such.*

The following is a copy of the letter submitted by Leon Kenison, Town Administrator.

143 Page Road

Bow, NH 03304

July 24, 2008

Pittsfield Board of Selectmen

85 Main Street

Pittsfield, NH 03263

Dear Selectmen:

As I indicated during the Board’s meeting of 7-22-08, I am resigning from the position of Town Administrator. While we have accomplished much I do not feel I have gained the trust and confidence of the Board to continue serving in a constructive manner.

I have enjoyed working with the volunteers of the several Boards, Commissions and Committees. I gained special satisfaction working with the Town’s full-time and part-time staff who although resource constrained have held utmost the Town’s interests in their minds and hearts as they have performed their duties.

I offer to assist during the transition as the Town identified the new administrator. A continuation beyond August 15 will require a mutual assessment of the Town’s needs and my availability.


Signed: Leon Kenison


(LK) Let’s move forward to matters on the Agenda.

2. Meeting with Barry Cox of LGC regarding recruitment proposal for Town Administrator.

Mr. Cox began to explain to Board by making sure all Board members had received copy of his proposal.

*(LK) You are holding up Town by not accepting his resignation. I am Chairman right now and I am not going to move forward until this has been resolved. We can continue this matter to a date certain. (JL) Can we have someone inform us of the steps we need to take without any commitment of that?

(LK) Motion to reconsider acceptance of resignation of Leon Kenison.

(LS) Second.

(LS) We do not have to argue, but we have to respect what we have here in hand. We have to move forward rather than sit here and argue with one another and get frustrated over what has happened. It is not going to solve anything. Leon does not want to continue as Town Administrator. Having said that, I would urge Board to look out for the best interests of the Town and the operation of it and accept his resignation so we can move forward. You do not have to agree with the details, but this is where we are.

(JL) I suggest we wait until Tuesday night. It is too sudden for me.

(LS) John, I pulled myself away from a very busy schedule to resolve these issues for the Town and I, personally, do not think waiting for any purpose will solve anything as urgent as this is. It is just not a good idea. (JL) My mental state will not permit it. OK? (LS) I am sorry about your mental state but…. (LK) We will send letter of regret and disappointment.

Vote: Yes (LS), (LK) and (DM) – “I am only doing this because of the good of the Town. Leon is not coming back no matter how much we want it to happen. I have talked to Leon sensibly and he wants it and is going to be leaving. We can try and hold him up, but he is going to be leaving. I am going to respect his wishes and accept his resignation.”

Opposed: (JL) and (EV). Carried 3-2.

Continue with meeting with Barry Cox.

Mr. Cox explained the proposed Service Agreement for recruitment of Town Administrator noting that a 50% deposit is usually required to start process. LGC can waive the deposit if Board thinks changes will occur. (LK) explained that this was more of an informational meeting with probably no decision being made tonight.

Mr. Cox noted proposal includes job description, drafting classified ad with recommendation as to newspaper placement, various Website postings (Main, Vermont and New Hampshire), reviewing of resumes received (usually approximately 10-15), identification of candidates for interview, interview process (Board, Citizen Panel, or additional methods), essay questions if requested, reference checks and background checks, notification of unselected candidates, timeframe and contract preparation if necessary. Mr. Cox also noted that there would be a 30% discount because Town utilized other services of LGC.

Board thanked Mr. Cox for presentation and advised they would get back to him.

2a: Job Descriptions

(LS) explained that Town Hall staff is overburdened. We have grown so the duties and responsibilities have grown; yet job descriptions are the same. We are short staffed. What we are kind of looking at doing is trying to figure out what everybody is currently doing and form new job descriptions so that we can recognize what the needs are within the Town Hall, which is important. So, we would like to have job descriptions to find out what exactly they are doing, how much they are doing, shouldn’t be doing and can’t do as well as how we can correct that and pull this all together for the actual need of the Town versus what we have. This is for about 7-8 employees including the Building Inspector, and even a position we no longer have.

During a study that was done of the staff duties, it was noted that a lot of responsibilities were given to some employees that shouldn’t be there and some they have picked up along the way. It is like one person running the office and you never go from there though the Town is growing. That is the major issue. We would like to see this rectified because people are having to take work home and this is not an efficient way to run things. The first step in my estimation is to get the job descriptions updated.

Mr. Cox explained that LGC could assist Town with this endeavor. He explained process, questionnaires, interviews, staff interaction, timeframes, and costs. He agreed to mail to BOS a packet of information for their review.

3. Paul Skowron Application

(DM) He may be coming in to help Town as Town Administrator. (JL) He is coming in independently? (LS) That is my understanding.

(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public per 91-A:3 II (b). (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

5:50 P.M.: Board returned to Public Session.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of July 25, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to appoint department liaisons: John Lenaerts – Building Inspector; Larry Konopka – Police Department and Fire Department;

Ed Vien – Highway Department; Denise Morin – WWTP; and

Linda Small – Town Hall. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(EV) Motion to adjourn (5:55 P.M.) (DM) Second.

(EV) Withdraw Motion (5:58 P.M.) (DM) Withdraw Second.


Cher Keuenhoff asked that the Board cooperate in the Budget schedule, as it was not convenient getting piecemeal information last year. She noted she has E-Mailed a budget schedule to members and is looking to have budgets in hand at least one week prior to those schedules. The first Budget meeting is on October 22nd. Members of the Board assured Cher they would “do their very best to accommodate this.” Cher also requested that all members get the same information to work from. (LK) said he would push Department Heads to comply with the schedule.


(JL) Motion to Adjourn. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05 P.M.

APPROVED: August 5, 2008

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Larry Konopka, Chairman Date