June 12, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
(AM) As our first order of business I would like to introduce Leon Kennison
who has been offered the position of Town Administrator. He will be
staying until the end of the meeting. “We are looking forward to working
with you.”
Don Chase related that he was unsure whether the BOS was aware of this or
not, but the Town crew repaired the flower box in the front of the building to
divert the water run-off and it seems to be working. I noticed that the water
now runs off across driveway and it will be a big help.
Mr. Lachlin Gray related he was also present tonight regarding the current
use notice recently filed by Jeffrey Waterhouse. He related that he does
have a copy of the State of New Hampshire Current Use Criteria info
available though it is dated last year should anyone like to review it.
Close Public Input
(LK) Non-Public – Employee, Keys to second floor, WWTP Metrocast
Cable. (AM) First Congregational Church letter of request (on the Agenda
for tonight.)
6:05 P.M.- Sharon Wason, Central NH Regional Planning Commission
(PS) noted that Ms. Wason was unable to attend this evening. However,
Eric Bahr appears tonight in her absence.
Eric Bahr (EB) related that the EDC has a 50% matching grant offer for
municipal high-speed Internet access which would have approximately a
radius of a ¼ mile from its center, wherever placed. The cost would be
$9,000, half of which be matched by State of New Hampshire. He explained
that the grant was just proposed to the EDC and that Matt had just heard
about it but wanted to make sure that it was offered to Town. He noted that
it could be funded the first year from the EDC budget. He related that it
would bring publicity to the Town and demonstrate good will to Pittsfield
and others to encourage businesses to come into town. He related it is noted
that in Pittsfield approximately one in four people in the downtown area
have high-speed Internet access. I would suggest that the first year we fund
it and than use advertisers to fund it or solicit for subscription members.
(LS) questioned who would collect fees? (EB) related the Website
Committee through the Town Hall or EDC. (LS) also questioned how it
would be marketed? (EB) related that local businesses would advertise it via
their use. Board and (EB) discussed the advantages, antennae sizing and
placement and where it could be located. Since there is a timeframe
involved, Friday, June 15th, for applying for the grant, the BOS voted to
allow EDC to apply for the grant noting the proviso that they are able to
walk away from grant should they decide not to use it? (LS) noted that
Town can apply for grant, we’ll research it, and then we can accept it or
reject using it at that time. (EB) related that he felt this was a better use of
Town money than the Site Plan Review and (EV) also agreed it gives the
idea to others that Pittsfield is moving ahead. Further research will be done
to determine whether the acceptance of the grant would be advantageous to
the Town. (EB) noted that the EDC unanimously voted for it.
(EV) Motion to approve applying for the Grant. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
6:15 P.M. – Cross Country Appraisal
(PS) noted that he had E-mailed Cross Country Appraiser Jeffrey
Waterhouse to see if he would be able to be present tonight. He was unsure
as to whether he had received a response from him. He does not appear to
be present and it is now 6:35 P.M. I will pursue it further this week to see
when he would be able to appear, possibly next week.
It is noted that Mr. Gray related that he would like to be notified when Mr.
Waterhouse is to appear as he has a vested interest in this discussion. He
related that he lives in Town so that he could be here almost any time. He
noted that BOS could find a resolution without appraiser or attorney
Mr. Bapple wanted to know why the land he has in current use has changed,
as his land remains the same as in previous years.
(AM) related that they would try and get Mr. Waterhouse from Cross
Country to appear and would try to advise the interested parties of the date.
6:45 P.M. – Purvis and Associates – Three abatement questions.
(AM) related that the BOS had several questions on three abatements. BOS
and Rod Wood discussed the abatements for Jamie Wrye, Nancy Bates and
Peter Truscott. Prior to a motion of acceptance/rejection, Mrs. Wrye was
able to meet with Mr. Wood to discuss the abatement.
Action Items
1. Teen Institute, Two Tuitions – Drug Account
Chief Wharem related that one student is now unable to attend the Teen
Institute due to family commitments and the other one is still interested in
attending. He related that he has spoken with the school and she is an honor
student, straight A’s and it is felt that it would be a worthwhile investment.
He noted that he could get a letter from the school or ask her to come in and
speak to the Board if they could put it off for a week. He was unsure as to
when the course was being offered and whether time constraints were
involved. (LS) noted that she liked the idea very much but wanted some
kind of criteria and expectations required from this individual. Chief related
that he had not advised them that he would be requesting funds from Town
for their attendance and therefore, had no paperwork at this work for them to
review. (LK) related that he felt that for $300 they should just leave it up to
the Dare Program rep and Chief to handle it. (LS) related she felt that they
were missing her point. She wanted to be sure that they met the criteria and
expectations. “What is the big deal?” (EV) related that he agreed with (LS)
and if there are no time constraints that they could table it until next week.
(JL) related that he felt the same as (LS). (AM) BOS will wait on this until
we get something from the teen involved. Chief to handle. (Chief later
noted that the Teen Institute course is in July, so sufficient time is available.)
2. Town Hall Roof
Michael McLaughlin (MM) related that he has one quote for asphalt roofing
and is expecting another one shortly. He has one for $63,000 and an
additional $10,000 should they decide to use copper. No warranty on labor.
(LK) Motion to accept Interlock Co. for roofing at a cost of $93,150. (LS)
Second. Carried 4-0.
(AM) noted that the warranty on workmanship is much longer with this
(MM) noted that he is still accepting bids for the library roof, as they do not
have sufficient funds for the Interlock product. He related the asphalt roof
has been on the building for about twenty years and is not leaking yet. He
related that it would be cheaper with asphalt. (EV) related that he thought it
would be nicer if they used Interlock on both buildings. (AM) noted that
this should be scheduled with Interlock as soon as possible and verifying
that contract remains if only Town Hall is done and not library. (MM) to
3. Town Hall Air Quality
(MM) related that an environmental group tested the mold issue in the Town
Hall and there is more outside than there is inside. He related that this
person reported that the levels are not harmful but did recommend that it be
mitigated professionally and the ductwork be replaced, which should not be
costly. He related that he will be getting some quotes for this work and that
the environmental company will give them instructions as to what needs to
be done and will retest it when the work is complete.
(LK) noted that two dehumidifiers are needed downstairs. He offered to
allow Town to use his personal professional dehumidifier until some can be
acquired. (Don Chase noted that there is a dehumidifier downstairs and is
pretty sure it works.) (MM) related that he would contact Servpro for a
quote. He also noted that he would purchase another one and that they
should be kept running. (AM) noted that (LK’s) offer could be accepted on
a temporary basis.
Front Door Tile Area, Carpet Cleaning Update, and Town Hall Custodial
Services (Addressed Out of Sequence)
(MM) also related that he will have a quote on the front door tile
replacement tomorrow and would keep BOS apprised of this.
(MM) noted that he has discussed with the police building custodian, Paul
Gregoire, regarding the cleaning of the Town Hall rugs. He related that it
would take about twelve hours to clean the rugs and Mr. Gregoire would be
willing to do it at his current hourly salary. He noted, however, that he
would prefer not to use the school’s cleaning equipment but would rather
rent a carpet cleaner. Cost for this would be approximately $60. per day x 2
days. The whole project would cost under $200.
(LK) Motion to accept Paul Gregoire to do Town Hall Carpets and rent
equipment for this purpose. (LS) Second. Carried 3-1 (EV).
(MM) related that he had also discussed custodial services with Mr.
Gregoire for Town Hall and that he would be interested. Board to address
this issue in Non-Public session.
4. Town Administrator Update
(AM) related that he had already introduced Mr. Kennison to everyone.
5. Website Committee
(AM) related that Bill Provencal had been provided with the names and
copies of their letters of interest for appointment to Website Committee. Bill
was unable to be here tonight but related that he would like to appoint all
four of them to the Committee as well as himself.
(LK) Motion to appoint Clayton Wood, Bob Legg, Don Chase, Matthew
Goodwin and Bill Provencal to Website Committee. (LS) Second. Carried
1. Space Needs Study Update – Chief Wharem
He related that he had talked to the Chairman of the Committee and related
that he will speak to Chief Johnson when he returns and then provide the
BOS with a report.
2. Board of Selectman Secretary Needed for July 17, 2007
(LK) suggested asking either Betsey or Anne if she would be available for
this date. (AM) suggested they ask Anne.
3. First Congregational Church, Letter of Request (No. 6, Old
(AM) noted that they would need to do some research on this before making
a decision on this. He related that monies had been available for it in the
past but did not know for what purpose. (PS) to acquire additional
information on this matter.
1. Department of Labor’s 1998 Violations – Update
(LK) noted that we are getting through the violation corrections. He noted
the fireproof cabinets had been purchased and leaks had been fixed. (EV)
noted that he had recently visited the Highway Department garage and that
he felt there was a big improvement down there noting that the paint makes
a big difference. (AM) suggested that MM put together a checklist of the
violations accomplished and those which need to be done as a general
2. Pittsfield Player’s Tax Exemption, Tabled from 4/17/07
Nothing new on this as yet.
3. Front Door Tile Area Update
See MM’s update above.
4. Internal Control Assessment
To be accomplished when full time Town Administrator is available.
5. Carpet Cleaning Update
See MM’s update above.
6. First Congregational Church Letter of Request
See (AM) comments above. (This was moved as an Information Item rather
than Old Business.)
7. Town Hall Custodian Services
See MM’s comments above.
8. Keys to Padlocks – Second Floor
(LK) suggested that just Department Heads, Cara, Mike and Liz have keys.
(AM) suggested “Why not have just one key. If you have more than one
key, things change.” (LK) related that it would be easier if anyone wanted
access to third floor that they could go through Liz or Cara and should one
not be available, the other one usually would be. (EV) noted that this would
give controlled access to the third floor.
(LK) Motion to allow Liz Hast, Cara Marston, Mike MacLaughlin, and
Town Administrator to have keys to third floor. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
9. Waste Water Treatment Plant – Metrocast
(LK) Ron Vien needs a letter from BOS to allow him to be on Metrocast
Cable system.
(LK) Motion to send letter to Metrocast Cable to allow Ron Vien to be on
the system. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (PS) to do.
10. Traffic Lights at Route 107 and 28
(LS) inquired as to what was the status of the implementation of traffic lights
at this location. (AM) related that he had learned that it would be started
shortly. The recent floods affected where equipment was routed and
therefore, it has been delayed. The work will be started soon.
(PS) noted that he would like to discuss the custodial services issue in Non-
Public session.
(EV) Motion to accept abatements as adjusted for Nancy Bates, Jamie Wrye
and Peter Truscott. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
1. Property Tax 2007, Spring Issue Bills
(PS) warrant for first half of 2007 property taxes to tax collector for
(LS) Motion to accept first half of 2007 property taxes to send to Tax
Collector for collection. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Permit to Display Fireworks, Miller, 75 Tilton Hill Road
(EV) Motion to accept Permit to Display Fireworks for Bill Miller, 75 Tilton
Hill Road. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to accept payroll for week ending June 16, 2007. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept accounts payable for week ending June 16, 2007.
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) noted that she did have a question on Check No. 6927 which was a
refund with no explanation. It is for a tax refund, but there is no
explanation. (PS) to advise.
(LK) Motion to accept public Minutes for June 5, 2007. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LK) Agenda Review for June 19, 2007.
Don Chase related that he has two dehumidifiers at home identical to the one
that is downstairs. He would like to offer them to Town for free. (AM)
requested he check with MM.
He also related that he has a commercial carpet extractor at home that would
be perfect for spot removal and for doing rugs around the furniture in the
offices. He related that he would be willing to allow Town to use it for free.
(AM) suggested that he also discuss this with MM so MM can discuss with
Mr. Gregoire and will advise you.
Maurice Wells related that he had come in to make a complaint, but he was
unsure he was going to do that tonight, as he was unsure of the square
footage. I think it has to be 500 sq. ft.
Mrs. Jim Snedeker related that her neighbor, Mr. Wells, had been taking
pictures of her husband and their property. I do not know if Mr. Wells has
the right to do that and I wanted to address the BOS. If there is a complaint,
Town should know about it. I would think as a good neighbor that they
would address us directly about this. Jim Snedeker related “I’ve been
hauling scrap metal now for 2 ½ years and sometimes it gets ahead of me.”
He related that his neighbor was taking pictures. People drop off scrap
metal at my house. I am trying to clear the back area and put up a fence. I
am minding my own business. Basically it is just metal. There are a couple
of antique cars in the yard.
(AM) noted that there were no complaints before the Board. If one should
come up, Town will investigate and we will deal with it. Please do not get
into personalities at this time.
Mr. Snedeker noted that he was just trying to make a living. I’ve already
started cutting trees in the back and will clear back there, clean up and put
up a fence to hide the bins.
Charlie Watson noted that Nancy Dixon, whose land is adjacent to his, is
having some clear cutting done. He related that there is quite a bit of up-todate
equipment there and this area abuts 40 acres of Town land. He related
that the Town’s area has never been cut. He noted he was wondering if the
Town wanted to utilize the logger while he was there and cut some of the
timber on Town-owned land.
(AM) noted that he did not believe so. He related that there is a Town
Forrester. However, we will have Cara contact the Conservation Committee
to see if they want to do that.
Mr. Watson related that he actually was present tonight to see if he could get
some advice on starting a wind farm. He has read several articles about one
that was established in Lempster, which they note is the only one in New
Hampshire. If we had one in Pittsfield, it would be larger than the one in
Lempster. All you need is wind, land, and a right-of-way to get to it. The
right-of-way would be through my property. (AM) related that Town would
investigate this.
Close Public Input
(LK) Motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 (a). (LS) Second
Carried 4-0. Board polled and all agreed.
Public session adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
APPROVED: June 19, 2007
____________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date