July 7, 2008 Minutes

MONDAY, JULY 7, 2008
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire

Present –
Ch. Elkins, _P_ VCh. Ms. Hast, _P_ Mr. Wolfe, _A_ Lt. Abell, _A_ Mr. Provencher, _P_ HSA Board, Mr. Elliott _P_ (Planning Board). Fred Okrent, _P_ HSA Administrator,
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM at the Town Hall by Ch. Elkins
Public Present:
Walt Purtell
1) Appointments
Walt Purtell: Mr. Purtell was upset about some of the procedures that were in place in the 2004–5 time frame; specifically, he had had an inspection of 44 Main St. in Sept of 2004 and the record showed another inspection in December of ’05 rather than a reinspection. It also contained a note stating that there was an agreement to paint the building in warmer weather. He protested the fact that “inspections” were so closely spaced and that a “new” issue, paint had shown up. He also questioned the validity of the agreement since he had not made any such agreement and did not believe anyone had the authority to make the agreement for him. The Chair did explain that what had occurred did so prior to the present Board and administrator and that the current Board had no knowledge of the procedures, definitions, and titles in use at the time and could not make any statements as to the timing or quality of inspections during that period as this matter is currently in litigation..

2) New Business:
a) Progress Reports
3) Old Business
a) Report on M. Fleury (39 Clough Rd). After service of the C&D, Mr. Fleury came in to the office, and made an appointment for inspection that day. Inspection was conducted, building failed. A reinspection was scheduled but the owner failed to show up for that. A certified Failure to Show Notice and a Statement of Account were mailed. They have not been signed for as of yet. If they are not received by the end of the USPS process, another Cease & Desist Order will be served and Court Proceedings will begin
4) Meeting Minutes;
a) Mr. Elliott made a motion that the minutes of the meeting of 6/2/08 be accepted as presented; 2nd by Ms. Hast. Motion passed 5-0.
5) Public Input:
a) None
6) Non-Public:
a) Mr. Elliott made a motion that the meeting go non-public in accordance with RSA 91-A:3. 2nd by Mr. Provencher. Roll call vote; Ch. Elkins, Y, VCh. Ms. Hast Y, Mr. Provencher, Y, Mr. Elliott, Y, Motion passed 4-0, at 8:20 PM. Return from non-public at 9:50 PM
7) Motion to adjourn: Mr. Elliott, 2nd by Mr. Provencher. All in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred M. Okrent