June 1, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:30 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Eric Nilsson, (EN), Don Chase, (DC), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Hank Fitzgerald inquired as to what is going on regarding the Rustic Crust and several other establishments in reference to Building Permits. (PS) At the request of (FH) I have retrieved any and all Building Permits for the Rustic Crust and others, and the Board of Selectman has received all this information and is working on it.

Elizabeth (Lea) Adams, School Board noted the School has some metal working equipment (welding) which they would like to donate to Town with an agreement that if School needs to use it, it would be available to them. This is just for informational purposes now. (PS) to check with George and will notify John Freeman accordingly.


(FH) Welfare; (PS) Non-Public, MS-5 Approval, Warrant for Property Taxes, Intent to Cut Tax Map R49, Lot 17-1, NH Municipal Energy Report, and Letter to Wendy Chen.


5:30 P.M. – John Freeman/Energy Grant

Mr. Freeman noted that they have received the Energy Grant in the amount of $31,000 for energy audit of school buildings and are now ready to move forward after approval by BOS.

(FH) Motion to accept Energy Grant and approve authorization to sign Grant. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

5:35 P.M. – PMHS Students/Silas St. James

Damien Emerson: Why Should We? Damien presented a dissertation about lowering the drug and alcohol rate for kids and keeping them out of trouble. HOW? By building more parks or offering more in the parks – swings, basketball and tennis courts, trails, fishing, and baseball fields. The more fun things going on the more families with kids will want to come to Pittsfield.

Josh Bisson: Turkey Population – Josh explained the history of the turkey, how it got its’ name, difference between hens and toms, turkey “fun facts” and fall season in reference to hunting.

Dominic Brooks: How to Improve our Town – Dominic related that there should be more places for teens to go such as bowling alleys, YMCA, sports zones resulting in less drugs and alcohol abuse. Teens drink when they are bored. There is nothing to do in Pittsfield.

Haley Beckman: How to Improve our Town – Haley noted that there should be more events in Pittsfield that would allow the community to come together with similar interests such as the Balloon Rally. There should be a Town event each season.

Donoven Emerson: How to Greatly Improve Pittsfield – For starters, improve Drake Field. He related that stopping the vandalism, repainting structures, fixing the grandstand, providing garbage cans, condemning littering, fix the basketball courts and posting rules would improve the area where kids can “hang out.” He also related that security should be improved.

Crystal Marsh and Brittany Twombly: Clean-Up Pittsfield – They related that our environment and habitat is getting ruined. They explained that certain litter lasts a long time and often litter is just because people are lazy. It creates slums. They presented some pictures of several sites in Pittsfield that demonstrated this. It was related that we need to educate our children now. It is not taught at school and should be. They are members of Green Team and encouraged joining forces to curtail this problem.

Kelsey Wrye: How Can we Reduce Use of Drugs/Alcohol by Teens in Our Community? Kelsey noted that education is key in curtailing peer pressure resulting in prevention. The need to find something else for them to do is vital and explained a program in Dover that started out with just several members and now has over 1,200 members with kids relating to kids to deal with these problems.

Chief Wharem noted that these presentations have been offered to BOS for the past four years, and suggested getting together with the youth of Pittsfield and getting together a game plan involving community, police and school working together to solve this problem.

Break 6:42 P.M. Board resumed at 6:47 P.M.

6:10 P.M. – Municipal Energy Assistance Program

Tim McDonald, MEAP was present and explained the energy baseline for 2009 regarding buildings, vehicles and streetlights. He provided a written report in reference to his calculations and noted that SDS would be contacting (PS) in the near future. (See Attachment I.)

Mr. McDonald left meeting at 7:18 P.M.

Other: 2010 Pool Employees

Minnie Plante introduced the 2010 pool employees to Board. She noted that several of them were “return” employees. A record check will be the next step in the employment process.

Ms. Plante explained the condition of the pool – Rotary clean-up, training, and hours of operation.

6:15 P.M. – CNHRPC/Safe Route to School

No representative from CNHRPC was present.

6:20 P.M. – WWTF Staffing/Ron Vien

Ron Vien noted that in the past he has submitted a proposal for the restructure of the WWTP. He related that he would like to leave that tabled for now until Town determines what the future management of WWTP will entail.

He also noted that he would like to hire summer help: 30-40 hours per week,
$8-12 per hour, individual will be providing mostly maintenance.

(DM): What are your suggestions for the future management of WWTP, what would you suggest? Ron noted that he would suggest contracting this out.

Board questioned whether the “license/permit” has been received yet? Ron noted that he had not heard anything about this lately. He advised he would check and advise.

7:30 P.M. – Ted Mitchell

I have now purchased two arborvitaes for the front area and will be conditioning/adding soil as needed for planting.


1. LGC Job Descriptions

(FH) suggested addressing this later in the evening as time allows.

2. Appointments to Welfare Fair Hearings Board

(PS) noted that the Town’s Welfare Policy requires a Fair Hearing Board with three impartial citizen appointments to allow for an appeal process if necessary. At the present time, we do not have one.

(DC) I do not understand. There is a State Health and Human Services Board which is available to all Towns. Why appoint one here? (PS) Every local municipality should have one by State Law. (PS) will gather more information and Board will submit possible name suggestions.

10. Rotary Club Request to Waive Policy Re: Open Container Ordinance

Steve Catalano, Rotary Club, related that they are planning an annual lobster fest at the Town Pool to honor members and Rotary is requesting open container ordinance be waived. He noted that they are planning a pool clean-up this coming Saturday and Sunday and have invested up to $1,000 in supplies.

(EV) noted that this has come up in the past and been voted down. “I am not against it provided there is proof of insurance. (EN) noted that he is on middle ground on this issue being that it is at the Town Pool where kids go by and would see the “open containers.” Mr. Catalano assured Board that Rotary would be very discreet in this matter and that there would be no children present at this outing.

(FH) Motion to waive Open Container Ordinance for Rotary Club at Town Hall on August 18, 2010 from 5:30 – 8:30 P.M. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Building Inspector/Hours of Work

(DC) noted that he had requested this be put on the Agenda after discussing with Kyle. The “job is not getting done with his working the hours he does.”
(EV) related that he would like to have the Building Inspector come in to discuss with Board. “He does not know what we expect.” I have discussed this somewhat with him and he related that he does what comes across his desk and does not have time to go out and look at things happening in Town.” (DC) Regarding the last issue with the Rustic Crust, he said he did not have time to drive around Town to check on permits and etc. (EV) We need to explain to him what we expect of him to give him a clear indication of what we want. (EN) What with summer coming, there will be a lot more building going on. (PS) will schedule.

4. Petitions for Pole Licenses (2)

(FH) Motion to approve Pole Licenses 41-0288 and 41-0284. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Discussion of Election Location

(PS) This is on the Agenda to determine if this Board wishes to pursue the previous Board’s intent to conduct elections at the High School. (EV) We voted to look into it and felt that the more students involved, the better. I do not have a problem having Town Hall as election location and maybe having students “buddying up” and coming in to observe.

(DC) Chief Johnson, do you believe that this area is safe to conduct election services? Chief Johnson answered affirmatively. Egress/exit requirements have been met and it is actually safer than the school because of vehicular traffic.
(DC) noted that the capacity for the conference room is 57 which is greater than the approximately 20 individuals that would inhabit room at voting time. He noted that if he understood State Law, convicted felons cannot be on School property but Federal Law denotes that they have the right to vote.

(DC) Motion to retain election site at Town Hall based on information from Fire Chief. (FH) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-1 (DM).

(FH) noted that she had to submit information relative to the election site by May 28th and she did not hear from this Board. (DM) Yes, she did. (EV) Even though I voted yes, I agree with Denise.

16. SVRTA Proposal to Retain Consultant for Health Insurance

(EV) The Suncook Valley Regional Town Association (SVRTA) is seeking to get a better rate on health insurance by consolidating town’s employees and retaining consultant for this purpose. The Consulting Agreement from Melcher & Prescott would provide services to get a new estimate for the future. What with the new health laws recently passed, I would suggest not to support this and not spend the money. Out of all the towns involved in the SVRTA, Pittsfield and a small part of Pembroke have unions. All the other towns do not.

(DC) Motion to not participate in the Consulting Agreement by Melcher & Prescott. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Town Hall Access

(PS) I was approached by Fred Okrent, HSA, regarding his ability to access the Town Hall.

Fred Okrent: There are times when I would like to access my records on the weekend, when emergencies occur. I have a key to the main door, but would like a key to the inner office.

(DC) Motion to approve issuance of key to Fred Okrent for inner office access of HSA records. (EV) Second. After Discussion: Motion fails 2-3 (EN), (DM), (EV).

Discussion: (PS) I have no idea why previous Board has denied request for key. Board questioned Fred Okrent as to number of times he would need to get into office on weekends, why key was needed now and if it prevents him from completing his job. Ultimately, it was felt that the necessity of providing him with a key does not exist.

8. Meeting Room Air Conditioning

(PS) noted that the air conditioner that was in the meeting room previously belonged to a former Board member.

Ted Mitchell noted that he would like to donate a small air conditioner that he currently owns to the Town.

(EV) Motion to accept the donation of air conditioner to Town by Ted Mitchell. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

9. Welfare Lien Tax Map R11, Lot 25

(FH) Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map R11, Lot 25. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

11. Property Owner Response to Selectmen Abatement Action

(PS) A letter has been received from property owner whose abatement has been denied because of late filing. She is asking for the entire property tax to be abated. If approved by the Board the abatement would be $1,706.64. Others who have filed late have also been denied. The new assessments are confusing property owners. (EV) We cannot do anything different than what was done.

(EV) Motion to affirm previous denial of abatement for Tax Map U06, Lot 5. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) to write letter to property owner.

12. Selectmen Letter to NHDOT Re: Ping Garden In-Town Sign

(EV) Basically, regarding the sign on the highway, the State requires if more than one turn needs to occur, then another supplemental directional sign is required. This is responsibility of business owner. Ping Garden cannot have a sign on Route 28 unless they install this additional sign.

(FH) Motion to approve Chairman signing letter to Wendy Chen regarding directional in-Town sign. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

13. Brownfields Grant Application

(EV) This grant is a proposal for USEPA’s Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Pilot Program. Charrette noted there are three potential areas within Pittsfield.

(DC) Motion to authorize Chairman to sign Grant application and for Board to approve resolution and sign resolution (attached to application). (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

14. MS-5 Approval

(DC) Motion to approve and authorize signing of MS-5. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.

15. Warrant for Property Taxes

(DC) Motion to approve Warrant for Property Taxes in the amount of $3,970,255. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

16. Intent to Cut Tax Map R49, Lot 17-1

(EV) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R49, Lot 17-1. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.


(FH) There is a dumpster on River Road which has been moved and is now sitting on Town property. It should be pushed back onto owner’s property. (PS) to take care of this.


1. Town Hall Improvements, Life Safety Codes Pending
2. Capital Improvement Program Pending
3. Selectmen/Town Administrator Goals & Objectives Pending


1. Warrant to Tax Collector for Excavation Tax Map R23, Lot 2

(FH) Motion to approve Warrant for Excavation Tax Map R23, Lot 2.
(DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Warrant to Tax Collector Tax Abatement, Tax Map U04, Lot 26

(FH) Motion to approve Warrant for Tax Abatement, Tax Map U-4, Lot 26.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

3. Warrant to Tax Collector for Property Taxes, Spring 2010

See No. 15 above.


(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EN) Second.
Carried 4-0-1. (DM) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of May 18, 2010

(DC) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of May 18, 2010. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0-1 (EN) Abstain.

1a. Public Session Minutes of May 19, 2010

(DC) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of May 19, 2010. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0-2 (EV) and (EN) Abstain.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of May 18, 2010

(DC) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of May 18, 2010.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0-1 (EN) Abstain.


Maurice Wells: Two months ago I reported a streetlight out on Tilton Hill Road and Manchester Street. It is still dark. Did anyone report it? (PS) noted that he had discussed with George but would check on it again.

Maurice Wells: There is also one out on Manchester Street between houses 9 & 11 and you can report that at the same time as Tilton Hill Road is reported.
(FH) noted, “We will take care of it.”

He also noted that the Highway Department has four dump trucks – they got a new one about two years ago. When do we get rid of the fourth one? I saw George driving it the other day. (FH) We usually sell them at State auction. Maurice Wells: It has been two years, BOS get with it. I also talked to Leon about the maintenance costs.

Maurice Wells: During the energy audit, he mentioned that the Town shed is heated by propane. When did that go in? (EV) That was when the oil and wood furnace was replaced. Maurice: Why not put in an oil furnace? (EV) It was recommended we replace it with propane. (FH) It would be more efficient. Maurice: Yeah, like the three furnaces downstairs.

Maurice Wells: At the last meeting, you discussed bids for Police Station renovation but you never opened the bids here in public. (PS) explained that this quote was received about sixty days ago and there have been no other bids. Maurice: What about in the Dodge Report? (PS) This project was not big enough to warrant advertising in the Dodge Report. Mr. Wells had several other questions concerning the costs of the project, bulletproof glass, bid process and advertising for the bid. He noted that he was surprised that more bids had not been forthcoming since work is slow out there.

Maurice: Regarding the box shop land, that was filled in from Whitesbrook. I worked on the foundation and someone should do bore testing there.

Maurice Wells left at 9:00 P.M.

Break 9:01 P.M. Board resumed at 9:08 P.M.


1. LGC Job Descriptions

(FH) We should set a date when we can work on these at a Work Session rather than try and tackle them on a regular meeting night.

Board decided that June 22nd would be designated as a Work Session to only review LGC Job Descriptions.


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c).
(DC) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 9:13 P.M.
Board returned to Public Session at 9:18 P.M.

(DC) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of June 1, 2010. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DC) Motion to adjourn. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:22 P.M.

Approved: June 15, 2010

______________________________ _________________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I do hereby certify that these Minutes of June 1, 2010 were recorded by me, transcribed and publicly posted on
June 2, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

III Tapes