July 8, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
July 8, 2009

1. Meeting opened at 5:34.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS),
Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ellen Barbasso (EB) , Linda Small (LS), Paul Skowron (PS),
Matt Monahan (MM) representing CNHRPC, and Dan Schroth.

3. Minutes from June 24, 2008 approved and accepted as written.

4. WiFi landing Page-
A. A suggestion was made to use just a company logo and a link for each advertiser
B. If the advertiser does not have a web page, they can use a business card ad.
C. A motion was made to accept the landing page but without the child abuse ad.
1. Motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
D. MM will send out letters to businesses requesting advertisers for the landing page.
1. They will have to contact the Town Administrator-Paul Skowron.
2. We are requesting that they reply within two weeks.

5. Business Survey
A. MM came up with 9 questions from the replies we sent back
1. There are 3 sections: Doing Business in Pittsfield, Permitting process, Town
services and Final Thoughts.
2. Some editing and corrections were made to keep it to one page, front and back
3. We wanted to make it concise so people would actually do it
4. No decision was made yet, as to how to administer the survey

6. Marketing and Promotional Ideas
A. Scott Spradling and Tony Guinta met with Suncook Valley LCD
C. We need to draw in people with money and attract businesses
D. Need a clear vision of what EDC and LDC does
1. EDC-is a town board that wants to help develop the town
2. LDC is a non-profit real estate development corporation
E. A motion was made by JH to accept the proposal made by Spradling Corp.
1. The motion was seconded by LR, and unanimously accepted by those present.
2. The proposal will be brought to the Select Board for their approval.
3.If approved by the SB monies from the Town budget for this purpose can be used
for the marketing contract.

7. Next meeting Wednesday July 22, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.

8. Meeting closed at 6:45 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary