June 19, 2008 Minutes





Pittsfield School Board

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson

Michael Wolfe

Gary Colby

Leslie Vogt

Scott Brown

Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent

Peter Roche, Business Administrator

Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS

Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES

Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.


Ms. Vogt added capital improvement projects. Dr. Freeman added resignations. Dr. Compton added OBM Forms 3 & 4 and a non-public session.


Ms. Chassie introduced Jamie Bowes, candidate for the grade five special education teacher position.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of June 5, 2008, as presented.


Pittsfield School Board 1 June 19, 2008



Dr. Freeman presented information on Larissa Ragazzo. Ms. Ragazzo is being nominated to teach in fifth grade next year, replacing Erin Parda who will be on leave to complete her internship in school counseling.


Dr. Freeman presented letters of resignation from Ms. Sharon Schlosser and Ms. Sharon Reeves. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the resignation with thanks for their service to our students.


Kathy Mahanes was present to answer questions regarding the Pittsfield School District Technology Plan. Dr. Freeman commended Ms. Mahanes on the work that she did to complete this project in collaboration with faculty and staff. Ms. Mahanes thanked the Board for their support in the recent purchase of computers. Mr. Brown asked if Ms. Mahanes was aware of the Town’s plans to install wireless internet access in the downtown area, to which she responded by saying that she did not. Ms. Mahanes will contact the Select Board to gather more information.

Regarding the Pittsfield School District Technology Plan, Ms. Mahanes explained that the plan will be sent to the Department of Education for approval. A rubric was provided and used in the preparation of the plan. She stated that final approval would be anticipated in approximately one month.


Ms. Chassie introduced Jeanne Howard and James Hill. Ms. Howard is the candidate for Kindergarten/First Grade special education teacher. Mr. Hill is the candidate for high school special education teacher.



Mr. DeLois presented information on Ursula Askins-Huber, candidate for the position as Spanish teacher, replacing Denise Stone.

On motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Askins-Huber as Spanish teacher, Ms. Howard as PES

Pittsfield School Board 2 June 19, 2008

special education teacher, Ms. Bowes as PES special education teacher, and Mr. Hill as high school special education teacher.

Mr. Colby inquired as to the status of hiring. Mr. DeLois explained that there are candidates at PMHS in line for chemistry, English, and art. Dr. Freeman explained that interviews are scheduled for next week for the grade four position. Ms. Chassie stated that the positions remaining in special education include paraprofessional positions and the occupational therapist.

Coaching Nominations

Mr. DeLois, on behalf of Ms. Roberts, presented a list of coaching nominations: Derek Hamilton for varsity boys soccer, Jacqueline Aines for junior varsity boys soccer and varsity assistant, Norman Tuttle for middle school boys soccer, Peter Tuttle for varsity girls soccer, Tara Pinto for junior varsity girls soccer, Zachary Babcock for varsity girls volleyball, Samantha Payne for junior varsity girls volleyball and varsity assistant, Denise Gordon for middle school girls volley ball, Christine Hinkley for varsity cross country. Kathy Corliss was added for middle school girls soccer.

A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Brown to approve the coaching list as presented with the addition of Kathy Corliss for middle school girls soccer. The motion passed with Mr. Wolfe, Ms. Vogt, Ms. Paradise, and Mr. Brown voting in the affirmative, while Mr. Colby abstained from the vote.

End-of-Year Activities

Mr. DeLois reported that the Baccalaureate ceremony, the Awards ceremony, and graduation were all a great success.


Policy JFABD

The Board considered the second reading of Policy JFABD. On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board unanimously voted to approve Policy JFABD: Admission of Homeless Students.


Authorization to Hire

Dr. Compton recommended giving Dr. Freeman the authorization to hire vacant positions without the Board’s approval throughout the summer, since timing is often of the essence. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to to authorize Dr. Freeman to hire open positions through August.

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Budget Purchase Reimbursement

Dr. Compton reviewed information provided by Herb Moyer regarding the purchase of equipment for which he would like to be reimbursed. A motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Brown to reject Mr. Moyer’s request for reimbursement. Discussion ensued. The motion was unanimously approved to reject the payment of Mr. Moyer’s reimbursement request.

OBM Form 3 & 4

Dr. Compton stated that the Board must authorize individuals to sign the OBM Form 3’s and OBM Form 4’s originating in SAU #51. On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board unanimously approved the authorization of either the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. John Freeman or Director of Student Services, Tobi Gray Chassie to sign the forms.

Food Services

Mr. Roche distributed a list of the newly determined prices for food items. He also provided an updated food service expenditure report.

FY ’08 Budget

Mr. Roche distributed an expenditure report for the current school budget. He also stated that quotes for PES/PMHS painting and PES fire safety upgrades have been received. Awarding of contracts, he explained, is being held off pending resolution of related financial issues. Discussion ensued regarding the status of the budget. The Board authorized Mr. Roche to move forward on the painting and fire safety projects.

Capital Improvement Plan

Ms. Vogt distributed a copy of correspondence from the Town of Pittsfield regarding 2009 budget preparation and capital improvement plans. Discussion ensued regarding the difficulty anticipated in preparing the FY 2009 budget.

Administrator Salaries

Dr. Compton distributed a handout describing the plan for compensating administrators. Discussion and a decision were deferred until after the non-public session.


Drake Field & Facilities – Mr. Colby & Mr. Wolfe – None
Finance – Ms. Paradise & Ms. Vogt, with Mr. Brown as an alternate – None

Pittsfield School Board 4 June 19, 2008

Selectman Liaison – Mr. Brown – None
Budget Representative – Ms. Vogt – None
SAU Planning – Mr. Brown & Mr. Colby – None
Negotiations – Ms. Vogt & Ms. Paradise – None


A work session is scheduled for June 26, 2008 at 5:30. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2008 at 5:30 in the Media Center of the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items will include nominations, capital improvement plan, and the expenditure plan.

PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)


At 6:16 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Vogt and seconded Mr. Wolfe to enter into non-public session to discuss personnel matters. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (e) [Personnel Matters].

A motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to come out of the non-public session. The Board was polled and voted to come out of the non-public session at 6:58 p.m.


On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the administrators’ salaries for 2008-2009 proposed by the Superintendent, with the exception of Ms. Erlandson.


On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie

Recording Secretary

Pittsfield School Board 5 June 19, 2008