July 31, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:01 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Vice-Chairman.
Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV),
John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kennison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores
Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman
(LS) Committee Forms, MRI. (LK) Welfare Department Telephone and
Parking Permission.
Action Items
1. In-Law Apartment Permit
(LKe) A letter was sent out to LGC asking them to review the Permit. (LK)
noted after reviewing the draft that it states “permit good for one year from
date of issue.” I think it should be that all of them expire on December 31st
of each year. Since this is Mike’s slow time of the year, it would be a good
time for them all to expire at same time so that he could review them all at
the time same. Better records can be kept this way. (LKe) to discuss with
Mike to change the expiration date on all permits to December 31st. (LK) It
would be easier for Mike to keep track of them.
2. Consideration of Citizen Petition Regarding Drug & Alcohol
(LKe) noted that each Board member has received a copy of the Petition and
that Mr. Lawrence Berube would like to speak regarding this Petition.
Mr. Berbube related that since he has filed the Petition, the windows in his
home have been broken and Swastika stickers have been plastered on his
house. I really do not feel comfortable in Town and for my family. If the
Town does not want to clean up the Town, then I do not think you are doing
your job. You should be in my shoes and see what my family goes through.
It is not just the Police Department but also the Board of Selectmen who are
not doing their jobs. You have to be blind to not see what is going on. I do
not know what else to say. I think if the Police Chief needs more people
then we need to support him. The Board of Selectmen needs to move on this
and take action and get things done. Action needs to be implemented now
not three, six, or nine months from now. We need to work together and just
get the Town cleaned up.
Mr. Berube related that he had received two anonymous warnings that he
and his family should“watch yourselves.” They chose not to be identified
and were warning him as a courtesy by other concerned citizens. The first
one I blew off, then my windows were broken and the Swastikas put on the
house, what are they gonna do next – burn my house down? I went to the
Concord Monitor with this to protect myself. They came and talked to me,
and took pictures, which I did for self-protection.
(LK) related that the Board of Selectman is well aware of the drug and
alcohol issues in Town. Narcotics Anonymous meetings were started on a
regular basis in April 2007 and we have had several meetings of the Drug
and Education Committee. We are 100% behind you on these issues. The
Police Chief and Town Administrator are working on some issues now. The
Board of Selectman are behind you 100% to do whatever it takes to
accomplish this.
Mr. Berube noted that he was not picking on any one Board of Selectman,
but you all have to make it happen or step down. This is our Town.
(LS) noted, “I am watching what is going on and I am behind you 150%. I
am aware of the problems downtown and we are doing the best we can do.
Mr. Berube related that he felt that he could not back down and was asking
for the support of the BOS.
(LS) stated that this is a small community and you should not have to deal
with this. I am not a police officer, but we are behind you 150%.
3. Proposed Pitney Bowes Postal Machine Lease
(LKe) noted that he had a memo from Cara regarding a new replacement
unit that can be acquired that would be cheaper and easier to operate. The
postal machine is used daily by all members of the staff – Town Clerk,
Administrative Assistant and mass mailings are often done. (LS) wanted to
know the status of the old meter. Is there a buyout? (LKe) noted that the
machine is leased from Pitney Bowes but I will check if there is a buyout
4. Fuel Oil Contract for 2007-2008
(LKe) noted that based on various bids and the fact that deliveries were not
made when needed during cold weather, we would require a very definitive
agreement. All of them have service agreements.
(LS) Motion to accept fuel bid contract of Fred Fuller for 2007/8.
(JL) Second. Carried 2-1 (EV).
5. Consider Welfare Lien on Property – Tax Map R-53, Lot 9.
(LS) Motion to accept welfare lien on Tax Map R-53, Lot 9. (JL) Second.
Carried 3-0.
6. Welfare Department Phone
(LK) noted that he needs to have a phone in the Welfare Department for his
desk. “I often have to make phone calls and am unable to use Betsey’s
phone when she is involved with a client. (LS) Can we just add a phone to
the existing system? Chief Wharem indicated that there are several “banks”
which can hold so many lines. You should check that first if you need to
add a new bank the cost would be about $600. (LK) noted that he would
check into it, as he did not want to have to spend the $600. He indicated that
he could always add a phone line to the existing FAX line, if necessary.
7. Parking Permission
(LKe) noted that a resident at 15 Blake Street would like permission to use
the Town Hall parking lot on the 18th of August. She is hosting a party for
her son who is returning from Iraq. Rain date would be August 19th and she
does not want to inconvenience her neighbors. Board members were in
agreement that this would be agreeable. (LS) requested that she be allowed
this one-time approval. (LKe) will send letter to advise of approval for this
8. Standard Committee Application Form
(LS) This is a universal form that can be used for all individuals interested in
serving on a committee. It is a standard form. I have two different examples
and I would like to see an applicant’s credentials, why they are interested in
serving on committee. Bill Provencal indicated that he could put it on the
Website. I would like to move forward on this. After review by Board
members, all agreed that the “second” form was acceptable.
(LS) Motion to adopt this form as a standard committee application form.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
1. Loitering Ordinance Update – 7/10/07
(LKe) draft was sent to LGC. Draft was to be reviewed by Police Chief.
(LS) requested that BOS hold off on this for now but leave on the Agenda
for next week.
2. Letter from Sharon Wasson
(LKe) noted that he will be meeting with her and another representative on
August 6th at 10:00 A.M. (LS) We need an agreement as to what charges are
coming out of the reserve, not the Town budget. (EV) suggested we request
an hourly charge. (LS) It should be a letter of agreement not a contract.
(LKe) to handle.
3. Letter, Merrimack Valley Water District
(JL) noted that Karen White, Bedford, NH will be sending me information
on this. We need to know what this entity is we are part of and what we
want to do. We are one of eight towns in the council. (LS) “Originally, we
agreed to be part of it.” (JL) In speaking to her, it is noted that we are “keen
observers” and we need to know what our water district role is relative to
(LK) Open up discussion to public to allow Mr. Hast to comment on this.
Mr. Hast asked if Town has been corresponding with Merrimack Valley
Water District? All your dealings with Pennachuck have been in non-public
sessions so we do not know what is happening. Merrimack Valley Water
District has an eminent domain complaint against Pennachuck Water. We
have money invested in it. You need to stay right on top of this. Ms. White
is very intelligent and on top of this situation. (LS) noted that she believed
that Merrimack would be beneficial to the Town. Mr. Hast noted it would
be a separation clause. “Nashua has spent a lot of money on this and they
are working to break away from Pennachuck. Pittsfield should also break
away from Pennachuck.”
(LKe) noted as a reminder that the two parties and their attorneys have not
come to an agreement and it is going back to the Public Utilities
Commission regarding the eminent domain the day after Labor Day.
4. Letter from Cross Country appraisal Group
(LKe) noted he was working with Cara as to what we need to do. I may
need her help on this. BOS approved working with Cross Country Appraisal
group for certain activities such as pick-ups. (LS) noted it would be reevaluation
and general services. (LKe) to handle.
5. NH DOT Bridge Inspection Report – Webster Mills Road over
Suncook River
(LKe) DOT did the bi-annual inspection of the bridge and gave us a
“passing grade.”
6. Fire Department Report, June 2007
(LKe) I would like to see other departments furnish similar report to track
their activities. (Fire Chief Johnson noted that this report was prepared by
June and she did an excellent job.)
7. Fire Department Commendations: Capt. Drew, FF/EMT Deane,
FF Mullen
(LKe) Chief Johnson recommended three individuals for service over and
above expectations of service. Fire Chief Johnson noted that they saved the
Town $600-800 in labor costs by working on the equipment in addition to all
they offer the Town on a regular basis. They are dedicated and committed.
8. TA Correspondence Copies – Margaret Gingras, Dept. Heads, NH
DOT Traffic Bureau, NH DOT District 3
(LKe) A thank you letter has been sent to Ms. Gingras for taking the BOS
Minutes. At a staff meeting of the DOT Traffic Bureau, the traffic signals at
107/28 will be here probably next week. Also the status of the Quonset hut
was discussed either to remove or improve.
9. MRI
(LS) “Have we heard back anything from MRI?” It was noted that they
have not yet responded and it was suggested that they be reminded so that
the exit interview can be accomplished as soon as possible.
1. Park & Recreation Pavilion Damage – 7/10/07
(LKe) Mike will have an estimate as to repairs by next week. (LK) related
that Jesse has done a temporary fix for now.
2. Sex Offender’s Ordinance, Review Update; 7/l0/07 – Map 1500 ft.
and 2500 ft.
(LKe) related that we have the maps, which were complied by Police Chief
Wharem. (JL) questioned where center point would be? Police Chief
Wharem noted that it would be the ball field/elementary school/Drakes Field
– this is drafted from map from State of NH and encompasses entire
downtown area. (EV) Does it include daycare? Chief Wharem noted that it
could but if they are not licensed by the State they would not fall under what
is indicated on this map.
3. Town Hall Sign
(LKe) “All staff members wanted to have sign hung here at Town Hall.” It
would be better here to be viewed due to the historic nature of it so that all
can view it.
4. Pittsfield Player’s Tax Exemption – Tabled 4/17/07
Nothing new on this.
5. Shingle Mill Brook Road – Update from Chief Wharem
Chief Wharem noted that they have located files of correspondence and will
bring to the attorney by Friday for their review. Mr. Smith noted that the
spelling of the name is incorrect in the previous Minutes. (LK) noted that
we need to find out who owns it before we can make any decision on it.
6. Zoning Board of Adjustment – Alternate Position Vacancy
(LKe) Position has been advertised and closes next week. Will forward any
applications we receive.
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. After discussion
carried 3-0.
(LS) had a few questions regarding check for $3,500 for Old Home Day and
was unsure of the breakdown of what it encompassed. What is the protocol
regarding this. Also, there was a CNH Capital bill, which looked like a
payment towards a credit card. (LKe) noted this was for a part for the
tractor. (LS) Okay. There are also some Metrocast bills for E-Mail account.
(EV) suggested we send check and ask for review of account. Chief
Wharem related that he thought this might be for his Department. He also
noted that Police Department has two credit cards – Staples and Sam’s Club.
As noted, Motion carried.
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
(EV) Motion to accept Minutes of July 24, 2007. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
One correction on Page 5 “swimming not smoking.”
Don Chase noted he would be happy to bring in his tools and help hang the
sign in the lobby.
He also wanted to know whether the BOS would be addressing his letter to
the Board this evening. (LK) noted that there is a non-public session at the
end of the meeting and there are a few things on the Agenda. Mr. Chase
noted, “It is a simple question? Will I be notified as to the outcome?”
(LK) “Depends.” Mr. Chase noted that according to RSA 91:3 II (c), nonpublic
is to protect the reputation of others than the Board itself. “Is the
Town entitled to protection under this RSA?” (LK) noted this is debatable
and is incumbent upon the BOS, where adequate Minutes will be taken and
be available to the public in due time. Mr. Chase noted that he “did it the
right way” and I request to be told what is going to happen in this situation.
I want to let the Board know that I am not going to let this go so I hope this
is being addressed. (LK) suggested he discuss with (LKe).
Fred Hast related it is in the national press, why can’t a person be told. It
should be handled in due time.
Mr. Chase noted it has been in the Manchester Union and the Concord
Monitor and it is as public as it can get.
(LS) Motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3, II (c) and (a).
(JL) Second. Carried 3-0. Board was polled individually and all agreed.
Public session adjourned at 7:10 P.M.
Approved: August 7, 2007
__________________________ ________________________
Larry Konopka, Vice-Chairman Date