June 15, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
June 15, 2011

1. Meeting opened at 5:33.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS),
Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), Gerard Leduc (GL),
Matt Monahan (MM) from CNHRPC, Michael Bergeron (MB) and Deb Avery (DA) from DRED.

3. Minutes from June 8, 2011 accepted with following corrections: 5A2-EV will find out who the owner
is, and 5E remove “town” and put “willing to lease at a reduced rate for the season”

4. Presentation by Mike Bergeron from DRED
A. Gave several statistics about New Hampshire in general
1. Rebounds faster and higher after recessions
2. High per capita income
3. Lower unemployment
B.Commented about Pittsfield’s Website
1. Much improved from last year
2. We need to list all available properties for businesses
a. It would be helpful to list ceiling height
b. Also list total footage for office space
C. Suggested we meet with business owners in town
1. What do they like/don’t like about Pittsfield
2. Any great stories about business here
3. Deb Avery willing to help us
D. Other suggestions
1. Host an open house for real estate brokers introduce vacant properties
2. Improve downtown image – paint properties
3. New sign on Rt 28 “Welcome to Pittsfield”
4. On Website use a map to show where we are in relation to other cities
5. “Why Pittsfield” has too much text-better to bullet important info
6. Sell the region not just Pittsfield
a. Schools
b. Low crime
c. Excellent health care
7. Talk about strenghts, don’t bring up weaknesses
8. All boards should work together-gives positive attitude

5. Next meeting June 29, 2011.

6. Meeting closed at 6:35 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary