July 8, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.






Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.

Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,

Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(LK) EMT Monthly Work Schedule, Dates (LKe) off, (LKe) Several handouts, Police Department Schedule, Pavement Schedule, Balloon Rally; (LS) Budget, Non-Public (a) and (c).


6:05 P.M. – Chief Wharem – Part-Time Detective Proposal

Chief Wharem related that he appears before the Board with a proposal to change the hiring of part-time patrolman to part-time detective/patrolman. Investigations have become more complex and involved. Last year we added a corporal and detective. Investigations take much longer these days due to their complexity.

My proposal is to take the remaining part-time patrolman position and make it a detective position, which would assist Rick Walter with investigations. This would have zero impact on the budget and is what I would like to see be granted.

The second option would be a back-up delegate for the full-time officer and responsibilities would be shared 50-50 within the department. This would have an enormous impact within the budget including medical and sick leave and probably is not a good way to go.

I am asking for Board to consider these two options. I can come back after your have considered this and answer any questions you may have. I am suggesting this to improve efficiency in allowing cases to be cleared. There is a lot of financial and computer input and would shift the focus within the department.

If you decide on the full-time position, it would be posted, as contract requires for full-time patrolman with negotiations for salary. The job summary is enclosed. The position itself would assist in getting cases completed. The part-time salary would be as established in the contract and this individual would do more investigating than the average patrolman.

I have an interested party who is willing to come to Pittsfield in this position if you are willing to establish this position. Currently, I do not believe anyone within the department would be interested. Training would be minimal for this individual since he has previously worked in Pittsfield. He would assist with all criminal investigations. I am asking the Board to support this and basically it is just a title change.

(LS) This would take the patrolman off the street and put him in administration? Chief Wharem, “Somewhat.” (EV) How many hours are we talking about? Chief Wharem, “About 10-15 hours.” (EV) Would there be a cap on his hours. Chief Wharem, “I would not like to put an hourly cap on this position like the other part-timers have.” (EV) “What would this do for Court presentation?” Chief Wharem noted that it may alleviate some of it. What it would do is help us bring cases to closure a lot sooner. This individual already attends the Court we go to which is his primary Court. I am asking for a conditional approval for Officer Frank Cassidy.

(LK) I am not in favor in anything that would increase the budget. Are there any monies elsewhere? Chief Wharem indicated that there would not be. All departments are dealing with increased fuel costs. (LK) “Is there any other avenues you could pursue to get the money from?” (EV) In Paragraph II, it notes that what you are asking for is already in your Budget for part-time position for patrolman. Chief Wharem, “Yes.” (EV) If we agree, the part-time patrolman becomes detective? Chief Wharem, “Yes, with patrolman duties as well. What he also brings to the department is maturity and experience.” (EV) What if someone within the department applies for the position?” Chief Wharem related that at that point the necessary testing would result. He noted that he currently has three part-timers that are not yet certified and “I do not have the funds within my budget to hire an additional patrolman because I do not have training monies available though I do have two part-time positions open.” Frank Cassidy currently works for the Merrimack County Sheriff Department. He would work approximately ten hours on patrol for now while playing a duel role in interviews and contracts. (LS) I am willing to look at the budget and have no problem hiring a part-time patrolman, as currently there are two part-time patrol officers’ openings.

(LK) noted it would be added to the Agenda tonight regarding the hiring of a part-time patrolman. (EV) added that there would be no guarantee that part-time detective would be added as part of the position.



1. Lease of Parking Space at Oak Street Lot – Ms. Annie Wrenn

(LKe) noted that Ms. Wrenn would like to lease a parking space at Oak Street Lot at a cost of $87.50. (LK) noted that this would be only until the end of the year at which time the cost per year would be $300. Letters will be sent out to all renters including Ms. Wrenn that the cost effective

January 1, 2009 would be $300 per year.

(LS) Motion to approve lease of parking space at Oak Street Lot to Ms. Annie Wrenn for $87.50 until December 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Employee of the Month Selection

(EV) noted that his suggestion for Employee of the Month had been withdrawn at the request of the applicant. (JL) noted that he had not submitted one and I will abstain from the vote. I would think we would need to get the Department Heads involved in this. (LK) I would rather see these come from the department head. (The vote was a written vote with a tie conclusion.) Ultimately,

Officer John Weber – Employee of the Month for July 2008.

(LKe) will send letter to him advising him of this and (DM) to handle additional matters concerning this.

(EV) How can we get Department Heads involved in this? They should be a part of this and it will assist in making employees feel better. Chief Wharem, “Now that it has begun, I would think they would start participating in nominating.”

3. 2008 Spring Tax Abatement Tax Map U6, Lot 38

(JL) Motion to approve tax abatement Tax Map U6, Lot 38 for $l,560.

(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. 2008 Spring Tax Abatement Tax Map U3-Lot 50

(JL) Motion to approve spring tax abatement Tax Map U3, Lot 50 for $l,062. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. 2008 Spring Tax Abatement Tax Map U3, Lot 69

(JL) Motion to approve tax abatement Tax Map U3, Lot 69 for $612.37. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. EMT Monthly Work Schedule

(LK) I would like to see the EMT Monthly Work Schedule to see how the department works. (LS) There are a couple of questions I would not know the answer to. (LK) I think it would educate us on this. (LKe) to do.

7. Conservation Easement – Berry Pond

(LKe) As you will remember, last week Nancy Christie, Conservation Committee, drafted a proposal regarding possible acquisition of easement on Berry Pond, which they would be seeking to fund through grants. The maps are available here tonight. (EV) If we apply for the grant, does that mean we have to accept it? (LKe) No. Many of these grants are not matching grants and the trick will be to find the ones that are. (LS) This is just for research for now. We are just checking into it, right? I would not be willing to spend any money on it right now but I think the research would be okay.

Ms. Christie, “As I understand it, the Board wants to look into funding first. I would not like to spend a lot of time on this if Pittsfield is not really interested.” (LS) I would okay approval to do the research and footwork. (EV) We would need to authorize someone to talk to Pennichuck. Ms. Christie, “I would think you would want to.” (LKe) We would need to authorize someone to engage in discussion on this matter. Board decided that they would appoint “steering” committee. It was suggested that (JL) be the BOS representative and (EV) as the substitute, (LKe) and private citizen Art Morse be appointed to this committee and one or two Conservation Committee members – Mark Wallace and Nancy Christie.

(LS) Motion to appoint “steering” committee to research and report back to Board of Selectman at no cost to the Town. Committee to include two members of Conservation Committee, two BOS and private citizen – Art Morse to research acquisition of conservation easement – Berry Pond.

V) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. Police Part-Time Employee

(EV) Motion to offer conditional employment to Frank Cassidy for part-time patrolman position at this time. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Minutes of BCEP Solid Waste District Meeting of May 29, 2009

(EV) noted that in June he had a call from Glenn Patterson regarding a bunch of waste materials from a church that were brought up to BCEP and their getting a Waiver. It was about $150 and I explained that he should just go ahead and bill it to the church. I also told Jim that from now on, if he had not received a Waiver from me, to just bill it.

2. Petition to Intervene – Pittsfield Aqueduct Co.

(LKe) I have a copy of the Petition to Intervene. Several Board members noted they would be attending this meeting.

3. Building Inspector Monthly Report – June

(LK) noted that he wishes we had a meeting with HSA to communicate the Building Inspector’s request that to have the day-to-day work schedule be less intrusive. This is my major concern that we could better schedule times. Are we going to have a meeting with HSA? (LKe) They are drafting a response to our letter. (LS) suggested that his report also include revenue. (LK) “Excellent job, Mike.”

4. Police Department Arrest Log June 22 – 28, 2008

(LKe) Modest activity. I wish I could say it was a trend, but I probably cannot.

5. Stephen Heavener Activity Report – June

(LKe) He offers a Memo regarding the firms he has contacted in Town. Some of his contacts are confidential, though he is sharing this with the Board. I have also handed out tonight materials which includes an inventory of the work he has done identifying prospects and buildings as well as a log of his activities. (EV) noted that he had some questions that he would like a little clarification on.

6. Balloon Rally, Police Coverage Schedule

(LKe) noted that the Chief and he had met with Stan in planning of this year’s rally. The Chief has drafted a schedule of coverage, which does not include coverage of the vendors at night. The fireworks people stay with it at all times once they begin set-up. There will be no special officer for parking. (LS) It is not up to the Town to protect vendors and machines. The way it is worded, it does not indicate reference to Fire Department, which I believe are mostly volunteers. (LKe) noted that Fire Department would submit similar report. (LK) Rotary will be handling parking and watching vendors. Chief Wharem related that they do not have someone addressing parking. Also, the rain date for fireworks will be Sunday, which is not covered in this. So, if it rains, there will be no night coverage on Saturday and rather on the actual night of the fireworks.

7. Town Administrator Time Off

(LK) Leon will be at the LGC on Wednesday and Thursday (July 9th and 10th). Also, he will be off one-half day on July 18th and July 21st and full day on August 1st. (LS) Cara will be here for all those days? (LKe) “Yes.”

8. Police Department Schedule – July

(LK) Good job, Chief, very educational. (LS) Thank you for this report. It helps me to understand coverage out there.

(DM) Will we be addressing the second page? (LS) I believe this is just informational.

9. Paving Schedule

(LKe) As requested, this is the paving schedule for this season.

10. Staff Meeting Notes – July 1, 2008

(LKe) The Town Clerk has requested the blinds be cleaned. (LKe) related his office blinds had been cleaned prior to the roof being replaced, but due to the “construction” they again need to be cleaned (washed not dusted) and the windows could be done at the same time.

11. Budget

(LS) What kind of timeline had been put in place for the budget? The first meeting of the Budget Committee is October 22nd and I would like to do it more efficiently than was done last year. (LKe) There will be a schedule available by the first week of August. (LS) I would not like to see so many changes coming in week after week. Department budgets should come in finalized. (EV) I think the earlier the better so that things do not slip through the cracks.

12. Segway Proposal

Chief Wharem related that he had an issue regarding the Segway donation. (LS) Suggested that he speak with (LKe).

(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A: 3 II (a) and (c). (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:12 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 7:28 P.M.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of July 8, 2008.

(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


Robert Heroux noted that he had two questions for Board. One regarded the proposed water increase by Pennichuck. Where does the Board of Selectman stand on that issue?

(LKe) explained that the Town Attorney has filed papers with PUC noting that the Town is opposing the increase. Several members of the Board and I will be attending the PUC hearing.

Mr. Heroux also wanted to know what the protocol would be in regard to

E-Mail. He noted that he had sent E-Mail to Department Head almost two weeks ago and had not yet had a response. He was advised to cc (LKe) in these instances so that proper follow-up would occur.

Public Input Closed


1. Application to Operate a Coin Operated Amusement Device – Zoya’s Restaurant: Reports of Building Inspector and Fire Chief


2. Tax Abatement – Tax Map R53, Lot l

3. Tax Abatement – Tax Map R45, Lot 2

4. Tax Abatement – Tax Map R4, Lot 9

5. Tax Abatement – Tax Map U6, Lot 2

6. Tax Abatement – Tax Map U3, Lot 88

(LS) My thoughts regarding the abatements, I cannot tell what the value was before and what it is now. I would like to see a summary of how the numbers were reached by the assessors. I am not clear what they should be and what they are. I would like an audit trail. There is not good internal controls here. (LKe) to do.

Also, in the future the checks should not be cut before the abatement is approved. We approved abatements tonight and the checks are already cut. (LKe) noted that he had talked to Cara about this, and she insists this is the process. (LS) Please insist she does not. It is not a good process.

7. Town Investment Policy )

8. Capital Improvement Plan ) Pending

9. Space Needs Study )

10. Sidewalk Improvement Plan )

11. Application for Discretionary Preservation Easement – Gingras – Hearing July 15, 2008

(LKe) Please note that Ms. Gingras will be here next week for hearing.

(LKe) Also, the new pool employees will be here next week. Minnie Plante is on vacation this week.

12. Management Analysis for GASB34


13. Loitering Ordinance

(LKe) The Loitering Ordinance, which was from Madison, WI, is being shared with County Attorney’s office concerning civil liberties vs. police action. This is pending.


1. Notice of Intent to Cut – Tax Map R43, Lot 8-A

(LKe) noted that of 43 acres, 40 acres were being cut and includes a lot of variety of trees – logs/chips.

(EV) Motion to approve Notice of Intent to Cut – Tax Map R43, Lot 8-A. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (LS) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

(LK) The question concerning the purchase of shirts – Police Department. Chief Wharem related that these individuals go out into the field for administration reasons and do not receive clothing allowances. They are dealing with the public every single day as a member of the Police Department. (LS) It would be different if it were Public Works, but administrative staff… that is a lot of money. Chief Wharem related that he understood that but in the past in the course of duty, individuals have ruined clothing. This presents a professional appearance. He related that the Police Department has done it historically for quite some time. These individuals are visible at Old Home Day, Balloon Rally, and at and for other functions. (LS) argued that they could use their name badges. We do not typically pay for clothing for administrative staff. Cara gets involved in a lot of stuff but pays for her own shirts. The rest of Town employees do not get this. Chief Wharem related that historically the Chief makes that decision. In the future we can check policies on this. (LS) Is there a written policy on this? Chief Wharem related that there was not. (LS) So there is no policy to check.

Chief Wharem related that to pay about $200 for morale purposes is not a lot of money. (LK) What is good for one is good for all. I would not approve it. It does look professional. However, Welfare and others do not have this. Chief Wharem related that he answers for the Police Department. We are trying to promote a professional image and five shirts is a small investment to make to keep morale high. I live in Town also and if one feels good about the job it promotes a better image. It is important for Town to see all members of the Police Department. (JL) The shirts have already been purchased? Chief Wharem related that they had and this discussion would be for future boards and if they did not want to purchase them, then we will not.

(LS) Also there is a check for Maxfield’s for the library, which is being paid. (LKe) related that he was not aware of this but that it would be drawn via an invoice. (EV) It was probably charged to our account in general. (LKe) related that to some individuals the town is the town is the town.

(LS) related that Cara has reconciled it.

(LS) Motion to release check to Everett Arena. (EV) Second.

Carried 4-1 (LS).

(LS) I am not opposed to personal payment of these but not under the Police Department budget. (EV) questioned how the Fire Department gets their shirts. (LS) Now, they are in the field. (LK) Other Board of Selectman have allowed it but this should go no further without Board’s permission. It is being approved this time, but future purchases need BOS approval.

(EV) noted it was PD’s line budget. (LK) If we buy for one department we would have to buy for all departments. It is not fair for one department and not the others. (EV) related that he would find out how the Fire Department handles this. (LK) Board was in favor of a letter going out that this type of purchase for office staff needs to be approved by BOS first. (LS) If the Fire Department is doing this, they shouldn’t be either.

(EV) Motion to approve Payroll. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: It was noted that the Town Custodian had worked 8 hours this week and is budgeted for only so many per week. (LKe) noted that he normally would work 4-6 hours and that he approved the additional hours.

(LS) The Deputy Clerk got holiday pay for July 4th and was off the day before and the day after. (LKe) noted that he authorized this leave and since this was vacation time, she is not effected by the ruling that you have to work the day prior and after to receive holiday pay.


Public Session Minutes of July 1, 2008

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of July 1, 2008.

(EV) Second. Several changes were noted. Carried 5-0.

Non-Public Session Minutes of July 1, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of July 1, 2008.

(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(EV) At the last meeting, Fred Hast mentioned that Town has limited access and is correct. I think thoughts at that time were to keep it undeveloped. Would it take an act of Congress to change this?

(LKe) noted that this is not quite accurate. There is also limited access in Barnstead. Pittsfield is limited but not absolutely limited. What can be done is to cultivate service roads.

(LKe) also noted that donor of Segway had requested from Town a letter noting value of donation for tax purposes. Board agreed.

It was noted that it would be nice to have a pictorial presentation for newspaper release of the event. Board agreed and this was tentatively scheduled for Wednesday prior to scheduled BOS meeting. (LKe) to do.

(EV) Motion to approve letter and acceptance of gift of Segway.

(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to adjourn. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:22 P.M.

Approved: July 22, 2008

______________________________ ______________________

Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes