JUNE 16, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Linda Small, Chairman.


Linda Small (LS), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(PS) Abatements and Non-Public Employee; (LK) Suggestion Box Letter; (EV) Grader; (DM) PDAC Update, Pennichuck Water Pipe and Sewer Map.


1. School Department Request Re: Utilization of the Second Floor of Town Hall

(PS) I have had a short E-Mail from John Freeman regarding the possible renovation and use of the second floor space in the Town Hall as SAU offices. I did clarify that this would be at the cost of the school district. The school is currently reviewing six different locations including this one. (EV) I would have no problem with it. (LS) It sounds like they are just doing research at this time. (FH) The Town Hall needs to be expanded for the current offices. We need storage and more space. (EV) Renovation would make the other part more accessible. (FH) We are going to need “people space.” (EV) What kind of people? (FH) In time, we are going to have to add one or two more people. Space is cramped now. In the past, we had discussed a large meeting room for upstairs. (LK) There would still be space for us. The two meeting rooms down here are about 600 sq. ft. and upstairs are about 1200 sq. ft. (EV) They might only want to use the upstairs for a couple of years.

(LS) I would want to know what their plans were and what they are proposing. (EV) It wouldn’t hurt to say yes. (LS) The Board is willing to talk to them.
(FH) They would probably want to pick and choose what rooms they want.
(FH) to check out the size of the rooms upstairs.

2. Special Town Meeting – Planning Board Composition

(PS) I have provided to Board a copy of the Planning Board Minutes from June 4th which speaks to the decision the Planning Board made regarding the BOS’s recommendation to hold a special town meeting or not. Fred, can you offer more information to the Board on this? (FH) It is their recommendation to wait until the 2010 Town meeting for clarification on this. (LK) I do not think we can do that. We know there is an issue. (DM) Have we gotten a response from Town Attorney regarding our last question? (PS) No, but I will check on that. (LS) What is holding up her response? This is a time sensitive issue. I would like to hear what the attorney says. Paul, what are your thoughts? (PS) The Board of Selectman cannot take any action of this type because it would be an action that should be taken at Town Meeting. It is not within the scope of this Board to take that action. I will ask again and find out why your questions have not been answered.

(LK) Basically, we would need to know who is/is not legal. If we put the question out there and it does not pass, then what? (DM) We can ask two questions at Town Meeting and whatever the majority picks will be it. (LK) What do you do if it is not passed? (EV) Like at the regular Town Meeting, it would be open for discussion. (LK) Can it be amended if it does not pass? I would just want to have one Town Meeting not two. (LS) We have until July 6th to post the Warrant. I definitely think we would want to stick with the timelines as proposed by Laura Spector. (LK) If one does not pass, then voters can move on to second article.

3. Appointment of Ted Mitchell to the Zoning Board of Adjustment

(EV) Motion to appoint Theodore Mitchell as Alternate for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

11. Suggestion Box

(LK) There is a note in the suggestion box noting the nice job all the personnel in the Town Hall offices do and that they deserve a raise. (FH) Didn’t they all get a raise recently? (DM) Yes.

2. Continued

(LS) In order to call a special town meeting, do you have to do anything with the State? (FH) I believe that the BOS has the right to call a Town Meeting in this case. (LS read into the Minutes RSA 654:26.) Board agreed, after discussion, that Town would follow the schedule as noted by the Town Attorney for a ballot vote on July 21st here at the Town Hall.

(LS) Motion to accept Town Attorney recommendations as to statutory timelines and hold a Special Town Meeting on July 21, 2009. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

(LS) Paul will take care of the posting and notify the necessary individuals as per the timelines noted. Paul will get back to Board regarding the questions posed to Laura Spector.

(PS) Also, Board’s next meeting is July 7th and since there are five Tuesdays in this month, you might want to keep June 30th available in case Board needs to meet prior to this time.

4. SDS Contract/Status

(PS) At the request of Bill Goss, a meeting was held with (DM), Ron Vien, Bill Gosse, Darlene Johnson and myself. (DM) They would like to have a two-year contract and have plans for long-term upgrades, and have addressed the few complaints registered. The Town needs to make some choices as to whether they should continue with SDS and whether to continue to accept surrounding Town’s septage. Board reviewed the income this process generates.

Ron Vien offered some suggestions and comments concerning costs, improvements, facility process efficiency, DES and inspection of plant. It was agreed that Ron Vien and (PS) would look into the numbers and the profits that could be achieved. Ron Vien to contact DES to make arrangements for plant inspection bringing to the attention of the inspector some of the issues he knows now exists. (PS) requested that Ron prepare a list of his concerns and issues concerning the septage operation that can be distributed to (PS) and DES inspector so that they can all be addressed at the time of the inspection.

(PS) It should also be noted that I have re-drafted one of the commitment Agreements and have given it to Ron for his review.

After inspection has occurred, Board will address the SDS Contract.

5. Agreements with Towns for Septage Receiving

This matter will be tabled until the inspection can occur and some other issues have been addressed.

6. Transfer Re: Ambulance Personnel Expenditures

(PS) This transfer request is a periodic transfer made by Cara and is representative of the overtime hours above the forty hours and paramedic intercepts associated with the ambulance fund. This is mainly to do with the new ambulance. (FH) Technically, it is a matter of bookkeeping.

(FH) Motion to approve transfer of $31,545.90 from the Ambulance R&E Fund to the General Fund. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Transfer Re: Ambulance Purchase Costs

(LK) Motion to approve transfer of $915.49 from the Ambulance R&E Fund to the General Fund. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

(FH) questioned whether it should be kept in the fund to allow ambulance to continue drawing on it. (LS) Is this part of the encumbrance? Is it for specific equipment? (PS) noted that he understood Board’s concerns and that he would keep on top of this.

(FH) also requested some kind of finance report on ambulance income, perhaps every six months or so. (PS) to request.

8. Welfare Lien

(LK) Motion to approve Welfare Lien – Tax Map R34, Lot 30-T-3. (EV) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

(FH) They have not paid any taxes in quite some time. There are $20,000 taxes due on this mobile home. (EV) There is going to come a time when the value of the home is less than the lien.

9. Economic Revitalization Tax Credits RSA 162-N

(EV) What this is would be is another tool to entice businesses to come into Town. Businesses can apply for tax credits with the State, though there are limits, and it would establish the whole community as one district. We do not have to choose what zone we are applying for. (LS) We are applying for this for the entire community. It is a revitalization grant and can be rolled over from one year to the next for two years. (LK) This would be at no cost to the taxpayer.

(LS) read into the Minutes the Resolution. (See attached A). (EV) This would try to help businesses.

(LK) Motion to approve Resolution as read by Linda Small. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. Implementation of Financial Policy

(PS) It has been brought to Board’s attention by the auditors, the concern and recommendation that Board consider having an audit conducted of the cash out for the Town Clerk’s office, Administrative Assistant, and at the Police Department. This would be conducted on an intermittent, unannounced basis. This has been accomplished and a report is forthcoming noting that all processes regarding this are “genuinely fine,” and guidelines adhered to. This is something that is being recommended by all auditing firms.

Board inquired as to the cost of this and agreed that it would be an excellent idea. (PS) to draft agreement.

12. School Draw Down Schedule

(PS) I recently had a meeting with School Superintendent, Sally, School Business Manager, and Cara regarding the school’s draw down schedule. They have assured us that they will work with us and try to postpone or reschedule some of the draw downs. (EV) I like to see that we are working closer with the school. In the past we have not had a close working relationship and it is good for the community that we do. (FH) We used to have joint meetings with the school.

13. Employee of the Month – May

(DM) Motion to select Carol Granger, Library, as Employee of the Month for May. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) to request she attend the BOS meeting on July 7th.

14. Abatements

(PS) Cara noted that these abatements were not calculated in the tax bill and has requested that they be re-approved and that a revised tax bill be sent out. (LS) We have already signed the Tax Warrant. Should that be adjusted? (PS) noted that he would check with Cara on this. He noted that Board could approve on condition that Tax Warrant be revised.

(DM) Motion to approve the abatements on condition of revised Tax Warrant and authorizes Town Administrator to sign. Approved Abatements would include Tax Map:

U05, Lot 33; R04, Lot 2-16: U01- Lot 69; R17, Lot 2-2; U06, Lot 5; R12, Lot 3; U01, Lot 53; R37, Lot 14; R37, Lot 14-4; R41, Lot 6-3; R11, Lot 13; and
R04, Lot 1-4. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to grant revised abatement recommendation Tax Map U03, Lot 49. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Grader

(EV) I saw an article in the paper recently that Barnstead is considering renting a grader rather than purchasing one. This is something that has been discussed with the Suncook Valley Town Association and I was wondering if it is something we would like to think about? We could rent it out similar to a detail. The Highway Department is on a four-day workweek. It was noted that we would probably have to send an operator with the grader. (FH) I would not think it would be a good idea. Only a few of our people can operate the grader, George for one. (EV) I would like to keep an open mind about something like this. We had talked a lot about sharing equipment in the past. It should be noted also that the next meeting of the town association is on June 25th at 7:00 P.M. here at the Town Hall.

2. PDAC Update

(DM) provided a copy of the proposed Coalition update article for the Sun/Monitor. She noted that the Coalition in conjunction with the Pittsfield Community Coalition, Pittsfield Youth Workshop and Pittsfield Police Department is announcing that a total of $33,000 has been awarded to these organizations to build substance prevention capacity and infrastructure at the community level. (DM) related that a meeting will be held on June 22nd at 7:00 P.M. at PYW.


14. Abatements

(PS) It is noted that one of the abatements has not been denied as you will note in the body of the narrative. A numerical adjustment on the assessment has been made. An adjustment in the assessment has been made to correct it.

(DM) Withdraw motion to deny Abatements for Tax Map R41, Lot 7-2 and R06, Lot 9-3. (LK) Withdraw Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve assessed values R41, Lot 7-2 and R-6, Lot 9-3 as per assessor’s valuation. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.


3. Pennichuck Water Company Pipe and Sewer Map

(DM) I have brought in the map from Pennichuck which indicates the upgrades of piping system. I will leave this with (PS) for Board’s review.

4. Sidewalk – Concord Hill Road

(LK) I have talked to George regarding the sidewalk and noted that it is dangerous. DOT should put up barriers. It really needs to be barricaded.

5. Meeting with Jack Barnes – DOT Re: Commuter Parking Lot

(PS) I have given him several dates in June of availability, though several have already gone by. I will resend that to him and give him additional dates in July. (LK) suggested that, perhaps, the sidewalk issue could be discussed with him.

6. Fire Department

(FH) Has the Fire Department given us any financial reports as requested? (PS) to follow-up on that.

(LS) Also, from the Town Clerk on a monthly basis. After discussion, it was determined that the Town Clerk reconciliation report would be requested.

(LS) The open invoices for the details, have they all been cleared up? (PS) All have been resolved except for one which is in Small Claims Court.


All pending.




(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second. After Discussion, Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LS) There is still a lot of overtime. I would like to see the absentee calendar to assess that.

(EV) Regarding the overtime Memo, I just want Department Heads to know that we are serious about this and that the Board will be weighing in on the overtime what with the economy and the budget being the way it is. We can save by not having overtime as the overtime adds up quickly. We will give them the opportunity to do what we are asking. It was suggested that, perhaps, another memo reiterating the Board’s issues on overtime could be sent out. (LS) Why don’t we give the Memo an opportunity to “work?” (EV) Paul could explain this at the next Department Head meeting.


Ron Vien related that he has received the Memo and related that he utilizes the overtime in his budget rather than hire another individual. “Do you want justification for the overtime?” (LS) You can go through (PS) and evaluate the necessity of the overtime. If you do all you can to get the job done, then we understand the overtime. The Memo is to all Departments. I think we should let the Memo take effect. We will see how it works.


1. Public Session Minutes of June 2, 2009

(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 2, 2009. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of June 2, 2009

(LK) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of June 2, 2009.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Public Session Minutes of June 9, 2009

(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 9, 2009. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Non-Public Session Minutes of June 9, 2009.

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of June 9, 2009.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.


Ron Vien questioned whether the Board was going to have a Public Hearing regarding the ballot vote in July? I believe the Public Hearing should be so many days prior to the vote. (EV) It was brought up at a Town Meeting to go from a five member to seven member board, but it is unclear how the vote went.
(LK) Paul could check with Town Attorney if it is necessary to have a Public Hearing. (EV) This could be an informational hearing.
Ron Vien submitted an Agreement for Board review pertaining to his services as a Temporary Assistant Superintendent of the Wastewater Treatment Facility. We had discussed this previously. Board will address at future meeting. (PS) to review and get back to Board.

Fred Hast noted that a letter from Jim Pritchard regarding petition for zoning amendments, which is not on the Agenda has just been received. (EV) What is the Planning Board doing regarding Zoning Ordinance amendments? (FH) We have just started working on the Rules of Procedure and will be going on to the Zoning Ordinances.

Close Public Input


(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a). (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:12 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:20 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of June 16, 2009.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Generator

(LK) Do we have any updates regarding grant monies for generators? (PS) I believe the Police Chief was going to check on that and I will check with him.

2. Gas Cards

(FH) Is there any additional information on the gas cards? (PS) I will check on that also.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

Approved: June 30, 2009

_____________________________ ___________________________
Linda Small, Chairman Date

I certify that these Minutes were recorded and publicly posted on June 18, 2009.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes