July 3, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Eric Nilsson (EN), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Dan Schroth: I did not want to come out tonight but felt that I should. I am here tonight concerning my letter in The Sun, July 4, 2012 which he read into the Minutes. (See attached.)

I use the media to get my message across. I wish the Police Department would tell us what is going on in Town. I wish that we had something in the paper that was up-to-date. The Police do not see as much as the average people because the Police are so busy. Within a short period of time I knew who was doing the thefts. I talked to a private investigator that happened to stop and talk to me about them. The information should be in the paper. We could help you with this. I do not go to the Police and most people do not. It needs to be in the paper. I would like to know where the burglary and theft matters are on your priority list. People would be willing to help if they knew what is going on. These guys are making fools of us.

Fred Hast: I read the Minutes and you guys feel you are the commanders of the Town. You are demanding too much from the Town.
There was a discussion about the back door and that I was leaving it unlocked. (LK) noted that all department were noticed about the downstairs being locked. Fred Hast: When I come in the back door sometimes it is locked and sometimes it is not. He explained that he had trouble with the locks recently and had to come in the front door in order to gain access but when leaving, he always makes sure that the doors are locked. Fred Hast: The day after the election I turned in my keys to Cara except for the downstairs one in order to gain access to the Food Pantry. Locks were changed to the front door and I was given a new key to the front door. If you want the keys returned, I will give them to you. (LK) We are working at another way for you to gain entrance. Fred Hast: I am sick and tired of my name being brought up all the time. (LK) Your name is not being brought up at all.

Fred Hast: One Sunday someone saw my truck in the parking lot and complained about that. My question is why there is a No Parking ban in the Town Hall during the summer. Originally, it was just for the winter because of plowing. I think you people stepped ahead too fast, the ban was supposed to be just for the winter.

(PR) explained the reference Mr. Hast made as the Board being commanders of the Town.

Fred Hast: What about my vehicle being parked there? (LK) That is why you had to be sworn in as a Town official, to be able to come into the Town Hall. Fred Hast: Then have Town officials do the Food Pantry. (LK) Fred, we thank you for all you do with the Food Pantry. Fred Hast: You people are so concerned about crooks getting into the Town Hall; I will gladly give you my key.

Fred Hast: You people sold two pieces of property before they were deeded. There should be a minimum bid for back taxes. Some of them should have been acted upon previously but in the past you did not work on them and now there are more taxes and penalties due. He wanted to discuss the assessment on the previous Board member, but (LK) suggested he put this in writing and give to Town Administrator who can discuss with him.

Fred Hast: I asked for a spreadsheet on the EDC. The EDC has $90,000 which should be used to buy up some of these properties, fix them up and sell for a profit. You are selling properties for way, way below their worth. This would have been a good way of receiving more.

(LK) Have you heard anything about the Building Permit you requested a refund or credit on? Also, there was a $24. Fee you were requesting refund on or transferring it to another permit. Mr. Hast: I never heard anything about the Permit or the fee. I thought you had a year to use it. (GL) No, it is 180 days and it was 185 days. Mr. Hast: Many towns do not charge for sheds. (LK) Who signed the Building Permit? Mr. Hast: I did.

Close Public Input


(EN) Non-Public – Employee; (LS) August 14th Meeting; (PR) Fire Department Command Vehicle, Welfare Scheduling; (PS) Appointment – Hank Fitzgerald with Attachments, Request from Pittsfield School District to Waive Building Permit Fees.


6:05 P.M.: Clayton Wood Re: Cable Consortium/Continued Participation

Clayton Wood: (6:25 P.M.) I am here regarding the Cable Consortium which was on the Agenda for June 19th and Town’s prior commitment. It was noted that Pittsfield is not noted in the text of the contract and to do that would entail an additional cost and time. There were originally ten towns involved and now there are twelve. (LS) What about the cost increase? Clayton Wood: The cost is estimated at about $3,000 which provides for the legal counsel. The anticipated cost has doubled. The members feel that we are getting good value for what we are getting out of it.

There was a question posed as to what the Town would be getting out of this which is a hard question to answer but would include service areas, future line extensions, parental control and security for a few. The issues for each Town are different. This would be a ten-year contract and will include the future. There is no way of verifying the conditions. (LS) What effect would it have if Town is not part of Consortium? Clayton Wood: We have never received a contract from Metrocast as all contracts are written differently. He explained that there would be the possibility of putting together a local government channel which the Town could charge franchise fees. Out of thirty towns, about nineteen have franchise fees for local government channels. He noted that he was convinced that there would be a better product at the end. If we get out of the Consortium now, we have nothing. The meeting with Metrocast is in August.

Board Discussion: (LS) Regarding the franchise fees, how would we go about that? Clayton Wood: You would have to let the public know as to why and you would have to earmark the funds for this or it would go into the General Fund.

Board decided that they would prefer to hold a Public Hearing to determine ratepayer’s thoughts on levying a franchise fee. (PS) Public Hearing will be scheduled for early August.

(LK) At the last meeting we talked about the Town Website. I am a little concerned as Clayton notes that we should educate the public but they will be paying double. We have a tight budget and I am a little nervous. (EN) We can have the Public Hearing to know what their ideas are. Board asked that Clayton be present at this Public Hearing to answer any questions.

6:10 P.M.: Police Chief Robert Wharem Re: Employment of Part-time
Police Officer (6:48 P.M.)

Chief Wharem: I asked to meet with you to introduce Joseph McDowell who is a full-time Sargent in Barnstead and will be working part-time in Pittsfield. He would be available for the shifts. The background check has been accomplished and is all okay. (LK) How many hours per week? Chief Wharem: It will depend on the schedule and the Town’s needs in conjunction with his work schedule. The important part of this will be that we can combine efforts in working on matters and will result in a better product. This is a good step in the right direction. He works well with the current police officers in Pittsfield and they are excited about him coming on board.

I will be losing two full-time officers in August (Officer Wilshire and Officer Webber.)

(LS) Motion to appoint Joseph McDowell as part-time officer. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) I am looking forward to your coming on board with your expertise.
(LK) Welcome. Chief Wharem: I would like to discuss with Paul about the “salary steps.”

(PR) *What about the second hiring you are proposing? Chief Wharem: That is a similar situation as a conditional offer of employment. He is already in law enforcement. Chief Wharem questioned the process by which future hires would be approved. Board noted that this could be defined with (PS).

(LS) Motion to approve Town Administrator making the conditional offer for hiring of employees. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) This way Paul can move on any part-time hires if we lose officers for any reason. Chief Wharem noted that Pittsfield as well as other small communities are having issues finding certified part-time officers.

(PS) Just to advise Board, the black and white is going to be sent to the traders. Chief Wharem: Not until we get another vehicles.

Chief Wharem left at 7:03 P.M.


6:15 P.M.: Hank Fitzgerald

Chairman Konopka recused himself and was seated in the audience. (7:03 P.M.)

(LS) I have read your letter of recommendation regarding Mr. Pritchard and I am asking Board to table this item for further review and because the other party is not present.

Hank Fitzgerald: My letter of June 23, 2012 to this Board has attached to it a
July 3rd response from Mr. Pritchard which means my letter was released to Jim Pritchard prior to this Board’s meeting. Board noted that they had Hank Fitzgerald’s letter (dated June 23, 2012), Mr. James Pritchard’s response (dated July 3, 2012) and letter from the abutters Mary Pritchard, and Dana and Royce Sargent dated June 30, 2012.

Hank Fitzgerald: There is also an issue which is not mentioned in my letter. I attended the Planning Board meeting when they met in Non-Public with counsel. I have read Mr. Pritchard’s letter and they are telling me he does not know about the meeting. He had recused himself and he was in the hallway, as was I, when the meeting was going on. All I ask is that I be invited back to discuss this. Board agreed that this would be so.

Larry Konopka returned and was seated on the Board. (7:10 P.M.)


10. Request from Pittsfield School District to Waive Building Permit Fees

(PS) We have received a letter from John Freeman requesting Building Permit fees for the Elementary School Roofing Project be waived.

(PR) Motion to approve waiving Building Permit fees for the Elementary School Roofing Project. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EN) The only reason I am waiving these fees is because the plans are stamped by an engineer who takes full responsibility for the project.

1. Junkyard License Renewal Applications

(PS) The Town had three Junkyard Licenses last year. Condition No. 4 in the license deals with Certification of Approval as required by State Statutes. Two require Certificates of Approval. Mr. Richardson’s can be approved with the condition that he applies for this certificate. Mr. Clattenberg has not submitted a compliance statement and that renewal cannot be issued by this Board.

(EN) James Snedeker has a Certificate of Approval and I have reviewed all the past Minutes pertaining to this. I have an outstanding question that has not yet been answered by Town counsel. I would suggest tabling this one for now.

(LS) Motion to conditionally (Certificate of Approval) approve Junkyard License renewal for Roy Richardson Auto Salvage. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.
(Board members signed the Junkyard License renewal for Roy Richardson.)

2. Notice of Welfare Lien: Tax Map R8, Lot 3

(LS) Motion to approve Welfare Lien for Tax Map R8, Lot 3. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Application for Parade Permit: Homecoming

(PR) Motion to approve Parade Permit for Homecoming Day on
September 21, 2012 at 6:00 P.M. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) I will sign this and request Chief Wharem to sign also.

4. Application for Parade Permit: Old Home Day

(PR) Motion to approve Parade Permit for Old Home Day on July 21, 2012
at 6:00 P.M. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) and Chief Wharem to sign.

5. SVTRA Health Insurance Review – Consulting Contract

(PS) This is what Gerard has been working on. This was similar to what was accomplished a few years ago. It is a release to LGC to release information for the consultation. Town’s fee for this service is $698.

(EN) Motion to authorize Chairman to sign SVTRA Consulting Contract.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Trustee of Trust Funds Resignation

(PR) Motion to accept resignation of Elsie Morse as Trustee of Trust Funds dated June 21, 2012. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.
(PS) to send letter of Thank You.

(PR) Motion to approve Ross Morse to fulfill her term. No Second.

(LS) Have we seen any paperwork from these individuals regarding their willingness to serve? (PS) I believe that they are both willing to serve but the Board of Trustees usually provides a recommendation. (LS) I would wait for their recommendation. (LK) The way I read it, they are both interested. (PS) This is an elected position. (PR) They would just be filling in for the rest of her term. (LS) I am fine with that. (GL) I agree with Paul’s choice. Cedric is on too many boards.

(PR) Motion to appoint Ross Morse to fulfill term of office for Elsie Morse as Trustee of Trust Funds if he is interested. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. E-Mail Re: Upper City Road – Class VI Travel Ways

Larry Konopka did not recuse himself as an abutter as no action would be taken on this matter.

(PS) I know we all sympathize with Ms. True but Class VI roads cannot be gated or barred and must be left open to the public. We can sympathize with her and the abutters. I will send a letter to Ruth True. (PR) There was one there previously and they kept it up. People should not be there. (LK) I believe Town stopped doing that because of the liability. (PS) There is a way to dissolve Town’s interest in the road. (LK) If there is a gate it involves liability. The letter to Ms. True should explain to her all the reasons why this cannot be gated and the other avenues she might take in this regard. (PR) If someone gets hurt they will blame the Town anyway.
8. Transfer of $3,288.69 from Municipal Building Repair Expendable Trust
to the General Trust.

(LS) Motion to approve transfer of $3,288.69 from Municipal Building Repair Expendable Trust to the General Trust to cover repairs. (PR) Second.
Carried 5-0.

9. Transfer of $50,702.41 from the Ambulance Fund to the General Fund

(PS) This is the semi-annual transfer associated with the eight hour shifts.

(LS) Motion to approve transfer of $50,702.41 from the Ambulance Fund to the General Fund. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

11. Fire Department Command Vehicle

(PR) I would like to know what the policy is concerning the Fire Department Command Vehicle and employees driving that vehicle.

(PS) The vehicle is utilized by other members of the department for such matters as going on inspections or other official duties, i.e. Nick Abel doing inspections or taking it for compulsory training, etc. (PR) I drive by and it is not there and then I see it go by a lot. (LK) Do they have a log book? (PR) Do we have log books? (LS) We can table this for tonight and talk about it again under Old Business.

12. August 14th Board of Selectmen Meeting

(LS) Just to advise the Board that I will not be present for that meeting but will be away.

13. Welfare Scheduling

(PR) I have a question on the Welfare schedule. This week and next week she will only be here one day. It is not fair to the Deputy to pick-up the slack. (LK) There has been no need for me to assist her. I have not had a call for three months to assist her. If I was being called consistently it might be, but I have not.
(PR) This is two weeks in a row that she will not be here on Friday. (LS) She is pretty good at covering all the bases. (LK) She is doing a great job.


1. E-Mail from Chief Wharem Re: Hiring of Part time Officer Denton Wood

See * Page 4.

2. E-Mail from Town Attorney Re: Recoupment of Taxes on Mobile Homes

(PS) You will find in your packet of information an E-Mail from Laura Specter pertaining to the collection of taxes on previous mobile home sites. (LK) Basically who removed the previous mobile home? (PR) The owner of the site. The owner of the new mobile home is here tonight.

Gary Mullins: The lot sat empty for about six years; the home was purchased and moved up there.

(LK) Now we know what direction this has to go. (PR) We have on file the location of where the previous mobile home is. Did they pull a permit?
Gary Mullins: The Building Inspector came up before I moved in about two years ago. (PS) The lot was vacant for six years before that? (LK) They did not get a demo permit or permission. The Building Inspector should go up and check it. (PS) It is to Mr. Mullins’ benefit that they cannot be responsible for the previous taxes.

3. Status List of Tax Deeded Properties

Board and (PS) reviewed the status of the list of tax deeded properties and their owners. (EN) What about Mr. & Mrs. Gilman living on the property tax free? (PR) We can give them thirty days. (PS) We have already gone through the process with them. One year, we took three of their properties.

(EN) Motion to approve starting eviction process 365 Dowboro Road.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) Other than that, all the other properties will be put out to bid? We will get a list from the Town Clerk of the noticed properties. (LK) All properties should be noticed “as is” and all outstanding financial obligations need to be met. Some auctions do not tell you about the outstanding financial obligations.

4. Quote from Capitol Alarm Re: Basement

(PS) One option provided was a quote to remove alarm system in basement (cost of $195.) and install a separate alarm system (no estimate available). If you would like me to pursue that I will. There may be a need to replace the door downstairs. (LK) We could install one at the top of the stairs.

Fred Hast: The Welfare door has been left open and that lets you in the hallway.
(LK) Fred, thank you for all you do downstairs. (LS) I very much appreciate that and do not take it lightly. Fred Hast: Ruth and I have the front door keys. (LS) We are trying to make it easier for you to get in. (PS) Will check and get back to Board.


1. Administrative Plan for Budget Stabilization Ongoing
2. Policy for Access to Town Property Pending
3. Policy for Collection of Delinquent Taxes on
Mobile Homes Pending
4. Policy for Recruitment & Employment to
To be Revised Pending
5. Policy for Employee Total Compensation

(LS) Town Administrator, (PR) and I met with the Budget Committee. They are looking forward to getting started and working with us to simplify process. It was a good meeting.




(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of June 19, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 19, 2012 with corrections. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


Page 5, Paragraph 4 should read: …..budget, (PS) and I have compiled a budget timeline and will set up a meeting with the Budget Committee………..

Page 5, Paragraph 5 should read: Also, perhaps, Paul can draft something similar for Pittsfield the form Compensation on Ability to Pay as utilized by Town of Hanover.

2. Public Session Minutes of April 20, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of April 20, 2012. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


Maurice Wells: The locks to the front door have been changed. What about the lockbox. (PS) The Fire Department has received a key.

Maurice Wells: Has this Board done anything about the Vintage Hill hook-up fees and there was another one? (LS) Maurice, this has already been rectified. There is a letter attached to the Minutes on this. Mr. Wells: I have seen the Minutes and your letter. I have talked to Ron Vien and he told me he has nothing to do with hook-up fees. (LS) I agree it is a sloppy process. Mr. Wells: The Building Inspector should not have given a Building Permit for that. (LS) explained that all that was in her contract and there is nothing in her contract that mentions hook-up fees. In my contract, the builder was responsible for all the associated fees.
Mr. Wells: Also the apartment at 16 Manchester Street. There is no hook-up fee for around 1977-78. (LS) I agree that the whole process has to be cleaned up. It is hard to go back and check. Mr. Wells: Is it fair for this Board not to do anything?

Mr. Wells had several questions about where the sewer fees go and decided not to pursue with Board any further. He left speaker table and returned to audience.

Paul Richardson: When I was on the Board, I had a discussion with Liz Hast about taxes. The property owner gets the first mortgage letter and the second mortgage holder does not necessarily get one. The trailer being moved has to get the proper clearances to show that taxes were paid.

Fred Hast: The flag is supposed to be flown at half-mast and some are and some are not. They should all be uniform. Also the Recruitment and Employment Policy, can I get a copy? (PS) to do. Fred Hast: The Health Insurance Review – the public does not get a copy of that.

Paul Richardson: Last year the Beautification Committee redid an island and people put up campaign and yard sale signs. Board noted that George could remove these signs. There was supposed to be an article in the paper concerning this. (PR) Carole talked to me about this and attaching signs to telephone or electric poles and do not realize that they cannot do this. What is our policy?
(PS) On Catamount Road, either the State or the Town can remove the signs. It would be better if the Town removed the signs.


(EN) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II a. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Break 8:16 P.M. Resume: 8:20 P.M.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:20 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:30 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of July 3, 2012. (LS) Second.
Carried 5-0.


(PR) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

Approved: July 17, 2012

____________________________ _____________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded on July 3, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on July 5, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes