June 18, 2009 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chair (arrive 5:43 p.m.)
Kathy Corliss
Michael Wolfe
Leslie Vogt

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent of Schools
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Rick Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Jeff Delois, Assistant Principal, PMHS

Vice Chairperson Vogt called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.


Dr. Freeman added bid reviews and school district information. Mr. Gremlitz added information regarding the school approval report. Ms. Vogt added a discussion regarding emailing questions.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended agenda.



A. School In Need of Improvement (SINI) Committee Update

Dr. Freeman explained that a committee has been working with an external facilitator, Esther Asbell, to support the root-cause analysis process required for

schools designated as being in need of improvement. The next step is for Mr. Kilmister to draft a SINI plan, due to the Department of Education by August 6, 2009. $4,000 is provided by the Department of Education to support the planning process, and $20,000 will be provided to the Pittsfield School District by the Department of Education for the purpose of providing the professional development that will be required to complete the plan.


A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Paradise, to approve the minutes of June 4, 2009. On page 8, the next meeting was stated as being June 28, 2009 and should have read June 18, 2009. Ms. Vogt provided a comment relative to the class advisor protocols. A class advisor handbook is being developed over the summer and, according to Mr. Gremlitz, will be completed by fall. The motion passed with Ms. Paradise, Ms. Corliss, and Mr. Wolfe voting in the affirmative and Ms. Vogt abstaining due to her absence from the meeting.

Ms. Paradise took over the chair of the meeting.


A. PES Front Loop Garden

The Board expressed their appreciation for the work that was done by Roy and Diane Richardson to improve the garden in the front of PES. Dr. Freeman will ensure that a note of thanks is written to Mr. & Mrs. Richardson.


A. Stipends*

Mr. Gremlitz explained the Student Class and Club Activity Data, which document the stipends provided to supervisors of a variety of PMHS clubs and activities. He suggested that there were two areas that stand out as insufficient for the time and duties involved, the Drama Club and the Newspaper. Mr. Gremlitz suggested an adjustment to $350 per performance for the Drama Club and $350 per publication for the school newspaper. Ms. Paradise suggested limiting the Drama Club to four performances per year and the school newspaper to four publications per year. Mr. Gremlitz distributed a list of athletic stipends for non-coaching jobs. Ms. Paradise asked Dr. Freeman to investigate the stipend that is given to the technology coordinators at both schools. Ms. Corliss raised the concern of the people who receive a stipend for activities that take place during the school day, such as the ski club. Dr. Freeman explained that the level of responsibility and potential for problems have been taken into consideration when the administrative leadership team had discussed the stipends. Ms. Paradise suggested that further work be done to investigate the equity of the stipends and to recommend changes to the current schedule of stipends.

Mr. Gremlitz and Mr. DeLois left the meeting at this point in order to attend the eighth grade promotion ceremony.

Discussion continued regarding the amount of money that is awarded to people for the activities provided during and after school. Dr. Freeman explained that many factors are typically considered, such as the level of responsibility, the number of students involved, the time required, and the time of day.

Ms. Paradise raised the concern that the 2009 yearbook was labeled with Pittsfield High School, rather than Pittsfield Middle High School. She asked that, in the future, administrative oversight be provided so appropriate parameters are maintained.

Ms. Corliss asked what factors determine the need for a game director. Ms. Paradise explained the role of the game director. Dr. Freeman agreed to gather additional information.

Ms. Corliss asked if the salaries that are printed in the annual report include the stipends received. Dr. Freeman explained that the salaries reported are the base salaries received. Ms. Corliss expressed her opinion that this practice may be misleading and suggested including the stipend in the reported salary. Ms. Paradise stated that the stipends are documented in the budget in other line items. She stated her hesitancy to engage in a practice that might discourage people from taking on activities to increase their income or to exhibit their school spirit. Ms. Paradise stated that in some districts stipends are part of the negotiated contract; Dr. Freeman described various ways in which districts determine stipends. Ms. Corliss stated her dissatisfaction with having the school district pay stipends for work similar to that offered on a volunteer basis to community organizations, such as recreational athletics. Ms. Vogt explained that the difference is the extra-curricular nature of the work being done; as an extension of curriculum, the district is responsible for compensating the person running the program. Dr. Freeman continued the explanation by making a distinction between volunteering for community-based activities and having expectations that are consistent with extended learning opportunities. Ms. Vogt pointed out that there are advantages to having the people as paid employees, rather than volunteers in terms of maintaining standards for performance.

Ms. Paradise asked that as stipends are being researched, the element of two people sharing one stipend be considered. She further recommended that during the next year, work is completed to outline the expectations, responsibilities, and roles of the people supervising and receiving stipends for activities and clubs.

Mr. Gremlitz rejoined the meeting at this point.

Mr. Gremlitz clarified that his request is to increase the stipends for the Drama Club and Newspaper is based on time and level of responsibility.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted
unanimously to approve a stipend for extra-curricular activities for Drama Club for a total of $700 available per production, with a determination of how it is divided when there is more than one person involved, with a maximum of four productions, and for the School Newspaper $350 per publication up to a maximum of four publications.

B. Awards Assembly

Mr. Gremlitz stated that he has re-established a tradition of an awards assembly to recognize student achievement in various categories. He reported that the awards and the assembly were very received by staff and students. He noted that awards were given to more than a third of the students.

C. School Approval Report

Mr. Gremlitz reported that the final report from the Department of Education on the recent school approval visit has been received. He will include a copy of the report and additional information in his next Board report.

D. 2009 Special Education Teacher of the Year

Ms. Paradise asked Dr. Freeman to arrange for flowers to be delivered to Mrs. Ward on Friday to congratulate her for her award of 2009 New Hampshire Special Education Teacher of the Year.

E. Waiver

Dr. Freeman stated that a waiver has been granted for the day that PMHS was closed due to a power failure – Monday, June 8 – that was the result of a fire in town.


A. Summer School – PES & PMHS

Ms. Chassie distributed the brochures for PES and PMHS summer school programs. Final arrangements have been made for both programs.

B. Pre-School Program

In order to provide space for a proposed extended Kindergarten program and to promote inclusionary practices, moving the preschool program to Blueberry Express is being considered. The original intent for the Blueberry Express building, when renovated several years ago, was to be a “preschool center”. Currently, Blueberry Express Day Care and Head Start are housed there; the addition of the school district’s preschool would consolidate this age group further. The move has been approved by the Blueberry Express Day Care
Board of Directors. Ms. Chassie asked for the consensus of the Board to move forward with plans. Ms. Chassie explained that the stimulus funds designated for preschool will be used to make purchases necessary to accommodate the change in venue. For example, math materials and a piece of playground equipment will be purchased using these funds. Ms. Paradise suggested that the Board approve the change for a one-year pilot of the program.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded Ms. Vogt, the board voted unanimously to approve a one-year pilot of moving the preschool to the Blueberry Express building.

C. Hiring

Ms. Chassie reported that two candidates are in the final stages of the hiring process for the middle school special education teacher and the high school skills teacher positions.


A. Policies

Dr. Freeman brought forward several policies. A motion was made by Ms. Corliss and seconded by Ms. Vogt to approve Policy JBAA: Sexual Harassment & Violence – Students. Dr. Freeman stated that a workshop will be provided to all staff at the beginning of school on the issue of harassment. The motion passed with a unanimous vote of the Board.

Dr. Freeman reviewed the following policies for the first reading: Policy DA: Fiscal Management Plan; Policy DB: Annual Budget; Policy DBC: Budget Preparation; Policy DBI: Budget Implementation; and Policy DBJ: Transfer of Appropriation.

Discussion ensued regarding the audit-approved strategies that are used to manage the budget throughout the year. It has been the practice of this Board to bring transfers to the Board for approval on a quarterly basis. It was suggested that the practice of receiving an expenditure report on a quarterly basis be added to Policy DBJ, as well as being notified in a timely manner of a transfer in the amount of $25,000, or more.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously approve for the first reading: Policy DA: Fiscal Management Plan; Policy DB: Annual Budget; Policy DBC: Budget Preparation; Policy DBI: Budget Implementation; and Policy DBJ: Transfer of Appropriation.

B. Workers’ Compensation Program

According to Dr. Freeman, the LGC quotes have been received. Timing did not allow a change to occur for the following year. He reviewed the quotes and recommended that the Board accept the Primex quote for one year and then reconsider LGC at the end of that timeframe.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Primex provider for workers’ compensation insurance for 2009-2010 school year.

C. Summertime Hiring

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to authorize Dr. Freeman to hire professional staff in a timely fashion throughout the summer.

D. Bid Summary

Dr. Freeman distributed information on bids that were collected for special education transportation, athletic fields mowing services, and mechanical technical services. For transportation, the winning bid (the only bid received) was H.A. Marston for $31,500; for mowing, the winning bid (the only bid received) was Neva Dun Farm for $6,500 for 2009-2010 and $8,500 for 2010-2011.

For mechanical technical services, the bids were developed differently; as a result, a significant difference in bids between Siemens at $16,911 and Hansen Fox for $39,890 were received. Since the bids were just received today, Dr. Freeman suggested taking the opportunity to gather more information before the Board makes a decision.

Ms. Corliss inquired about the completion of the Tilton Hill field and how it will affect the need for mowing. Ms. Paradise reminded the Board that the responsibility of the district at the Tilton Hill field will be equal to the area included in the original field, even though the new field will be significantly larger. The 2009-2010 bid is taking into consideration that Tilton Hill is not part of the contract, while the 2010-2011 bid includes Tilton Hill, once again.

On a motion made by Ms. Corliss and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board unanimously approved the H.A. Marston bid for special education transportation.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board unanimously approved the Neva Dun Farm bid for athletic field mowing with the understanding that if the Tilton Hill fields are not completed, the Superintendent will renegotiate the 2010-2011contract.

The Board directed Dr. Freeman to call Hansen Fox for clarification regarding
the specifications of the bid submitted as well as provide information regarding cost of repairs to the HVAC systems.

E. Mission and Vision Draft

Dr. Freeman reviewed the process that was followed to result in the draft of the mission and vision. Ms. Vogt has provided the Board with feedback in an email that was documented in the minutes of the June 4, 2009 meeting. Ms. Corliss provided the Board with feedback regarding the mission. Dr. Freeman, answering Ms. Vogt’s question, stated that the District Leadership Team (DLT) has reviewed this draft. Ms. Vogt reiterated her concern regarding the length and the difficulty in evaluating progress. Ms. Corliss suggested that a strong effort to engage the community into the workings of the school seems to be missing from the draft.

Dr. Freeman suggested having the drafting team come back together with the goal of shortening the vision and reduce the redundancy that may exist between the three columns of the vision, to which the Board agreed. Ms. Vogt asked that some thinking occur and be reported on how the vision and mission will be evaluated.

F. SAU Office Relocation*

Dr. Freeman reported on the status of planning for the SAU office relocation.
Paul Skowron, on behalf of the Board of Selectmen, reported that the members were favorably disposed to the possibility that the SAU would consider renovating the second floor of the Town Hall and utilizing the space for the SAU offices. James Locke, landlord of the current SAU office location, has offered the following options: $1,300 per month if committed to stay for the months of July through October; $1,200 per month for July through December; and $1,100 per month for July through June of 2010. Dan Bisson has contacted three contractors with whom he has worked for cost information. General information regarding the work of the three contractors was passed among Board members for their review.

Dr. Freeman reviewed the financial considerations in view of the approximate $51,000 current fund balance and the vote of the school district meeting to transfer $20,000 to the special education trust fund at the close of the fiscal year.

Discussion ensued regarding the office location options. The Board asked Dr. Freeman to contact the Department of Education to see if aid is available for a building that is owned by the town and to seek estimates from Architect Dan Bisson for the renovation of the second floor of the Town Hall.

It is the intent of the School Board to use $40,000 encumbered funds for the
H-VAC system, $30,000 encumbered funds for SAU relocation, and $30-40,000 from the FY09 unexpended fund balance toward the relocation and renovation effort.

G. Support Staff Compensations

According to Dr. Freeman, Gloria Krochmal from PMHS and Joanne Ward from PES, have agreed to work on a committee beginning in early September to review the current structure, study practices in surrounding Class S districts, and make recommendations to the Board on support staff compensation.

H. Negotiations*

Dr. Freeman reviewed the plans for moving forward with the negotiation process. Ms. Vogt provided information regarding the budget process and the timing of delivery, public hearings, and finalizing budgets and how this process relates to the negotiating process. Dr. Freeman was asked to check with Mr. Skowron and Attorney Boynton about the legal requirements guiding the timing of the steps in the negotiating process.

I. Cafeteria Vending

Dr. Freeman offered product samples from a company that provides vending machines, featuring healthy snacks. The company would provide machines that would be restocked by the company and would not require any storage space for products. The thought of the Board was to use the profit, which is 10% of the sales price with this particular plan, to offset the deficit in the food service account. Ms. Vogt suggested considering purchasing the vending machines so that the profit would be increased.

J. Safe Routes to School

According to Dr. Freeman, the school district has entered into a collaboration with the Pittsfield Police Department and the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission to apply for a Safe Routes to School grant that would encourage foot and bicycle traffic in Pittsfield. If granted, the project would entail the development of a sidewalk down Leavitt Road into town, trail development, and bicycle safety equipment offered for free and at reduced cost. Ms. Corliss asked if there was any further effort to add a safety patrol person at the bottom of Bow Street, to which Dr. Freeman responded that significant attempts were made to hire one in the past but to no avail. He further explained that the students generally enter the elementary school grounds via the PMHS path, rather than from Bow Street.

K. Breaking Ranks Book Study

Dr. Freeman reviewed the District Leadership Team’s book study of two Breaking Ranks books this summer.
L. School District Information

Dr. Freeman asked if the Board thought the idea of an information notebook for new and returning Board members would be a worth considering. The
sentiment was positive so Dr. Freeman asked Board members to email him suggestions relative to content.

M. Electronic Mail

Ms. Vogt stated that she uses email to notify the Board and administration of questions that she intends to ask at the meeting. She said she doesn’t necessarily expect an immediate response. Ms. Paradise explained that once a Board member asks for information, the response becomes the priority of the administration. She suggested that people anticipate questions that will then be put on the agenda of the next meeting, rather than responded to immediately.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 16, 2009 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School.

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


At 9:04 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Corliss to enter into non-public session to discuss administrative PMHS staffing and administrative staff compensation. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 (a).

A. PMHS Personnel and Positions. The Board discussed personnel relative to existing positions and potential changes in staffing.

B. Professional Salaries. The Board discussed professional staff salaries for the 2009-2010 school year.

At 10:08 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt to exit the non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to re-enter into open session.


A. PMHS Staff Positions. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of Interim Principal Gremlitz to reduce the currently vacant Technology Education position to 66% time (4 classes per day) and to create a part-time English position at 33% time (2 classes per day).

B. Administrative Staff Position. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted 3-1 to use stimulus funds (ARRA) to support a half-time administrative position to be filled by Mr. DeLois; this position to provide services, such as ELO development and coordination, planned under the proposed program with a recommendation for salary to be brought to the Board for approval during a subsequent meeting.

C. Professional Staff Salaries. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the professional staff salaries presented as amended.

D. Class S School District Comparisons. The Board directed Dr. Freeman to gather information illustrating costs, funding, and staffing comparisons of Class S districts.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

John J. Freeman, Ph.D.
Non-Public Session and Subsequent Open Session Recording Secretary

*Email received by Dr. Freeman on June 17th from Ms Corliss and Mr. Morse:


I have several questions related to the upcoming meeting and if you don’t get to everything I totally understand.

1. Stipends: As we are being asked to consider adjustments to a few of the current ‘Student Class & Club Activity’ stipends, I’m wondering what the ‘total stipend picture is’. Is it possible to get a list of all the stipends that are paid out and for what purpose, as I believe Department Chairs receive stipends, as well as ‘teacher mentors’; there are teachers and other support staff at sports events – I see a regular pair at all the girls basketball games (sweep the floor, take payment for tickets, keep the clock; we typically see someone at soccer games – they deliver checks for the officials and stay on as a sort of ‘crowd monitor’ for soccer games. Do we pay stipends for time spent by individuals in training or do we simply cover the training cost or do we do both? Advisors attend prom – is this covered under the class advisor responsibility? How about senior trip or other events that occur outside of the school day – is there an additional cost incurred for this? I feel uncomfortable addressing these on a ‘piece-meal’ basis as we have been doing – you know the ‘nickel-dime’ syndrome – I’m looking for the whole picture.

o The “old” Board had received spreadsheets that on the district stipends during the budget process; will bring copies to Thursday’s Board meeting; this should allow Board members to see the big picture; Rick will be prepared to describe stipend duties for the various stipended positions as well as the services paid for during athletic events.

2. Cost per pupil: With respect to this, I was wonder how our staffing compares to these other ‘S’ class schools? How do we compare department-wise for professional and ‘para’ staff– for example do these other schools carry similar staffing to our school, that is: 3 HS social studies, 3 math teachers, 4 science (including health), 3 English, 1 computer, 1 business, etc., do they carry similar support staff, do the other 7-8 middle schools carry similar staffing to ours, etc. What do we have for guidance staffing, what are the individual functions and how does staffing and responsibilities compare to other ‘S’ class schools? To be honest there’s a whole bunch of people employed by the school, that I simply don’t know who they are, or what their function is. If staffing is similar, what is the basis for our increased cost per pupil? How do we compare to the other schools based on the ‘socio-economically disadvantaged’ scale? What’s the difference between a ‘para-professional’ and an ‘educational aide’ and do they serve different purposes?

o I do not know how our staffing compares with other Class S schools; this info might be available on school websites.
o The district employs one guidance counselor at PES, two guidance counselors at PMHS, and one guidance director at PMHS; members of the administrative team could speak to the tasks that these folks address; (one aspect of our school development process will be to create accurate job descriptions for all categories of employees; these either need updating or don’t exist at present); I do not know how the staffing compares with other Class S schools.
o During the budget process, the Board received staff lists that included job titles, salaries, benefits, etc; these could be provided to you and other Board members; my guess is that you see a number of educational assistants who work with special needs students.
o Our per pupil cost is slightly above the Class S average for middle schools; I’d expect that our reduced staff / increased class size will impact this next year; our cost per pupil is slightly below the Class S average for high schools; many factors would impact our increased cost per pupil.
o I do not know how we compare to other schools of similar size and with a similar enrollment profile relative to poverty.
o “Paraprofessional” and “educational aide” and “teacher assistant” and “educational assistant” and “educational technician” or “ed tech” all refer to what we officially call “educational assistant” in Pittsfield; the titles vary by district and state; also, we have two levels of “educational assistant,” depending on the level of education of the employee.

3. What and how many individuals are responsible for ‘discipline’/’safety’ at the middle-high school? I’m sure there is some progressive order to addressing issues and multiple individuals involved, starting with the teacher, etc. How does our set-up compare to other class “S” schools?

o Rick will be prepared to review discipline procedures and personnel tomorrow night.

4. We are being asked to consider increases to salaries of administrative staff. Not that I don’t appreciate you all do, but I am wondering how the percentages were arrived at, that is what were these percentages based on, and why do they vary depending on the individual? Is the Board asked to address this item on a yearly basis?

(Specific salary information was discussed in non-public session.)

Thanks for your help.

Kathy Corliss

p.s. The revised IA drawing appears to make much better of the space.

o I agree; I’m happy to have Dan Bisson working with us on this project.

One more question to add…

Do the figures reflect Special Education costs? or is it just Regular Program


Could you provide a list of the stipend recipients with respect to the list of stipends we received in the packet?

Thank you,


I will have to do a little research to provide you with the items that are factored in to the per pupil cost; will not be able to do so prior to tonight’s meeting.
