July 6, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Eric Nilsson, (EN), Don Chase, (DC), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Paul Rogers: (Mr. Rogers distributed a letter from his attorney to the Board.) He noted that he had purchased and fixed up the building at 44 Main Street not realizing that the building had been cited for housing standard violations prior to his purchase of the building. There is a lawsuit pending for the last 4 ½ years regarding this. He noted that the building was recently inspected, two issues were cited which he notes were fixed the following day.

I was here a few months ago to address the requested rate increase by Housing Standards Administrator which I was not in favor of. Since that time, I feel he “has come after me.” I have requested that my attorney address this. “He definitely has been harassing me since that time.” I have lived in this Town my whole life and I am trying to make it a better town. I have called him several times with several requests and have gotten no response ever. Even Mrs. Hast has noted that he is retaliating against me. I would like to move forward. Now there is an issue regarding the building be painted with him requesting a starting and ending date. This is part of the Court case which has been rescheduled three times this year. I have a duty. You have a duty. I think I am doing a pretty good job of trying to make sure everything is up to date. He has ignored my requests. If I am guilty of anything it is for fixing up the inside first. Mr. Okrent saw how bad the inside was.

This harassment has got to stop. I do not want to do it this way. I am not the only one he has harassed. He does not return my phone call. If he had called me, we could have worked some of these things out, but he does not return any of my phone calls.


(PS) SVRTA Letter to LGC Health Trust, Depot Street Foundation, Timber Salvage and Sales Agreement (Recommended by the Conservation Commission); (DM) Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Meeting Update.


11. Timber Salvage and Sales Agreement (Recommended by the
Conservation Commission)

Mark Wallace: We have hired William Day & Sons to clean up the tornado wood in the “Rocky Ridge Forest.” We have the contract which should be signed and we are here tonight to advise Board as to what is happening. There were about 5-10 acres that were hit by the tornado and we have also included some standing timber to be removed for forest improvement. Other wood has been included to make it economical. The tornado wood needs to be harvested fairly soon and contract notes that this would be accomplished by September 10th.

(EV) noted that he was hesitant to act on something that he has not had an opportunity to review in depth. “I would like to have time to study this. I want you to know that next time I will not consider making a judgment on something so quickly.” He questioned whether this company is fully insured (affirmative) and questioned as to who signed the “contract last time?” Mr. Wallace: I am unsure but it might have been me. (EV) also requested a copy of the Forest Management Book which was recently completed. Board decided:

(FH) Motion to table this matter until next Board of Selectmen meeting on
July 20th. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


6:15 P.M. Economic Development Fund/Plan NH

(EV) explained that this Town was involved in the Charrette Plan several years ago where professionals come into town to offer suggestions relating to community design. “The EDC has been working hard to come up with a good plan and offer something in Town that people would want to come to.” There is a tract of land, about 15 acres, that is being underutilized right here in town. The Charrette is a two to three day study that occurs when experts talk to the people, businesses and landowners as to what might or might not work within Town. All these people are interested in doing something. Our hope is that some new fresh ideas will be developed.

Public Input

Lynn Roberts: I am a member of the EDC and I think from an economical and financial standpoint, this is a good idea. Utilizing a combination of professionals can only benefit the Town.

Susan Muenzinger: I was part of the last Charrette and I have pursued this second opportunity to get technical assistance with this. Spending this $5,000 is money well spent. What you get after it is completed is a product which is a thorough report with important strategies. We have a lot of ideas but professionals can go further. This is a unique area as it is an island by itself and $5,000 is a drop in the bucket for these services.

Ed Vien: We were not sure that we would qualify for this Charrette as only five towns have been chosen; not everyone gets picked for this. He explained that they had meeting with the Charrette representatives and they thought at first that Pittsfield was a “bedroom community” and after EDC meeting with them were able to convince them differently.

Ted Mitchell: I am also a member of the EDC. I like the potential that this would have and we would not be getting just one idea but several ideas. We can then figure out which one works the best. This is money well spent.

Larry Konopka: Ed, is the Planning Board going to be involved in this?

Ed Vien: Yes, both the Planning Board and the Zoning Board will be involved.

Linda Small: I would just like to add that at the recent business forum that there was lots of interest as to what to do with this property. I am asking the Board to support these efforts.

Paul Richardson: I am commenting on this without actually seeing anything on it. In the past there were a lot of factories around which have now moved out and “gone foreign.” Storefronts with service jobs cannot support this Town.

Ed Vien: EDC was thinking maybe more of a building with multiple bays for different types of professions.

Ted Mitchell: Categorically, there are not going to be storefronts as these do not bring in a large tax base.

Close Public Input 6:30 P.M.

Discussion: (DM) I think this is a great idea. I have discussed with Matt Monahan and Pittsfield is privileged to have been picked to be part of this.

(EV) When we met with the interviewer he questioned “What makes you think you can bring in business and after discussing with us he had a totally different concept of what Pittsfield is all about.

(DC) This would be money well spent and we should move forward as quickly as possible on this.

(FH) You have talked to the landowners? (Affirmative) but have you done any testing? There are wetlands in that area which would involve the DES and EPA. (EV) Exactly and perhaps a nature walk would be advisable down there. We need to use what is there. There are a few owners and a lot of land and they are all interested in doing something there.

(DC) Motion to approve EDC expendable trust funds in the amount of $5,000 being utilized to fund Charrette. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. WWTP Temporary Laborer Position

Ron Vien: As you know, I am seeking temporary help for the summer help. At this point, by the time this can be accomplished, July will be gone. I would like to have Board approve hiring Marc Morasse for the rest of July at $11.00 an hour.

(DC) Motion to approve hiring Marc Morasse on temporary basis till July 31, 2010 at $11. (FH) Second.

Discussion: Board noted that a background check would be applicable and motions were amended to contain this information. Ultimately the (DC) Motion and (FH) Second were withdrawn.

(EV) Motion to approve hiring Marc Morasse starting July 7th through July 31, 2010 with continued employment for this period as long as background check is favorable. (DC) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.


6:20 P.M. Police Chief Robert Wharem/Departmental Issues

Police Chief Robert Wharem: I am here tonight to discuss vehicles. We have a cruiser at M & M Ford with 78,700 miles on it which is in disrepair requiring a transmission. M & M Ford recommends replacement rather than rebuilding the transmission. Cost of repairs would be $2,454.50 with a three year or 36,000 mile warranty. The other option would be to purchase a new vehicle.

Board discussed purchasing a new vehicle as opposed to repair of the vehicle, replacing Building Inspector vehicle, how/where to sell vehicle, CIP vehicles replacement program and funding of purchase of new vehicle.

(DC) Motion to authorize repair of 2006 cruiser and the purchase of a new cruiser under Capital Reserve fund. Repaired vehicle would be made into Town vehicle and current Building Inspector vehicle be disposed of as long as it pays for paint job and transmission repair. (EN) Second. Motion fails 2-3 (DM), (FH), (EV).

(EV) Motion to approve funds to repair 2006 cruiser transmission. (FH) Second. Carried 3-2 (EN), (DC).

Police Department Update

Police Chief related that Sgt. Walker has returned and is now on shift rotation.
There are five candidates for hiring which are all good candidates.
We are working on the canine program and have about $11,000 in donations with the possibility of arranging shared training/time with other communities.
(FH) noted the two hour parking be reviewed by Police Department namely in front of 21 Main Street. Chief Wharem noted this will be addressed tomorrow.


(DC) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a). (EN) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:12 P.M.

Break 7:15 P.M. Resume in Non-Public session at 7:15 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 7:30 P.M.

(DC) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of July 6, 2010.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Moose Plate Grant Acceptance-Library Window Restoration

(DC) Motion to accept Division of Historical Resources Grant in the amount of $10,000 for library window restoration and authorize Chair to sign. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Approval of Expenditures for Storm Window Installation – Library

Board reviewed various paperwork submitted by Sylvia Wallace but had difficulty in quantifying the figures as presented. Some additional suggestions were made regarding the replacement windows, storm windows installation and if the money could be spent differently.

(DM) Motion to table approval of expenditures for library storm window installation. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) to check with Ms. Wallace as to computation of expenditures for storm window installation.

4. Town Hall Improvements – Life Safety Codes

(PS) The Board has requested that the Fire Chief be present tonight to review the Town Hall Improvements report

Board and Fire Chief discussed, fire escape exit and existing rust, width of stairs, fire alarm system in entire building, lack of covering on ceiling in basement, freezers in the “hallway” in Food Pantry, and trash cans in hallway area. It was agreed that rather than discuss each issue, (PS) and Fire Chief would meet to address list to determine what simple repairs can be accomplished and then “attack” the others which would involve more costs.

(DC) noted that there is almost a brand new generator in basement with two flat tires. Repair of these tires will be looked into. Board agreed that perhaps a use policy would be in order.

5. Fire Department Command Vehicle

Fire Chief Gary Johnson: I wanted the opportunity to meet with Board to look at the replacement of Car I. It has served the community well. We have the opportunity to purchase a GMAC SUV for $11,000 with a full complement of equipment and approximately $2,000 to replace some of the components to use as a command car. We could finance this via a Warrant Article or through the Capital Reserve Fund; either way needs a special town meeting. I am unsure as to how long this vehicle will be available for purchase.

(FH) How many towns have command cars? Fire Chief: The majority have SUV’s. (FH) What emergency would require a command car? Why not make use of the capital area command vehicle. Fire Chief: That covers about 85 different areas. (EV) I would request that Fire Chief note these figures and information on paper so that we can review the bigger picture. (DM) If we take it out of the reserve funds, then what? Fire Chief: We would have to make it up somewhere else. (DC) The Chief has not mentioned that this command vehicle could serve in any emergency and would not be used solely for the Fire Department but for the Town in general. Fire Chief agreed he would provide paper information to Board concerning this and try to have the car available at the next BOS meeting for inspection (5:30 P.M.)

14. Other

(FH) There is an exterior gas tank at the tattoo parlor. Fire Chief: I am aware of this and am working on it.

(FH) You send the fire trucks to Ossipee for oil changes and you can save a lot of money by using local mechanic. Fire Chief: We have one individual who volunteers as a fireman and is not interested in doing mechanics. Town should look into hiring an individual as a mechanic. (EV) This is something that the Suncook Valley Regional Town Association has talked about and maybe could be addressed again.

(FH) Also, do you have a floor plan of the businesses in the old tannery building? Fire Chief: I had one, but it has changed. (FH) There are five or six businesses down there and it would be a good idea to have a floor plan.

6. Vacancy/Transitional Building Inspector/Funding

(PS) Board has requested that I take a look at the budget and report on the flexibility of the accounts and this memo is in response to that request. The hydrant account was budgeted prior to the PUC ruling as to what the rate should be set at which will leave approximately $50,000 left in that account at the end of the year.

(FH) noted that Board should be starting to work on the purchase of the Aqueduct Company. This will be discussed later in meeting.

7. SVRTA Health Insurance Investigation

(PS) This is in reference to the SVRTA health insurance cooperative agreement to permit Pittsfield to participate in search for health insurance quotes as a single group.

(EV) Motion to approve $606.07 to participate in SVRTA for health insurance quotes. (DC) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

8. Compliance Certification Statement

(PS) The purpose of this is that the Board concurs that this statement and any other requirements for application for junkyard/salvage yard be completed by applicant. This would pertain to existing (at time of renewal) and proposed applicants.

(EV) Motion to approve Compliance Certification Statement for obtaining a license to operate an automotive recycling yard or motor vehicle junkyard license. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

9. Separation Interview Questionnaire

(PS) Chair has requested that this be placed on the Agenda and has provided a sample of a separation interview to be used for departing employees as to why individuals leave Town of Pittsfield employ. (DM) It would assist in keeping track of turnover rates. It costs money to retrain and rehire and would not be in their personnel file. It could even be mailed to them. Board agreed that questionnaire should indicate that “this inquiry be handled by Board of Selectman in a confidential manner.”

(DC) Motion to approve Separation Interview Questionnaire with the notation that inquiry be handled by Board of Selectman in a confidential manner with use of questionnaire being started immediately. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. Pennichuck vs. Nashua Consequence/Pittsfield Aqueduct

(PS) The court has decided that Nashua can take Pennichuck Water Works by eminent domain. They are now going to court to determine the values Nashua must pay. Our attorney has suggested that during this process it would be an excellent time to be aggressive and move forward with the consideration of purchasing the Pittsfield Aqueduct. (FH) We should be moving ahead. This is going to take three to five years to accomplish. I am trying to get the information for Pittsfield to do this.

15. SVRTA Letter to LGC Health Trust

(PS) This for Board approval to send letter to LGC Health Trust to continue association with LGC.

(FH) Motion to approve and send letter to LGC regarding SVRTA health insurance cooperative agreement. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

13. Depot Street Foundation

(PS) This was placed on the Agenda at the request of (EN). (DC) A letter has been sent certified mail to the owner making reference to the RSA citing (a) and (b) but should have cited (c). (PS) I agree with Don, the letter does note quote the Statute. One of the things required is contacting the lien holders and doing a title search. The process is more complicated that you would think. The Town should use the Town attorney to make sure no errors occur and letter should specify exactly what the property owner needs to do. (EN) We should take action appropriately so that there can be no retaliation.

(DC) Motion to move forward with the matter concerning Depot Street foundation and do so with the guidance of Town Counsel. (FH) Second. Carried 4-1 (EV).

Discussion: (PS) Board should determine what they would like to have done and explanation to Laura Specter so she can draft letter for the Board and define what you would like to accomplish. (DM) What does the Board want to do with this? (DC) The most logical and prudent solution would be to fill it with sand and grade it. This way the foundation would be intact if it was necessary to remove it so foundation could be used. (PS) to do.

15. Update on Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition

(DM) provided a copy of the Minutes of the Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition.




1. Capital Improvement Program Pending
2. Selectmen/Town Administrator Goals & Objectives Pending
3. Appointments to Welfare Fair Hearing Board

(PS) To date, I have received no requests for appointment to this Board.

14. Other – Continued

(DC) noted that he is on the Welfare list for transportation of passengers as necessary. Effective July 13th, Don’s Taxi will cease to exist and I will be working for Main Street Taxi in Concord. Board may want to start thinking about another individual as BOS representative to Planning Board.

Appointment of Christopher Smith to Zoning Board of Adjustment

(DM) Motion to appoint Christopher Smith as Alternate to Zoning Board of Adjustment. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Timber Tax Levy Tax Map R18, Lot 9

(FH) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy Tax Map R18, Lot 9. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Intent to Cut, Tax Map R49, Lot 17-8

(DC) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R49, Lot 17-8. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DC) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DC) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of June 15, 2010.

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 15, 2010. (EN) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Corrections: Page 7, Line 2: ….”EDC expendable trust funds.”

1a. Public Session Minutes of June 22, 2010.

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 22, 2010.
(FH) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (DC) noted that it should indicate in Minutes that his absence was an excused absence after discussing on day of meeting with (PS), (DM) and (FH) who when advised that (DC) would be late, mentioned that meeting probably would be over by the time of his arrival. It might be a good idea to note in Minutes that absences are excuse or perhaps not. (EV) noted that Board cannot excuse Board members as there is no policy covering this.

(DC) Also it is mentioned in the Minutes that Board was unsure of how to proceed with only three members. If three members are present, there is a quorum.

Corrections: Page 1, next to last sentence, Officer Cain’s name is spelled incorrectly. Page 2, Line 6 should read “There are very few trees back there.”

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of June 15, 2010.

(EN) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of June 15, 2010.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


Paul Richardson: I have three things that I would like to address. The first one is Mr. Paul Rogers. I do not know all the details but Paul truly will paint when the lawsuit is all done. I do not know if he is being harassed, but HSA should give him a little leeway. He has three businesses in Town and maintaining any building is expensive. I am sure Paul will do that.

Secondly, I recently toured the WWTP facility, lock-up room, and office. The WWTP has a lot of surplus equipment such as lawn mowers, etc which they are not using. We should get rid of them, auction or sell them office. I think insurance companies require an inventory of all items that are listed worth more than $50.

Third is the vehicles, in the past we have bought new equipment and we have surplus equipment. If you let WWTP use it, why not townspeople. Be honest with the taxpayers.

Dan Schroth: The dealings with Paul Rogers – Fred Okrent is the Gestapo. This is too much and people should get rid of this. The EDC is looking at getting new businesses in Town but should be helping the businesses that are already here.

The Planning Board is working with Matt Monahan. He gave us a graph showing tax rates and we are number nine out of 243 highest tax rate community. We are in the running for the highest tax rate in New Hampshire. We are working with Matt Monahan on revising the Zoning Ordinances, Jim Pritchard may submit a revised Ordinance and the people may choose one of these or opt for no zoning. Zoning never reaffirmed I believe is bad. I will say that Matt Monahan is a professional all the way and has all the lines covered.

The government is about to run out of money for Emergency Management in about two years. The Chief of Police is the Director of this and when you take a job, you need to do stuff on time. We need to get the generator fixed and have two generators.

Paul Rogers: Thank you for your time. I would love for my building to be up to snuff but this Court case has to be settled first. I would not own or operate a building that I would not live in myself. Fred Okrent does not return my phone calls and when I see him and ask him to call, he says he will but he does not call me. There is no follow-up by him. Do we need a person like that on the Housing Standards? I have tried many times to contact him, but he never responds.

Public Input Closed


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session pr RSA 91-A:3 II, (a) and (d). (EN) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Break 9:25 P.M. Resume 9:30 P.M.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 9:30.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:40 P.M.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of July 7, 2010.
(DC) Second. Carried 5-0.


(EN) I have talked to (PS) regarding the building inspector office and I will try to do inspections on Monday and Wednesdays. I am working in Massachusetts this week but will try to catch Kyle so that I can determine where some of his files are.


(DM) Just as a reminder, if you are scheduled for a workshop or training and cannot make it, please cancel within 24 hours so that we are not billed for the event.


(DC) Motion to adjourn. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Board adjourned at 9:44 P.M.

Approved: July 20, 2010

_________________________ ______________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on July 6, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on July 8, 2010.

Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary

III Tapes