June 15, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Eric Nilsson, (EN), Don Chase, (DC), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Ted Mitchell advised Board of his plans and present proceedings for Town Hall landscaping renovation. He will continue to keep Board apprised of his plans.

Maurice Wells: There is a van parked in front of the Chinese restaurant the front end of which is too far from the curb and is a hazard. It has been there three days and is hanging out into the road. At night it can be a real problem. (PS) will discuss with Police Chief.

Also, the water rates are going up and the hydrants costs are increasing.

Mr. Wells also noted that on the Website it does not indicate the names or addresses of the new appraisal values. (PS) will check to see what can be done.

(DC) I also would like to advise you that lights have been reported and are either in the process of being fixed or already fixed. The Fire Department has surveyed the lights in Town to find out which ones are/are not working. Cara now has a list of all the street lights in Town and coordinating pole numbers.


(DC) Handicapped Parking – Drake’s Field; (EN) Update on Police Department Renovation; (FH) Dumpster on River Road, Non-Public – Personnel;
(PS) Welfare Lien Tax Map R11, Lot 16, Letter from Nancy Christie RE: Property Assessment, Inventory of Taxable Property Form, Pittsfield Aqueduct Rate Increase Filing.


6:05 p.m. Building Inspector Hours of Work

(DC) I requested that the Building Inspector hours be addressed. I would like to note that Kyle has requested that this be in Public Session. If possible, I would also request that any comments made do not contain business names.

Bill Miskoe: I would like to advise Board that I am here on behalf of the Planning Board which was discussed at their last meeting. The Board knows that I am here before the BOS tonight.

(DC) requested any names be stricken from the public record.

Bill Miskoe: The Board and I are concerned about code enforcement in Town. The Building Inspector (BI) has two jobs but we feel the code enforcement part of the job is a problem. Board recently approved a Site Plan Review with accompanying Waivers and the process worked very well. Pittsfield is not business unfriendly. If it involves permits, then people should get them. I am coming at it from a position of knowing what should be done. Some people are not being compliant which should result in code enforcement. This is not happening in Town. This is not a personal attack on the BI. Somehow matching skills for the job and the provider of skills is not working. By the code enforcement not working, it is undercutting the process. (EV) requested Board get a copy of each of the letters.

(PS) Are you asking Board to direct Code Enforcement Officer to be a bit more aggressive? Bill Miskoe: At least, that. There are deficiencies in the knowledge of the process. (FH) Is that your opinion, or the PB opinion? Mr. Miskoe: That is my opinion, the rest of the Board is not that closely involved since I have tried to direct the BI in the right direction on certain matters

(DM) Let’s talk about your hours of work to assure that you have enough hours as Building Inspector and Code Enforcement. Bring us up to speed on this.

Kyle Parker (BI): It depends on what and when it happens. I do not want to waste Town’s time and money. I have time to process Building Permits and Board applications, but do not have time to drive around Town to see what is going on; so I can’t really answer your question completely. (EV) When a project is going forward, how often do you visit the project? (BI) As it is needed, larger projects require more frequent visits. (EV) gave him an example of the project at the end of Leavitt Road. (BI) Yes, I have been there several times. (EV) Do you go out only when you are called? (BI) I will stop in intermittently while the job is going on. (DM) Are the Building Permits visible? (BI) In some instances yes and sometimes no, it depends upon the project. Everyone is asked to post the permit. (EV) Are there fines if it is not posted? (BI) No, but in the future that could be possible.

(EN) Are you aware that during the inspector process, if a contractor requests an inspection, that after 48 hours, the contractor can proceed to the next step? The BI hours should be Monday-Wednesday-Friday. You cannot enforce codes if you are not here. BI admitted that he was not aware of this fact. (EV) I have talked to contractors and any loss of time can be a real problem for them. (DC) If you can’t inspect part of the project and it goes forward, then you would not issue an occupancy permit? BI noted that this is a “gray area.”

(DC) noted that Town needs to increase the hours of the BI and we can either find the funds later when it becomes necessary or find the funds for it now. (PS) noted that if the Board increases the BI hours to three days a week, then funds for this purpose need to be identified now. At the next meeting of the Board, I will provide alternatives.

(EN) Are you willing to work four hours on Friday? BI explained that he lives approximately an hour away and it a long commute for only four hours and that he usually does private contracting on that day. Board discussed BI adding Friday hours as code enforcement as well as his certifications for code enforcement, inspection abilities, fines that could be imposed, and certificate of occupancy for individuals.

(DC) Motion to expand Building Inspector hours to include Fridays.
(EN) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-2 (DM) and (FH).

Discussion: (DM) I would like to see where the additional $15,000 would be coming from. (EV) Could we do it for three months first instead of six month period and see how it works out. (FH) I thought all departments were trimmed down as far as they could be. Board discussed where ultimately this money could be acquired from and (PS) advised he would research and advise Board.

(EV) The voters at the Town Meeting did not understand the position that the Town was put in by reducing Building Inspector hours. (DC) I agree, it was not adequately explained to voters that the Building Inspector hours were being cut way back and the impact that could result. It could have been explained a little bit better. (DM) noted that it was probably based on the number of Building Permits issue. (DC) I would like to ask (PS) and (DM) to find the money somewhere and try not to cut from the Highway Department. The Building Inspector needs set hours so that people know how and when he can be contacted. (PS) advised that nothing would be done unilaterally without first advising BOS.


3. Depot Street Foundation

(FH) Where do we stand on that? (BI) indicated he was working with the owner on filling it in and putting together a timeframe for completion. (EN) Are there any fines involved? (BI) There can be.

(EV) discussed that there has to date never been an incident there, it was properly fenced and that he did not feel it was an issue even though it was not attractive to the area. Board discussed the sturdiness of the fence, children “trespassing”, that it is 10 feet deep with no exit area and the liability involved. BI noted that the Building Permit and the Site Plan Review attached to the site have elapsed. He related that he felt the site should be sand filled though he did not feel the owner would comply. (DM) noted that this Board will address because of safety issues.

(DC) Motion that Building Inspector move forward with correspondence to owner as to Town’s suggestions and advise BOS at the next meeting (July 6, 2010) of compliance or Board will act upon RSA 155 B:13 to secure the site. (EN) Second.
Carried 4-1 (FH).


6:30 P.M. CNHRPC/Safe Routes to School (6:55 P.M.)

Nick Coates, Planner, CNHRPC was present to explain goals and where in the process Pittsfield presently is. The Grant has been applied for and is a fully funded Federal Program to address school safety issues, physically fit children, and clean air. He noted Town (school, police, fire) are all working together on this project. They have instituted Footwork Fridays where children walk to school with assistance of volunteers and various curbside watches by volunteers. When it began only 5% were involved but now about 50% are walking.

The next stage will be the travel plan part of the Grant which can be up to $250,000 or parts thereof. The project will entail sidewalk construction along with crosswalks curtailing traffic measures (speeding) and engineers will become involved.

Board noted their enthusiasm for all participants and hoped that Grant would be approved.


1. LGC Job Descriptions (Scheduled for 6/22/10-Special Meeting)

This will be posted as a Work Session to address LGC job descriptions.

2. Appointments to Welfare Fair Hearing Board

(PS) I have requested recommendations from this Board as to possible appointments. Board members related that several people had been asked but were reluctant to commit themselves to this. (DC) noted that in another town, rather than appoint a definite board, advertising for volunteers is accomplished, a list is established and when necessary, names are contacted from the list on an alternating basis and it seems to work quite well. This way there is a greater list to draw from. This will be on future Agendas as Old Business to be addressed.

(DM) Motion Town advertises for volunteers for serving on Welfare Fair Hearing Board. (EN) Second. After Discussion: Motion and Second amended to first advertise on Website and Channel 24. Carried 5-0.

4. Contract with SPCA

(FH) Motion to approve contract with SPCA as noted. (DC) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 4-1 (EV).

Discussion: (EV) had several concerns regarding the fees involved per animal and determination as to the necessary charges incurred for treatment of an injured animal.

5. Griggs Enterprises/Request for Property Tax Abatement

(PS) A letter has been received requesting tax abatement on a mobile home because owner has abandoned home and Griggs Enterprises would like to remove and dispose of the home.

(DC) Motion to deny request to abate taxes Tax Map R34, Lot 30-T7.
(FH) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (DC) noted he would be willing to waive permit fees for removal of the mobile home.

6. Parade Permit/Old Home Day

(FH) Motion to approve Parade Permit for Old Home Day. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Transfer from Ambulance Fund to General Fund

(DC) Motion to approve transfer of $394.70 from Ambulance R&E Fund to General Fund. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. Leslie Vogt – Panther Paws

(FH) Motion to approve the sidewalk painting of “Panther Paws” at alumni residences as requested. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

9. Plan NH – Charrette

(PS) Pittsfield has been chosen to participate in the Plan NH Community Design Charrette. This requires a $5,000 contribution from Town and it is the intent of the EDC that this be from the appropriation awarded them. This will require a Public Hearing.

(DC) Motion to schedule Public Hearing for Plan NH Community Design Charrette for approval of funding with EDC expendable trust funds.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) suggested that Matt Monahan be requested to attend to address any questions. (PS) to do.

10. Town Hall Window Repair

(FH) The building has been sprayed once for termites, but it is not getting any better. The windows in Paul’s office are at risk of “falling out.” We need to repair/replace the fames but not replace the windows. It was noted that there are some funds left over from the roof replacement. (FH) That money was from the insurance coverage and, I believe, designated for any repairs, etc. to the second floor. We need to repair these windows and the ones at the Police Department also. (EN) agreed that he and (PS) would view the site and the repairs necessary, advise Board at the next meeting, and proceed accordingly.

11. Welfare Lien Tax Map R11, Lot 16

(FH) Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map R11, Lot 16. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

12. Letter from Nancy Christie Re: Property Assessment

(PS) In response to a letter from Nancy Christie, I have taken the responsibility of explaining the new assessment value in relation to the current tax bill.

13. Inventory of Taxable Property Form

(The Town has not used this form for years.)

(FH) Motion to not use the Inventory of Taxable Property Form. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

14. Pittsfield Aqueduct Rate Increase Filing

(PS) The Public Notice was brought to my attention by Fred Hast. I have inquired of Laura Spector about this and she has responded. The bottom line is “Do you want her to go to the pre-hearing conference and intervene and if so, retain someone to give a detailed presentation for the Town?” Maybe consideration could be given to address at the next Town Meeting to look at the potential purchase of Pittsfield Aqueduct. (FH) There have been seven increases since they have owned it. Board agreed that Laura Spector should intervene at this pre-hearing conference.

(DC) Motion to approve instructing Town Counsel to attend pre-hearing conference and intervene on behalf of the Town. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

15. Handicapped Parking – Drake’s Field

(DC) I have been approached by a citizen noting that there are not any streets surround Drake’s Field which accommodate handicapped parking, of which I was not aware. There is no handicapped parking and it should be addressed. There are handicapped individuals who like to watch the kids play ball. (EV) What about the parking lot at the end of Lafayette Street – outside the fence. Board was unsure as to whether school was owner of this parking area and it was agreed that (PS) and (DC) would look into it.

16. Update – Renovation at Police Department

(DM) A letter should be sent to Jesse Pacheco to inform him that his bid was accepted for the renovation at the Police Department so he can move forward with the project. (PS) to do.

17. Dumpster – River Road

(FH) noted that he had mentioned this at the last Board meeting and (PS) noted that he had discussed with Mr. Volpe. (DC) explained to Board how dumpster continues to end up in the breakdown lane and that Mr. Volpe is unable to move it himself. (PS) will write letter to Mr. Volpe requesting it be removed from Town property.




1. Town Hall Improvement, Life Safety Codes

(PS) We have received a report from the Fire Chief regarding Life Safety Inspection. I have put it on the Agenda for the July 6th meeting.

(DM) Has Kyle contacted the roof company regarding the cap which was blown off during the last wind storm? (PS) was unsure and this will also be on the Agenda for the next meeting.

2. Capital Improvement Program Pending

3. Selectmen/Town Administrator Goals & Objectives Pending


1. Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R7, Lot 17

(FH) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy- $188.24, Tax Map R7, Lot 17.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Timber Tax Levy – Tax Map R06, Lot 9, Sub-Lot 1

(FH) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – $373.91, Tax Map R06, Lot 9, Sub-Lot 1. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Application for Veterans’ Credit – Tax Map U01, Lot 29

(FH) Motion to approve Veterans’ Credit – Tax Map U01, Lot 29. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Concord Hill Project – DOT

(PS) An E-Mail from DOT regarding the Concord Hill Project has been received and release will be sent to Clayton Wood for publication on Channel 24.


(DC) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0-1 (DM) Abstain.

(EN) noted that $10,000 for crack sealing seems rather high. It was noted that quotes are requested every year. (EN) It still seems high. (EV) I have talked to George about this and he relates that it saves roads. (DC) We pay $2,100 to paint lines and then $10,000 for crack sealing, it seems awful high.

(DC) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (FH) Second.
Carried 4-0-1 (DM) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of June 1, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 1, 2010. (DC) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of June 1, 2010

(DC) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of June 1, 2010.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


Maurice Wells: You were talking about sending a lawyer to the PUC hearing. (DM) Yes, to have counsel intervene at the pre-hearing. Mr. Wells: Last time you never got a written report. I talked to Paul to get a copy of the written report; I have asked for that for four months. I asked him today and he said it was over the phone. (DM) We will get something from her. Mr. Wells: Either the written report from last year, or….(DM) We will give you the file. Mr. Wells: The money from the Building Permits, where does the money go? (DM) To the General Fund. Mr. Wells: Years ago it went towards his salary. (FH) No, it went to the General Fund and was then used to pay part of his salary. Mr. Wells: You have the Building Inspector doing all kinds of things – getting quotes, changing light bulbs.

Maurice left at 8:40 P.M.

Close Public Input


(DC) I would just like to ask for some clarification and am mostly curious as to why street lights are in the budget under Highway Department when it is really public safety and should be under the Police Department budget. It also seems that the fire hydrants should be under the Fire Department budget as they are the only ones who use them.

(PS) When you come in tomorrow, Cara and I will explain the Governmental Charts of Accounts. We worked with the auditor several months ago to ensure that all items met the current standards.

(FH) The Fire Department has nothing to do with hydrants except use them.

(DM) Please keep in mind that we still need a representative to the Budget Committee from the Board of Selectmen.

Break 8:43 P.M. Return 8:50 P.M.


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c).
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:52 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:10 P.M.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of June 15, 2010.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DC) Motion to adjourn. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:12 P.M.

Approved: July 6, 2010

________________________________ ____________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on June 15, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on
June 17, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary
III Tapes