June 19, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Denise Morin requested information as to if the Union negotiations have
begun. (AM) related that the first part has been started, which entails a
study we agreed to do regarding comparison studies of wages of different
companies. The actual Union negotiations have not yet begun. The contract
ends at the end of this year.
Don Chase related that he noticed that the old Town Hall sign was leaning
against the building at the Town garage, which he thought was the original
sign dated 1769. He noted that it is of value historically and monetarily. He
noted that he has about 20 years experience in preserving and restoring old
items. He volunteered to put a protective coating on it to restore/protect it as
a “change of environment” can cause old items to crack. He felt the sign
could possibly be stored upstairs for now until it is decided what should be
done with it rather than leave it where it is currently.
Close Public Input
(LS) Standard Committee Application, 29 Manchester Street. (LK) Non-
Public – Sgt. Jeff Cain, Police Department, WWTP Letter, Town Hall Sign,
and Non-Public Session at end of meeting should include (a) and (b).
6:15 P.M. – Cross Country Appraisal
Mr. Jeffrey Waterhouse, Cross Country Appraisal related he was present
tonight regarding current use issues for several residents on Jenness Pond.
He related that he did not believe that several of these individuals qualified
for current use status under RSA’s and Current Use Handbook Criteria. He
related that he was looking for policy type guidance from the Board of
Selectmen on these parcels as to whether “Yes” or “No” they qualify. He
related that one of the qualifications is that the property be in its natural
state. He noted that several of these properties are small area of land and
that the penalty assessed is 10% of current market value of land. If
necessary, he noted it would be challenging to determine this. He realized
that this is a sensitive subject and he was looking for guidance.
(AM) requested that he first explain why Baker property did not qualify for
current use according to RSA’s. He related that according to RSA 79 A II
(13) (the definition of which he read) concerned unproductive land but
noted that 75% in this instance was groomed lawn area. He explained that
the land should be left in its natural state which means it should not be
groomed, no plantings, benches, decks or docks that would interfere with the
natural state.
Mr. Waterhouse explained the difference between recreational and
agricultural current use land and how this differs from “private” current use
land. He discussed various issues concerning current use realizing that
many of the properties concerned are small parcels that actually are in
current use. Mr. Grey requested information regarding Mr. Waterhouse’s
qualifications for assessing which were noted. He in turn discussed the
current use part of properties of residents Bapple, Baker, Grey and another
“unnamed” resident. These residents explained what their concerns, and
reasons entailed regarding their particular piece of property in question.
After detailed discussion concerning these matters, Mr. Waterhouse
suggested that, perhaps, Town would like Department of Revenue to come
and assess the situation and to offer their opinion and further input.
At this point, (JL) suggested that, perhaps, he should recuse himself since he
is a neighbor to several of these individuals.
(EV) related that the reason the BOS was reviewing this matter was because
they had recently put several pieces of waterfront property in current use and
wanted to be sure that they were applicable. Residents questioned whether
BOS would have final say in this matter? (AM) related, “Yes, I believe the
BOS will make that decision.” (LS) noted that the BOS’s decision will
eventually involve all.
It was agreed that that Department of Revenue and Cross Country Appraisal
would assess the situation and advise BOS accordingly. (PS) requested that
they also please give a preliminary assessment of what dollar impact would
be as to the value of the property, minus the 10% penalty.
7:00 P.M. – Bill Smith, Town Acceptance of Shingle Mill Brook Road
Mr. Bill Smith appeared before the BOS regarding an ongoing issue
regarding Shingle Mill Brook Road where he is a resident. He related that
he has personally maintained the road for 23 years in the manner he felt it
should be maintained. He noted that he cannot continue to maintain this
private road and that an issue has arisen with another neighbor who does not
like the way he is maintaining the road. He would like to see the Town
declare it as a Town road and maintain it, at least that portion of the road
where he resides which is about 9/10’s of a mile. He related that the Chief
Wharem, the affected neighbor, and he have been in mediation regarding
this but this has been non-productive. He related that the property that abuts
his property belongs to the Town and would be an excellent turn-around area
for Town trucks.
He related he is looking for information as to what he has to do to make this
part of the road (9/10’s of a mile) a Town road, rather than a private road.
He wanted to know what had to be done to the road to bring it up to specs to
make it a Town road. He noted he realized his taxes would go up but felt in
the long run it would save him money.
(PS) noted that he did not know what was required in this situation. He
noted BOS needed to discuss considering acceptance of road and at what
standard according to the Zoning Ordinances. (AM) noted that before the
Town would invest money into this road, they needed to know if Town
would accept it. He noted that they would first need to find out who owns
the road and if disputed, that would also be an issue; George would have to
evaluate it as to what kind of standards it would require and how this
assessment would be made. (AM) noted that these questions had to be
answered. He noted if any of these questions could be answered by Mr.
Smith, written information should be noted and initialed by him. Mr. Smith
noted that Chief Wharem had been working on this for some time trying to
find ownership. (AM) related that it would take about three weeks and to
give the Town Hall a call to find out where we are on this matter. Mr. Smith
reiterated that it needs to be settled one way or another and if it was not
going to happen, he would probably move, though he does not really want to
do this.
1. Trust Fund Acceptance – Foss Family Scholarship
(AM) questioned whether there were any conditions. These are noted in file.
He wanted to know if something had been done with check? (PS) not until
BOS accepts it. (AM) related that he was 99% sure that it would be
accepted but noted that counsel should probably review it to assure that there
are no complications. After further discussion it was noted:
(LK) Motion to accept Foss Family Scholarship Fund with thanks
conditioned upon Town’s counsel review. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(PS) to do.
2. Welfare Department Review
(LK) noted that this was a review of the additional four hours per week for
Welfare. He noted that currently there is a lot of paperwork that is being
required by State and he would like to see Betsey continue to work an
additional four hours per week for another 8 weeks, which provides
additional coverage during the week for recipients.
(LS) Motion to allow Welfare an additional four hours per week for eight
weeks. (EV) Second. Carried 3-1 (LK) Abstain.
3. Teen Institute, Two Tuitions, Drug Account
Chief Wharem is not available as he is away at a conference. This is tabled
until next week.
4. Town Hall Roof and Library Roof
(AM) related that the Town Hall roof has been contracted and they have
agreed to the cost as indicated at presentation and they will begin in about
four to six weeks. Interlock has agreed to do the Library roof at cost for
$19,900. Only $14,000 is available in that fund. (MM) related that he had
several quotes for asphalt roofing.
(LS) Motion to accept asphalt roofing bid of $8,000. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
5. Wall for Food Pantry
(EV) noted that at the latest Food Pantry meeting, there was a discussion
regarding the possibility of putting up a small wall to petition off the office
area and baseboard heating installed, at their own expense. It was noted that
the rest of the area was okay for volunteers and for food storage. (MM) has
volunteered to do the electrical work but he suggested they wait until the air
conditioning work has been completed. The windows can be caulked
additionally. (MM) to check it out further as to where wall will be and note
if there would be any difficulties by putting up wall.
6. Summer Pool Employees
(PS) Since there are no applications attached to these, these will be reviewed
by Chief Wharem and (PS). (LK) to provide (PS) with a copy of Town
policy that the Board adopted for these kind of employees.
7. Waste Water Treatment Plant
(AM) noted that a sum of monies was found at the WWTP area. (JL) to put
advertisement in paper to see if ownership can be determined. Owner will
have to provide “information” before claiming and will be given ten days to
8. Town Hall Sign
(LK) noted that the old Town Hall sign should be brought to Town Hall for
storage, maybe upstairs and thought given to restoring it. (PS) to find sign
and make arrangements. (AM) noted that it should probably not be put
upstairs due to leaks and near future roof work that is to be done. It was
suggested that, perhaps, the Historical Society could keep it until it was
decided what could be done with it. (MM) noted it was still at garage and
was able to pick it up and bring to Town Hall for now.)
9. Standard Committee Applications
(LS) noted that (PS) was given a copy of a standard committee application
for revision to be used for Pittsfield potential committee members. (PS) to
revise for future use and advise BOS.
10. 29 Manchester Street
(LS) wanted to know what was happening with 29 Manchester Street and if
it was all squared away? (MM) noted that there are still a few issues, as it is
still not licensed, and individuals are residing there but that it is a HSA issue,
which they are handling.
11. July 3rd BOS Meeting.
(AM) discussed with BOS regarding meeting on the third of July. It was
determined that their are five Tuesdays in July and therefore, BOS will meet
the other four Tuesdays instead.
(PS) Hiring of personnel.
(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per NH RSA 91-A:3, II (a) and
(b). (EV) Second. Carried 4-0. Board polled, all agreed.
Board returned to Public Session at 7:55 P.M.
(LS) Motion to hire Deb Gauthier for Police Department. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Break 8:00 P.M. Resume at 8:10 P.M.
The following matter were taken out of sequence – (Old Business)
1. Town Hall Air Quality Update
(MM) related various quotes: Air Duct – $3200; IAQM – $5895; Servpro –
unavailable due to timeframe, so no quote was given.
BOS discussed which quote they wanted to accept, what they would actually
do, payment schedule, food storage and what needed to be done to and with
food while work was being done (Don Chase to do this.)
(LK) Motion to accept Air Duct Services – $3200. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
3. Dept of Labor’s 1998 Violations Update
(PS) noted that (MM) had given him a memo dated June 19, 2007 regarding
the update. (MM) related that they now have the hazardous materials
storage cabinets though they do need a little “tinkering.” Each department is
to do their own “tinkering”. (EV) questioned what had been done about the
pressurized tank at Fire Department, which needs to sanded and painted.
(MM) related that nothing had been done yet but they were working on it.
Police Department still has three bikes that need to be stored elsewhere.
(MM) noted that the EXIT signs in the buildings will have bulbs replaced,
which he will personally take care of. He also noted that the insurance
company made a visit to Town Garage and has noted that the boiler and
ductwork need to be replaced before the winter. (AM) noted that (MM) has
done a good job with many of these items and that he should continue to
work on these things and report to BOS when any have been additionally
4. Front Door Tile Area Update
(MM) noted that he had gotten a quote from Floors Unlimited of $350 to rip
out loose tiles, replace and regrout. To do the entire entryway would cost
about $880.
(LK) Motion to have Floors Unlimited remove loose tiles, replace, and
regrout at cost of $350. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(AM) noted this should be scheduled to be done either on a Monday
morning or maybe a Saturday when building is unoccupied.
5. In-Law Apartments
(EV) noted that the Zoning Board approved an in-law apartment last week.
These types of apartments can easily be converted to a rental without Town
knowing about it. (MM) suggested and drafted an application for an in-law
apartment which would be part of the Building Permit, at no cost to
applicant. This would be renewed every year and inspection accomplished
to maintain the in-law status. (MM) will continue to draft this application
and advise BOS accordingly next week.
1. Space Needs Study Update, Chief Wharem
As noted, Chief is at a conference and will address upon his return.
2. Town Hall Staircase Policy
(LK) noted that individuals often use staircase to utilize main floor facilities.
Since this is a public building and the third floor is now locked, individuals
can continue to use the staircase for public access to main floor.
3. First Congregational Church, Letter of Request
(PS) noted that he has made some verbal inquiries concerning the clock and
that the clock is really a Town clock. Town, in past, has retained someone
to maintain it to make sure it works and wind on a regular basis. At Town
Meeting, monies were allocated for this purpose. (AM) noted that John
Ward does it currently and winds it about every six days, where previously it
had to be done every 14 days. (PS) to acquire more information concerning
4. Pittsfield Player’s Tax Exemption – Tabled 4/17/07
Some information has been acquired, but more is needed. Tabled until
additional information can be submitted.
1. Notice of Intent to Cut, Mathes, Map R-35, Lot 5
(JL) Motion to approved Notice of Intent to Cut, Map R-35, Lot 5.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Elderly Exemption Renewal – Clark (Late)
(LK) Motion to accept elderly exemption for Clark. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
3. Abatement for Knight – Lot Merger
Tax Map U-1, Lot 18A and 19 were merged. Abatement of $579.
(LK) Motion to accept Knight abatement. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Late Abatements (Added to Agenda)
(PS) noted that there were several late abatements. Abatement for Miller, 75
Tilton Hill Road. No assessor’s comments noted. To be sent back for
assessor’s comments/assessment. Abatement for Savageau for 2006. This
was for previous year’s taxes and was corrected in 2006.
Board to sign abatements forms that were approved at previous meetings.
(LS) Motion to accept check manifests for week ending June 23, 2007.
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept payroll for week ending June 23, 2007. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(PS) to discuss with Cara about DH initializing pay sheets.
(LK) Motion to accept Minutes of June 5, 2007. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per NH RSA 91-A:3, II (a) and
(b) and union negotiations. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0. Board was polled
individually and all agreed.
Public Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
APPROVED: June 26, 2007
_________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date