July 29, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.






Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.

Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,

Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




James Theodore noted that he had put a notation in the Suggestion Box regarding having a time clock for employees in Town. He noted that he had submitted it about four to five weeks ago and wondered if the Board had taken it under consideration? (LS) noted that the Board had talked about it a couple of times and the pros and cons of having one. (LK) noted he would put it on the Agenda for tonight and Board would discuss again.


(LS) Memo; (JL) one Action and one Information; (EV) one Information that may result in an Action – National Night Out Next Week; (LKe) a couple of handouts, Purchase of Winter Road Salt – CNHRPC, Library Request – Attic Insulation, Invitation to Board to National Night Out and also handout on Storage/Restoration of Antique Fire Apparatus and Policing Strategies; (LK) Non-Public (a) and (b). (LS) added two Non-Public (a) and (c) – employee and reputation.



1. Minimum Wage Adjustment – Pool Gatekeepers – Ward & King

(LKe) noted that these individuals started positions under the standard minimum wage, which should be $6.55 and should be reimbursed retroactively.

(LS) Motion to approve employees Ward & King to retroactively receive wages to meet the Minimum Wage and also increased to new Minimum Wage, which began on July 24th. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Sewer Invoice Adjustment – Robert Defillipo

(LKe) The Aqueduct people responded to Mr. Defillipo regarding his request to examine his meter, which was found to be out of calibration. They have changed the meter and re-billed him reducing water consumption. This has not been paid. (LS) suggested Ron Vien be asked to submit written recommendation on this. (LKe) noted that he had reviewed both of the abatements (this one and the next one) and Ron has no problems with this adjustment and the next abatement. (LKe) noted that in the future, he would request that Ron put this information in writing.

(LS) Motion to approve abatement for Robert Defillipo. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Sewer Abatement – Windwalker (72 Barnstead Road)

(EV) recused himself and was seated in the audience.

(LKe) noted that this is not for a large amount. (LS) Why did they pay this all this time? (LKe) noted that he was unsure of the internal bookkeeping, but in the past it was sent to Pittsfield Weaving and Windwalker did not see the bill.

(LS) Motion to approve abatement for $16.00 for Windwalker per Ron Vien’s recommendation. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(EV) returned and was seated on the Board (6:12 P.M.)

4. Purchase of Winter Road Salt – CNHRPC

(LKe) read Memo to Board from CNHRPC regarding their bulk purchase of volume road salt to entice a better price for several towns. George, on his own, has inquired of the two local companies – Morton Salt ($62.73) and Granite State Mineral ($65.45) per ton, which are both a lot higher than before. This was previously budgeted for $46.00 per ton. Like the purchase of fuel, it is going to be a shock. If you wish to go with Morton Salt instead, I am unsure exactly how much longer this cost will be “on the table” for purchase. It may take a lot longer for CNHRPC to coordinate this as it is “rather late in the game.” (LS) Would there be a fee involved if we went through the CNHRPC?” (LKe) “No, they would be the facilitator for the bulk purchase.” (LKe) to get more info on this.

5. Personnel Memo

(LKe) noted that Board discussed this briefly previously.

(LS) Motion to approve Personnel Memo regarding out of work attendance. (DM) Second for discussion.

(DM) suggested some minor changes in the last sentence of the Memo.

(LS) “I am not going to sugarcoat it. It is an expectation of something that needs to be followed, although not all employees are doing it.” (EV) noted that he liked the idea of the first part of the Memo and the firmness addressed therein, but noted not all employees are in violation of this policy. (LS) “When you do a Memo addressing a problem, you are addressing non-compliers, not those that are complying.” Suggestion was made by (LS) to add “some employees” at the end of the first sentence of the Memo. All agree.

(LS) Withdraw Motion. (DM) Withdraw Second.

(LS) Motion to approve Memo with changes as indicated by Board.

(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Request Library Insulation

(LKe) related that this request had come in today. The Library had a survey done of the building and found that the heat loss through the attic deserves attention. The cost would be about $3,000 initially resulting in savings of $1,000 per year. They are appealing to Board for approval. (LK) “Why is this here so late?” (EV) This should go out for bid. (LKe) I would think so. (LS) “Where is the money coming from to cover this?” (LKe) “I would assume the general building fund.” (LS) This is not an emergency. Is there any money that can be acquired through the friends of the Library? (DM) Has anyone researched grants for this. There are a lot of energy grants out there. (LKe) Leslie is checking this out on a regular basis. Board agreed to table until next week.

7. Resignation of John Lenaerts

(JL) noted that he is resigning from the Board of Selectman due to a number of reasons including his health and not being able to pull his weight, his wife’s health, and my problem accepting what went on at the last meeting. “We shot ourselves in the foot with a loaded gun. I am deeply saddened by it. I wish you all Godspeed. I care for the Town.”(* See Below)


1. Additional Town Hall Office Assistance

(LKe) “I have had a conversation with Dee, who is our first choice, and she has agreed to help us out as much as she can working on Monday and Tuesday and keeping Friday as “Dee’s Day.” Board members thanked Dee.

*(DM) Motion to accept John Lenaerts’ resignation to leave Board. (LK) Second.

(DM) Withdraw Motion. (LK) Withdraw Second.

(DM) Motion to accept John Lenaerts’ resignation to leave Board of Selectman effective July 30, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LK) How are we going to fill this vacancy? Board agreed that it would be advertised in the Sun with a thirty-day deadline (August 31st) requesting resumes to include education and interest. Resumes will be addressed to Chairman of Board of Selectman in a sealed envelope and forwarded to Chairman and Board for review. Postings in Town Hall and Post Office will also be accomplished.

(LS) Motion to advertise for Board of Selectman member till August 31, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Board agreed that they would not rush into a selection with possible Board interviews.

(LS) John, you have served this community for a lot of years and your service is appreciated.

2. Staff Meeting Notes – July 22, 2008

(LKe) noted that he has attached a handout covering “Careless Whispers” (or office gossip.) (LS) noted that this is very interesting.

3. Lily Pond Road LLC, R4-2C Land Use Change Tax Appeal

(LK) recused himself from the Board and was seated in the audience.

(6:40 P.M.)

(LKe) noted that in the future (around August 26th) this gentleman will probably be in with his attorney. His basis for appeal is that there was a letter which was sent to Town Hall on June 19, 2008 and which was not received by the Town. Mr. Aversa has discussed this with Cara. (DM) This is his account of what he perceived has happened? (LKe) “Yes.”

(LK) returned and was seated on the Board (6:43 P.M.)

4. Staff Meeting Handout July 15, 2008 – Motivational Management

(LKe) These are distributed by Local Government Center.

5. Policy Regarding Town Hall Access

(LKe) This is the policy that was approved by prior Board. (LS) I had anticipated doing a Memo on those congregating in the office, but have decided to hold-up on that for now.

6. LGC Recruitment and Job Descriptions

(LKe) If you would like more time to review this, we could put it on for next


(LS) noted that she would like to talk about it tonight. The basic cost is about $140 x 7 positions. “I think we should do this. We can have them come in and talk with the employees.” (LK) Where are we going to get the money to do this? (LKe) noted that he had not studied it so he was unable to say at this point. (LS) “It is about $1,000. What about the consulting line in the budget?” (LS) noted that she would discuss with Cara and it will be on next week’s Agenda.

7. Leon Kennison Time Off

(LK) Leon will be out on August 1, 2008.

8. National Night Out

Since this is on Tuesday, August 5th, Board agreed that they would meet from 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. This will be posted accordingly.

9. Letter from Denise Patterson

(LS) read into the Minutes a card from Denise Patterson congratulating Board for all their hard work and noting her standing behind their decisions.

10. Time Clock

(LK) noted that the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. It is not in the budget for this year, but we can seriously think about it for next year’s budget. (LS) It would be for all departments.

(EV) noted that we have a committee for investigating a Bi-Weekly Pay System. He noted that Pittsfield Weaving has a punch card system and that it saves “our people a lot of time.” (LK) We can research it. It was agreed that they would check with Cara. (DM) noted that this would also be good for Department Heads making it easier to calculate times. She agreed that she would research this including the costs and get back to Board.

11. Voice Enhancer for Town Clerk’s Window

(JL) noted that he had researched some units at Radio Shack — $60.00 unit that requires use of switches and $80.00 unit, which requires speaker to be so many feet away from the actual unit. He noted that he has a neighbor who is an expert on this and would contact him in this regard. “There probably is an easy solution.” (LKe) “Due to the bulletproof glass, it makes this kind of thing very expensive.” (LK) briefly touched on expanding the bulletproof glass to be included in the other office.


1. Storage/Restoration of Antique Fire Apparatus

(LKe) Fire Chief had attempted to contact Larry Berkson, who is currently out of Town and therefore, contacted Cedric Dustin. They have discussed this and if Board is satisfied, Gary will put together a letter of understanding. (EV) noted that he would rather have Town have complete ownership. We should get some kind of formal agreement and check with Town counsel. These are antiques and have value historically.

13. Policing Strategies

(LK) We can review this week after next. (LS) I have a question. Has the new part-time police officer (detective) started yet? (LKe) He has not started yet as he has to get approval from County Commissioner.

(EV) When is Mike graduating from Academy? (LKe) Friday night at around 7:00 P.M.

(LS) Could we ask for the August schedule and the starting time for Frank Cassidy? (LKe) Yes.

2. Union Wage Step Schedule Updates

(LS) I have talked to Paul and there is no provision for new employees in the contract. All will get advanced same way if there is an increase in salary.

3. Proposed Reorganization of WWTP

(DM) Can we send to Teamster Union for approval? (LK) Ron is on vacation. He was invited to come in tonight, but I received notice that he is on vacation this week. We can invite him to attend on August 12th.

(EV) There are some questions in the difference in pay scale and we can send it out to the Union with a conditional approval. (LK) It should be noted that this person has a special trade dealing with various chemicals and controls at the WWTP. (LKe) noted that if Board is thinking about elevating one supervisor, that others will also want to be elevated. (LS) The explanation is that one is certified versus non-certified. (EV) Has there been any discussion regarding replacing the third person? (LK) requested (LKe) check on this to see if “we are on the right leg.”

4. Application to operate a Coin Operated Amusement Device – Zoya’s Restaurant

(LK) recused himself and was seated in the audience. (7:17 P.M.)

(LKe) Chief Wharem has been working on a Memo, which you have before you giving history and rationale in reference to the application for Zoya’s Restaurant. (LS) You all have read the Memo, what is the Board’s pleasure?

(DM) Motion to approve application for two coin operated amusement devices – Zoya’s Restaurant. (EV) Second for discussion. After discussion: Carried 4-0.

(EV) What can we do, if anything? (LS) It can be approved at the discretion of the Police Chief and he is recommending it. (JL) We are hard put to say “No.” We may not like it, but we can’t really deny it.

(DM) There is no reason why he cannot have it. He is in compliance, has been inspected and the recommendation has gone through from the Police Chief. (LS) Because the Police Chief has recommended it, I will support it.

(LK) returned and was seated on Board.

5. Security Glass Contamination Device

(See above.)

6. Town Building Improvements – Life Safety Codes

(LKe) Right now, all departments are focusing on the storm damage.

7. Town Investment Policy

(LKe) I have shared this with Town Treasurer and I think this is overwhelming for her. (LS) It is standard for the most part. (DM) She had no input at all? (LKe) She was to review it and will get back to us. (LS) I know someone who could look it over and give us some feedback – Eric Bahr. I could ask him to do it. There are a handful of things that I have questions about. Board agreed that it would be acceptable to have Eric Bahr review it. (LS) to contact him.

8. Management Analysis for GASB34 )

9. Capital Improvement Plan )

10. Space Needs Study )

11. Sidewalk Improvement Plan ) Pending

12. Loitering Ordinance )

13. Policing Strategies )


1. Notice of Intent to Cut – Map R6, Lot 9-1

(LKe) This is for a cut of about four acres, with a total acreage of 14 ½.

(DM) Motion to approve Notice of Intent to Cut, Map R6, Lot 9-1.

(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) requested for future budget purposes, that concession stand supplies be itemized.

(LKe) It should be noted that a sample of water at the pool has revealed

E-Coli and the pool is being shut down for approximately two days.

(EV) noted that the geese are probably the biggest offenders causing this.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Manifests. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of July 22, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of July 22, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. (Several corrections were noted.)

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of July 15, 2008

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of July 15, 2008. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Non-Public Session Minutes of July 22, 2008.

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of July 22, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (LK) recused himself from vote.


(LK) Just to advise everyone, we have a Non-Public Session with Paul Skowron at 8:00 P.M.

All members of the Board offered a “Thank You” to John Lenaerts for all the time he has given to the Town. “We appreciate your service to the Town.”

Close Public Session


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91 A:3 2 (a), (b), and (c). (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Short Break 7:45 P.M.

At this point, John Lenaerts left the meeting (7:47 P.M.)

Leon Kenison left meeting at 7:50 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:15 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of July 29, 2008. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.


(LS) Motion to Adjourn. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:22 P.M.


_________________________ __________________________

Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes