June 17, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(DM) Employee of the Month; (LS) Job Descriptions; (EV) Request;
(LK) Suggestion Box Letters (3); (LKe) Handouts Staff Meeting June 6, 2008, Memo – Building Inspector, Naming Salt Shed Road.



Action Items

1. Welfare Lien, Map R34, Lot 30T-7

(LS) Motion to approve Welfare Lien, Tax Map R34, Lot 30T-7. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Chalmers and Young, BTLA- Proposed Partial Settlement

(LKe) This has been worked on through our prior assessor, Purvis and Associates, and they have followed through. Purvis has met with them and agreed on a partial settlement with right to go to BTLA for full hearing.

(DM) Motion to approve Chalmers and Young, Purvis proposal.
(EV) Second. After discussion: Carried 5-0.

(LKe) explained the history of this settlement regarding joint owners. He noted that quite often one party wants to bring it forward. Ms. Chalmers thought it was reasonable. (EV) This is a partial settlement, which Town thinks is fair. (LS) “Legal fees granted or not granted?” (LKe) noted that he was not aware of any fees.

3. Carl Wallman, BTLA-Proposed Partial Settlement

(LK) wanted Board to know that he had previously done work for Mr. Wallman but “I do not feel that I wish to recuse myself.” (JL) noted that he and Carl are friends but also felt he could make a reasonable judgment. Both Board members remained seated.

Mr. Wallman noted that it indicates partial settlement, but that wording is not what I recall signing.

(EV) Motion to approve Carl Wallman, BTLA Proposed Partial Settlement. (LS) Second.


Mr. Wallman noted that his understanding was that it was an Agreement, which I said was fair. “I am not looking for a recourse to go forward on this.” (EV) noted that Settlement had been checked off in the paperwork. (LS) This is a 2007 abatement? Abatement is for $58,310. Mr. Wallman explained the reasons for the requested abatement. (LS) I would like to know if it is current use or market value. Board further discussed how abatement figures were computed. Mr. Wallman explained that he did not have any of the paperwork with him and did not remember the specific numbers.

(EV) Withdraw Motion. (DM) Withdraw Second.

(EV) Motion to approve Carl Wallman settlement of $559,010 with rebate of $84,600. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

4, 2008 Flu Vaccine Program – LGC Memo

(LKe) explained that Town has another opportunity to sponsor a Flu Clinic. However, 10 or more people need to participate but must belong to the LGC insurance program for a no cost to Town employee event. If done locally, cost would be about $26.00. Last year only three plus myself did partake of the opportunity. We really did not get a promising response. It does pay for us to have people avoid the flu. Board members noted that because of the lack of interest, it probably would not be a good idea to proceed with this.

5. Salt Shed Street Naming

(LKe) Noted that street housing Salt Shed should now be named. We have a couple of choices. We can either name the road or indicate the intersection number on it. It would be better to have it named for future references in case additional buildings come into that area. Public Service will not install pole unless street has name or an address and for “911” purposes it should be able to be identified.

(JL) Motion to name street DPW Way. (LS) Second.

(JL) Motion withdrawn. (LS) Second Withdrawn.

(JL) Motion to name street Public Works Lane. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) questioned whether Town has a road manifest? (LKe) An inventory of roads, “Yes.”


1. Fire Department Monthly Report – May 2008

(LK) related this report was an excellent report. “His monthly reports are very good.” (LS) agreed report was quite thorough.

2. Staff Meeting Notes – June 6, 2008

(LS) questioned the last paragraph. (LKe) explained that software has been changed and Avitar system rounds figures up/down ($50.00 range). Cara is in the process of checking them all to make sure that the adjustments rounded off are the same as on the tax card.

(EV) noted that he was concerned regarding the HSA inspections as two people are accomplishing them which means Town is paying twice for these.

3. Town Clerk’s Monthly Report – May 2008

(LS) noted that she appreciated having this report but would prefer a summary, as this format is not “user friendly.” Summary should include total revenue, liens with comparisons to previous year, bank foreclosures and revenue being brought in for the month. A comparison to prior year of revenue and costs would be helpful.

4. 2008 Building Permits Issued to Date

(LS) related that she was surprised at the lack of activity and the building inspections. (LKe) noted that there is only one house under construction and the rest are minor additions, renovations, etc. (LS) Maybe on July 1st, Mike McLaughlin could come in and present what he perceives is going to be happening in the months ahead and may reassess his hours. (LKe) explained that he is not available on Tuesday and/or Thursday nights due to attendance at the Police Academy. (LS) A dialogue with him needs to take place. It should also be noted that Planning and Zoning is a piece of this.
(LKe) noted that any lack of attendance on his part could result in his being dismissed from the Academy. (LS) I empathize with that but we need to address his job here and find out his goals. Things have changed in the last year. We worked out an agreement, based on last year, but now Planning and Zoning has slowed way down. Board discussed the possibility of changing meeting to a Wednesday night around 5:00 P.M. for this purpose. (LKe) to check with Mike.

5. Suggestion Box Letters (3)

(LK) The first one notes that all employees should “punch” a time clock except for salaried employees. The second one questions, “Why is Building Inspector going to be a Police Officer? Isn’t this a conflict?” The third letter “Thank you to Nancy for calling me about my dog license. She saved me some money.”

(DM) noted that she had contacted Christine Fillmore at LGC and there really is no conflict whatsoever in regard to Building Inspector and Police Officer positions.

6. Employee of the Month

(DM) Have there been any nominations for Employee of the Month?
(LKe) noted that there had not. (DM) distributed nomination forms to BOS for their suggestions to begin the process.

7. Job Descriptions

(LS) Last week Denise noted that Job Descriptions could be a good thing to do. When I was at Auburn, LGC for a small fee came in and did job descriptions. (LK) These would be helpful, regarding internal controls. (LS) She noted that they would come in and interview employees in the various positions, which would potentially focus on the burden placed on various employees. (LKe) noted “We could check with LGC regarding costs.” This would relieve the burden of my having to accomplish this.
(DM) This would be worth the research.

8. Request for Update

(EV) noted that every now and then, he has noticed a check to SDS Solutions going out. “Could we get an update of what the Town’s share is?” (LKe) to do.

9. Center Lines on Leavitt Road

(LKe) Forthcoming.

10. Citizen of the Year

(JL) noted that there will be a meeting on June 30th to select Pittsfield Citizen of the Year. Any recommendations from the Board? Board members agreed that would think about this.

11. Abatements

(JL) suggested that abatement responses include a narrative description. (LS) noted that the new assessors do that. “Cross Country does a great job.”


1. Sewer Billing Abatement Request – 34 Chestnut Street

(LKe) noted that this had been addressed previously by Board. The Board had wanted WWTP to take a look at it. There was some conflict regarding the operation and the Building Inspector report, so I went myself and have consequently sent a report to the Board. (LS) Your conclusion?
(LKe) noted that he is reverting back to his original recommendation in that it likely happened as previously suggested and Board should grant abatement.

(JL) Motion to approve sewer billing abatement request, 34 Chestnut Street, in the amount of $316.29. (DM) Second. After brief Discussion: Carried 4-1 (EV).

(EV) noted that three different people had looked at it. (LS) I am not convinced. (LKe) noted that the amount is a calculated average.

2. Abatement Recommendations

(LKe) suggested Board approve those abatements, which they agreed upon.

(LS) Motion to approve abatements as summarized by Cara except for 11 Main Street, 26 Main Street and 7 Crescent Street. (DM) Second.
Carried 5-0.

Abatements approved included: Margaret Chalmers, Justin Tasker, Steven Smith, Lisa Adams, Robert Elliott (2), Diane Steward, William Baker, Joel Chagnon, Alberton Berry, Phyllis Buatti, Purson Associates, 69 Main Street Associates, Nichols Liouzis, and Steve Bishop.

10. Engagement of Mitchell & Bates for Pittsfield Aqueduct Company Rate

(JL) noted that it would be advisable to have technical as well as legal counsel available at hearing. It was suggested that Art Morse would be a valuable asset to meeting. (LKe) and Art Morse will work this out and advise Board.

(LS) “Have we heard anything regarding the Management Analysis Report? There should be one somewhere.” I gave Cara a “sample” form from Auburn. She should have that one.

4. Appointments to CNHRPC

(EV) noted that he had brought this up at the recent Zoning Board meeting. Susan Muenzinger does not wish to be a representative from the Zoning Board. She recommended it be an individual from the Planning Board since nature of discussions are relative to the Planning Board. She is unsure exactly how a Zoning Board member became a representative. (LK) noted he would discuss with Planning Board next meeting.

11. Application for Discretionary Preservation Easement – Gingras

(DM) “Have we heard anything from them on this?” (LKe) related he has contacted them, but to date, no response.

3. Application to Operate a Coin Operated Amusement Device-Zoya’s


5. Town Investment Policy


6. Capital Improvement Plan


7. Space Needs Study


8. WWTP Plan Status


9. Sidewalk Improvement Plan Status



1. Application for Property Tax Credit/Veteran’s Exemption – Daniel

(LKe) noted that additional information had been received and Mr. Ward is eligible.

(LS) Motion to approve Veteran’s Exemption for Daniel Ward.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Manifests. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit Manifests.
(DM) Second. After brief Discussion: Carried 5-0.

(LS) Sick time is noted for an employee for three hours. “What day was she sick?” (LKe) to check and approve.


(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 10, 2008.
(JL) Second. Several minor corrections noted. Carried 5-0.

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of June 10, 2008. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.




(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a).
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Non-Public Session begins at 7:25 P.M. Short Recess

Public Session resumed at 7:43 P.M.

(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of June 17, 2008.
(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to Adjourn. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:49 P.M.

Approved: June 24, 2008

_______________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date