June 19, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Eric Nilsson (EN), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(EN) Property List, Pole on Carroll Street, (PR) Tax Deferral – Charlie Watson; (LK) Letter Epsom PD, Letter of Resignation – Debra Gauthier, Letter to Editor – The Sun; (PS) E-Mail Chief Wharem Re: Meggan Dail, Sign – Ted Mitchell, Update on Budget .

(PR) related that Board approved tax deferral for Mr. Watson and it has been noted that there is a rental apartment on the property and that part of the land was sold off with vehicles being stored there. Would this enter into the factor? (PS) to check.


1. Clayton Wood/Cable Consortium/Continued Participation

(PS) Board requested this be put back on the Agenda for tonight. I have not received anything definitive from Clayton. Previously, it was noted that “Pittsfield” was omitted from the contract and a question was posed as to the benefits received from Town (ratepayers) participation. To date, I have received no helpful response from Clayton. Clayton was unable to be here tonight due to School Board commitments. (LS) I would not be comfortable in just approving it. (PS) There would be no difficulty in inserting Town of Pittsfield into the contract but rather the increasing cost. (LK) I would rather support the Web Host.
(LS) We can have Clayton come back in. (PS) I will ask him to come in on July 3rd. (GL) If he does not appear on that date, I suggest we “scrap” this.

2. Cost of Reproducing Documents (Requested by Linda Small)

(LS) I realized a week or so ago that individuals are not paying for printed Minutes. The Minutes are on the Website as well as on the bulletin board at the Town Hall. We should be charging for these copies as they are available to the public on different levels.

(LS) Motion to approve reinstating the cost of copies provided to public of printed documents at $.50 per page. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. SVTRA/Cost of Health Benefits Review (Requested by Gerard LeDuc)

(GL) I received an E-Mail from the Chair of the SVTRA Committee noting that Barnstead has now dropped out of the Combination of Entities Agreement for medical coverage rating purposes. This would institute an increase from $6.98 to $7.14. (See attached.)

(GL) Motion to approve adjusting SVTRA cost of Health Benefits from $6.98 to $7.14. (LS) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LS) How does this affect the cost of the premium? (PS) It depends on the claims which would drive the cost of our premiums and would depend on what Barnstead had in claims. (LS) We will still be saving but I would like to know how it affects our premiums. (PS) to check.

4. Action on DRA Form PA-28

(PS) This is an annual form that needs to be addressed. We do not use the Form PA-28.

(EN) Motion to approve the non-use of DRA Form PA-28. (GL) Second.
Carried 5-0.

5. Authorization of Chairman to Execute LGC Health Insurance Premium
Rate Sheet

(PS) This is the revised rate sheet for the Health Insurance Rate Plan we participate in with LGC. It has to be executed again because at the Town Meeting the plan changed.

(LS) Motion to authorize Chair to sign LGC Health Insurance Premium Rate Sheet. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Funding for Tax Collector/Town Clerk Certification Training

(PS) I have received an E-Mail from Erica Anthony that she would like to take advantage of the NHTCA/NHCTCA Joint Certification Program which will allow her to be certified in four years. The cost would be $245 for this session. There are some partial/full scholarships available but Board would have to indicate valid documentation as to reason for declining approval for this certification.

(PR) Motion to approve funding for Tax Collector/Town Clerk (Erica Anthony) certification training. (LS) Second. Carried 4-1 (EN).

7. Request of Cub Scout Troop Pack 84

(PS) The Cub Scout Troop is looking for Board participation in the dunk tank on Old Home Day and at the Balloon Rally. Eric Nilsson to do.

8. Request for Funding/Web Hosting and Domain Registration

(PS) We have a letter from Website Committee concerning Matt Goodwin’s use of his personal business server to host the Town website since 2008. He can no longer afford to do this. The cost of this service would be $359.25 per year for the Website Hosting and Domain Registration.

(LS) Motion to approve cost of Website Hosting and Domain Registration ($359.25) per year. (EN) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (EN) Why are there three domains? (PS) to check. (LS) Please send a letter of thank you to Matt Goodwin. Could we put in Budget for next year? (PS) Yes.

9. Application for Hawking, Vending and Peddling Permit

(EN) Motion to approve Hawking, Vending and Peddling Permit for William Brown per approval by Building Inspector. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. Letter Epsom Police Department Re: Officer Joseph DiGeorge

(LK) noted that Town has received a complimentary letter regarding Officer Joseph DiGeorge. (PS) will send letter of thank you to Officer DiGeorge.

11. Resignation of Debra Gauthier

(GL) Motion to accept resignation of Debra Gauthier. (EN) Second.
Carried 5-0. A letter of thank you will be sent to Ms. Gauthier.

12. E-Mail Chief Wharem Re: Meggan Dail

(PS) Chief Wharem has discussed with Meggan Dail the position of Administrative Assistant at PD. Ms. Dail is prepared to move into that position at 24 hours per week. Board indicated that this is a 24 hour position and should not be combined with the hours as currently worked by Ms. Dail. (PS) Chief Wharem would like to discuss with BOS. (PR) At what rate of pay will she be assuming the position? (LS) Let us wait and talk to Chief first and he can submit a written proposal in the interim. (PS) This will be scheduled for July 3rd.

13. Do Not Block Drive Sign

(PS) Ted Mitchell would like to post this sign on the building so people will not block driveway when going back into the Food Pantry. Board indicated that they would have no problem with utilizing the sign but it is to be placed on a post in the grassy area rather than on the building. (PS) to contact George to accomplish this.

14. Electrical Pole – Carroll Street

(EN) noted that he had discussed with PSNH the “leaning pole” on Carroll Street and was advised that it is on their agenda to be replaced.

15. BOS Letter to Editor – The Sun

(LK) I would like to thank Linda for submitting the letter to The Sun. It was very nicely done. (LS) acknowledged.

16. Update on Budget

(PS) I have had Cara prepare a spreadsheet pertaining to the budget. It has been reformatted a bit and has been forwarded to Linda to review document and/or make changes. (LS) At the present time, we are very close to being “on track” with the 2012 budget, just below 50%.

(LS) To simplify the process regarding the future budget, (PS) and I have compiled a budget timeline and will set up a meeting with the Budget Committee. To satisfy the frustrations of the Budget Committee we will try to make sure that all numbers are in agreement.

Also, perhaps, Paul can draft something similar for Pittsfield the form Compensation on Ability to Pay as utilized by Town of Hanover. (PS) to draft.




1. Administrative Plan for 2012 Budget Stabilization

(LS) This should be changed to Administrative Plan for Budget Stabilization as it will be ongoing.

2. Policy for Access to Town Property

Draft Pending

3. Policy for Collection of Delinquent Taxes on Mobile Homes

Investigation in Process

4. Policy for Recruitment and Employment to be Revised

(PS) The Policy for Recruitment and Employment was drafted and approved in 1997. I have provided a copy to the Board for review and or alteration. (See current policy attached.)

5. Property List

(EN) requested that this be compiled and be available for next meeting. (PS) to do.


1. Warrant to Tax Collector Re: Delinquent Dog Licenses

(PS) The Tax Collector has provided a list of unlicensed dogs and their owners. Board needs to accept the list and direct Animal Control Officer to collect fees/fines.

(EN) Motion to accept list of unlicensed dogs and owners and authorize referral to ACO for collection of fees/fines. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Application for Veteran’s Tax Credit, Tax Map R22, Lot 1-9

(LS) Motion to approve Veteran’s Tax Credit, Tax Map R22, Lot 1-9. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Accounts Payable

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (PR) Abstain.

2. Payroll

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0. (PR) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of June 5, 2012

(GL) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 5, 2012 with corrections. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


Page 3, Paragraph 1 should read: (LS) A lot of the Fire Department members are here. Public safety impacts any decision that we make and is always important. You go out and risk your lives and take care of the community. You are always there when needed and we do not have to ask you. I very much appreciate that. Unfortunately the dollars get in the way and that is what this Board needs to do. By no means should any decisions or actions that this Board takes, or I take, meant to be harmful to you guys or take anything away. We are not trying to minimize the brevity of service you guys put out and I am very thankful for that service and you all need to know that. We have to make these financial decisions in these tough times and also balance the wonderful service you guys put out along with what we can afford to pay for. This should not be taken as anything more than that. I agree that since this Board has come on we have been defending ourselves and it has been really tough. It makes it tough to get from week to week and month to month and still do our jobs and keep everybody happy. So I am hoping communication does get better.

Page 4, Last Paragraph add: (LS) suggested that, because the recommendation to cancel came from the EDC, we should also send Single Digit’s proposal to the EDC for comment/consideration.

Page 5, Paragraph 1 should read: (LS) At the last meeting we directed the Chief to advertise on the Primex and LGC Websites – they were not posted until the 4th of June. Paul, do you have any other suggestions for options to recruit more manpower? I am concerned for the safety of our officers.

Page 5, Paragraph 3 add:..the Chief stated he had trouble posting to the LGC and didn’t do anything with Primex site right away.

Page 9, Last Paragraph:……..as Acting Chief at the rate of $25..

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of June 5, 2012

(GL) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of June 5, 2012.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.




Edward Vien: Could you read the letter from Epsom Police Department?
(PR) read letter into Minutes. (See attached.)

Close Public Input


(GL) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:47 P.M.

Approved: June 19, 2012

_______________________________ _________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on June 19, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on
June 21, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

I Tape
Attachments (3)