June 1, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
June 1, 2011

1. Meeting opened at 5:31.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS),
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), Gerard Leduc (GL), Matt Monahan
(MM) from CNHRPC, and Robert Wharem (Police Chief)

3. Minutes from May 18, 2011 accepted and approved.

4. Report from Police Chief Robert Wharem
A. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
1. Other communities throughout the U.S. have similar problems
2. When place looks better people take care of their town better
B. Things to do
1. Replace broken windows-use plywood and paint it
2. Maintain and reduce shrubbery-better visibility
3. Desirable graffitti
a. Business provides paint
b. Students and/or other community members paint a mural
C.Other concerns
1. Lighting for new business-Family Dollar
2. Signage on 107 – too many signs are confusing and distracting
3. Suggested a change in sign on Rt 28 to show all civic organizations and churches
4. Park and Ride
a. In Northwood many loiterers
b. Should have some kind of regulation so police can monitor it
D. May be able to apply for a grant only if a program already in place
1. Window for applying is very short-about 2 weeks
2. Work toward a goal to improve community
3. What can EDC and PD do to help each other
a. Identify projects to work on
1. Clean up Topp’s garage with community help
b. Target a specific geographical area (Main St)

5. Identify businesses to discuss recruiting
A. Find out who are their “feeders”
B. Any associated businesses that could come to Pittsfield?
C. We can meet with them individually and then as a group
D. Come up with a list of questions so we ae asking the same thing

6.Mike Bergeron from NHDRED coming to June 15 meeting
A. Set goals and objectives
B. Identify the things we have already done-per his previous suggestions
C. How can they help us-what businesses are looking to relocate?
D. MM will draw up a list and email to us for next meeting.

7. Next meeting June 8, 2011.

8. Meeting closed at 6:40 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary