June 12, 2007 Minutes

Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting


The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:30 P.M. on June 12, 2007 in the upstairs room of the library.

In attendance: Director Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble, Bill Provencal, and Sylvia Wallace

Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of May 8, 2007, were accepted with corrections.

The meeting started with a maintenance tour of the building and grounds. The following areas were discussed:

– The closet will be cleaned out and its walls and possibly ceilings will be cleaned and painted by volunteer teens this summer.

– Broken tiles in entry need repair

– Green runner rug under computer chairs may need replacement with regular computer chair mats.

– The boarded up window in the back room leading into hallway should be replaced with glass so it will let in more light.

– April Rue will clean the carpets this summer. Later they will probably need to be cleaned professionally.

– The window in the hall is old and a priority for replacement. The paint peels, there is a moisture problem.

– Windows in upstairs back room are old and need replacement.

– When they do the roof, the water spout needs to come out further from the building. It is now splashing water onto the building, causing erosion problems on side of building.

Old Business:

The draft of library meeting policy was discussed. Bill said he needed more time to review it. It was decided to postpone discussion/decisions to another meeting.

Leslie reminded the Trustees that the budget needs to be submitted to the selectmen sometime this summer. They haven’t contacted us yet.

Roofing update: no news yet. Bill said he’d follow up if he sees something in the selectmen meeting minutes.

Replacement windows update: no news yet.

Update on outdoor banking: Dana Sansom suggested we plant two Russian Cyprus

(zone 4 ) bushes. She suggested we also use erosion control material, manure compost, and super soil. She said the topsoil was poor. Mary looked into the cost of the bushes, which were about $35.00 each. Mary suggested asking Mike Sargent from Northeast Gardens for a quote. Bill suggested first asking Dana if she could help and the possibility of doing it with a group of volunteers.

Reports: Leslie presented the Director’s Report. Leslie asked for permission to close the library early (5.00 P.M.) on July 2nd and 3rd. Being the fourth of July week she didn’t think there would be much business. Mary moved to go ahead with this. It was approved unanimously.

Leslie presented estimates from two companies for Air Conditioning and installment. We need to add electrical to this. Bill asked Leslie to call Harry O Electrical for an estimate.

Mary moved to accept the Director’s Report. All were in favor.

The monthly financial report was presented and discussed. Leslie noted that she had corrected reports for Dec. – April. After reviewing the report for May, Bill motioned to move $2000 from the “other” (BOT) account and add it to our existing CD account under equipment. That will leave $218.00 that Leslie will spend by the end of the year to wipe out that BOT account.

Mary motioned to accept the corrected financial reports for Dec. – April, and the report for May. All approved.

New Business:

Bill said he now has a page for The Friends of the Library on the town website.


Mary said at the next meeting we will do the Library Director’s evaluation from 6:15-


The next meeting will be on July 10 at 6:15 P.M.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Sylvia Wallace, secretary