Trustees of the Trust Fund
June17, 2010
Trustees Meeting
Those Present: Elsie Morse, Cara Marston and Bill Provencal
Secretary’s Report:
Secretary’s minutes of April 9 were accepted as written.
Treasurers Report:
Treasurers report of May 31 was examined and discussed. Motion made to accept the
Treasurers Report.
Old Business:
New Business:
1. Scholarship Requests: Upon review of the applications and support material a
a motion was made and accepted for awarding of the following scholarships:
Dr. F. B. Argue Scholarship Fund – A $2,000 award was granted to Nadia
District Nursing Scholarship Fund – A $1,500 award was granted to Kate
Sonia Robinson Fund – A $1,000 award was granted to Allison Laflamme
2. Motion made and accepted to move the following funds from the NH PDIP
accounts to Morningstar Investment Account: Scholarship Funds and the George E.
Bunker Trust Fund.
3 Future Meetings: Next meeting is scheduled for August 5 at 8 am. Kara will
try to schedule a meeting with T. J. Shaughnessy for either October 21st or the 28th.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Provencal, Secretary