June 10, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(DM) Municipal Records Committee; (LS) Building Permit Activity, Sick Time; (JL) Fuel Bid; (EV) Letter Concord Monitor Re: Drug Issue; (LKe) Handouts and DARE Conference attendance; (LK) Suggestion Box Letter, (LK) Vacation and Non-Public.


6:05 P.M. High School Student Presentation to BOS Panel

Jacob Caulfield

Jacob related that he had done some research as to “How Make Pittsfield A Better Place to Live” and since he had been living here all his life, it was upsetting to see some things happen and other individual’s response and reaction as to his living in Pittsfield.

He noted that he had surveyed about 100 kids at the High School with the question, “What are we doing to help kids?” The problem is the way kids behave and what they do with their spare time. The solution in part, I think, would be 1. Mentor Program – one person can make a difference.
2. Musical Club – though some think it would make them “band geeks” most teenagers like music. 3. Comedy Club – I have many friends who really make me laugh.

The second issue is the Police Department. Why isn’t the Police Department doing anything about “kid related issues?” “I surveyed about 100 kids and none, had anything good to say about the Police Department. They do not care and do not want to try to help.

I know organizing clubs is pricey but there is some assistance through Gen.com which offers about $1,000 to improve Towns. There are kids out there who need help. Mr. Caulfield was questioned by Board if he had conducted this survey himself to which he responded affirmatively. Question: They are all of the same opinion? Again, Mr. Caulfield responded affirmatively. Curfew is not enforced and many are out on the streets past curfew.

(LK) noted that his presentation was informative to know how kids felt. He questioned the age group of those surveyed. Mr. Caulfield noted juniors, and some sophomores. (EV) Would it be to any advantage to have a resource police officer at the school and were you in the DARE Program? Mr. Caulfield noted that he thought it was a good idea regarding the resource police officer and that he had participated in the DARE Program in sixth grade, but felt that they were not doing a good job in this respect waiting until sixth grade to offer it. He noted that it is not easy for police for what they have to do.

Presentation completed 6:15 P.M.

1. Greenleaf Auto Body, LLC Retail Vehicle Sales Application

(LKe) They moved in sometime during the winter on Route 28, this side of Town line. They have a repair business and wish to sell. This is a request from DOS to see if they in compliance with Zoning.

(DM) Motion to approve application for Greenleaf Auto Body, LLC, Retail Vehicle Sales Application. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. NHDOT Fuel User Agreement

(LKe) This is an agreement noting that all those utilizing fuel are authorized tax-exempt organizations.

(DM) Motion to approve NHDOT Fuel User Agreement and have Chair sign. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Request for Family Leave – Police Officer DiGeorge

(LKe) Officer DiGeorge’s wife is expecting in about a month and he has requested three to four weeks of family leave.

(LS) Motion to approve Request for Family Leave for Police Officer DiGeorge. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Transfer to General Fund for Economic Development Expense

(LS) Motion to approve transfer to General Fund for Economic Development expense. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Abatement Recommendations

(LKe) This is the final batch of abatements reviewed by Cross Country. (LK) noted that he had checked the abatements and had some questions on several of them. Namely, No. 14, 15 and 18 on the list. They indicate a lot of dollar depreciation. (LS) noted that she had read all of them and had some questions on No. 18, (7 Crescent Street) and would like some clarification as to why it was $419,000 and dropped to $293,000.
(JL) suggested that we ask assessors to take another look at them. (LK) I think we should request clarification. A drop from $419,000 to $293,000 is quite a drop and there are quite a few units in there. (EV) noted that he had not had the opportunity to review them and would not be voting on this tonight. (DM) related that she had not had an opportunity to review them completely. Board agreed that further clarification would be justified on
#14 – 11 Main Street, #15 – 26-28 Main Street, and #18 – 7 Crescent Street. Assessors to be requested to offer further clarification.

6. 2008 Property Tax Warrant

(DM) Motion to approve 2008 Property Tax Warrant in the amount of $3,721,900. (LS) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.


(LS) I know there was a problem with the system. These figures are correct? (LKe) noted that totals were rounded off with the current system, and Cara has reconciled all the properties to make sure there were no errors. Tax bills will be mailed tomorrow.

7. Proposed Contract Award to WiFi

(LKe) noted that there were four bidders with quite a range of cost, some high and some low. Recommendation by Consultant Veronica Frances was Single Digits. EDC has looked at this and concur.

(EV) Motion to approve contract for WiFi to Single Digits in the amount of $9,341. (JL) Second. Carried 4-1 (LK).

(EV) noted that this would be covered by $4,500 Grant monies and additional amount through the EDC. It was felt that this would give people a reason to come into Town. Single Digits noted that “Start small, and get more for your buck.” Our success is their success. Single Digits also explained that such sites as MY SPACE as well as others could be controlled to limit teenage use. (LKe) noted that there would also be a fee for the consultant in the amount of $1,800, which is through the EDC. (LK) noted “I still believe it is putting the cart before the horse.”

8. Letter Concord Monitor – Pittsfield

(EV) noted “It upsets me when bad publicity about Pittsfield is in the Concord Monitor. A lot of people read this newspaper and it gives me great concern. How can we turn it around? There is information in this letter that is not present. They state nobody can get any help. What about the Drug Coalition, AA, and the DARE Program.” Pittsfield is pro-active in helping these people. I think a response is warranted, not necessarily from the BOS but from the Drug Coalition making reference to this particular letter.”
(LS) “I agree. It notes in letter that some of these drugs are coming from home medicine cabinets and this would be a way for parents to help and assume some of the responsibility.” (EV) noted that education is the key. Help is there if it is wanted. This is a good opportunity to address this. (DM) to bring to Drug Coalition. (EV) The quicker we address this, the better.

9. DARE Conference Letter

(LKe) related that as computed, the cost of staying overnight is approximately the same as commuting. Check is being held.

(LS) Motion to release check for DARE Conference. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Staff Meeting Notes June 3, 2008

(LS) On Page 2 it is noted that the Police Department is possibly expecting some part-time resignations. (LKe) noted that there is a possibility that some part-time police officers might be leaving for personal reasons or circumstances. There is nothing definite yet. I am unaware of anything else concerning this.

(DM) explained the “Sunshine Policy”.

2. BCEP Solid Waste District Committee Meeting Minutes
April 24, 2008

(EV) We are waiting for the House Bill to come out. I have talked to Jack Barnes about it and it has now gone to the Senate, then the Governor’s office. It was noted that five communities support this.

3. Police Department Arrest Log May 25-31, 2008

(LKe) noted that these include young people with local addresses and all seem to have either alcohol and/or drug problems, same as in other communities. (EV) questioned whether there was any way that Police Department could legally offer information about AA or other services in the community. (LK) suggested that this could be done at the Court hearing. (LKe) to check.

4. Welfare Monthly Report – May 2008

(LKe) noted Town is paying out less than a year ago. (DM) questioned whether Town has a Welfare Appeals Officers, perhaps from another town. She noted that this should not be the Health Officer or a member of the BOS, but perhaps a welfare officer from another town. (LK) related he thought this might be handled through the Ethics Committee.

(LK) Another “Atta Girl” to Betsey.

5. Memo to Staff Regarding Suggestion Box Note of May 9, 2008.

(LKe) This has been shared with Town Hall staff. (LK) Any problems? (LKe) No.

6. Exit Interview – Steve Gibbs

(LKe) noted that this was accomplished. Steve was more interested in plant operation. (LS) Is there any validity to the complaints to address? Has it been all taken care of? (LKe) Yes.

7. Fuel Oil Bid for 2008/9

(LKe) noted our request for fuel oil bids resulted in our current vender offering a bid of $3.875 per gallon which is up by $1.70 over last year. Rhymes offered a bid of $4.50 a gallon, which would be valid till tomorrow. (DM) noted that she had called around for her personal use and all the companies were in the $4.00 range. (JL) explained that he also has Fuller for him home fuel and they offered him a pre-pay of $2.97 back in January and have for the last three years. It was noted that this method be reviewed for possible Town use in January. (JL) will alert Board at that time.

(JL) Motion to approve fuel oil bid from Fred Fuller Oil at $3.875 per gallon. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LKe) noted he was not sure about the School bid.

8. Larry Konopka Vacation

(LK) I will be on vacation from June 20th through June 29th and will not be available for the BOS meeting on June 24th.

(LK) Betsey will also be on vacation that week. It was agreed that (LS) would be the emergency welfare agent in this interim.

9. Suggestion Box Letter

(LK) noted that another suggestion had been left in box this week. Board agreed that since this letter did not really make any real “sense” that it would just be filed away for reference. If complaints such as this come in, it was agreed that they would be reviewed but not addressed.

10. Municipal Records Committee

(DM) questioned whether the Town had a committee of this type. According to the RSA’s, Town is supposed to have one in place. It can be anyone and records can be kept 3-5-or 10 years. (LKe) noted that this had been discussed previously with other employees about record retention. He noted that he would review and advise next week.

11. Building Permit Report (Building Inspector)

(LS) noted that she would like to see a report as to building permits. (LKe) noted that this would be available in the next BI report. (LS) “I would like to have it now. (LKe) related that currently there is one house under construction and the rest are additions, decks and renovations but he would have Mike provide a report.

12. Sick Time

(LS) I have asked Cara to provide me with a preliminary tally for sick time used. There is excessive sick time being used. The report which covers January through mid-May indicates that 815 hours have been used. Sick time should be carefully used but this is excessive and should be scrutinized and watched carefully. It is okay for operations and emergencies. (LK) Maybe this could be addressed at the Department Heads meeting noting that it should be watched carefully. (LKe) explained that both the Fire Department and Police Department did end up with that debilitating flu that was going around earlier in the year. (LS) I think this should be watched and not abused.

13. Other

(EV) related that at a recent Conservation Committee meeting a discussion ensued regarding grants for buying land and specifically Berry Pond came up. It was noted that committees and individuals should not deal with Pennichuck directly but through (LKe).


1. Goals & Objectives Status – June 4, 2008

(LK) This will be addressed in Non-Public.


2. Application to Operate a Coin Operated Amusement Device – Zoya’s Restaurant
3. Appointments to the CNHRPC
4. Town Investment Policy
5. Capital Improvement Plan
7. WWTP Plan Status
8. Sidewalk Improvement Plan Status

6. Space Needs Study

(DM) It is urgent we get the letter out to the previous Committee members. (LKe) I will have the staff start putting thoughts together for this.

10. Application for Discretionary Preservation Easement – Gingras

(LKe) noted that (EV), (DM) and he would check their schedules to determine a time that would be agreeable for site visit.




(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifests.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) I assume the sick time in conjunction with holiday from the last pay period was taken care? (LKe) advised that she was correct and it was taken care of.


Public Minutes of June 3, 2008.

(JL) Motion to approve Public Minutes of June 3, 2008. (EV) Second. A few “word” corrections noted. Carried 5-0.

Non-Public Minutes of June 3, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Minutes of June 3, 2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


James Theodore questioned what WiFi was? (EV) explained it is a wireless Internet connection, which can be powered up without a connector. Mr. Theodore also questioned what the “Memo to Staff of 5-9-08 Suggestion Box Note” was concerning. (LK) explained that this is in reference to a letter in the Suggestion Box, which as addressed via a memo to the staff concerning being polite.


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session 91 A:3 II (a) and (c).
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:38 P.M. Short Break

Board returned to Public Session at 8:34 P.M.

(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of June 10, 2008.
(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to direct Town Administrator to draft letter of concern from Board of Selectman to HSA regarding Inspector certification and his ability to continue. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to direct Town Administrator to draft memo to Police Chief regarding the alleged concerns of the student presentation, which were discussed tonight. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to Adjourn. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:47 P.M.

Approved: June 17, 2008

______________________________ ________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date